Hello all Storm here with a new story. Now for those who voted on my poll this is where the winning world will be featured so congrats on those who voted for the winning world... Highschool DxD! I hope you all like this story, also important author note at the bottom concerning my stories. So without further ado.

I own nothing.

Five years ago, the Kyuubi no Kitsune attacked Konoha, the Village Hidden in the Leaves. The he villages ninja fought the fox, until finally the Yondaime Hokage, Minato Namikaze arrived. Minato fought the Kyuubi bringing it away from Konoha where he used the forbidden Dead Demon Consuming Seal summoning the Shinigami to seal the Kyuubi within his newborn daughters Natsuki and Nariko. But for reasons to any the Shinigami did not take Minato's soul as payment for sealing away the Kyuubi, instead the Death God merely left.

Afterwards the girls were praised as heroes, and for a time all was well with the Namikaze family, but like all things it eventually came to an end.

*Five years after Kyuubi Attack-Namikaze Compound*

Natsuki and Nariko Namikaze were running around the back of their family compound giggling as they chased each other. Watching both girls a short distant away was a redheaded woman smiling at the two children, this was Kushina Namikaze mother to Natsuki and Nariko. Next to Kushina was a black-haired woman, this was Mikoto Uchiha Kushina's best friend since the Academy, with Mikoto's two son's sitting next to her watching the girls playing.

"Natsuki-chan and Nariko-chan certainly have a lot of energy you must be so proud of them Kushina." Mikoto said

"Yes, I am they definitely take after me dattebane!" said Kushina in pride

Natsuki had red hair with blonde streaks and blue eyes, Nariko had blonde hair with red streaks and while her eyes were a mix of blue and purple.

"Though I wish Naruto would interact more with them." Said Kushina as she looked at her son sitting under a tree reading a book.

Naruto had bright blonde hair like his father and haunting purple eyes that glowed like amethysts.

"Naruto reminds me of Itachi a little, always studious. You must be so proud!" Mikoto said, while Itachi mumbled to himself next to his mother

"I am, but I just wish he'd talk more. Even Minato wasn't that quiet at his age, and he never acts his own age or play with other kids. Always reading books, and he complains whenever one or both of the girls sleep in his room, saying how it hurts or burns, but none of the doctors say anything is wrong with him. I can't help but think he doesn't like his sisters." Kushina said in in a hurt tone, while Mikoto frowned

'Something isn't right here, whenever Naruto looks at his sisters there's nothing but love and adoration in his eyes.' Thought Mikoto feeling like there was something missing

"So, have you begun their training yet, Sasuke's already started his and coming along nicely." Said Mikoto changing the topic, as Sasuke blushed in embarrassment

"Yep, Minato trains them in Ninjutsu, chakra control, and Taijutsu. While I train them in Fuinjutsu, Genjutsu, and Kenjutsu, and we both train them in weapons." Kushina said grinning

"Impressive, though I'm sure they all excel in Fuinjutsu." Said Mikoto knowing Uzumaki are masters when it comes to seals, though Kushina frowned at that

"The girls are great when it comes to Ninjutsu, same with Naruto though he doesn't get it as quickly as the girls he's still good, though with chakra control he's leaps and bounds ahead of the girls since they have so much chakra. With Taijutsu again the girls are great, with Naruto grasping it as well just not as quickly while he's good for his age he's never beaten either of them. While the girls are terrible in Fuinjutsu and Genjutsu since they have too much chakra for Genjutsu and can't focus on drawing seals, but Naruto's excellent in both subjects. Kenjutsu is the same as Taijutsu… but I'm proud of my girls!" said Kushina, not noticing Mikoto's surprised look.

'Doesn't she or Minato what a genius and hard worker their son is. I have a feeling this will one day come back to bite you Kushina.' Mikoto thought shaking her head at her best friend

Unknown to any of them, Naruto's clenched the book he was holding tightly having heard the discussion.

*Three months later*

Naruto walked through the streets, he was going to get himself some ice-cream as a reward for mastering a chakra control exercise, he began thinking about all the changes to his training over the past few months making him frown remembering when it started the day after Mikoto's visit.


