A/N: What's up guys. First Once Upon A Time fic. I'm only going to have one long AN at the beginning to introduce this story. Yes, as the title explains, this will be a Tiger Lily story. Mostly because I really liked the Neverland arc in the show and thought that I could put my hand to it and try it out. This is a Tiger Lily story with a twist, and it's mostly thought out. I currently have about eighteen chapters already planned out, and this will be updated every Monday. After part one has ended, I will be taking a three week absence from updating and then part two of the story will take place.

This is not a happy story, it's actually quite dark. The thing that I love the most about my characters is that I like to kill them off. There will be other dark and mature themes that some kiddies probably shouldn't be reading. Will I go into detail with the mature themes? Nah, you're good as far as that goes. Mostly because that would be gross and I don't feel up to writing that far in detail.

That's why it's rated 'T' for teen.

Just be careful when reading this story, and I did warn you ahead of time.

There will be times when this story takes place in the past. There will be an indication that it is in the past so that I don't hurt your brains with you guys trying to decipher exactly what the hell is going on. I wanted to stay true to the show as much as possible, and as such, I tried my hand at that new aspect.

And now that I've said what's needed to be said, on with the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Once Upon A Time.

Your little brother never tells you but he loves you so

You said your mother only smiled on her TV show

You're only happy when your sorry head is filled with dope

I hope you make it to the day you're 28 years old

~ Colors, Halsey

Ch 1: And so it begins

"Father isn't going to be home tonight, Andrew," Lilith said in a small, gentle tone. She tucked her young brother into bed, and his brown hair was ruffled with the girl's hand. The boy let out a short chuckle of endearment before looking up at her with his big blue eyes.

The eyes of their mother that the girl wasn't as fortunate to receive.

The girl pulled her gaze away and went to the window of their two leveled apartment. It was all she could do to prevent herself from letting out a sob. The topic of her mother was still fresh on her mind, and she tried to not think about it too much. It was a coping mechanism that she had developed herself. It was better to pretend that she wasn't hurting when she was.

Maybe then she wouldn't be feeling an emotion that she couldn't describe when she thought of her.

She closed the window, watching as the thin curtains danced in the night's wind before they were abruptly cut off. Lilith let out a quick sigh, and turned around as she placed her delicate hand on the lock before switching it.

"Dad isn't in trouble, is he?" Asked Andrew, who gripped his thin comforter with his tiny hands. Concern was strong in his voice, and Lilith let out a soothing small smile.

This was going to be the hard part. Trying to tell her brother that everything was going to be okay and that there was nothing to worry about. Of course, her father was in danger whenever he went out into the forest. Their mother had taught him how to set many traps so that he would be prepared for when the war came. Now that the war was over, her father was sent to recollect the various number of traps that were still active.

Every time he risked going into the forest, then he would risk not ever coming back out.

"Not at all," Lilith answered as the lie fell from her lips easier than she would have liked. She placed a hand on her brother's shoulder tenderly. "He simply needs to recollect all of the precautionaries from the forest," she explained, knowing that using a gentle tone that was filled with confidence would make her brother be at ease. It was easy to mask her true emotions, she's had to wear a mask all of her life.

To be the better person.

To treat others with kindness.

To be the woman that her mother had tried to groom her to be.

World War I took a toll on their family, and because of this, they had to downgrade to the minimal requirements for life. A shortage in food, the small meetings she had with their father about being a surrogate mother to her brother, and of course, the laborious duties that Lilith now how to fulfil.

She looked into Andrew's eyes, and she didn't think he minded the change so much. Then again, he was only eight. He probably didn't understand what a loving house hold is supposed to be – before their mother died.

Unfortunately for Lilith, she did remember.

To know what a loving family is supposed to be like is far worse than never knowing one at all.

"So…" Andrew trailed, not catching onto what she was talking about, "In the forest?" He questioned, trying to come up with the correct explanation to where there father was mostly all the time.

"In the forest," Lilith repeated with absolute confidence. Andrew, for a small second seemed worried about his father, but his sister patted him on the head in reassurance. "He'll be back before sunrise, Andrew, don't you worry," she added, as a failsafe to warrant his pleasant dreams for the night. Andrew let out a smile in return as he turned his body towards the window, and his worry quickly subsided to nothing.

