Reviews for Jamie's Apartment
larutanrepus89 chapter 10 . 2/12/2019
Oh my gosh! What a great story. Well written, you had me on the edge of my seat.
Guest chapter 10 . 10/7/2018
Okay that was so good .. I hope it was longer , but although it's short , it's so intense and concentrated
Good job
MercuryStars chapter 10 . 4/15/2018
This was so fucking intense! Jfc. This was amazing, seriously it’s 2AM and I have school today but I was too invested!
mandancie chapter 10 . 1/22/2018
Sorry for the lateness of my review. I love this story. It felt like watching an episode. I loved it.
white collar black wolf chapter 10 . 1/21/2018
Liked it
cheri chapter 9 . 11/15/2017
This is a very good story please continue with it
Guest chapter 9 . 10/10/2017
Oh my! Our family is being attacked from every angle!
white collar black wolf chapter 9 . 10/10/2017
Liked it
CBloom2 chapter 9 . 10/9/2017
OMG they are not having the best of times are they? Just when I thought everything was settling down. Hope someone hears Erin and goes to her aid quickly.
Hope you can update soon - great job x
mandancie chapter 9 . 10/9/2017
oh, my goodness! You must update soon. :) I have to know what happens next. :)
Guest chapter 8 . 9/27/2017
Oh my! the whole family is being attacked!
mandancie chapter 8 . 9/26/2017
So much happening! :) Please update soon. I have to know what happens next. :)
Drizina chapter 7 . 9/24/2017
I want more lol. It was short and and and you left it at a terrible spot... (love the story haha). I can't wait for the next chapter.
mcgeeksgirl chapter 7 . 9/24/2017
Oh no! What did he do to Jamie? Glad they caught Richardson. Looking forward to reading more!
white collar black wolf chapter 7 . 9/24/2017
Liked it hope Jamie is fine
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