"Alright kids, your mother and I have decided to change your training, we'll be putting a hold on chakra control, Genjutsu, and Fuinjutsu for a few years. Also since the girls hold the Kyuubi in them we've decided to start training them full time, so Naruto we're gonna hold off on your training until you all enter the Academy!" Said Minato happily, while he unknowingly just hurt his only son

The girls cheered loudly and Kushina smiled widely, though Naruto frowned hurt by what his father just said.

"Kaa-san, Tou-san why're you only holding off the things I'm good at, and why's my training is on hold just because the girls have the Kyuubi's chakra. Why don't you hold off the things they excel in?" questioned Naruto with a deep frown on his face

"Naruto Namikaze, stop being so selfish! We're doing this for the girls so they won't lose control, along them being targets!" Kushina scolded, which only made Naruto's frown deepen.

"But what about me…" Said Naruto before his mother shouted at him to shut up before sending him to his room. Naruto dutifully did so, but not before seeing his sisters satisfied looks at seeing him get in trouble.

The following weeks weren't much better with his sisters doing everything they can to get Naruto in trouble and their parents never believing him when he told them the truth, always listening to the girls.

It was during that time Naruto for the first time didn't like his sisters.

*End Flashback*

Naruto had just begun to train on his own, without his families help, mostly by taking scrolls from their jutsu library.

Though while Naruto's training went nicely, his life at home wasn't. Natsuki and Nariko had been doing everything they could to get Naruto in trouble. A week after his meeting with Shisui, Naruto had drawn a picture of himself and his family planning to show it to his parents, but when he left to use the toilet and came back he saw his parents congratulating Natsuki on the drawing HE made saying it was hers. Then Nariko had broken their mother's vase while running and blamed Naruto for it and of course their mother believed her, because Natsuki and Nariko can do no wrong!

Naruto had slowly begun to hate his sisters, especially on their fifth birthday.


"Attention everyone me and Natsuki have an announcement! First thank you for coming! Secondly we're banning anyone from being our friend if they try being friends with Naruto because he's mean!" Nariko said, with Natsuki nodding in agreement beside her

The other kids shared confused looks before walking over to the girls, while Naruto stared in shock and hurt.

*End Flashback*

Naruto never understood why his sisters seem to hate him, maybe it was because he's better at Genjutsu and Fuinjutsu, maybe because he was a boy, or maybe they just hated him because they could. Whatever their reasons were Naruto felt whatever love he had for his family die day by day until all that was left was hatred for them.


"Look at these people Shizune, all running around like headless chickens buying gifts for those two brats!" Tsunade said as she and her assistant Shizune looked out Tsunade's office window in the hospital.

"It's shameful really, all this attention is just spoiling Natsuki and Nariko rotten. I don't even think anyone's remembered Hokage-sama and Kushina-sama have a son, Jiraiya-sama has even said that it's not good. When he tried including Naruto in the girls training Hokage-sama and Kushina-sama they either get distracted by the girls or brush him aside saying Naruto's busy stuffing his face in books." Said Shizune

Tsunade sighed since she was hoping to see Naruto on his birthday, but she was working late at hospital, and she'd gotten the perfect gift for him.

'Can't believe that pervert gets to see Naruto before I do.' Tsunade thought

"Let's go Shizune we still have more work to do." Said Tsunade

"Right, besides the sooner we start the sooner we can finish and go see Naruto.

"Right, so let's get started!" Tsunade agreed

Unknown to the two women the next time they see Naruto's it would be when they cried tears of horror and sadness.

*Namikaze Compound*

Minato and Kushina were sleeping soundly in bed… though were abruptly awakened by two shouts of Kaa-san and Tou-san, along with two masses jumping onto the bed.

"Good morning girls! What do we owe such a wake-up call!" asked Minato in annoyance at the sudden rude awakening

"Tou-san! You promised you'd take us to see our friends!" Natsuki said loudly making her parents wince

"Yeah come on Kaa-san! Get up, get up, get up!" said Nariko just as loudly as her sister and using her adorable puppy dog eyes

Meanwhile a room a short distance away laid Naruto in his bed, having stayed up all night working on a new seal. Though Naruto was woken up by the front door closing.