Lilith placed a stray lock of hair behind her ear from the long events of the day. She was still wearing her school uniform, which was the custom in the school system. It was a white long sleeved shirt with a red corset over that. She was wearing a red skirt, accompanied with black leggings and her feet adorned with black dress shoes. She had her light brown hair down, her long curly mess - a style that made her unique - cascading down her back.

Unlike most girls in the 1920s, she wore her hair down.

She turned her body and took the sturdy door in her hand. Before leaving the room, she turned off the bedroom light on instinct.

"Lil?" Andrew asked, taking his comforter in his hand, holding it tightly. "The light…" He complained in a frightful tone, the nervousness in his voice was clearly heard. He didn't like the darkness. Not since a few nights ago when he could have sworn he saw a black shadow enter his room.

Their father told him it was just a bad dream. Yet, Lilith felt her heart tug for her younger brother. If he felt so afraid of this supposed shadow, then she thought it was real to him. And, despite what their father had told them, the fact remains that Andrew believed that it was real.

And if it was real to him, then it consequently was real to her as well.

The girl stopped her actions as her eyes widened in realization at her regular instinctual actions. Her brother was having, what she assumed as night terrors, for the past week.

He claimed that a black shadow would enter his room with glowing white eyes. It would enter through the window, and then offer his hand for her brother to take. It was haunting for her brother, and she understood his reason for concern.

The imagery that he described made even her uncomfortable.

"My apologies, I forgot for a moment," she argued gently, flipping the light back on slowly, "Good night, Andrew," she bided goodbye, closing the door behind her, but not all the way. Another complaint that he had.

The argument was that he was terrified of being alone with the shadow being. Having the door closed meant that the exit was gone. Therefore, she would leave the door ajar at night. Nothing would affect having the door open, and so she followed his demands for his nightly routine.

"Night, Lil," Andrew whispered, though his older sister hadn't heard. He heard her familiar and precise footsteps as they traveled down the hallway, farther away from him. He gripped his comforter for dear life, wishing up at the night sky through the thin cloth curtains that adorned the window.

"Please, don't let it come tonight!" He pleaded - borderline begged – that he would be undisturbed for once tonight. "Please!" He mumbled, wanting to fall asleep, but not being able to. His mind started to travel, and he started to think about the creature. He shook his head vigorously, clearing his thoughts, "Think about Dad, about Lil…" He trailed, turning his head the other way, "About mom…" He whispered, closing his eyes tight.

As she was traveling down the hallway, Lilith noticed that her sleeves had started to wrinkle and made a small frown, "How did I manage that?" She asked lightly, talking to herself to fight the loneliness that was left behind now that her brother was in bed.

She didn't have anyone to speak to, and what better company to keep her at bay than herself?

She patted down her white stainless sleeves, taking her attire and appearance very seriously. She had to represent her family name, and now that her mother was gone, the face that they would be judging would be her. How the adults would judge and assume that she wasn't a woman - a lady. It would try on her patience, yet, she would put up with in for the sake of her family: her brother, Andrew, and her beloved father.

She didn't mind the extra work that was forced on her. She had to do the laundry and keep the house tidy. Having a clean environment meant that she was helping raise Andrew right. After all, if her little brother didn't have a mother figure in his life, then he would end up just the way she was after their mother had died.

A shiver coursed through her spine as she crossed her arms across her chest for comfort – she wouldn't let Andrew become how rebellious she was when she was around his age.

Her father was always working, trying to supply income and support his family. Lilith understood, she knew that everything he did…he did for the family. He placed others before himself, a moral that Lilith held deeply to her heart.

She walked down the hallway, correcting ever so slightly a crooked painting or photograph. It was then that she noticed the family portrait of her father, accompanied by her mother, and herself standing by her father's side. Andrew, who was a newborn, was being held by her mother.

Time after time, she would stroll pass this picture every day, but something pulled her to it tonight. It was a mocking picture of how things were – of how things were supposed to be. Her reality suddenly came at her full force, and she lost the weight to carry herself as she slid to the ground slowly.

