
The sound of his door opening, alerted the King of Ooo that he had a visitor. Finn looked up from the letter he'd been composing to find Ingrid coming across his office towards him. She was wearing one of the diaphanous gowns that all his ladies seemed to like now, its soft folds showing off her swollen belly. She was in the final stages of pregnancy now. Brushing her soft blonde hair back, the sexy amazon smiled at him as she approached. Finn licked his lips as he watched her big, pregnant boobies sway under the soft glass threads.

Slipping into his lap, the sexpot murmured, "are you still going?" With a sigh, Finn said, "kind of have to, babe." He took this King of Ooo thing seriously. He had to go look in on something on the far side of the world near Sakura's place. Honestly though, he knew much of her disappointment stemmed from the fact that Nadia would be going with him. Of course it was her flying machine, just as Sakura was her neighbor. "I'll be back in time for the birth," murmured Finn.

That was what a man did. A man juggled his family against his work, even if he sacrificed himself. Both were too important to let fall. More to the point, this was Ingrid's first and last real chance. Simon and Marceline had gone to bat for her, and now she had to prove herself worthy of that or find herself in the Night-O-Sphere with all the demons of eternity gnawing on her bod. There was still a lot of darkness in her, much as there had been in Cherry. Finn had made it a project to show her what a family was meant to feel like.

Sliding his arms around her swollen middle, he kissed Ingrid's cheek. It was all she got these days–a major source of frustration when she could hear him fucking the shit out of one of the others across much of the week. He was getting better rest now, though. The pack of princesses still had kingdoms to run, and they were gone as often as they were present. "Maja's been asking for you," sighed Ingrid. Having figuratively helped to destroy the witch's mind, Ingrid was suffering a serious bout of remorse, even if Theo had egged her on to do it, and she often looked in on the madwoman. Finn nodded. Work had been in the way. Again. Still. He stopped by to look in on her as often as he could, but he had a world to run. There was so much to do cleaning up the mess left by the Lich and his evil creations, and he was still working on getting his own castle built in the west. Giving his lady a kiss, Finn told her he would stop by and see the sorceress before he left town.

Ingrid went her way, and the big man finished up the letter he'd written. He was sending a message to Aysun. The Emerald Princess was flexing her muscles now, looking for ways to exploit the chaos that Ooo was suffering. Like Abeiuwa before her, she was trying to advance herself and make hay out of the madness. As with Abeiuwa, Finn wasn't having any of it. He wasn't above putting her over his knee again, both literally and figuratively. Right now, with Ingrid's army and his own, plus access to Nadia's tech, and a few Fire Elementals, Finn had the power to make Aysun howl. Folding the letter away, he called out to his secretary to take it.

"You know you're supposed to dictate them," teased Breakfast. It was slutty pregnant-girl look today. It was usually slutty something-or-other with her. Freed at last of the burden of her throne and all its responsibilities, she had become a happier, mellower person. Finn teased her, "nah-uh. Dictating to princesses can get you in all kinds of trouble, man." Stroking the bulge occupying her middle with the tip of a finger, Breakfast teased him back, "if I'm a man, how did you manage to do this to me?" Finn flushed to his hair. Yeah, she had him there.

Serious again, he asked, "how's Toast?" "Better," she replied. "Caught her watching your son-in-law's ass the other day." Which meant she was getting back to her old, slutty self. "Thank-you for caring, Finn," his wife sighed. The big man frowned at her, but she took the letter and slipped out once more. She was getting better too, but the damage done to her sisters was still heavy on her mind. Rising, Finn grabbed his coat and headed out. Breakfast had already sent his bag down. Now he had just one stop to make before leaving.

Maja's prison was more gilded cage than anything. Knowing that Death had set her up to add the spark to the war Wildberry had started as a means to 'get mortality back on track' on Ooo had gone a long way towards reducing a lot of the anger against her. Most of the princesses of Ooo actually felt sorry for her in her current condition. Bonnie had set her up in a corner of the Candy Palace with a beautiful wall-walk that was hers alone, and Finn would sometimes spend hours out there with her watching the sunrise or sunset while they read from the extensive collection of books he'd brought from her old library.

Leaving Breakfast at her desk in his private office, Finn got up and headed across the palace to the VIP section of Bonnie's dungeon. On his way there, he ran into Dr. Princess, who had just got done looking in on his prisoners. Semi-retired now, the good doctor now spent most of her time looking after Finn's rather large extended family. Her brown eyes sparkled as she came down the hall towards him, wearing her trademark labcoat and sweater-dress. She put an extra sway into her step, making her sexy broad hips wig-wag back and forth.

As Drew Princess approached, Finn caught her by the waist and pulled her into his arms. As they kissed, Finn grabbed a handful of her full bottom, giving that magnificent muscle a squeeze. "Mmm," moaned the beautiful older woman. "I was hoping I'd see you before you went..." Finn grinned at her. Waggling a finger under his nose, she said, "not for that, sweetie, though the thought gives me a thrill..." Frowning, Finn asked, "is something wrong?" "Nothing serious," Drew replied. "Just wanted to remind you to look in on Little-Maja. It helps her..." He knew. There were days Maja seemed as if she would be alright, but there were scary days when she had seizures and fits. Simone's research into the toxin that nearly killed her was bearing little fruit, and there were days Drew feared she might well be getting worse.