'Agh! Stupid, stupid, stupid! Staying up late before your birthday, Tsunade-Baa-Chan would kill me if she found out.' Naruto thought gripping his head trying to get rid of any remaining sleep. It was then Naruto realized he was woken up by the front door banging shut.

Jumping out of bed Naruto ran to his window which had a thin layer of frost, looking out he could see his parents and sisters leaving the house wearing scarfs and mittens to keep warm. Naruto was shocked and hurt, did they forget him? Why were they leaving him behind? Did they even care? Without thinking Naruto exited his room running down the stairs hoping to stop them before they leave.

Minato and Kushina already exited the compound not paying attention to their surroundings only the girls, once the girls exited the gate Minato and Kushina activated the security seals.

Naruto held out his right arm ready to push open, but unknown to Naruto or maybe he forgot that the gate had seals on it. When Naruto touched the gate, there was a chakra surge, the seals on the gate thought Naruto's arm was another pathway and pumped a dangerous amount of chakra into his arm.

In an explosion of blood the snow was stained red and Naruto thrown back with a cry of pain with tears coming from his eyes. Naruto looked in horror at his right arm hanging limply and blood pouring out of it.

Gathering himself up, Naruto tore his pants using them to make a makeshift bandage to try and stop the blood flow. Making his way back to the house Naruto tried opening the door but found it wouldn't budge, making Naruto remember there were seals on the house as well. Naruto gave a bitter chuckle at this, since he was stuck until they came back, and he couldn't shout for help because of the silencing seals.


Tsunade suddenly felt a shiver go down her spine and a feeling of dread welling inside her.

"Tsunade-sama is everything alright?" asked one of the researchers

"Fine, perfectly fine." Tsunade said quickly though feeling anything but fine

*Namikaze Compound*

Naruto sat underneath a tree giving a bitter chuckle as he saw the sun setting.

'Even after they forgot about me and trapped here, I'm still hoping they'll realize I'm missing and come back. But it's already been ten hours… I wonder would my sisters be happy I die.' Naruto thought before filling a shiver go through his body since it was getting colder.

*Six hours later*

Naruto coughed weakly, he looked like he was wearing a white body suit but it was frost covering his entire body. His eyes were half lidded and broken, his lips were a deathly purple, and his hair was no longer a golden blonde was now dull in color, while blood surrounded him.

'Huh, so this is how I die, what a life… neglected for my sisters… ignored by all the other children, what a fucking a life. Though at least I had friends Itachi, Pervy-Sage, Tsunade-Baa-chan, Mikoto-Kaa-chan, Shizune-nee. I'll miss then at least.' Naruto thought feeling a tremor going through his now numb body

Naruto had a bitter smile on his face as the life faded from his eyes, with a boom of the fireworks going off in explosions of color, the rest Naruto's life left him and his pulse stopped.


Minato and Kushina watched as their daughters played with other clan children, while all the parents had gotten drunk except the Uchiha as Itachi had gotten back from a mission, Fugaku was doing paperwork, Mikoto thought she was coming down with a stomach virus, and Sasuke had been sick.

Just then Jiraiya appeared in a puff of smoke grinning widely, Natsuki and Nariko instantly ran up to him demanding what he got them.

"Now, now brats, be patient. Since Minato is my student I'm letting you sign the Toad Contract, but first I'm letting Naruto sign it. Naruto! Naruto, you brat come out! Naruto?" Jiraiya called out not seeing Naruto anywhere. There was then a deathly silence which began worrying Jiraiya wondering where Naruto was.

Minato and Kushina paled instantly realizing they forgot Naruto, while Natsuki and Nariko looked angry at the attention being off them but also devious.

"Oh Kami! Minato, we forgot Naruto! Let's go get him, and hope he didn't wreck the house. You know much trouble he gets in. Though I'm sure he'll forgive us when we let him sign the Toad Contract." Kushina said, as the other mothers looked at her in shock that she could forget about her own son. They all made their way to the Namikaze compound unaware of the horrifying scene they would find.

*Uchiha Compound*

Mikoto was feeling better and dragged her sons and husband to the Namikaze compound to meet the family there, none of them knowing what awaited them.

