Reviews for His real name
Michaela Rose Cameron chapter 14 . 11/28/2019
This was such a sweet chapter and I really love this story I do hope you continue it xxx
jgk641 chapter 14 . 9/9/2019
great story. i hooe you find it in you to continue it
imjustlikehumphery chapter 14 . 8/14/2018
Great chapter benny, keep it up! I feel for Bogo he had one messed up childhood. No wonder he wants to nab Wooder. He was treated in much the same way as Alan from the sound of things. Bogo at one time even had genuine love for his step-sis of the romantic variety that she returned just as much. Alas it wasn't meant to be between them cause of what happened to Sean. I just hope that one day Bogo can learn to fully trust foxes cause he's got a subordinate of that species that's one of his best and resourceful officers along with Judy of course. Now as to what Alison and Bogo are gonna talk about I wonder if she could dig somethin up on Wooder that could sink him? Can't wait for the next chapter!
Spirit Of The Black Wolf chapter 14 . 8/14/2018
Good chapter looking forward for your next update.
Could Bogo be a father?
AngelLover411 chapter 14 . 8/14/2018
\ (﹏) / ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm so happy today is my birthday and I got to read an awesome chapter this is one of the best birthday present ever thank you

Thou Craggy Knob chapter 14 . 8/14/2018
Still proving to be a wonderful read as always: yet another excellent chapter! :-D
Wilde306 chapter 13 . 3/22/2018
This story is wonderful. I just found it while surfing the list of fanfics on the site and I have to say, I am incredibly happy that I found this. Well written characters, perfect story-line, and not to mention the healthy dose of WildeHopps I always love. Truly amazing work! Seriously, I can't wait to see where this goes! I await the next chapter! (Though I'll be honest, I won't be able to stop thinking about this until the next chapter comes out lol).
AngelLover411 chapter 13 . 3/20/2018
Sooooooooooo good
swim chapter 13 . 3/16/2018
loving the story
Tbolt chapter 13 . 3/16/2018
Clary don't worry about this being your first story, your doing great! Just keep writing what you want and the story will follow.
Merecor chapter 13 . 3/16/2018
Ah, that fox lit is absolutely adorable! Can’t wait to see what the next chapter brings!
imjustlikehumphery chapter 13 . 3/16/2018
Great chapter clary, keep it up! Well this chapter was worth the wait for sure. It's a good thing Bogo has Judy else questioning Andy would've never been possible especially with the reaction Sarah initially had. What Sarah told them was pretty shocking to say the least. To think that social services might be involved or otherwise implicated in regards to these abductions is pretty messed up. Why would they get wrapped up with this kinda thing when they're supposed to be the ones protectin kits that have these kinda issues? With Bogo and Nick, what happened durin the meeting was addressed and Bogo, from all his years on the force deduced that the social worker that tried to take Andy away was the same one that tormented Nick when he was young and the same one Nick told Judy about as well. With Nick and Andy sounds like he might the the one that got through to the kit regardin his missing big bro that his mom's worried sick about. I just wonder what Andy will say to Nick. Can't wait for the next chapter!
imjustlikehumphery chapter 12 . 1/1/2018
Great chapter clary, keep it up! Now that Judy knows about the most intimate fox custom out there, might she and Nick do it one day. I know Nick would love that. To Sarah May I wonder what Bogo wants to talk to her about especially with Nick and Judy present? Meanwhile with Chris and Andy apparently their father wants custody of them from their mom and looks like Chris, wantin to protect his lil bro, is gonna literally hunt him down and make sure he doesn't get near them or his mom. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Merecor chapter 12 . 12/31/2017
Man, I love this story so far! I can't wait to see where it goes. Also, your grammar isn't too bad. Really. There are definitely mistakes that could be fixed, but those corrections should be easy enough. Keep up the awesome work, and I'll see you next chapter!
Thou Craggy Knob chapter 12 . 12/31/2017
Ahh don't worry about being late, we enjoy updates when they come!
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