"Why did you leave us?" She asked, a defeated tone in her voice. It held a certain kind of longing, and it was pitiful to hear - even to her ears. She looked back up at the glass container holding the picture, and caught a glimpse of herself. Her green eyes, which matched her father's, seemed to mock her.

Her mother had always said that there was a fire in those eyes of hers, an emotion that defined only her and her father; the unyielding power of determination. To never give up, even when things were looking bleak.

But when was it okay for her to admit defeat?

When was it that she could act like a child that she was supposed to be?

Why was it that she was forced to grow up sooner than the other girls in her class?

She felt confused when all these questions were spiraling in her head. She didn't know where they had all come from, or why she started to think this way. It made her long for a better life – one that was filled with a family that she desperately needed.

But she already had a family.

Yet, did she really have one?

Or did she only believe that this was enough for her?

A shiver rushed through her and she shook her head. She hated when she felt like this, and it was all her mother's fault. She started to loathe the woman, hating that she wasn't here when she needed her. And in all reality she started to feel…

A bit lost.

"Lil!" Andrew yelled form his bedroom, "Lil! Lil!" He screamed like a banshee that Lilith had read in fairytales. If there was anything that Lilith had read in that story, it was that when a banshee screamed out, something terrible was about to happen.

The girl's eyes widened at the desperate shrieks coming from her brother's room. Her instincts took over all other senses, and she knew she had to get to her brother quickly. Something was wrong, and she needed to get to him as quickly as possible. The young teen stood up, composing herself frivolously as she ran down the hallway to seek out her brother.

She almost tripped a few times over her own shoes, she was running as fast as her legs could carry her. Adrenaline and raw panic overcame any other emotion that she was experiencing. It was to the extent where she couldn't even feel her limbs any longer.

Still, she had to keep moving.

"Andy!" Lilith used the nick name to call out to her brother. She knew that the hallway wasn't as long as she was currently running down. She found it odd and frightening all at once that she was still running at this point. The hallway seemed endless, with every step she took, the hallway would get longer. After a few seconds of persistence, she would still be no step closer to her brother's room.

"Andy, please, where are you!" She yelled out, wiping away her tears with her long sleeve so her brother wouldn't know that she longed for their parents - that she wasn't as strong as he thought she was.

That deep inside she was as lost as she was determined.

"Andy!" She screamed again, her breath hitching in her throat. She stopped running, out of breath from the long trek of getting nowhere. Her throat burned with every intake of breath. Not knowing if her current state of exhaustion was from screaming out for her brother, or from running.

Her brother's screaming was all the girl needed to fuel her again, "No!" He yelled, and Lilith closed her eyes to concentrate. If her eyes were betraying her, then she would use her own memorization of her home.

She knew this place like the back of her hand, every crack in the wall, every table in the hallway. The pictures adorning the walls, and each and every door placement. Although she felt stuck, she knew she could pull through. With one foot in front of the other, she quickly walked towards where she believed was his room.

"Lil!" Andrew breathed out in relief, glad at just seeing his sister responding to his cries.

She opened her eyes and found that there was a dark shadow at the foot of his bed. The door was just how she had left it, allowing her to see in. At the sight of the demon in front of her, her stomach had started to burn. She pushed the pain away, and figured it was due to her disorientation from before.

The shadow's arm was outstretched, its hand being offered for the young boy to take, "Get away from him!" She yelled, entering the room and quickly placing herself between her brother and the monster in front of them.

The shadow's white eyes glanced at her, as if taking in her form and examining all of her possible weaknesses. Both children sat on the bed, Lilith in front of him protectively, but she was trembling with fear. Fear of the unknown, possibly, with a strange creature being displayed in front of her. Or maybe, it was the fear of not being able to protect her brother.

Lilith knew it was a combination of both.

"Leave!" Lilith ordered, though it was hard to keep the strained terror out of her tone. Still, she had to be strong for her brother. She was the oldest sibling – she had to look out for him.

"Lil, he won't leave!" Andrew whined, burying his face into his sister's back. "You can't let him take me!" He screeched, although his voice was muffled. She felt his tears moisten her shirt, and this only made her need to protect him grow.