*Namikaze Compound*

As soon as Minato and Kushina opened the gate they were all hit by the smell of iron. The children all screamed in horror at seeing the blood-stained snow with a trail of blood leading behind the house. After knocking out all the children they all ran behind the house, the sight horrified everyone, Mikoto fell to her knees crying. Itachi could only stare in shock and horror as his sharingan activated unconsciously before changing into a three-pronged shuriken.

There leaning against the same tree when he was studying chakra control, was Naruto his body limp a bitter smile and his eyes half lidded staring at all of them accusingly.

"MY BABY!" shouted Mikoto jumping up and running over to Naruto's limp body and holding him to her chest.

"It's okay, it's gonna be okay Kaa-chans." Mikoto sobbed rocking back forth, everyone stared her shocked at how she was acting as if it was her own son, while Kushina and Minato were frozen in horror.

Jiraiya looked on despair with tears falling from his eyes, before he rounded in Minato and Kushina and slapped them both across the face.

"Are you both happy now! Look at what you did to your son, look at him!" Jiraiya shouted knocking them both out of their shock

Kushina fell to her knees crying her eyes out while mumbling 'my baby, oh my baby boy' over and over, while Minato shook while crying. Kushina soon got up and shakily made her way over to Mikoto who was still holding Naruto's body and pulled him from her arms into her own.

"Mikoto, we… we have to get him to Tsu-" Kushina was cut when Mikoto slapped her hard across the face.

"You're not his mother… and you're not my friend." Said Mikoto before they all made their way to the hospital hoping Tsunade could save Naruto.


Tsunade sighed as she finished the last of her work, though she was upset because that perverted idiot Jiraiya got to see Naruto before she could. Suddenly the doors were slammed open, when Tsunade was about to pummeled whoever it was but instantly froze as tears appeared her eyes at what she saw as memories of Dan and Nawaki's deaths resurfaced in her mind.

Kushina with tears streaming down her face, but what horrified Tsunade was that she was holding a limp and pale Naruto in her arms.

"Naruto! Minato, Kushina what the hell happened to him, answer me now!" shouted Tsunade looking at both people with murder in her eyes, both paled in fear.

"W-well… I m-might know." Minato stuttered

When Tsunade heard, what happened she wanted to do nothing but tear Minato and Kushina apart before doing the same to their bratty daughters, but she kept focused on the task at hand saving Naruto.

"If he dies, you both die." Tsunade threatened both Minato and Kushina, before taking Naruto from Kushina's arms and rushing him to an operating table while Shizune followed behind trying and failing to suppress her tears.

'Don't die, don't die, please don't die.' Tsunade mentally begged

*The Void*

"Open your eyes."

'W-what. Who, who is that.' Naruto thought

"Open your eyes."

'I-I can't. I just want to sleep.' Thought Naruto

"Wake up, Naruto."

Naruto's eyes fluttered open, sitting up with a groan rubbing his head. Naruto then realized he was using his right arm, looking at it in amazement Naruto saw it was back to normal instead of the shredded mess from before.

It was then Naruto took in his surroundings, he was in an entirely white train station, he'd read about the trains in Snow Country.

'W-where am I?' Naruto thought getting up shakily.

"Hello Naruto." Said the same voice from before

Looking Naruto saw a young man with short brown hair, pure black eyes, wearing a brown coat, blue pants and black boots.

"W-who are you, w-where am I?" asked Naruto

"I am known by many things the Reaper, Angel of Death, Shinigami, the Stranger, the Pale Rider, but you may call me the Outsider. As for where you are this is what could be considered the Void or Purgatory to others the world in between life and death. It appears differently for every person." the Outsider said

"So, it's true I really died." Said Naruto looking down sadly a small part of him had hoped it was just a bad dream.

"I'm afraid so." The Outsider said

"What happens now?" asked Naruto in a broken voice

"Normally you'd go onto the afterlife, but you Naruto are a special case. Tell me have you ever overheard your parents talking about a prophecy." Said the Outsider

"Yes, I heard them talk about a prophecy Jiraiya told them about someone who would bring peace or destruction to the world, they think Natsuki or Nariko id this child of prophecy." Naruto answered not sure how that was important

"Well they're wrong neither of those two spoiled children are the child of prophecy. You are Naruto." Said the Outsider, surprising Naruto

"M-me." Naruto said pointing at himself

"Yes, you are the child of prophecy Naruto, or were." The Outsider said, reminding Naruto of his current predicament

"Normally if a child of prophecy were to die they'd be revived to fulfill their destiny and live a long and happy life. But I decided to give you a choice Naruto, I can revive you right now…" the Outsider said raising a hand stopping Naruto from speaking.

