Adrien woke to a poke at his belly, and mischievous giggles following it. The dozing half Veela grinned as he slowly woke, cracking one eye open to eye the lump under the sheets. An adorable lump that was trying to wake him up. As there was a tired shift behind him, a soft nuzzle at his mid back that sent a spark of warmth through, he was inclined to ignore it for now.
Also was curious to see what said lump would do when ignored.
For a few minutes, the lump proceeded to just poke Adrien's belly, trying to rouse him.
Adrien kept rebelliously still.
The lump wiggled up and peeked out from under the sheets. Blue-green eyes peeked at Adrien, a pout on a little girl's face as she peered at her Papa, seeing him still dozing. The small dark blonde huffed, then poked and pushed his nose.
She squealed when he surged forward, landing a kiss on her nose.
As Adrien and his daughter giggled, there were two groans from behind them. Adrien rolled onto his back, grinning. "Sorry mon amour," he bid cheerily, "did I wake you two?"
Marinette gave him a one eyed glare.
Their son Felix didn't even bother turning to them.
"It's time to get up," Louis backed, flopping across Adrien's middle, earning a soft grunt.
Arms wrapped around her son, Marinette just rolled over, intent on ignoring the morning birds.
Not that they would be ignored easily.
Louis wiggled her way over Adrien and clambered onto her Maman's side, trying to weasel her way under her arms. Adrien followed, a great black wing flaring out to life. It stretched out, wrapping around his family, the half Veela preening as he pulled them close, all wrapped up in a hug.
"Adrien," Marinette muttered.
He nuzzled her neck, humming.
Only to withdraw as Louis wiggled her way out. The seven year old crawled off the bed, sliding her hand along her father's scaly black wing, and tore off.
The energized child gone, the three laid still in bed for a moment, relaxing.
Marinette was on the nerve of falling back asleep when Adrien moved again, kissing the shell of her ear. "Louis is right," he mumbled.
Marinette whined in protest, hugging her four year old son closer.
Grinning, Adrien rose up and stretched, his wing disappearing into smoke.
He slipped out into the hall, pausing long enough to let Louis waddle by holding a grumbling Plagg, Tikki trailing behind her.
Adrien sighed.
Seven years and it still made him giddy to see them.
With a stretch, he slipped into the kitchen, coming to an ipad set on a far counter that Marinette often used to plan the week's schedule. As well to receive alerts for anything she may have possible forgotten.
Adrien himself was still getting the basics of technically down, but he is pleased to say that he could probably survive without Marinette. For the most part.
Thankfully Louis and Felix were both tech savvy and could help Adrien if Marinette wasn't there.
He drew near, seeing that there was an alert for an email.
Tapping the screen a few times, Adrien was able to bring up the email, seeing that it was from his father, another wizard equally struggling to learn muggle technology.
He was making an effort though, especially since grandchildren weren't fond messaging through pigeons, and Felix had inherited Adrien's allergy, though it wasn't as bad as Adrien's.
Still, it was a push to try a different form of communication, even more so since Adrien was now living away from the Agreste manor at Balzac's request.
A request he and Marinette had been more than fine answering.
Balzac wasn't pleased with Adrien pursing Marinette romantically; he had tried to push and pressure against their match but they all stood firm against him.
Balzac declared that if he wasn't going to be pure, then he shouldn't sully other purity.
Adrien was fine with that, happier away from the pureblood society and living with his soulmate. He was fine being away from the Agrsete manor, and was able to see his father often enough not to miss him, and with both learning technology, they were finding easier and faster ways of getting in touch.
And it looks like Gabriel was seeking a weekend with his grandchildren, free enough to spend time with them.
Not recalling anything that Louis and Felix had to do that weekend, he replied and agreed to them spending a weekend at the Agreste manor. They'll be fine. It took a good few years for Adrien to learn to be comfortable with his kids away, but he's found a small appreciation in having some rare solitary time with his wife. Rare time that it could be just them.
Though the very first time Louis had spent a weekend away from Adrien was the longest weekend in Adrien's life.
He can't ever recall a time he's ever been so distressed and even Marinette had a hard time calming him down and distracting him.
Actually a few times he was tempted to fly over and check on her the first time she was staying at the Agreste manor.
Marinette really had to struggle to convince that Louis was perfectly fine over at the Agreste manor.
Adrien turned when he heard an annoucing yawn, seeing his wife draw near him and set the sleepy and ever quiet Felix on the counter beside the ipad. She leaned on Adrien, taking a peek at the email. "Gabriel's ready to have them this weekend?" she asked.
"Evidently," he returned, kissing the top of her head.
She hummed. Giving him a fast kiss on the cheek, she slipped into the kitchen, get some coffee going for them.
