Bogo's mighty hoof slowly parted the blinds of his office's windows to watch a well known patrol car leaving at full speed the precinct parking lot, he allowed himself a little lopsided grin and a single shook of his head in amused resignation thinking about how he was being asked to take that particular cruiser.


He wasn't entirely sure that barging into a chief's office without even knocking, talking fast-forward of an alleged urgent rescue mission and leaving before said chief even had the chance to say anything on the matter could really be considered a permission but still…

The huge buffalo chortled slightly, sometimes he wondered who really was the chief between him and Hopps, and, despite he had learned a long time ago that when the small officer set her mind on something there was no way to talk her out of it, for once it would've been nice to know exactly what he'd almost agreed to.

Releasing the plastic contraption he headed back to his desk letting himself fall down heavily on his swivel chair producing a kinda creepy creaky sound at the powerful impact.

With a deep and long sigh he began to vigorously rub his temples as a profound sense of fatigue and emptiness was gradually working its way into his worn our body.

It should have been a good day all things considered, a kit had been saved from certain death, that alone should have been quite an achievement but no matter what, Austin Bogo deep down himself knows it was just a big delusion.

Today he had failed.

Both as a chief and as a mammal.

His dark eyes drifted down to the now empty chair the poor beaten vixen was sitting on no more than ten minutes ago all accusation and deathly glares mainly addressed to him.

And why shouldn't she? All that she said, all that she blamed him for, it was all true even through he had to admit he had no memory of having approved the filing of a trampled fox as a, how did she put it, 'settling of scores between perps' but that doesn't negate the fact that he did it nevertheless.

The Zootopian chief was ashamed to admit that he was nothing but a huge hypocrite, probably even worse than Asshole Wooder, at least that coypu made no mystery of his hatred for preds, him on the other side, was able to call a fox one of his best officers one minute and then labeled another one as a criminal the next one.

He just did it because he was a fox?

"Damn" Bogo cried banging loudly his tight fists on the wooden surface, the dull noise reverberating back through the scarcely furnished office making it like it was much more stronger then it was.

Sarah May Tailsson was able to see right through him but on one thing she was wrong.

When he told her that he knew how hard it was when something bad happened to your loved ones it wasn't just a catchphrase, he really did know, and It was a feeling, he'd learned a long time ago, when an explosion completely changed his life and his views on foxes forever.

Exhaling a long and deep sigh the blue dressed mammal grabbed his name plaque on his table tilted it on one side to let a a little hidden key slid out above his open hoof.

He kept staring at the little brass object in his palm for a brief instant then, with quick precise movements, unlocked the last drawer of his desk, but when he made a move to grasp the handle to pull it open he sort of...hesitated.

When was the last time he looked at its content?

It had been too long.

Far too long.

Before he could lose his nerves he gave a firm tug and with a faint rolling sound the metallic drawer opened revealing a small and frayed chocolate box carefully stored at the bottom.

If Bogo was an emotional mammal he would have cried at the sight of the apparently innocuous thing but even so his hoof trembled imperceptibly when, more gently than was expected by a mammal his size, he brought forth the fragile colorful object and placed it in front of him.

The little box was certainly nothing that was worth so much secrecy, it was ruined and patched up with duct tape in several places but he had never been able to get rid of it.

It was a gift, his first birthday gift ever.

Even as a calf he never celebrated his birthday, to him it was just an ordinary day, so he was surprised and a little peeved that someone bothered to rummage into his personal file and even go and buy something as a last minute present during a late night shift no less.

But then again HE was just that way, reckless and considerate.

"Hey Rookie, this is for you."

"What is it?"

"It's a birthday present."

"My birthday is over partner, and frankly I don't care"

"Actually It's you birthday for another ten minutes so don't be an ungrateful little brat and just accept it."

"Wait you got me a box of chocolate?! Who do you think I am Sean?"

"Hey, the only store open at this hour was a small drugstore, it was either that or a pack of condom and since I was kind of hoping we could've shared it I thought that chocolate was a safer choice."

"Listen I don't..."

"Oh would have preferred the condoms? I'm flattered Rookie but I'm into gals you know?"


"Damn Austin try loosen up sometimes it was just a joke."

"Loosen up is just for losers."