Snapping his finger causing a train to drive out of a tunnel.

"… Or you can be reincarnated. Given a second chance in a different world." Finished the Outsider, shocking Naruto at the offer

Naruto couldn't believe what he just heard, he could be revive and sent back to his life and see his precious people, but he'd also have to deal with his family and sisters, and who's to say this didn't happen again, Naruto didn't feel like going through that pain again or dying.

"If I'm reincarnated where would I go, who would I be, would I remember my old life?" Naruto asked wanting to know as much as possible about the second option.

"Where you would go, I couldn't say it'll be a random world, you'll still be yourself merely in a different body with a few minor changes. As to if you'll remember your old life, you'll see small flashes of it in dreams, but fully remembering your full life is entirely up to you." The Outsider explained

Naruto thought over his options, on one hand he'd like to not leave his precious people behind, but he'd never be able to consider the Namikaze's his family, not after leaving him to die broken and alone. Closing his eyes Naruto breathed deeply making his decision.

"I'll do it. I'll be reincarnated." Said Naruto

The Outsider nodded before the train doors opened for Naruto to board, walking over to the doors Naruto stepped inside before turning to look at the Outsider.

"Before I go. What… what will I become?" Naruto asked with a little fear since he doesn't even know if he'll be human in this new life

"... More than you ever thought possible." Said the Outsider mysteriously

Naruto couldn't help but wonder what he meant by that. Turning back to the train Naruto calmed his breathing and stepped inside. Seeing it looked like a normal train car Naruto took a seat inside one of the compartments. The train began moving slowly Naruto looked out the window and saw the Outsider giving him a nod before train disappeared through the tunnel.

The Outsider watched as the train left the station, taking Naruto to an unknown destiny.

Naruto couldn't deny the fear he felt at going into an unknown world, but he also felt excited wondering what he'll see or experience. Soon Naruto saw a bright a light that the train went into taking Naruto to an unknown destiny.

'I think it's time I visited the mortal world.' The Outsider thought intent to clean up a lot of messes as he vanished.


Everyone was waiting outside the operation room waiting for hopefully good news. Kushina was still crying her eyes out as Minato held onto her not doing any better, knowing this was their fault. Mikoto and Jiraiya verbally tore them apart making them feel even more worse than they already did, though they deserved it.

Mikoto looked at the floor occasionally glaring at Minato and Kushina, while Fugaku placed a hand on his wife's shoulder, while Sasuke slept on his father's lap. Fugaku held his son vowing to lay off on them both and spend more time with them.

Just then the Outsider appeared out of thin air shocking everyone at his appearance, he ignored them all and walked towards the operation room.

'Hey, you stop!" Minato said grabbing the strangers shoulder.

The Outsider stared at the hand on his shoulder, before grabbing Minato's wrist. To everyone's shock and horror Minato's hand seemed to age at an impossible speed until it was withered, while Minato fell to one knee feeling his very life essence leave him.

"Do you remember me Minato Namikaze." The Outsider said as he stopped absorbing Minato's life force. Minato stared at him for a moment before his eyes widened in recognition.

"Shinigami." Minato whispered in terror, while everyone paled hearing that before the parents shielded their children in fear.

"Correct. The last time you saw me was seven years ago today, when I spared your life. Obviously, I made a mistake." Said the Outsider, as Minato paled in fear thinking he was going to die while Kushina feared she'd also lose her husband

"Lucky for you I'm not here for you." The Outsider said letting go of Minato as his hand returned to normal before continuing to the operation room, making everyone realize why he was here.

"NO! Not my baby, please not my baby!" Kushina said running in front of the Outsider with her arms held out her arms, while the Outsider raised a brow.

"Strange you care about your son now, when he's dead because of you." The Outsider, making Kushina choke on a sob at the reminder

Flicking his hand, he sent Kushina flying against a wall and continued on his way.