Felix glanced to him, giving him a sleepy blink.
"Good morning Little Prince," Adrien greeted, giving Felix a kiss, grinning as the boy pouted and pushed him away, not in the mood for early morning affections. He leaned back, looking his son over, grinning. As delighted as Adrien was to start a family with Marinette, it was a sad fact to him that Veela traits were strong; they were more likely to appear than those that were nonVeela.
Louis and Felix both got his hair, and both got the natural Veela charm and magic. Louis already had magic shining through, and Felix has sneezed out smoke when he had colds. And muggles of course have been quick to praise their children for how beautiful they were, a lot of them charmed by Louis' friendly smile. It was practically all him that they got in genetics.
Only thing of Marinette that they seemed to get were blue eyes, though Louis had a bit more green in her eyes and Felix had grey, echoing his grandmother Sabine. Adrien was pleased to note that Louis had the faintest trace of freckles, though they weren't as prominent as Marinette's.
Adrien was rather tempted to have a kid that would have Marinette's dark hair, that would have her spirit.
He wanted to have a big family anyway. Instinctively wanted too. Veelas thrived to have big families with their significant other, at least four kids. And it was a common norm in pureblood society to have multiple heirs.
Marinette though wanted to limit them to two or three kids.
There was still a bit of ways before they'd have an Emma or a Hugo.
But in due time.
Maybe he'd get his dark haired child one day.
"Louis! Careful!"
Adrien perked, leaning back to see Louis on the couch, her wings out, trying to get Plagg who escaped her and was hiding away. Marinette drew near, plucking Louis off the couch, lightly scolding, "What did I say about flying in the house?"
Adrien snickered, looking away when Marinette turned and shot him a look.
Sending his reply back, he glanced to Felix, watching his son doze. Picking him up and letting Felix settle on him, Adrien slipped into the kitchen, grabbing some coffee. To Marinette, he told her, "They're set to go to Father's manor this weekend."
"You want to be the one to drop them off?" Marinette guessed.
"Yes," Adrien said immediately.
He liked being the one escorting the kids and dropping them off.
He liked to see that they arrived safely and to see them off. He was always sad to see them go, but he did like securing that they made it safely and that they were ok. It was an instinct in Veelas, something he couldn't help.
He doesn't know if he'll ever be able to help it.
"Alright," Marinette bid, drawing near the ipad and tapping the calendar, checking her schedule. "While you do that, I'll drop by Ivan and Myelen's and give them the present for Chann. I'm hoping it'll work..." She trailed, a thoughtful frown on her lips.
Chann was Ivan and Mylene's first kid, a little girl that survived a werewolf attack, though not unscratched and had obtained the curse.
When the two were looking to adopt, Chann was the first one Ivan locked onto and Mylene was all for it.
She even came to Marinette asking for her to make a charm to help counter the lycanthropy.
Marinette was more than willing to try at it, though she hoped she was able to make a successful one.
Adrien drew near, reassuring, "Chann will love it. And it will work." He nodded to the door way, where there were hooks hanging little charms Marinette made them that they slipped on before they went out. "Those work fine."
Marinette sighed. "I'm well practiced with Veela charms, this is werewolf."
No one has really made a solid solution for werewolves yet.
And the unfortune factor was that many of the wealthy, the purebloods, were unwilling to offer funds for such research. Charms and potions were the best bet that many lycans had at this time.
If this could work for Chann Bruel-Harprele, Marinette will definitely be looking into releasing more for other lycans.
This just had to be a success though.
Adrien tilted her chin up, grinning down at her. "It'll work out," he insisted.
Marinette rolled her eyes. "I hear this reassurance a lot."
"Well it is true!" he backed.
Before Marinette could respond, there was a tug at her shirt.
She looked down to see Felix peering up at her. "I want waffles," he stated.
Adrien summoned a fireball. "Rare, medium, or well done?"
Felix gave his Papa a flat stare. "I want Maman to make the waffles."
Adrien dismissed the fireball, pouting. "I never get to make anything."
Louis voiced, "Well everything you make comes out toasty Papa."
"Toasty is a solid flavor!"
"But not extra toasty!"
"What's wrong with extra toasty! I like extra toasty!"
Marinette quoted from Chloe who has become quite the estrange aunt and friend, "Adrihoney, you're the only one who likes extra toasty."
He gave her a pout while Louis giggled from behind.
Below, Felix gave an impatient sigh, and tugged at Marinette's shirt again, trying to get her attention and some food.
He was starting consider trying to fly to get her attention.
He really wanted waffles this morning.
Thanks for reading Ruffled! It could've gone on longer, I am sure of that but I'm ready to be done with it.
So, thank you guys for reading and giving this take of Beauxbatons a chance! Hope to see you guys in other updates and in other fics :D