"No, it's not. Stop talking like you were a robot, you are a mammal for Christ's sake."


"Here let me show you, it's pretty easy, now you sit, I said SIT, yes just like that, now you take the box...oooookay good boy, and last but not least you say "Thank you" while you flash me a wide and bright smile."


"Eww, we have to work on the smile part Rookie."


"Splendid, weeeell since we have still five minutes left how about we try out the yummy treats and celebrate your birthday in our own way? I'm curious to try the whiskey flavored ones, the seller told me they are the best."

The horned chief chuckled quietly at this reminiscence, they turned out to be the worst candy they have ever tried and he still remember the massive stomachache they both suffered the day after grumbling and cursing during all their daily shift about bad sweets and dishonest retailers.

He carefully raised the worn cardboard lid uncovering a warped and half charred police badge sitting innocently on what looked like a small pile of old faded snapshots.

With a long and deep sigh he reverently picked it up tracing its twisted edges with the tip of one of his horny sheath, it seemed unbelievable that what was once proudly displayed on a sturdy chest was now reduced to be forsaken in such a small space, but, even so, it was without doubt the most precious thing in the world for the strong black buffalo, a testimony that HE had really existed and wasn't just a figment of his imagination.


Sean Saber

His partner.

His best friend.

His brother.

With the comforting weight of the ruined shield in his hooves he let his mind venture back in time, when he was still a little calf hungry for love and attention.

But the Bogo's manor was no place for that.

He grew up with his parental grandparents in a huge but isolated country house surrounded by woods and vast wheat fields which should have been every kid's dream but to him it was just an expensive boot camp where everything was supposed to be earned with hard work obedience and discipline he couldn't even recall all those times when he was send to bed without dinner because he failed to reach Isaiah requested expectations.

And the expectations of an old retired marine for such a young calf of four were ridiculously high.

Bogo angrily grit his teeth at the thought of Isaiah or Sir or Admiral Bogo like he was always forced to call him.

Never Grampa or Pop-pop oh no, such slush were strictly forbidden.

Love and physical affection were forbidden

Fun, Christmases, birthdays and similar banalities were forbidden.

And the weird part was that he wasn't an orphan, not completely at least, his mother died in childbirth while his father, who only thrived for his military career, left a couple of weeks after his birth, just long enough to bury his wife and entrust his newborn son to his parents.

Austin sighed…his mother...he had no memory of her and as much as he tried to find some proofs rummaging in old trunks and chests in the attic or down in the basement during his frequent punishments for his 'lack of effort' he never found anything...anything at was like she she'd been wiped out from history.

Asking was useless, he still had the signs of the severe beating and the three week dinnerless nights penance he received when he tried.

Just once he came close to the truth, he had a three hours grueling run in the fields as homework and he was satting under a secluded window to get some rest when he heard Isaiah and Beth his wife talking about him, that was the first time he heard his gramma talking, she was a sad resigned cow totally submissive to her husband, but for once she decided to be brave and defend him.

"You should tell him, he's just a calf Isaiah, he's 5 he had every right to know about his mother"

"What have you got in your head wife? Where do you get off telling me what to do?"

"Y-you have no rights to decide for him, he needs to know who was his moth..."

There was the clear sound of a slap, then another.

"Never try again to question my authority woman, know your place, females are good for only one thing, and you failed three times, you give me three useless females like you, and when you've finally succeeded to give me an heir you ruined him with your stupid motherly love taking advantage of my continued absences. You ruined my son Beth, but I won't let it happen to Austin too. Stay away from him. If you haven't filled Connor's head of idiotic ideas about love he wouldn't have married that weak female."

"It's your fault if she died Isaiah, you should have let me call the ambulance"

Another slap, this time much stronger.

"Mark my words, females are designed to bear sons and since the world begun they always delivered at home, if they can't face that then they are worthless" he said callously "Connor should have had forget about her and remarried with a more worthy one but he stubbornly decided to mourn for her disobeying my orders"

"He loved her"

"Nonsense, love weakens you and in the life of a serviceman there is no place for such triviality, Austin will learn to let go of his emotion and serve our country" he said angrily "and this time I made sure that you won't ruin everything. I will train him until I deemed he's ready and then he will go to a military school"

"He's just a calf Isaiah" she repeated lamely

"Enough! During missions he will lose a lot of comrades, the sooner he learn to throw away his emotions the better, he can't afford to get attached to someone. And Beth...if I ever see you console him or feed him when he's on restriction you will pay that understood?"




