Reviews for Fear of Drowning
Nada Alfaiza chapter 14 . 6/10/2019
Update please~
TheBeautyInTheDarkness chapter 14 . 4/21/2017
Guest chapter 14 . 3/30/2017
Thanks for making this, I don't find much good fan fiction anymore. It's all lemon and mpreg now, not actual love. So thanks again for making a natural, healthy, blossoming relationship in this awesome fanfic. Bye, and you are lovely just for making this story.
inlovewithshizaya chapter 14 . 3/29/2017
Haha I hope they won’t need that long to tag their relationship with another title.
Anyway, I really like this story and it’s sad that it reached its end.
Guest chapter 4 . 3/18/2017
if there's going to be shizaya put it in the discription
inlovewithshizaya chapter 13 . 3/7/2017
TAT Izaya doesn’t need to prove anything *sniff* He already deserves all the love people can give him and more. He’s not bad. He never was! *sulk*
inlovewithshizaya chapter 12 . 2/14/2017
Phew! I’m glad Izaya can still act on his instincts. Had me worried for a sec there
Rage0fPhoenix chapter 12 . 2/14/2017
Whew... Good things Izaya isn't so worthless cuz IZAYAN should be amazing! Anyway love the story still!
Guest chapter 11 . 2/8/2017
Good chapter, waiting for the next one
inlovewithshizaya chapter 11 . 2/6/2017
OMG! They are both so cute AND awkward with their own feelings towards their crush! Have I told you already that I love this fic? No? Then now you know!
aaronhoffer chapter 11 . 2/6/2017
Hope this is not the end
aaronhoffer chapter 10 . 2/1/2017
oh my gosh hope you make another chapter that was really good.
Rage0fPhoenix chapter 10 . 1/31/2017
Geez Shizuyan just admit it... Nobody will get angry.. In fact everyon will love it! SHIZUYAN WORRIED IS REALLY EFFING CUTE!
inlovewithshizaya chapter 10 . 1/30/2017
Yaay! A new chappy! I hope that Celty’s gonna open Shizu-chan’s eyes on his feelings towards Izaya completely, or that he at least figures it out himself
inlovewithshizaya chapter 9 . 1/23/2017
** Izaya confessed! Shizu-chan fall in love with him pretty soon! After all that Izaya had to go through in his life he needs your love!
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