The shadow blinked its unyielding eyes, and lowered its arm. Lilith took this as a sign of surrender and quickly grabbed an unused candlestick from the side table, and held it up to the strange phenomena.

"Leave, now!" She yelled, this time in a stronger tone. She held the weapon and poised it to swing at the being. She knew she had to attack it, but the trembling and shaking wouldn't stop. Her nerves wouldn't calm down, and this made the shadow take a step forward. Its body seemed to disobey the laws of physics, since its form went right through the bed and started to make its way to the siblings.

Andrew clenched his tiny hands around his sister's mid-section, while not looking up at the shadow - now standing directly in front of them. The surprise hold of her mid-section made the girl tense up. Her breath had suddenly left her, and Lilith heard a small, "Go away," being chanted over and over again, as if it was serving as a mantra for her younger brother.

"I told you to leave!" Lilith pushed, placing the candlestick towards the being. She watched with wide eyes of disbelief as the object went directly through the body. It was then that she felt a feeling of extreme coldness. The shiver that went through her entire being made her aware that this entity was a concentrated mass of darkness. The candlestick was then ripped from the girl's hands, and was sent through the shadow only to be forced into the wall behind it.

Lilith could only stare at the small dent being caused by such an object. The candlestick that she had used as a weapon was stuck in the wall. She looked back to the shadow, only to notice too late that it had grabbed her wrist. Its grip was strong, and she immediately winced at the pain erupting through her arm. Then, there was a coldness that seemed to invade her body, making her senses go numb.

"Andrew," she managed to mumble out, though her mouth felt as if she had just ate an entire plate of ice, "R-Run," she shivered out and the boy shook his head in cowardice.

"I won't leave you, Lil!" He argued, and Lilith could no longer feel her limbs. She couldn't struggle against the shadow any longer and let her body sag, the energy being drained from it completely. "L-Lil!" Andrew's voice yelled at his sister giving into the shadow. Though, to the young teen, it felt as if water was rushing through her ears, making her brother's voice seem miles away.

"Run…" She whispered out, slumping her form forward, closing her eyes. It was then that the shadow let go of her wrist and tossed her aside, as if she were nothing more than a rag doll to the being. She hit the floor, a few feet away from the window.

"And…Rew…" She struggled to say, hearing the muffled screams of her brother as she opened her eyes a little. She saw the shadow grab her brother by the middle and held him under the shadow's arm. "No!" She yelled, bringing her arm up with her hand outstretched in vain towards him, "Please, no!" She begged with all her might.

The shadow took a glance at the teen on the ground as if taking her words in carefully, "T-Take me!" She offered up.

The shadow turned its head, uninterested in her offer. It walked through the window, seemingly turning itself and her brother intangible along the way.

"Lil! Lil! Help!" Andrew screamed, trying to pound the shadow with his bare fists in a desperate attempt to be let go. It then flew out the window, and Lilith watched as the thing took her brother into the night sky. She felt the last of her remaining energy being depleted knowing that she couldn't stop the thing from taking her brother.

Her eyes closed in disbelief.

She couldn't protect him…

She couldn't protect her brother.

What kind of big sister was she?

Footsteps entered the room, and then a gasp echoed off the walls. The footsteps got louder, along with a persistent screaming in Lilith's ear. It was muffled, and it sounded like whoever was talking was worried and concerned. She struggled to open her eyes and found her father standing above her, his mustache was twisted to the right because of the humidity in the forest.

She tried to stand up, but found that her muscles wouldn't work. Her limbs wouldn't listen to what she told them to do. Her father got on one knee and placed a hand on her arm, only to immediately draw back. The girl started to shiver, and she could not think of a time where she was this cold.

"You're freezing!" Her father yelled, looking at the vacant bed that his son was supposed to be in. He grabbed the thin comforter and placed it around his daughter's porcelain white skin. She was fragile - she was his only daughter, and she couldn't fight like a man could. He would never expect her to fight because he didn't want her to get hurt.

"What happened?" He asked as the winter's unforgiving winds entered the room through the open window. Lilith could tell that it was morning, the early sunrise was just appearing over the various buildings of London.