"Good, now go to the kitchen and start dinner, if Austin is not back In thirty minutes he's skipping it again"

His hoof tighten the hold on the badge, whatever respect he might have for that mammal was replaced with hate and resentment the day Austin discovered he killed his mother out of bigotry sounding like very proud of that.

But that day something inside that young calf of 5 slowly snapped, he wasn't sure how or when it happened, he just...stopped being, becoming that emotionless robot everybody thought him to be.

He did everything he was told, he run for as long he was asked to, he never argue back when he was belittled for his weakness, it was hell but he soon realized It was the only way to get rid of that horrible family and get out of that hated place they called home.

And Indeed, a couple of years later, all the self-sacrifice bear fruits, and Isaiah considered him worthy enough for the military college, to tell the truth there was no great ceremony, very simply and without ado one day he just told him to pack his things and get ready to leave to make the Bogo's name proud.

And what a great achievement it was.

In comparison of the harsh training to which he was accustomed life in the college was a breath of fresh air, he always considered the change like some sort of happy place.

Soon and without much efforts he became top of his class in every field, years of working up under Isaiah's care made him much more muscular and stronger than necessary, nothing seemed too much for him a blessing and a curse at the same time given that he gained the admiration of his teachers and the respect of his comrades at the same time even if his formidable and atypical appearance made it so that no one was ever brave enough to approach him out of fear.

But he didn't care, It was convenient for him.

Even if he was alone and with no friends he never came back to that hateful home, not even when he had been told of his father's death.

Connor Bogo, the father he never met, didn't have the glorious death of his magnificent forefathers' tales his grandpa always bragged about, far from it, he broke his neck during a chugging beer contest between fellow soldiers, he was told he was so buzzed that he got off the bed forgetting completely that it was fifteen feet above ground level.

Isaiah was beside himself from grief, losing his only son in such a stupid way had been way too much for him, his voice at the phone verged on the unhinged rambling about god knows what, until he ordered him to return home and prepare to take his father's place in the marine corps.

His no was simple and immediate followed by a heavy silence.

"What did you say just now?"

"I said NO I am not joining the marines I decided to became a police officer, sir"

"You what? No I won't allow it, I trained you to follow my footsteps and that's exactly what you are going to do, Austin, you will come back home at once, NOW"


"Enough with all this rubbish you will do as I say or you are no more a Bogo's"

"So be it Isaiah, I don't care" he said before he hung up

That was the last time he heard of him, he graduated top of his class and then he found a simple job to pay for his admission to the police academy.

Bogo never talked about his blood related folks, or perhaps he should say his ex-folks since Isaiah disinherited him when he decided to join the police.

Not even to Sean.

Oh! He probably had some ideas, it wasn't so difficult when you payed attention to his lack of social life and Sean was a master in that but he was too good a mammal to ever cause him any more distress by asking him directly, so he tried to cheer him up with frequent hangs out and with a good stock of beer or alcohol always within reach.

Far more than was necessary to tell the truth.

Bogo knew it all along that all that had little to do with the sudden desire to get hammered because 'real males every now and then just needed to do so' but even if he would never admit it he appreciated the gesture and in the end, despite his well practiced complaints, he always played the game.

For the first time in his life Austin Bogo learned what it really meant to have fun but that was only the beginning, Sean never did anything by half and one day, without notice or explanation, he just help him pack a few things in a small duffle bag, dragged him on the train and brought a helpless and honestly lost grumpy buffalo to spend a week-end with his family.

And what a splendid week-end it was...the first of many more to come.

Very carefully he placed the old shield on the left side of the box and reached inside it to grab the slightly faded pictures.

A deep chuckle shook his broad shoulders while he looked at the one high on the pile, it was taken on his very first mission as member of the SWAT team.

Despite being well equipped with his gunshot and all his protection gears like every other in the pic he can see in his own eyes the terror he was feeling in that moment.

He remembered they were called to quell a blood feud between two powerful street gangs, he knew the procedures, he knew he was much stronger than many mammals, he knew he was ready and still he wasn't, and as soon as the door of the van opened he just...froze.

