Reviews for Ruffled
mulberryjam chapter 27 . 9/11
I love this AU omg. What a delightful read 3
Decker389 chapter 27 . 11/20/2019
Smiles, I really liked the Harry Potter lb fanfiction.
farmergirl4002 chapter 27 . 8/1/2019
I loved this story it was amazing. Also whether it was intentional or not I thought it was funny that adrien didn't remember his first kiss with marinette like in dark Cupid.
QuintessenceNevermore chapter 13 . 8/21/2018
I will remind you that Steve Palchuk is now REFORMED!
ShipQu33n54321 chapter 27 . 8/14/2018
This was so freaking AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL and I loved it, got the feels in that one chapter though. But overall this was one of the best things I've read.
Wynni chapter 22 . 8/5/2018
You are adorably devious with this story
Wynni chapter 19 . 8/5/2018
Was Gabriel the soulmate to Adrien's mom? Is that why she died?
Wynni chapter 14 . 8/5/2018
Go Gabriel, show that little troublemaker who's boss.

and i have to say, i'm mentally cheering at Gabe giving Adrien the opportunity's his own denied him.

I want ot kick Balzac in his ballsack
gingershipper chapter 27 . 5/24/2018
It's really nice to see Gabriel painted as a nice father figure who is trying to figure out how to make Adrien happy for a change. Thanks for the story :)
Guest chapter 27 . 4/2/2018
Oh my goodness. Everything you write is oh so brilliant and please NeVEr StOP! You are, hands down, my favorite Miraculous fanfiction writer(shhdon'ttellanyone).
SpaceAutumn chapter 27 . 3/14/2018
You know what we haven't seen yet? What happened to Noir and Lady?(I need all my ships to sail, LadyNoir included)
This was so cute by the way!
Guest chapter 8 . 2/24/2018
I know you've already finished the poll(or whatever you want to call it), as I've already read The Curious and the Devious, and I plan to read Ladybug and the Mer soon, but... I still wanna vote!

I think you should do the Witch AU. Because a) I don't know what BatB stands for(although that's kind of a dumb reason), and b) the witch idea sounds better than the BatB idea.

EDIT(kind of...this is after I'd typed the previous part, but I didn't actually post my review yet)
I Google-searched BatB, and it showed, among other things, Beauty and the Beast. Is that what you meant? It kind of makes sense, but I'm really bad at deciphering abbreviations, unless they're pretty common, like most texting abbreviations, or of my own invention. I recognized HTTYD, partly because I'd read the fic already, partly because I really like the books(yes there are books)/show/movie(the first one. Just the first one. I /could/ give you this big long rant on the second movie, which is, like, dead to me, but I doubt you want to read all that, and this review is pretty long already, so I'll stop here and just leave it as 'I pretty much despise the second HTTYD movie, I mean, come on Dreamworks, how could you do this to us; I want to beat up the producers of that movie before demanding they give me my own copy of the first, original, /way/ better HTTYD movie because it's been a long time since I've seen it; I need to see it again, I remember bits and pieces and that it's generally awesome but I need to see it again and curse you Netflix why don't you have it'...yeah, I'm just going to leave the review like that)

(oh! wait! no I'm not! I haven't told you how awesome this is yet!) This is a great HP AU. I like the card suit houses. I'm just gonna bypass how it's actually Clubs, not Clover, because Clover is better. I admit, I expected Adrien to be Heart, but not for Marinette to be Diamond. I honestly thought you'd make her Clover. And I'd hoped Marinette and Alya would be roommates-you came through spectacularly on that- and I'd guessed Ivan was the half-giant, although I'd kind of had thoughts of it being Hagrid, for some reason. Good for Marinette for sticking up for him(kind of? She glared at Adrien-how could you, Adrien, being so judgmental what's up with that you're a halfbreed too-and I feel like she's going to do something about it in the next chapter),btw. All in all, great fic so far!
DarkBluePapillon chapter 4 . 1/8/2018
I like how this gives an individualistic view of the known wizarding world, and how you did your mythological research. But my favorite thus far is how nice and positive Gabriel is! I love nice Gabe, this story doesn’t make me feel so sad... yet...
ABbiegrrl14 chapter 27 . 12/27/2017
Oh my goodness I love this so much and sorry I don’t know how old it is but I was going back because you write really well and I want you to know how much I appreciate it
Guest chapter 27 . 12/25/2017
This was a great story! Thank you for writing it.
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