At seeing his daughter being despondent, the man let out a curse and stood up. He closed the window, only to have a sudden thought cross his mind.

"Did someone come in here?" He asked, running over to his daughter to help her off the wooden floor, "Did someone take your brother?!" He yelled, a mixture of anger and terror in his voice. He was angry mostly at himself for not being there to stop the person from taking his only son.

Lilith furrowed her eyebrows.

It wasn't someone.

That thing wasn't human.

"Some…Thing," Lilith struggled to say, the effect on the shadow grabbing her still made her feel numb to the bone. He grabbed a chair with his foot and propped her up on it next to the window. The sun's warmth would be able to help with the cold.

The father was confused when the shivering didn't stop, and when the cold didn't lift - even when a blanket was over her. He didn't understand why this was happening to him - to his family.

Why did his family always have to suffer?

Her father let out another colorful swear, "Lily," her father addressed to her, making the girl look up at him, "What happened?" He asked, wanting information. She opened her mouth to respond, but the man only heard the chattering of her teeth together. "Never mind, you warm up," he ordered, more than suggested, and he walked out scornfully from the room.

Lilith brought the blanket closer to herself, "A-A-And-drew," she stuttered, still not feeling her lips on her face. Hot tears started to roll down her face, they were hot to her cold and sensitive skin. She looked out the window to observe the early morning traffic of London.

"P-P-Please!" She pleaded, tilting her head up to the sky. Where she had last seen her brother and that damned shadow along with him.


Her father was talking to the police all day, while still trying to cater to his daughter's needs. Night had rolled around, and Lilith stood at the window with a blanket draped over her shoulders - the very same window her brother was taken from. She had an entire day, an entire day of self-loathing; of despair. She mustered up enough hate for her entire family towards the shadow.

"I know you're out there," Lilith hissed, addressing the night sky. The stars being the only thing that was looking back at her. "I know that you can hear me…" She trailed, not wanting to sound crazy, she doubted her own logical knowledge at her actions.

"Somehow…" She bartered with her inner consciousness. Somehow this creature exists and had kidnapped her brother right in front of her. She didn't understand how this was possible. Faintly, she remembered something similar happening to her when she was around his age.

There was a breaking sound resonating from downstairs in the kitchen, dragging the teenager from her thoughts. Her father had a short temper, and he was taking it out on the fine china. The same china that her mother had collected while she was still alive.

Lilith clenched the window sill, "Take me," she ordered, her voice being leveled. If anyone who had known Lilith had heard her, they would be shocked by how angry she sounded, by her amount of animosity towards anyone. Lilith was a kind and respectable girl, the kind that brightened up anyone's day.

"Take me, and bring my brother back!" She yelled up at the sky. She was such a mess about the entire situation that she hadn't changed since the day previously.

"You really gather that he's the one you want?" She asked, trying to manipulate the shadow to return, "He's nothing compared to me," she stated out loud, "He's not strong enough for whatever task you set for him, whereas I can do whatever you want me to!" She yelled, tears threatened to pour from her eyes.

She started to realize how silly she was acting, how ridiculous and completely mad she was.

She was yelling up at the sky for a shadow creature.

Yet, this wasn't the first time she had done something that questioned her mental stability.

Lilith let her fists pound against the window sill and she shook her head, "Maybe I just imagined it…?" She asked, questioning herself. She shook her head, "No, no, I wouldn't just envision something completely…" She trailed, walking away from the window. She started to pace in the room going over her thoughts. Her hands ran through her hair, pushing it back

"But what if I am a horrible sister?" She asked, feeling a certain way that she hadn't since her mother died. "I'm…lost…" She admitted, holding her arms together tightly across her chest. "I'm lost and I don't know where to go!" She yelled, landing on her knees, not caring if her gentle skin would be bruised because of it.

"I don't know what to do! Mother!" She yelled, pleaded to be heard, "I need guidance, I need someone to lead me on the right path!" She yelled, placing her hands on the wooden floor. Her palms were exposed to the cold, unforgiving floor.