Yes he looked mass of mammals fighting or shooting and he...just stopped working, he couldn't move a muscle, not even when he spotted a big rhino charging against him with a knife.

But he never received that blow, one of his teammates hit the crazy mammal straight in the face with his gun's handle knocking him out on the spot.

"Hey Rookie. Are you ok?" he said worried

"Yes sir"

The big tiger chuckled "First time on a mission?"

"Affirmative sir"

"Well don't worry. The first time is like that for everybody, stay close to me Rookie I'm Sean by the way, Sergeant Sean Saber. Come on, we will get though this" he said patting him on the shoulder.

That was his first encounter with Sean, whom from that day on took the big buffalo rookie under his wing whether he wanted it or not, he asked and been granted for him to be assigned to his care, and that's was the beginning of all.

He quickly move to the other pic, the next one was of him and Sean during one of their daily patrol it was so embarrassing wearing that horrible orange dress during parking duty but his partner couldn't resist to just capture that moment assuring him that he was sooooo cute.

Another pic that was of the first Christmas party on the force, Sean was so drunk that dragged him under the mistletoe and kissed him straight on the lips, they both agreed to pretend that it never happened at all.

The next one was a close up of their faces Sean with his winning smile and him with his usual stony expressionless face, but when he turned to the following one his heart stopped a beat.

Almost immediately, he felt his facial muscles contract in the crooked nearly smile that his late partner hated so much, but he couldn't help it, after all it's not everyday that a family of tigers decide to 'adopt' a standoffish buffalo probie.

He should have been so out of place in the middle of the Saber's and wasn't.

Papa Richard insisted on it the morning of their second day of vacation, he objected of course that he wasn't part of the family, but none of them wanted to hear it any other way, he was Sean's friend and that's was more that enough for him to be part of the family's photo too.

He and Sean were crouched on the ground side by side with the tiger's right arm around his thick neck, his joyful wide smile well visible and, as always, in sharp contrast with his solemn and stern expression complete with crossed arms, even though Mama Ruth assured him that he was a very attractive and photograph well mammal.

Mama Ruth and Papa Richard were right behind them smiling in the same way their son had, he never intended to call them mama and papa but the endearments come so naturally that third and last day of the visit that they remained over the years to come, Sean's mother was actually thrilled to have him call her mama and for all her remaining life she didn't even remember that he wasn't her real son.

Slowly and easily she fill the vacant place in his heart without even realizing it and, like every mother, she possessed that special instinct to take care and love and she never passed up the chance to spoil him rotten, so, whenever he and his partner decided to pay them a visit for a couple of days even with little to no warning, he could be sure that there would have been three curses of all his favorite veggie dishes and two arms full of love and affection ready to welcome him.

It didn't matter if he always felt his uniform too tight on the waistline afterwards.

Right next to her with the identical smile of his son was Papa Richard tenderly hugging his wife's waist, now THAT'S was something that always amazed the tall chief, the look of pure adoration in the Saber's breadwinner every time he looked at his wife, not only that, there wasn't a single evil bone in that mammal, always smiling, always willing to lend a hear or give a helping paw, always putting his children and his wife's well being over his.

Including him.

And then there she was.

Simone, Sean's younger sister...his Mimi.

Sweet, kind, shy, clumsy Mimi.

The tip of his hoof slowly caressed her face on the coated paper.

Sean had taught him how life should have been lived, mama Ruth and papa Richard how a family should have been but..the one who truly healed his heart and soul was Simone.

His relationship with her was...something special and unique despite being so different, it was deeper than a simple friendship, deeper than the one shared by siblings, she was his sunshine, his world...his everything.

It was obvious what what slowly happening between them and none of the other Saber's had ever objected at the idea, if anything they always seemed to encourage it, but Simone was a minor at the time and no matter how understanding his 'parents' were, he never acted upon his feelings, both sweet and less sweet ones.

Austin smiled, how many times did they sneaked out their rooms late at night just to lay on the lawn watching the stars, or to simply stay awake waiting for the sunrise.

She was a snuggler always the first to initiate physical contact with him but he only ever allow her to kiss him on his cheek, sometimes returning the favor himself and secretly loving every brief second of it, until that fateful and amazing day...or better night!

