Niki had a weird gut feeling wash over her as the door closed and her mother disappeared. She rose from her seat and quickly went after her. Jyst as Nike was rounding the corner, she heard her mother's scream for help.

Erin screamed for again, but was cut off as the woman wrapped her hands around her throat. Erin tried to breath but her windpipe was being crushed. She vaguely noticed the door flying open.

Niki gasped as she threw open the door. Without thinking she threw herself at her mother's attacker. Erin drew in a few deep breaths, because she realized that Niki was struggling with the woman. Erin pulled herself off the floor and charged the woman. She threw her off of Niki and started throwing punches. Just as the woman fell unconscious on the floor, two armed officers burst into the bathroom. Erin ignored them and turned to her daughter.

"Are you alright?" There was a ghost of a bruise forming on Niki's right cheek.

"I'll be fine." Erin pulled Niki into a hug and they made their way back to the waiting room.

Frank paced around the observation room, with his cellphone in his hand. He jumped when it rang, but answered it on the first ring.

"Tell me they're alive!"

"Erin is fine, but Jamie is barely hanging on." Danny took a deep breath. "He's been poisoned with something, the Doc is working on an antidote, but..." Danny's voice broke and he fought back tears. "I don't know how long he has Dad. I...We can't lose him."

"You keep everyone safe there, I will work on Richardson some more." Frank hung up and let a few tears form in his eyes, before he went back into the room. Frank sat slowly and never met Richardson's eyes.

"Tell me how to save Jamie. You took everyone else. Please, let me save him." Frank finally met his eyes and it took everything in his being to not throw Richardson onto the ground and pummel him.

"I see that my people were successful with Erin as well." Richardson let a large smile spread across his face. "Too bad, she was hot." Frank went to grab for Richardson, but stopped himself, that would not help save Jamie. Richardson leaned back, looked at the clock and smiled. "He doesn't have much time now, I'd say maybe another twenty minutes."

A nurse barged into the room and everyone jumped to their feet.

"Dr. Mendez wanted me to grab all of you. Jamie is declining very quickly and he fears the worst. Please come with me." Everyone followed in silence. When they entered, Pop was in a wheelchair, next to Jamie's bed. The room was quiet for a while, until Pop spoke.

"Someone should call Frank, he should be here." Pop reached out a hand and took Jamie's in his.

"It's ok Pop, I'm here." Everyone turned to see Frank in the doorway. Everyone moved so he could be beside Jamie. The room fell silent again as they watched Jamie's labored breathing. Anger and sadness bubbled inside Danny, he want more than anything to drag Richardson out back and beat the crap out of him.

Linda watched the slow decline of Jamie's heartbeat. The nurse in her knew that he was close to death, but she pushed that aside and let the hope shine through. She didn't fight the tears and let them flow silently from her eyes. She held her boys close and prayed.

Erin kept her eyes on Jamie's face, hoping to find any sign of life or any flutter of hope. Erin reached out her hand and pulled Niki closer to her.

Everyone looked up and towards the door, when they was a loud commotion outside. The door flew open and Dr. Mendez stood in the doorway with a syringe.

"The lab came through," He moved to Jamie's I.V. and pushed the syringe. "He should start improving in the next hour or so." Everyone thanked him and turned back to look at Jamie.

The hours passed slowly and Jamie slowly got stronger. After hour three, nearly everyone was sleeping, aside from Frank. He refused to take his eyes off of Jamie. He sat up straighter when he saw Jamie's eyelids flicker. Frank smiled as Jamie opened his eyes.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you awake." Jamie tried to sit up, but Frank put a hand on his chest. "I wouldn't do that." Jamie groaned and sank back into the bed. He glanced around the room at his sleeping family.

"What happened?"

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"Falling asleep on my couch after my shift." Frank filled Jamie in on the events that had happened. Jamie stared at his father in shock. After he was done, Frank reached his hand out and grabbed Jamie's.

"We nearly lost you." Jamie saw the tears in his father's eyes. He squeezed his dad's hand and met his eyes.

"I'm still here." Frank nodded and gave a small smile.

"Uncle Jamie, you're awake!" Jamie turned to see Niki jumping off the couch and running to his side. Everyone woke with a start and sprang to their feet when they say Jamie.

Frank barged into the interrogation room and pulled Richardson out of his seat.

"You are under arrest for numerous attempted murder charges." Richardson smirked as Frank slapped the cuffs of his wrist.

"Just attempted murder?"

"Yes." Richardson looked around Frank to see Pop, Danny, and Erin standing in the doorway. His eyes grew wide and he started to shout.

"You should all be dead. You here me. DEAD!" Frank handed him off to an officer and wrapped his arms around his kids.

Jamie sat in a wheelchair on the sidewalk. He picked at the bandage where his IV was.

"Stop picking at that." Danny slapped his hand lightly. "You ready to go home, kid?"

"Yes, I'm so ready. Six weeks of hospital food and sponge baths, I am beyond ready." Danny chuckled.