"Please." Mikoto said quietly, making the Outsider stare at her as she fell on her hand and knees

"Please don't take Naruto away, please I'm begging you." Pleaded Mikoto since to her Naruto was her son and she didn't want to lose him or have someone so young suffer because of his own family.

"Get up Mikoto Uchiha, I'm not here to take Naruto's soul, I'm here to send it onto its next life." Said the Outsider

"W-what." Mikoto asked

"I gave Naruto a choice, be revived here or be reincarnated into a new world. He chose the second option." The Outsider said, while those who cared about Naruto looked hurt that he'd choose a new life instead of coming back.

"W-why didn't h-he want to come back?" questioned Mikoto, as the Outsider tilted his head towards Minato and Kushina

"He didn't want to experience dying a second time because of their neglect." Said the Outsider

"We've never neglected Naruto! He just keeps getting into trouble." Minato denied ever neglecting his son

The Outsider merely snapped his fingers, as Minato and Kushina grabbed their heads. They began seeing everything they believed Naruto had done, but were shocked and sickened when they saw it was Natsuki and Nariko who had done all those things and they blamed Naruto.

Once it was finished both parents felt sick and disgusted with themselves for always believing their daughters over their son, and now because of that Naruto was dead.

"Please don't take him from us, we'll be better. We'll never ignore Naruto again or punish him for what his sisters did. Just please don't take him." Begged Kushina feeling nothing but self-loathing

"You know it didn't matter if you had left Naruto to freeze to death, he had only two weeks left to live anyway." The Outsider said

"W-what?!" asked Minato shocked and horrified that his son would've died in two weeks

"Your both truly ignorant aren't you, though I'm surprised by you Kushina. You're a former a Jinchuuriki, and yet you've never noticed that your daughter's bodies never adapted to the Kyuubi's chakra." Said the Outsider

Kushina was confused for a moment, before realization donned on her along with horror, which the Outsider noticed

"You've realized it. The reason the girl's bodies never adapted is because they were using Naruto as an outlet, whenever they slept in his bed the Kyuubi's chakra would be absorbed into his body, that's seven years' worth of Naruto absorbing the Kyuubi's chakra that should have spread throughout the girl's chakra networks. Naruto's body couldn't handle all that poisonous chakra, it would have eventually burned him from the inside out. Personally, I think him dying now is a mercy." The Outsider said

Minato and Kushina couldn't believe they'd slowly been killing their son, he always said it hurt when he slept with his sisters but they ignored it.

'What kind of mother/father am I?!' they both thought in disgust and sef-loathing

The Outsider could sense their self-loathing and decided to give them a gift, though not out of kindness. Snapping his fingers, he implanted a seal into their minds.

"W-what did you just do?" Minato questioned

"I just gave you both the knowledge of a space-time seal that when completed can take you to the world Naruto will be reborn in." said the Outsider

"B-but this seal, it would take years to create!" Kushina said after looking over the details

"Then I suggest you get started if you wish to see your son again." Said the Outsider before finally entering the operation room

Tsunade as on her knees crying her eyes out while Shizune tried comforting her, they'd heard everything that was said.

The Outsider walked over to Naruto's body, while everyone watched sadly, some even crying that such a young child had to die. Placing a hand on Naruto's head caused his body to glow before a white light emerged from his body and shot around the room, before it went straight up. The heart monitor that was connected to Naruto that had had steady beep immediately gave a long drawn out beep, which made Minato, Kushina, and Mikoto break down crying. The Outsider looked up where Naruto's soul flew off, before he vanished. Though he wonders how Naruto will use the gifts he gave him.

*One Week after Naruto's death-Namikaze Compound*

Kushina sat at the dining table with a dead look in her eyes, with tears still falling down her face. It's been a week since Naruto's death, it still tore out her heart to think about it knowing it's her fault. The day after the Outsider told them about Naruto's choice they had the funeral. Since then Mikoto had cut ties with Kushina, Kushina tried to talk to her but was always turned away.

She and Minato also settled things with Natsuki and Nariko.


Natsuki and Nariko both sat nervously across from their parents who both had blank looks on their faces. It made them nervous since their parents never looked at them like that usually it was Naruto they looked at like that.