Even now the big water buffalo didn't know exactly how it happened, but one second they were sharing their usual chaste kiss on the cheek and the second later she was in his arms, warm and beautiful sharing a deep and sensual kiss.

He felt a shiver to the memory.

After all that time he could still taste her sweet lips on his, her inexperienced tongue intertwining with his own, the feel of her fur under his strong hooves and her soft paws on his broad chest, clothes were only a temporary barrier before both of them started to shed them to increase the sensation and it was only his willpower that prevented them to go further.

They left each other that morning with the promise to clear up their new status on his next visit but...that wasn't how he planned it to go.

His hooves trembled turning to the following and last picture, it was a shoot of him and Sean together sporting an exaggerate fierce expression, it was taken as a bet by their colleagues to see who was the most scariest of the two, needless to say he won by a long distance even without fangs or claws.

Immediately after they took that stupid pic Sean received a call by one of his 'informer' giving him a meeting regarding a leak about an illegal trade of firearms they were trying to track down for months, Shadow, that's how he wanted to be called, was a scrawny red fox and at the time he had little do no interest in that particular species so he follow his partner in that dark alley without second thoughts even though the nervous attitude of the fox wasn't really reassuring.

Sean however, typical of his character, treated the shady mammal with kindness and respect granting a significant tip for his help.

Once in the patrol car the smug tiger decided to finally address the argument by giving him the third degree.

"Soo you and my sister mhm?"

"I don't know what are you talking about Sean"

"Oh?! Then it was another buffalo she was lip-locked with yesterday nigh?"

"Listen Sean...I"

"It's okay Rookie, ma and pa approved...and if you ever need it, you have my blessing too"


"I can't think of anyone I can trust more with my little sister, just promise me you are going to make her happy Austin"


"Please Austin..."

"I promise"

"Good, but I want to be your best man at your wedding Rookie"


Sean laughed heartily and the buffalo had no idea that it would be the last time he'd heard the joyful sound "Look, that is the place, come along Rookie and let's get to work but tonight we'll have a long chat brother to future brother in law" he joked before opening the car door.

The address the fox provided was an old abandoned orphanage, a perfect place to hide something or someone, yet Sean suddenly got extremely suspicious because he whispered nervously "Stay behind me Rookie, I'll go first okay?"they opened the door slowly and ventured inside cautiously, the house was empty, the old wooden floor creaked under their weight but...from this point on however his memory got a little...confused, he remember turning left and then Sean's cry "AUSTIN DUCK"…

...then only darkness.

He woke up in a hospital room three days later, he was dazed, all his body hurt like hell, he looked around ignoring the sharp pain in his neck, but he was alone except for mama Ruth sitting in the chair next to his bed, he didn't need explanation, her teary eyes were proof enough that Sean, his brother, was gone.

They were ambushed and Sean saved him with his life but Austin wasn't grateful...not if the price was his brother's life.

The days that followed were muddled, he just felt out of place, he shouldn't be there, he shouldn't be alive...Sean should have been in that bed not him...never him…

Time and space stopped existing...he stopped living...nothing matters anymore for him...not when his mates of the SWAT team came to visit him with their paws matted of blood telling him Sean was avenged… even if he couldn't care less about the bastard fox's destiny...or when he fought with all the doctors and his superiors to attend the funeral...Sean died to save his miserable life and he had no intention that a couple of broken bones and a concussion would have prevented him to accompany him on his last trip.

Still a part of him really died with his partner as he stood emotionless with the coffin on his shoulder, or when all of his colleagues one by one wearing the black band in mourning payed their respect to their deceased mate, or when his turn came, or when he completed the complicated ritual of the folding of the flag presenting it to his mother, or when she broke the tradition and hugged him crying all her sorrow in front of the crowd.

Austin just couldn't...he was back to be a heartless robot, and in that moment, with the sobbing tigress in his arms, he took the most suffered and hard decision of his life, he had a promise to fulfill, he promised Sean he would have made Mimi happy, but he was a cop, always in danger and in order to keep his promise there's only one thing he could do.

She never would have cried because of him...ever.

That night he broke every connection with her, he would never forget her desperate tears while she beg him to stay, that she didn't mind, that she loved him, but he just turned around leaving the love of his life and another piece of his heart behind.

