Sleight of Hand

D'artagnan spotted Vadim in the distance, walking away with a burning branch: this could be fun. He silently slipped forwards, until he was only a few meters away

"Vadim" he hissed, watching with amusement as Vadim whipped around

"You're full of surprises" said Vadim with surprise: he had expected the boy to perish when the gunpowder blew up.

"Well, I had a good teacher" D'artagnan replied with a wry smile, wondering what Athos would make of that compliment were he here to hear it.

Vadim made a grab for D'artagnan: he slipped back into the shadows, feeling a grim satisfaction for the frustration he was causing Vadim to feel.

He taunted Vadim for a few seconds longer, briefly slipping out of the shaodws before vanishing again, however the game had to end. Vadim had to pay for what he had done.

D'artagnan went to strike Vadim down with his sword, only to find his blade parried away. The two duelled for a few seconds, but it was clear that D'artagnan had the upper hand. Vadim desperately went for a clumsy strike, but D'artagnan stopped it with ease, before feeling his sword enter soft flesh.

Vadim faded out of the light.

D'artangnan stood in shock for a few moments, before hearing the sound of running footsteps coming towards him. He whipped around, expecting another threat, but instead was immensely relived to see Athos, Aramis and Porthos running towards him. A look akin to relief flashed in Athos' eyes for a moment, before his express shifted back to the emotionless mask he usually held in place.

"So you are alive" Athos said

"I think so?" D'aratgnan replied, a slight question in his tone that Aramis picked up on, his eyes immediately scanning the boy over to make sure he was not seriously injured. A quick examination had him satisfied that D'artangnan was alright, and he focused on the conversation again.

"Vadim?" asked Athos, back to business as soon as he realised d'artagnan was, for now, alright.

"Wounded" replied D'artagnan "badly. He can't have got far"

The four men ran in the direction they believed Vadim to have gone, catching up with him just outside the tunnels. It was clear he was in a bad way.

"I should have strangled you in the Chatelet, saved myself a lot of trouble" gasped Vadim as he fell to the ground.

"Why didn't you?" D'artagnan demanded- he had to know why he was still alive

"For the fun of it- it was a good trick" whispered Vadim "Should've worked" he muttered as his head hit the ground. His face grew lax, and his hand opened, revealing the coin that had become so significant in this mission.

"Nearly did"- the words were out of his mouth before he could stop them. It was only as D'artagnan straightened up that he released the truth behind his words- he was incredibly lucky to be alive.

D'artagnan stood in shock: he couldn't believe that he was alive just because Vadim had wanted a bit of fun. His first musketeer mission had gone badly wrong- he hadn't prevented the explosion, he hadn't taken Vadim alive, and he would have died if it hadn't of been for Vadim's love of tricks. How was Athos going to react to this shambles? He certainly wouldn't let him go on another mission, or maybe even train with the musketeers anymore. He may as well just lea-

"D'artagnan." Athos' voice brought him out of his miserable thought process.

D'artagnan looked up, expecting a tirade about how badly he had messed up. However, the moment he glanced at Athos' expression, hope bloomed in his mind. It was as emotionless as ever, but D'artagnan thought he glimpsed a flicker of pride in his eyes.

All Athos said was "You did a good job", but it was enough to bring D'artagnan out of his gloom and bring a slight smile to his face.

"As touching as this is, I think it's time we got D'artagnan back to the Garrison- he looks dead on his feet" Aramis said, a slight smirk on his face at the reaction he knew was coming

"I'm fine" D'artagnan replied, frowning at the three musketeers' smirks.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Have you looked at yourself recently?" Porthos grinned "You look like you've been hit by a carriage!"

"Or an explosion" Athos said blandly: the jovial atmosphere vanished. "How close were you to that explosion?"

"It doesn't matter" D'artagnan replied in an exasperated tone "I'm fine". He walked back into the tunnels, trusting that the others would follow.