'That Baka, it's probably his fault.' Natsuki thought planning to get him back for it

"Natsuki, Nariko. Your mother and I are going to ask you this once and only once if you don't tell the truth there will be consequences." Said Minato

"Now, all those pranks, and accidents you said Naruto did, did he really do any of it?" Minato asked

"Yes, that idiot's always getting in trouble. I'm gonna pound him for saying we did anything." Said Nariko

Then both girls were utterly shocked when their mother slapped both of them hard across the face to leave red marks.

"Do not lie to us! And don't talk bad about your brother ever again, if I hear either of you saying anything bad about Naruto I personally seal away your chakra networks permanently!" Kushina shouted in anger, while the girls couldn't believe what they heard their mother just threatened to seal away their chakra

"Now tell us the truth, did you or did you not lie about the things you claim Naruto did." Demanded Kushina in a calmer voice.

"Y-yes, b-but he deserved it! He's always acting like a know-it-all thinking he's better than us!" confessed Natsuki defending her and her sister

But were once again slapped by their mother who was beyond angry.

"What did I say about talking bad about your brother! How could either of you do that, I know I didn't raise you to bully your own family! No child of mine would ever blame their own siblings for something they did!" Shouted Kushina

"Now, did you both know Naruto was still in the house when we left for the festival?" Minato questioned, as the girls had tears in their ears and rubbing their cheeks.

"M-maybe, w-we thought it'd be funny if h-he slept through the f-festival." Stuttered Nariko in fear of what their parents would do.

"You knew! And you thought it would be funny! WELL I HOPE YOUR HAPPY BECAUSE NOW YOUR BROTHER IS DEAD!" Kushina yelled as she gave both girls another long overdue slap to the face

"W-what?" Natsuki asked in fear

"Naruto, he… he… he died. He was locked outside, he probably heard us leaving and tried stopping us but we didn't see him and activated the security seals and he was locked outside and froze to death." Said Minato choking up at the reminder of his mistake

Natsuki and Nariko couldn't believe it, Naruto was dead, because of them. Sure, they didn't like Naruto dead but they never wanted him dead, but now he was dead because of their cruelty.

"We've thought of a punishment for you both. Neither of you are allowed outside the compound for eight months, none of your friends are allowed, you won't receive any training until your third year in the Academy if I decide to allow to you to even enter it, if you break any of these conditions your chakra will be permanently sealed and you will be forbidden to become kunoichi. Now go to your rooms and don't come out unless called." Minato ordered

"Bu-" Nariko began

"NOW!" Shouted Minato

Both girls immediately ran up the stairs to their room, while tears streamed down their face for the brother they bullied to death.

*End Flashback*

Currently Kushina was trying to knit a teal and cyan striped scarf with thread tassels. Key word being trying, since she could hardly steady her hands. She had originally began making it when she was expecting, she was making it for Naruto before she learned she was carrying triplets. But when they were born she never got around to finishing it, she tried finding time but something always came up, and when she believed Naruto was a trouble maker she just stopped working on it.

'And now I doubt he'd even want it.' Kushina thought miserably since even if she, Minato, and Jiraiya completed the seal the Outsider gave them to find Naruto she doubts he'd ever forgive any of them.

But even if he'll hate them forever, Kushina still wants to give him the scarf, to know she at least did one thing right for her son.

*With Minato and Jiraiya*

Minato and Jiraiya were currently working on the seal the Outsider gave him and Kushina, he wrote down the details so Jiraiya could help. Though Jiraiya was keeping it strictly professional which hurt Minato that his own sensei hates him.

Not that he doesn't deserve it, he hates himself right now. The seal itself was more complex than anything any of the had ever seen, though Minato recognizes a few parts of his Hiraishin mostly teleporting and manipulating space and time only on a very much larger scale. Though even if they know what it does and how to make it, knowing and doing are two very different things.

Even if He, Jiraiya, and Kushina worked on it nonstop it would still take at the very least six or seven years to finish it.

'No matter, I won't stop until my families whole again.' Minato thought in determination, even though he knew the chances of Naruto forgiving them were slim to none.