She left a week later accepting a job in Itaily but neither mama Ruth nor papa Richard blamed him for anything, yet another tragedy was just behind the corner because Richard Saber's huge heart couldn't bear the loss of his beloved son and died of a heart attack one month later the brave police officer.

Austin became through and through Ruth support, dividing his time between his job and his family, new partners came and go but he didn't care for any of them, he accepted every kind of undercover and dangerous missions, he worked harder and stronger than anyone else, nothing seemed to be too much for him, he tired himself almost to death and when that wasn't enough he worked out all night long, because he needed it, he needed to crush on his bunk in a dreamless sleep every fucking night.

He couldn't afford to be weak and let his emotions take over his life, and thanks to all his dedication he got a real quick and brilliant career something Isaiah would have been proud of.

Years passed, made of days all perfectly alike...but you can ignore them just for a limited can't stop it, no matter how much you tried day an unexpected call revolted his life once more.

Simone was back in Zootopia...and she was getting married.

Amos Chordata, Simone's fiance, was a kind and tranquil male and it was obvious he cared a great deal for his 'sister' and despite the dull pain, Austin knew he did the right choice, Mimi seemed happy and that's all what matters to him.

Due to the groom full schedule it was chosen a quick and simple ceremony, it all but take a couple of weeks to fix everything and before they know it was already the night before the wedding.

They all decided to go to sleep early but while he lay in his bed awake...he received a visit by an angel, he was so tired to fight it, tired to act as if she was nothing for him, tired to he didn't.

For once he trow caution and rightness out of the window, they weren't brother or sister, tigress or buffalo, prey and pred, as they got rid of clothes they became just Austin and Simone, it was a night of love, confessions and passion, no matter how hard he held wasn't enough.

No matter how many times they made wasn't enough.

No matter how many times they said 'I love you' wasn't enough.

When morning comes she was still in his arms, they never say a word, she looked at him with her deep amber eyes waiting for something...anything from him, and he knew, he knew he had the power to stop all that farce of engagement, that HE can be the one to make her happy forever.

All he had to do was talk...but what he said wasn't what his heart wanted.

Simone didn't protested, she just collected her night gown and rushed into her room to get ready.

Austin took her father's place that day, as the good brother everyone believed him to be, he walked her down the aisle of the little church where her parents get married many years ago to a very nervous Amos waiting eagerly for his bride, It was his hoof that gave her away forever, the rings that labeled them husband and wife were his wedding gift,

She left for Itaily that same night with her new husband directed to a new life in which he had no place.

Four months later he was promoted lieutenant and while he was at lunch with mama Ruth he had an important revelation, Simone was pregnant.

"She's due anytime now...I'm so excited Austin, I can't wait to meet my first grandkit"

"It's beautiful news mama, Simone okay?"

"Oh yes, she is so happy dear, she said she's finally at ease"

"I' glad to hear that"

"She needs my help now, more than ever, it's never easy to take care for a newborn, especially if he's the first"


"Yes, he's a male, the last scan confirmed it"

"When did you leave?"

"In two days dear"

" are not coming back mama, aren't you?"

"No sweetie I won't, I can't stay in that big house all by myself, I decided to sell it"

"Sell it...but"

"I don't need a house to remember them Austin, I have all I need right here with me"

"Do you need help mama?"

"No dear, everything is already been taken care of, I have my ticket ready, and my real estate agent will look after the sale"

"I see...I will miss you mama"

"I will miss you too my son"

A mother who lost her son and a young male who never met his mother, they hugged each other for as long as they could "Thank you for letting me be part of your family"

"You'll always be part of it dear...always" she said taking off the black band he still wear "You mourned enough Austin, it's time to move on, they...they wouldn't want that for you"


"And another thing...I don't want you there the day of my departure, there have been so many tears already sweetie"

He let her go "Goodbye mama Ruth"

"Stay safe dear"

" they are going to call him?"

"Simone wants to call him after his father"

"That's a very good name"

"Yes I thought that too...Austin listen, love will always fine a way, even if you do anything to prevent it. One day it will come back to you" she said before leaving.

They never see each other again, she died pacifically 10 years later surrounded by her small family, and without her he lost every contact with Simone too, but knowing she was happy was all that it really matters.