"I need Andrew, and I need father, but where are they when I need them?" She whispered, letting the tears flow freely from her eyes. The teenager felt one roll down her cheek, and she brought the back of her hand to wipe it away.

The teenager was too caught up in her emotions that she failed to notice a figure walking behind her. By the time she noticed something standing beside her, it was too late. She looked up with wide eyes only to recognize the shadow that had taken her brother. She was speechless, knowing what she wanted to say to the shadow, should she ever meet it again. Yet, the entire speech filled with hatred and venom that she had prepared - she had forgotten in an instant.

She seemed to be in a daze as the shadow outstretched its arm, its hand being offered to the teen.

Lilith knew that she shouldn't take the hand, but she couldn't stop herself from taking it. She placed her hand into the shadow's, watching as its white eyes seemed to brighten at the stupid mistake that the girl had just made. She realized it too late as she was quickly brought to her senses by the cold sensation that the shadow brought.

"Wait!" She yelled, trying to pull away, only for the shadow to tighten its hold on the girl. It wanted her, and it wasn't about to let her go. She quickly countered by trying to place her entire body weight on the ground.

"I-I don't want this!" She tried to argue when the shadow brought the girl to her feet - as graceful as a race horse. She stumbled forward a few steps, the shadow not giving a care if it had hurt her in any way. She wasn't going to escape its grasp no matter what she would try and do.

The girl tried to pull away again, and knew that if she were to leave, then there would be no one here to care for her father.

She couldn't leave her father alone, not when she was all he had left.

"F-Father! Father!" Lilith yelled for her only protector she had in her life. Without warning, she was jolted forward, the shadow eager to make their departure before any witnesses arrived.

"Father, help! It's taking me!" She informed, trying to bring her father out of his despair to help her.

"Father!" She yelled again. She suddenly stopped screaming when she realized this is exactly what her younger brother had done, he had screamed to the one person that he had relied on to save him. She wondered what her father will feel when he realized that he couldn't protect her either.

A sense of hopelessness and dread filled her.

The shadow flew out the window at full force, making Lilith hold onto the shadow's hand for safety, "Father!" She yelled again, stuffing down that emotion just to try and get her father to save her. She realized that by calling to the shadow, it was downright idiotic.

Now, her father wasn't just without one child…

He was childless.

"Nooo!" She shrieked, trying to make the shadow drop her. She needed to get back home, she needed to be there to comfort her father.

The night air made her sick, and she looked down to realize that they were only going higher through the town, "You…You…" Lilith started, her anger and persistence getting the better of her. White eyes looked down at her as she looked up at it, "You better unhand me, you heathen!" She yelled, not thinking of a better insult to usher at the thing. Its white eyes glistened brightly, and Lilith seemed to think it was laughing at her attempts at sounding vulgar.

"Let me go, I said!" She yelled, trying to grab its arm with her free hand. Her plan was to try and get its hand to let go of hers. She let out a gasp of surprise when it went right through the arm. "I-I-Impossible," she whispered, watching as they reached the clouds.

"Dreaming, I'm dreaming, and this is a dream!" She tried to convince herself of the impossible journey that she was finding herself on. Despite it being impossible, she knew deep inside that it wasn't a dream. That this was all real, and it was all happening. She wanted nothing more than to be back with her father. For her to make him some tea and calm him down.

They started to fly lower, and Lilith widened her eyes at the sight of an island, "I will not hesitate to use lethal force!" Lilith bluffed at the thing holding her captive. She didn't know how to fight, her father never taught her how. She was a girl, and girls were supposed to be elegant and delicate. The shadow didn't even spare her a glance at her supposed 'threat', and she knew that the shadow didn't think that highly of her.

They descended in a forest, and a few feet off the ground, the shadow let go of the girl. She fell on the harsh ground roughly, and made a painful gasp when she landed on her stomach. The teenager heard a small chanting in the forest that she was in, a small ways to the left of her. She lifted her head, her hair completely disheveled from the journey and the rough landing to the strange place.

Confusion was her first immediate feeling.

After that came the small feeling of being lost, which quickly left as soon as it came.

Quickly looking up to see where the shadow was, she wasn't surprised when she found that it was gone.