Minato sometimes thought of where Naruto is now, if he was happy, if he had friends, if he had a new family? The last thought felt like a punch to the gut for Minato, thinking of his son calling someone else his parents.

'Then again can I even call myself his father.' Thought Minato

Before shaking those thoughts and focusing back on the task at hand, finishing the seal. Though Minato couldn't help but wonder where Naruto was now.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" came a female scream deep within the Underworld

"Keep pushing mistress I can see the head." A maid said, as two other two were helping reassure their mistress

In the recesses of the Underworld, hidden from any Devils or Fallen Angels, a woman was giving birth to her child. The woman was beautiful beyond comparison with long flowing dual colored ebony and white hair, fair skin, and dual colored eyes with the left being gold and the right being icy blue, and a seductive curvaceous body this woman was Eva Purgatory head of the Purgatory family.

The Purgatory family is an old who served as the right hand of the original Fallen Angel Lucifer himself, he trusted them with his most dark and forbidden magic and artifacts, they were said to have blood so black that even a single drop could taint even the purest hearts, though only a few had such an ability, they were a house that was feared by all other Devils as even the weakest among them equaled a Seraphim ranked angel in power while the strongest was said to have power nearly equal to Lucifer himself, someone who could wipe armies with minimal effort, who was a friend to his loved ones, a monster to his enemies, and to Eva her father, his name had been lost to time with only a few remembering it, he is merely known as "The Legendary Dark Knight Sparda".

Of course, the Purgatory family was now close to extinction, one day Lucifer vanished no one how or why one minute he was there the next he was gone, while the Purgatories were a feared family they were still only one family with Lucifer himself having kept the other devils at bay. Once Lucifer had vanished all the other Devil families had banded together to wipe out the Purgatory family.

They banded together under four significantly powerful Devils, though their powers were still miniscule compared to Lucifer and Sparda, they were called Beelzebub, Leviathan, Asmodeus, and the one that angered the Purgatories the most someone who dared to claim the name of Lucifer. The Purgatories fought bravely and brutally butchering the Devil army, with Sparda himself attacking the self-proclaimed Four Satans annihilating Leviathan and Asmodeus and crippling Beelzebub before finally being struck down by the false Lucifer. It wasn't long until the rest of the Purgatories fell with only Eva escaping because of her father's insistence that she live to continue their family.

After mourning her family's destruction Eva began setting up in a secluded part of the Underworld away from any Devils. She'd begun setting up a spy network so to keep herself updated on the status of the Underworld. It angered her at what she heard, the self-proclaimed Satans claimed they were the first Devils, they also didn't tell anyone that the real Leviathan and Asmodeus were dead instead having their children act in their stead. Eventually a war broke out between Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels, Eva had her spies collect blood samples of powerful Devils to be used for later.

Eva also observed for a strong male that could give her a strong child she wasn't looking for love merely someone to impregnate her then dispose of him. She eventually found a perfect candidate in a powerful Fallen Angel, it wasn't difficult to seduce him and get him to impregnate her though Eva was shocked when they were done he vanished before she could kill him. She'd tried finding him but was unable as if he simply never existed

Eva was taken from her thoughts when she heard a baby wailing, tears gathered in her eyes when heard the child, her child.

"Congratulations Lady Eva it's a healthy baby boy." Said the maid

Eva gently took her son from the maids arms a gentle smile appearing on her face when she saw his eyes were a brownish gold, while having brown hair with white streaks.

"What shall you name him madam?" another maid asked

"Naruto, Naruto Purgatory." Eva said as the now named Naruto looked up at his mother giggling softly reaching for her.

'My precious boy you'll bring back the Purgatory name, you'll show these false rulers what it means to be a true Devil.' Eva thought while cooing softly to her son.

So, hope you all liked the chapter and i'll hopefully update soon.

Now it's a new year, so here's what i'm gonna do, I'm not gonna make some schedule of my updates as I'm not good with time restraints. What I will do though is limit the number of stories I write from now on, no promises of stopping since I constantly gain new ideas. I will try to update more frequently of my stories, but again no promises of when, and for those who noticed I took down some of my stories as I either lost interest in them or I plant to rewrite them. All I can say is thank you to all my reader's who continue to read and support my stories and that I'll try to do better.

Storm out.