So...This is the last chapter. I know it took me a long time to post, but I couldn't decide if I wanted to end the story here or continue. I still may add to it later or write a sequel, but for now this is the end.

I'm kinda sad now that this is finished, but I had fun. I hope to get another story idea soon and get back in the game again. I'm currently working on some Voltron Legendary Defender one shots. They won't be long stories, but they will keep me going until the next one. So, if you guys like voltron, check those out. I should have the first one uploaded in a week or two.

Anyway, enjoy!

We walked back into Shinra's apartment, followed by Celty. The walk back had been pretty silent. I figured I would let Izaya calm down and think about everything. At one point, Izaya had grabbed my hand in his. I had looked at him, but he just kept looking away. I let him hold my hand, even ran my thumb back and forth in what I hoped was a soothing motion. Before we had walking into the apartment though, he had let go of my hand. The absence of warmth had shocked me. Now that we were back he seemed a little nervous. Shinra hugged Celty almost as soon as she walked through the door and started talking about how much he had missed her.

"Hey Shinra, Celty?" They both turned toward Izaya.

"Yeah?" Shinra spoke up so Celty wouldn't have to type on her phone.

"Thank you for being my friends and helping me after everything I've done." Izaya was looking toward the ground and fiddling with his hands as he spoke.

"Izaya, I've known you since we were kids. You are basically my brother. We may fight and disagree, but I'll always be here for you." Shinra said this with a smile. All this time Celty was typing on her phone. She held it up for Izaya to see. He smiled as he read it.

"Thanks guys." He seemed on the verge of tears. "I'm going to head to bed." Then he walked into the patient room while we all watched his back. I could tell that Shinra was confused. Sure enough, almost as soon as the door closed, Shinra turned to me.

"What the hell? What happened?!" Shinra whispered as he ran up to me.

"Um…..Well…. He had a panic attack?"

"There is no way that is all that happened."

"While he was having it he started talking about how we shouldn't trust him and that no one really cared for him and stuff. I told him that he had changed and to prove to us that we could trust him."

"Huh…..well. I hope he has changed permanently. It sure does make him a lot easier to love."

"I'm going to head to bed too. It's been a long day." Shinra nodded and Celty gave me a little wave. When I walked into the patient room, the lights were on and Izaya was lying in bed staring at the ceiling.

"Were you eavesdropping?"

"Yeah, I guess old habits die hard." I froze at those words, but shook my head after a minute. He said they were old habits for a reason.

"Relax, I wasn't intentionally eavesdropping. I was thinking about how I am going to make a living now and heard the conversation." At the end of his sentence, he sighed and it was the sound of intense stress.

"Oh… So, you are serious about not being an informant anymore?"

"Yeah. The only problem is that I don't know what I am going to do for a job now."

"Well you just recently decided you weren't going to be an informant anymore. Give it a little thought and I'm sure you'll find something." He looked at me before nodding. I knew he was worried right now, but I had an idea. Tomorrow I am going to ask Tom if he would consider hiring him. After all, he could be good at stopping our run away clients like he did the other day.


The next morning, I called Tom to see if I could bring Izaya along again and he didn't mind. We met up at the usual place. I had told Tom to come to the bathroom when I went too, that I needed to talk to him in person and away from Izaya. So, when I excused myself to go to the bathroom, Tom excused himself too. Once in the bathroom, I turned around to see Tom giving me a concerned look.

"It's nothing to worry about. I just wanted to ask you something away from Izaya."

"Yeah, I'm still worried. What is it?" He asked, sliding his hands into his pockets.

"I was wondering if you might consider hiring Izaya? He has decided not to be an informant anymore. But if you aren't comfortable with hiring him, it's fine. I'm sure he is smart enough to get plenty of other jobs."

"Jeez, I thought you were going to tell me you thought Izaya was going back to how he used to be… That's a relief. I'll think on that today. You know, see how he does. He did good the other day though." Tom ended his statement with a smile. We walked back to the table. I wonder If Izaya would want to work for Tom. If Tom decided he would hire him though, Izaya could always refuse the offer.


As we walked, Tom explained that we only have three clients today and that it would probably be a short day. The first client was about 6 blocks from the café. When we reached her apartment, Tom knocked and explained that her money was due. She opened the door and motioned for us to come in. In these situations, I am always the one that goes in. It sounded like Izaya was going to follow, but Tom must have stopped him. The woman pulled a box onto the table in front of me and then dashed for the front door. I turned and ran after her. Right before she got there, I saw Izaya's foot stick out. She, however, failed to see it in time and tripped. I was right behind and hauled her up off the floor and back into her apartment.

"Listen, no more of that. You give me the money or I beat the money out of you." She stared at me for a moment before reaching into the couch and pulling out money and placing it in my outstretched hand. "See, that wasn't so hard."


The other two clients went pretty smoothly. We ended up getting done around 2 p.m. We regrouped at the office since Tom had to drop the day's money off. On our way out I felt his hand on my shoulder and he pulled me aside.

"Tell Izaya that I would be happy to have him work for me. If he wants to." He said this with a smile. I realized that he almost always said his words with a smile, even when we were dealing with clients that he knew would probably cause trouble. For him to be involved with this business, he was a surprisingly kind and a happy person. "Oh, and he is welcome to start tomorrow."

"I'll let him know, thank you." With that, I left to join back up with Izaya.

"What was that about?"

"Tom wants me to ask you if you want to work with us?" Izaya stopped walking and I had to look back at him. "What? You okay?" I looked around to make sure there were no gangs approaching or anyone coming to attack.

"Yes, I'll work for him." A smile split his face and he started laughing. I just looked at him, slightly lost.

"Why did you stop walking?"

"I was surprised, is all. I didn't expect that from you or Tom."

"Well, Tom likes the way you work…And we do make a pretty good team."

"Yeah, I guess we do. Can you imagine if we would have worked together instead of fighting all these years?" My only answer to this was laughter. It was absurd to think of. Yet, here we were. We weren't fighting. If anything, we were friends. Sometimes I had to wonder if I thought of him as more though. We walked in silence for a while. Izaya seemed to be deep in thought.

"Hey, Shizuo?" He looked up at me through his bangs. It was the cutest thing he had done all day long. My heart skipped a beat in my chest because he actually looked shy for once.

"Yeah?" I had to clear my throat and look away to hide the blush that was creeping up on my cheeks.

"Tom does know that there are gangs that will always be after me, right? And individual people who hate my guts?" I looked over at Izaya and his face was sad again. Never before in my life had I wanted more to cheer him up and just have him be genuinely happy.

"Yeah, he knows. Our agency accepts people from all different backgrounds. I mean, they hired me."

"Well, these gangs are always going to be following me…." I looked at him again and realized that he believed he would never be free. Then he turned to me with a strange look on his face, "Would you want to work as my bodyguard? I could pay you and it could be like a second job." I laughed. I couldn't help it.

"Yeah, I'll be your bodyguard. Don't worry about paying me though." His eyes widened a fraction.

"Would you want to move in with me? As my full-time body guard?" I started laughing again. Izaya did not look amused. He looked like he thought I had gone crazy. As my laughter went on, he looked away and I couldn't read his face anymore.

"Yeah." I had stopped laughing long enough to respond, but it threatened to come spilling out again. If that is what he wants to call whatever is going on between us, I'll accept the title of bodyguard knowing that it means so much more. Maybe we will make sense of our relationship one day. Until then, I will be by his side.

I'm so glad that I was able to write a story that was more than two chapters and I'm glad you guys seem to like it :) Thank you for reading the whole story. You are all lovely :)