She was then sitting herself up, not even bothering to pat the dirt off her clothes, "Andrew?" She whispered through the forest. She stood up, looking around the dark forest. Her body still hurt from the fall, but she pushed that away to find her brother in this place.

He had to be in this place.

She squinted her eyes in an attempt to see better, she wasn't used to the darkness. A small light alerted her to where people were.

"Andrew…?" She whispered through the thick brush, and started to walk through the small trees. She quickly realized that what she was currently wearing would not work in a jungle. Her shirt got caught on some of the low tree branches a few times, and leaves and rocks had found themselves in her shoes.

The laughter of young boys soon filled her ears, and her senses were instantly put on high alert. She entered the area, and looked at the scene from behind a large bush. She observed as the young boys danced around the fire, laughing and all dancing to the same beat.

"What on Earth?" Lilith questioned, not understanding this at all. They were dancing, but she couldn't hear the music that they were dancing to. She slowly made her way to the small campfire, when she noticed that there were tents behind that, signaling her that this was a camp.

A camp for who?

A boy ran at her with a happy grin, "Lil!" He yelled, making Lilith glance down at the boy. She immediately enveloped him into a hug, and wouldn't let go when he made a small complaint that she was cutting off his oxygen.

"Lil, we have to get out of here!" Andrew yelled, looking over at the campfire. "These boys are crazy!"

"I didn't notice," Lilith agreed in a sarcastic manner, yet, still understanding the situation. She motioned her brother to the forest with a small push to his back. "We have to make haste," she informed, Andrew nodded, just the idea that his sister was there was enough to put his nerves at ease.

Having him with her, however, did not do the same for the girl.

What if she couldn't protect him again?

"And where do you think you're going, Dent?" Asked a teenager that held a menacing looking knife in his hand. It was jagged and uneven, it even appeared to be carved from a bone of some king of animal. It looked as if it could pierce right through the skin and even the bone.

He walked over to the siblings, impatience was clearly being displayed on his face. At first, all Lilith recognized was the knife, and she took a step in front of her little brother. She hadn't realized that he had said the wrong name to her brother until she thought about it.

Andrew let out a frown, hugging his sister from behind for comfort, "That's not my name!" He argued, wanting to run away at the moment.

The boy let out a smirk, "It is if Pan thinks it is," he stated intelligently. His knife being raised to be eye level with the teen himself. He watched the blade's reflection of something that was behind him, not caring that the siblings were there at the moment, "In fact, Pan wants to meet the two of you right now."

"You will let us go home," Lilith ordered in a strong tone, though she couldn't stop the trembling that accompanied her fake confidence. A surge of anger started to overcome her, and she realized that the trembling hadn't come because she was scared.

It was from the sudden rush of anger.

"Or what?" The teen boy asked dryly and in a bored manner. "You'll what?" He pushed, walking closer to the siblings, his knife still being poised to be used. The teen girl glanced at her brother and then at the boy, "Attack me?" He asked, clearly thinking that was a joke as soon as he said it. "You're just a stupid girl!"

Lilith let out an uncharacteristic growl, making her brother become even more scared, "You shouldn't underestimate me!" She yelled, letting an unknown anger surface. She charged at the boy, clearly he wasn't expecting such a reaction from a girl.

After all, girls were never aggressive or furious.

His eyes went wide, and she readied a punch to the face of the boy. They both landed on the ground, with Lilith being on top of him with her teeth clenched, "You think you can take my brother and get away with it?!" She asked him, not expecting the boy underneath her to answer. She punched him in the jaw, not caring that her hand started to bruise and bleed at the impact.

"Lil!" Andrew yelled in fear of his sister. He started to shake, taking a step back, only for a hand to comfort him. The boy glanced up and noticed that Pan was standing next to him, a smirk on his face. Just seeing that dreaded smirk, Andrew let out a small whimper and tried to move away. Pan, however, wouldn't let him wander too far and tightened his grip on the boy. Pan placed a finger up to his lips, signaling for the boy to be quiet.

Andrew was in too much shock to say anything regardless.

