AN: I've only see the movie once, so forgive any details I might've overlooked. But I just wanted to play around with these two and see what would happen. Also, while I was writing, I formatted this with strikethroughs that add a little something extra, but unfortunately don't format on this site. I'll post this whole first chapter on tumblr with formatting, in case anyone cares to see it. I'm 'bookwormbarista' there. Not all chapters will be letters.
More to come.
She can tell he was nervous just by his penmanship. The parchment is crisp but yellowed, and smells of some exotic place she cannot identify.
2nd March, 1927
My dear Goldstein,
I hope I haven't worried you. Upon arrival into London, I feverishly began to organize my notes and experiences, and honestly haven't found a breath between caring for the creatures and drafting my manuscript. Do not think I've neglected thinking about you. Or your sister, or Kowolski. Or our adventure in New York. It is something I hold dear, and think of often amongst the hurried mundanity that is keeping the beasts and the Ministry happy. Sometimes I'd like to think the latter is just as helpless as the former, at least when both are confined to cubicles. But you didn't hear that from me.
Actually, since Grindlewald's capture and escape, most of them have been focused elsewhere. No doubt MACUSA has been abuzz with activity, and I do hope they aren't working you too hard. Or that you aren't being too difficult on yourself. I was elated to read of your promotion. In this season, our governments are in need of headstrong and determined investigators like yourself.
I expect that the book will be ready for final review at the end of spring, and I could chance a visit to New York by May. Is it very warm there then? It would be nice to have a change of weather from the cold drizzle of London.
I am sure you will write back quicker than I, and I do apologize at my sorry excuse for letter writing etiquette. After two years of traveling, I didn't have anyone to keep in touch with regularly except my parents and they never seemed to worry about me too much unless Mother sends a pair of new socks.
I hope to hear from you soon, and long to see you again even sooner.
Newt Scamander
Her stationary is monogrammed in a gold script that draws itself atop the header of the paper when he opens it. Rather elaborate for her, he thinks, but he smiles anyways.
March 7, 1927
Your owl is greedy for treats, you know? Definitely spoiled. He devoured my entire lunch, as punishment for making him wait I guess.
Without question, I've missed having you here. I was elated to receive your letter, so much so in fact that I read it immediately upon seeing it at my desk…and after waving your owl away from my lunch pail. I find myself with so little spare time recently that I didn't want to take the chance at having to wait and read it later. I'm not able to detail what we've been working on, but we're following the trail to your side of the pond, hoping we'll uncover where Grindelwald has snuck off to. Ambassadors are at work, certainly a good thing in support of international sentiment, but no clues have led anywhere promising.
I have too much faith in you to believe you'd forgotten us, but how unforgivable to tease a girl and leave her for two months without so much as a word? I'm joking, of course. We'll be delighted to see you whenever a visit happens.
Kowalski has opened shop just at the end of the block. Its quite an amazing display. Some of his treats might even resemble certain forms you'd recognize. I'm sure I saw a Niffler-shaped something in the window the other day. I don't dare go in. Strange things can happen with memory charms, as I'm sure you know. Queenie talks about going, and I try to warn her against it, but there's no controlling her really. She'll end up popping in, and who knows what will happen, but maybe it will be the right time for them both.
New York is beginning to warm in May, yes. However I can't promise a relief from rain. It's a lovely month to walk in the park, travel to the beach (as you would say, the sea) and oh! Coney Island! It's mechanical magic like you've never seen, but the no-maj's love it. And it is quite fun, until you lose all your nickels at a shooting game, and the roller coasters are nothing compared to riding a racing broom. In any case, there will be a lot to do and see. Many things I want to show you. And hopefully a lot less destruction this time, Merlin willing.
If May could make it here faster, I'd be forever grateful.
Until then,
This letter comes with a different owl, with gray through his feathers and bright orange eyes. It disappears from her bedroom window sill once its delivered its parcel, and doesn't reappear until late morning. Pressed in the folds of the letter is a daisy, which she wonders if he cut from someone's window box.
30th March, 1927
My dearest Goldstein,
A visit in May is confirmed! My manuscript has been submitted, and pends approval from Worme; he says he'll have his final edits by mid-April. Forgive my hasty handwriting, but the joy and thrill of having finally finished this mot precious project sets me on the 'edge of my seat,' as the Americans say.
At any rate, I've booked passage for the first week of May, this time for a week's time. Please allow me to make arrangements for myself, as I'd not want to disturb your landlady, or your sister. Furthermore, it would be entirely improper.
Congratulations to Kowalski. I do hope to find a Kneezle-shaped scone there during my visit. I do not see harm in reinstating his memories now, after he's established himself. I trust Queenie's instincts. Don't you?
At this point in my letter, you'll have to forgive me something else as well… That even as a good Englishman, in my current state I can't help myself but write these things to you:
Since my first letter to you, I haven't been able to keep myself from thoughts about you. Mostly remembering your eyes. You've always got to avoid looking people in the eyes, you see. In a city populated mostly by muggles, I was prepared to keep a low profile. And in taming beasts, most will not tolerate locking eyes until they've considered that you can be trusted. With you this was different. Well…at least once you'd released me from custody. I watched in awe at your determination…how it shone in your eyes. Your deep ties to making right and calculated decisions, and yet your deep bonds to those around you in spite of this.
This is the trait I admire most about you, and something I'm grateful to have learned about you even in our short time together. Forgive me if this is forward, or unwanted. But it is something I can't overlook, and something I can only hope to learn more of.
I'm certain I'm going to feel embarrassed about all of this once I send this letter, but in the great distance between us, there is something I would like to begin growing even now. Forgive me again.
I can't bear to write more now. Its too silly for my staunch English heart to bear.
Unequivocally yours,
Her response comes quickly. So quickly that he thinks she must've rejected him. The scrolling monogram at the top of her stationary is not as charming as before; he just longs to see her, and not a token of hers.
April 2,, 1927
Wow. Well. I hope you write about your creatures as beautifully as you write about me. Then reading your book will be even more of a joy.
If I may, I'd like to speak boldly as well. I've felt for so long that there wasn't anything necessarily important or unique about me. Not that I'm seeking pity, or that I think of myself negatively. I just thought I was normal. Funny thing for a witch to think about herself, I guess. But Queenie was always the different one, the unique one. I performed at the average level in school, I wasn't particularly gifted in anything. That's what drove me to make something of myself. Once we were on our own, we had to make our own way. Our own decisions. Queenie was pretty and distinctive, I was just me. She never felt like she needed to work nearly as hard as I did. It sounds selfish to say that I wanted to be noticed, but really I just wanted to do something good. It didn't matter how small it was. Good was good enough for me. Maybe I got a little desperate…
But during those few days when you were here, I didn't feel so ordinary. I felt…noticed. I felt different. As if for the first time someone saw that I was more than some annoying MACUSA harpy trying to get recognized. In thinking it over, I'm shocked you wanted to come back at all. You have seen so many exotic places, so many rare and mystic creatures. Why should I stand out at all? The girl who has always been in the background.
But I guess that's it. That's what I admire most about you. You seek to understand the deepest parts of your creatures. What makes them tick, so to speak. And because of this, you see good in even the basest of people. You're devoted. And that's rare.
I agree, this is all very silly. Its difficult to write and be so open without seeing your reactions and communicating with you directly. But May is nearly here, and if you ask Queenie, I've been 'simply giddy' in preparation. But you didn't hear that from me.