It was 1800 England, Queen Victoria still reigns over this powerhouse of a country. The Americas on the west side of the continent hold struggles in their land with natives, production, and civil disputes. There was once conflict about the uprising of slaves over there, but the Queen will not bother with such trivial arguments; for she struggles to keep her people at ease for a war in her own homeland.

The war between the poverty and the nobility. The war between the world above and below in the underground. The war between trade within the European nation. No, she has no time to deal with the Americans, at least not now, not with what she must fix in her own home country, not when her husband died and she had to take throne.

The Queen may not have the time to discuss or even act with what goes on with the world as she primarily focuses on England. However, nobility of all kinds can. They have money, leisure, and time. Sometimes they have too much time. They dabble in activities well beyond their limit. Why? Because they are bored. They only do things out of their own self-interests, after all they don't need to look out for the masses, they don't have to worry about an entire country. After all, all they have to do is look out for themselves, look out for their own personal profit.

Then they dilly dally into whatever fits their fancy. Not all of them like going to operas, not all of them like going to balls or social events. Some don't even bother going outside their estate.

Well it doesn't matter.

"Mistress, there seems to be a letter for you from one of your late husband's partners."

Bright green eyes bore through her glasses and stared at the face of a random butler. She sat behind an impressive wooden desk covered in papers, fountain pens, and ink vials. She shooed the butler away, a universal sign of go away with an implied 'get back to work'. She still replied however,

"Just place it with the others."

The butler bowed in respect to the lady of the house before he neatly placed the envelope on an already growing stack of letters about partnerships and what not.

The lady was of pale skin and she wore a traditional noon dress of a cream-gold color. She was located in between shelves of books on her left and right side, behind her was made up of windows with a mural design engraved into the glass, beyond the glass wall is a terrace. Only a single table and a chair occupies the space outside with plants scaling up the wall.

She proceeded in filling out papers and overlooking contracts that her late husband was working on before the untimely arrival of his departure in this world.

She sighed heavily before organizing her desk and removing her glasses. She leaned into the comfort of the leather seat she currently occupied, closing her eyes and wishing that the headache she received would go away.

It was sunset so the mansion blocked the balcony of any light. Instead, the balcony was devoured in shade and the front of the mansion was covered in hues of red, orange, yellow, and brown. Her office was growing considerably dark, without the natural source of light. She opened her eyes and stood up from her chair. She glided her hand on the window wall as she traveled a short distance to the see-through door. She clapped her hands twice before the lights to her office gave way; it casted an artificial glow onto the balcony.

However, with the mural on the windows the balcony shined with hues of blue, purple, green, silver, red, and every color in between. It made the terrace floor look like marble. She went outside and took a huge breath of cool air before proceeding to head to the small table which occupied the rather barren terrace.

She sat down and took in the scenery around her, it wasn't much.

Not even before three minutes since she came out, one butler and two maids approached her with evening tea and snacks. Only the butler stayed as the maids bowed in respect to her before departing. Silence ensued, but it was very welcoming. She sipped silently and her posture was perfect; it always was. The butler that stood a fair distance away from her gave a slight nod before he assorted a very limited selection of pastries on his mistress's plate. He placed a hand fan of the same color of the mistress's dress before he stepped away.

The lady of the house barely paid heed to the server close to her. This became routine for them ever since she was brought into the household. Her left hand grabbed the fan and opened it up swiftly and silently. Her movements were always graceful, poised, and delicate; for those are the qualities a woman in this day and age must have to do to survive. She brought the fan up to her face only leaving the eyes visible. Her right hand stretched to the plate and grabbed one of the assorted pastries the butler had picked for her. She then munched on the random treat before setting it down as she took a sip of tea.

Eat, drink, repeat. This became a cycle long ago.

Nothing was exciting anymore.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Someone help, please!"

She closed her eyes, took another sip, and gave one breathy sigh again.

"How mundane this is."

In an estate, far from the city of London, a small young boy casually sat in his chair, going over paperwork for his family's powerhouse of a company. The Funtom company deals with toys and sweets; it's audience mainly consists of children who dream to own all their products. Of course, they're affordable to even the middle class and higher, those who couldn't afford them are too poor to purchase or believe such products as trash. However, the ever-loving company donated its toys or money to city orphanages to keep up a prestige reputation to the nobles. It has a 'nobler than thou' implication making the family of the Funtom company a favorite in the upper echelon and even has whispers of gratuity in the lower ring as well.

The Phantomhive family - a truly, fearful, noble family in the world of the seen.

But this family did not end its services in the world the average people grew accustomed to. No, it dabbles, or perhaps, also rules the underground scene. The Phantomhive family is the Queen's personal guard dog. They serve the Queen with impeccable accuracy and loyalty. They spill the blood of those who disrespect the idol of England, they stop those who try to overthrow her majesty, and hunt those who dare make a fool out of this country the Queen worked so hard to stabilized.

Yes, the Phantomhive family is one to be feared, respected, and weary of in all manners.

"You have a message from the Queen."

A single blue eye glanced at the demon based butler. Ah yes, the only remaining Phantomhive heir also extended the power of his family to the world far beyond the mortal plane; the world of the supernatural. If his parents bodies weren't burned to ashes in the fire two years ago he was sure they would be rolling in their graves. He rested the fountain pen on the ink cartridge before giving his full attention to the demon before him. He served the letter with the Queen's wax seal on a silver platter. The demon was as pale as a ghost and his hair was as black as a starless night. He gave off a fake smile to false pleasantries as he tried to look as non-threatening as he could.

However, underneath it all he was a powerful, hungry, and dangerous demon. He was the predator and the boy was his prey.

The boy grabbed the letter and broke the wax seal. The Queens message are usually to the point and direct, but this one was different.

"Apparently, the Queen wants to discuss the matters of this ordeal in person. Quite unusual if I may inquire."

The butler smirked as his prey overlooked the letter many times, seeming to be expecting the paper to change words and give him an objective of sort.

The child set the letter down before he looked back up at the demon. He stared him down with a single blue eye, commanding his attention and acting superior to him in a field he knew nothing of.

"Sebastian, go set up a carriage to the city. Make sure the town house is available for five days. We are leaving as soon as possible."

Sebastian gave a coy smile and bowed before leaving to execute his duties with absolute perfection. The young boy glanced down at the massage again expecting something to be different. Yes, the message was lacking its usual content and information. The real objective was missing and the style of the message was too general, nothing like the other messages the Queen usually bestowed before him.

A/N: Updated 5/31/17

On another note I have not read the full manga and only seen the anime so far (BB1, BB2, Circus arc). I will base this majority on the manga, but the when the character does hit plot, it will go like the first season of the anime. I am also trying to see if I can get historically accurate events into the story and historically accurate customs, so if something seems off please do tell me.

And do not hate when I mention gender roles. Remember 1800s Victorian era was still predominately male emphasized and woman were treated as property, trophy, or otherwise. Keep an open mind for this.