"I very much dislike people such as you!" Lilith yelled bringing the boy's upper body up since her fists had dug into his torso, "Think you can just boss people; especially a girl around?" She hissed out, only to stop when she heard clapping.

The anger that she was experiencing had suddenly stopped, and she froze what she was doing. She blinked slowly, as if to realize what she had done. She looked down at the bloodied form of the boy who was trying to appear threatening. Taking a few quick steps back from her victim, she examined the extent of the damage.

"Oh…No…" She trailed out, quickly placing a hand up to her chest in shock. She didn't remember a time where she was that angry – not since her mother had died and the neighborhood boys had bullied her because of it.

Pan revealed himself from the shadows with her brother with him, "You sure are ferocious, aren't you, Lilith?" He asked with a small cock of his head, "Felix, take him," he ordered a teenager who was merely observing the fight.

Lilith glanced over at the hooded boy, and felt a wave of shame fall over her.

"You really were worth the wait," Pan complimented walking over to the girl. Her white sleeved shirt was bloodied, and was ripped in the scrimmage. She hadn't even realized that the other boy had a weapon and he had cut her somewhere while they were fighting.

Too consumed in anger, she hadn't even felt the pain.

The words that Pan had spoken to her were lost on her. She didn't understand anything that came out of his mouth. She was too fearful of herself to notice how the wind started to shift on the island. The boys all took a step back.

Lilith took a step back from the group that had gathered and shook her head, "No, I didn't…" She whispered out, refusing to believe that she had almost killed a boy. That wasn't what girls do, that wasn't their purpose. That wasn't helping others in need - that was downright taking others for granted.

"I did not do that," she chanted to herself, though Pan was only enjoying the emotion that was coming off her in waves. It took him only seconds to realize that she starting to doubt herself. An emotion that he fed on and fueled him.

She was lost.

Then within seconds, it was gone, making Pan furrow his eyebrows in confusion and a small amount of anger overcame him. No wonder he was so drawn to the girl, she would go from feeling lost in a second to perfectly content in the next few. He glanced to who she was looking at and found her anchor. Her brother kept her from fully releasing what she felt.

He would need to stop that where it started.

Or else the game couldn't progress.

"You were like a tiger, weren't you?" He asked, drawing the girl's focus back on him, "Tiger Lily…it suits you, doesn't it?" He asked, already renaming the girl in front of him. He did that to gain power, to break people. The easier it was to break them, then they would cave into feeling lost. It gave him more power, and power was everything to Pan.

"Ah, I should probably introduce myself, I'm Peter. Peter Pan."

"We need to go home," Lilith informed Pan as she walked over to her brother. She completely ignored what he had said to her, too caught up in her current predicament. Her need to go home was stronger than her need to appease the teenager in front of her.

Andrew, however, took a step back in fear of his sister's arrival towards him. She watched how terrified he was of her, and she stopped her pursuit towards him. She looked down at herself, knowing that the blood on her clothes wasn't making the situation any better. Lilith didn't know if it was her blood, or if it was the other boy's.

She gathered it was most likely a combination of both. That didn't make her feel any more pride in what she had done. It certainly didn't make her feel any satisfaction in knowing that she was once again endorsing violence into her life.

Pan let out a small chuckle, "I don't think you understand," he stated, purposefully being cryptic. The girl looked back up at him, "You are home," Pan said slowly, letting the girl take it in. He wasn't disappointed when her eyes widened at the statement.

He liked seeing that emotion, already his power started to increase just by the girl's emotions by herself. "Welcome to Neverland!" He greeted placing his hand off of Andrew's shoulder and walking into his camp. He passed Lilith with a smirk plastered on his face, "Where you'll never leave," he whispered to her.

Lilith turned and placed a hand on her chest in shock at the statement. She realized though, it wasn't a statement so much as a promise. She looked over at her brother, who refused to meet her eyes. Andrew saw her as a monster - about as crazy as the kids around them - and she knew that they needed to get off the island and back home before any more damage was done. She didn't know if she could control herself around the boys, and especially Pan. She only knew that the unfamiliar anger had made her do these things, and if she couldn't find a way home in time, she would probably end up like the rest of the Lost Ones.

That thought terrified her.

To be continued…