Disclaimer: I don't own My Little Pony, only the plot.

Princess Cadance

I was surprised at how quickly a week had gone by. Between helping Luna with her Night Court and keeping watch over the Crystal Empire the best I could from Canterlot and the events there. The last thing needed was another major threat over the Crystal Empire like when King Sombra was around. Regardless, I needed to figure out how I wanted to handle things from now on. Since , and I hated to admit it, Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor would be spending a lot more time together, what was left here in Canterlot for me? I sighed while watching Flurryheart sleep. Needless to say that after Night Court with Princess Luna I had not gotten an ink of sleep, tossing and turning all night. So much so that I decided to just get up and watch Luna's beautiful night. It was just another problem – who would get custody of Flurryheart? I was sure Shining Armor would not give it up so easily, so I figured it would fall on Celestia and Luna to decide. Usually couples did not separate when they had a filly so that no problems came with raising said filly to the best of the parents' ability. I supposed we'd be the first.

In any way, I decided to start packing, since I had gotten permission to leave just as soon as I had finished my week helping Luna with Night Court. And now that the time had come, I didn't truly want to. But still, I felt like it was the best thing to do. So as soon as day court opened, I went to talk to Princess Celestia regarding custody of Flurryheart. While it would not be decided in a matter of minutes, maybe she could come between the Crystal Empire and Canterlot for the time being, so that both parents got to see her whenever. I sighed and made my way in once I got permission, and once inside, I thought about the best way of setting my concerns. I didn't think any of us had gotten to think much on it the week before.

"Princess Celestia, I'd like to discuss with you the matter of Flurryheart and with whom she will be staying from now on. " I said quietly. Part of me wished this would never happen, for my little Flurryheart to be going through this, but I figured that someone wiser and with a lot more ability to deal with a lot of matters concerning her subjects.

The two of us stood in silence for what seemed like the longest time. It was as if Princess Celestia was trying to think on how to handle the situation, as it was extremely rare and hadn't happened in a long time. After what seemed like forever, Celestia finally spoke.

"Your concern is valid. However, I feel as if this is to be fair, we should include Shining Armor. He is her father after all. I'll send for him and then we can begin addressing this matter."

I couldn't argue with her decision, after all, she had a fair point. I sighed, rubbing my temples a little, mostly by lack of sleep and stress. I was sure we'd have lasted forever after our marriage, but that had not been the case. As soon as Shining Armor arrived to the Day Court, that's when we officially started. And I was not exactly hoping it would turn out to be a pretty conversation. And by the time it was done, I had proven myself right.

For the next five to six hours, we were in an endless argument over who would be best suited to take care of her. Shining Armor was a caring father, but I felt like I'd be doing all the work in the long run and therefore I was more suitable for taking care of our daughter. Neither of us seemed to want to budge on the matter. Finally, Celestia just heard each of our defenses, and then made a decision.

"Given the circumstances, I am seeing more fitting to keep Flurryheart's best interests at heart. I understand each of you want to be responsible and keep raising them by yourselves, however, Flurryheart will need both parents. So for the sake of your daughter, do your best to raise her together as much as possible – even if you don't live in the same spot – communicate, visit, find the best way under all means necessary. I will allow it that she comes back and forth due to the fact of different places and travels that are going to be required, but every weekend she must be with her two parents. Is that understood?" She asked of us, not glancing away until we gave her an answer. Even though if we wanted to argue, we felt that it had been a just decision to make. And with such, we both nodded.

"Yes." I said. "However, I'd like to take her with me for the first few days. I will return next weekend, or send Flurryheart over." I said softly, asking for permission to leave at once, since this Day Court session was done and more ponies surely needed some help. Therefore, once we got permission to leave and the session was considered done, I went to pick up Flurryheart and my things in the room – and despite my heavy heart, I bid farewell to Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor. They were still family, but I needed some time alone. And I figured that there would be no better place than the Crystal Empire, where it had been home for a while. That was where I wanted to be. I needed to think, and I needed my space. So after I picked my things and my daughter, I made it to be on the next ride to the Crystal Empire, where I placed Flurryheart, on one of the empty beds on the train ride. Then, I lay myself down on one of the beds. I truly felt like I didn't know what to do. Nothing felt the same anymore. All I knew I could do was get home, and obey Celestia's decision. But I knew it was going to be hard. I just didn't know yet how hard it would be. Exhausted, I closed my eyes, and fell asleep.