Bogo wasn't really disappointed of his life, he had a nice apartment, a whole family of good guys...and girls to guide and protect and a bunch of 'special friends' whenever he needs them.

Though, he had to admit that, the rare times he found himself alone in his quiet cold house, when neither the tiredness of his job nor his hard work out weren't enough to make him fall asleep, he thought of how everything would have it been if he choose another path.

What it would be like to have a loving wife waiting for him every night? To feel her close to him talking about their respective day, or holding his calves in his arms, a son, maybe even a daughter to defend from persistent suitors and one day walking with her towards his future son in law kissing her forehead in joy and sorrow.

He would ever know any of those.

A loud knock at the door brought him back to the present, he quickly stored away all his precious memories in the old box and put everything in the drawer again, reverting once more to the stern serious chef everybody knew and needed.

"Come in"

"Good evening Chief" Delgato saluted politely before closing the door two files holder of different colors under his arm

"Ah Delgato, reporting already?" Bogo gestured for him to sit down.

"Yes Chief, but I don't have much to show you" he said professionally offering him the green holder "We found some fingerprints on the muzzle but we have no match. The mammals who did that to the young Tailsson seemed to be uncensored"

"Mhm, what about the other assignment?"

The big lion officer sighed placing the yellow case on the table and opening it scattering neatly its content "Well chief, I don't know what you've hoped to discover about Wooder but I don't think it was...this" he started reading "Big grants to churches, convents, homeless shelters and so on, member of the Ranger Scouts since he was 11 now senior member and counselor, respected member of high society, member of the country club and golf club, impeccable career in the social services, no complaints, no lawsuits, no tickets, not even for excessive speeding, he run twice for mayor and he's trying for a third time, his wife his head nurse of gynecologist and obstetrics department in Zootopia central hospital...I swear Chief I almost barfed rainbows while sorting all of these information...I can continue but unless they are raising unicorns and it's illegal we have nothing on him"

"No need officer, I think it's enough" he murmured thoughtfully.

"If I may Chief...what are we looking for exactly?"

"I'm not really sure myself" he admitted

"Sir we all agree that Wooder is the worst mammal alive but..."

"You are dismissed officer, let me know if you discover something new on that fingerprints"

"Certainly Chief" he saluted before leaving the buffalo alone.

Bogo twirled his chair towards the closed window scratching his chin, so apparently the little prick is untouchable, but if he had learned something in this job was that nothing is what it seems, perhaps even Shadow was blackmailed to trick him and Sean in that mortal trap...maybe he did it to save himself or someone he cared about...but if he can't do anything as police Chief there are still other ways to act.

"You can't always win, the most important thing is not lose" he smugly exclaimed pulling out his mobile phone and searching though his modest list of contacts.

He stopped at the name of Allison Thompson.

Allison was one of his 'special friend' a beautiful female and the most badass lawyer he'd ever met, she helped him a lot with many difficult cases and...other things.

Austin looked lustfully at her contact pic before pressing for a call wondering not for the first time if his attraction to her was somehow related to her incredible similarity to his favorite singer.

"My my if it's not my amazing buffalo stallion" she whispered sensually answering his call after only two rings.

"Allison, how have you been?"

"So alone since our last time together Baboo, I missed you"

"Ahem, Ally please this is not a personal call, I need your help with a case"

"Oh?! You need my help?" the lawyer giggled low and sexy "I bet I'm already well acquainted with the thing you need my help with" she added maliciously.

Bogo huffed loosening up the collar of his ordinance shirt with his hoof "Allison I'm on duty now"

"Mhm I like when you are so professional Baboo"

"Allison" he scolded her with impatience

"Uff, you are a party-pooper Austin, very well, what I owe your work related call then?"

"What do you say if I tell you I have a possible case of abuse of authority by social services?"

"WHAT? Why didn't you just say that?" he heard her rummaging through the receiver "Tell me everything, and by everything I mean even how many times they sneeze"

"I must warn you, your prospect can't pay your services Allison, you might want to consider doing it pro bono"

"Oh my god, this is music for my ears and it's not even Christmas Yet. Start talking Chief Bogo. I'm ready"

"Gladly" Bogo said reclining satisfied on his chair preparing for a very very long call.