Giving him a peck on the lips, Drew turned to go. As she was walking away, she said, "I don't agree with your taking Nadia with you. Cyborg or not, she's getting a bit far along to be running around." Finn sighed, "she insists on going, Drew. I... can't make her stay." Drew flushed. She knew the game right enough. None of them were happy to see their husband flying off to these far-flung locales by himself. He'd more than earned the rest, and they had more than earned the right to have him to themselves. But that ship has sailed, thought Drew, as she declared, "no fighting, and a good eight hours of sleep every night. Alone, Finn."

The King of Ooo blushed to his hair at that snarky comment. Truth be told, Finn wasn't happy to have Nadia tagging along. Nor was he the one likely to be frisky. He'd been seeing signs that the Curse might not be gone after all, and Sybil had told him that she still felt it somehow. If it was still active, that meant his kids–and, by extension their mothers–were still in danger. He wanted to go to Wizard City and look into it with Simone and Emeraude, but, in the now, he continued on his way to see Maja.

The VIP dungeon was forever home of a quintet of misbehaving princesses. Bathilde held down the cell in the corner. She was still in a state of profound shock. Along with the Berry-folk, her people had born the brunt of Suadela's attack. The Dipped had killed thousands and laid waste to Elbow Kingdom. Yolanda had the cell next door. She was content, if not happy with her weights and her endless rounds on the treadmill and stair-stepper. Maudie was next in the line, and she was bitter and shrill to Bathilde's shock and despair. She had cussed Finn so often that the big man routinely expected the rough side of her tongue whenever he came here. If she didn't cuss him, he sent Drew in to see if she was alright.

Maudie's closest neighbor was also her closest friend. Wildberry. The pretty berry-woman spent her days on a letter-writing campaign aimed at a reduction in her rather harsh sentence. It was strident letters of protest or cajoling requests for clemency. She'd directed those missives at Finn early on. While he had the right to pardon her, Finn refused to override the votes of every princess on Ooo. Not when Wildberry was still insisting she'd done all those awful things for the right reason. Now she was writing every princess besides Bonnie, Belle, Ragnhild, Nadia, Abeiuwa, Toast, and Hurletta. She was angry at Finn and humiliated that he'd warmed her buns with his belt, so she ignored his greeting. She wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, so Finn was cool with that.

Blargetha was at the door of her cell as he approached, looking natty in a hip-hugging purple dress. "Hey, B," said Finn. She was boldly demanding–insisting on everything from outright freedom to a suite worthy of a royal. Today was no different, as she lit into him, snarling, "why am I given no windows–not even a skylight, while that fucking witch has a balcony?! This is an outrage! I'm a princess!" Smiling, Finn said, "when you stop trying to escape, I'll consider it." The slime-woman glared at him. Finn gave her a sweet smile and turned to go. "Wait," said she. Finn stopped. Her eyes held that same calculating look she always gave him. Shrugging her shoulders, she let her dress slide down a little baring a little of the strange flesh Maja had gifted her with. "I'd be willing to pay," she said.

That was a new one. Usually she just treated him like a fucking peasant, and either insulted him and all his family or tried to boss him around like he was the prisoner. It said something about maybe how miserable she was that she would do this. At the same time, it was the craziest offer he'd ever gotten, and he imagined that she'd gotten tired of testing the electrified gratings that brought air to her cell and the electrified bars on the door. She was much too big in her present form to slip past those, and she was much too vain to give up her new body, so she was pretty much here to stay. Finn laughed, "I'm already getting more than I can handle..." "You don't know what you're missing," shouted the evil princess! Shaking his head, Finn continued up the hall as Blargetha's curses and threats rang out behind him.

Arriving at Maja's place, Finn knocked on the door. She answered immediately, all but tearing the door open. He'd had to admonish her about that. She was prone to wander, and she'd nearly fallen down the stairs once during one of her episodes. They called her Little-Maja now. She was a bit of a mess with a mind more like a nine-year-old than the cunning and evil woman who'd engaged him in a battle of wits for the fate of the world. The toxin had twisted her mind beyond recognition, and Finn pitied her. Some days he found himself wanting to wring Ingrid's neck. He had managed, against the odds, to save the woman who'd been the Sky Witch from herself. He'd saved Maja from the darkness, but Ingrid had wrecked all his work with a few well-chosen words.

Maja, who was nattering on in her usual childish way, suddenly stopped, causing Finn to realize he was staring at her. It was the pity in him. He pitied her not least because she'd merely been Death's puppet. Theo could have let her be–let her live in her warped dreams in the space between life and death. Instead, he'd dragged her back into the land of the living and set her on a fool's errand to break the world for his amusement. That plan was now stopped, but they were still cleaning up the fallout.

One piece of that fallout was his daily game of Card Wars. He'd never been a fan of the game. After that one awful afternoon with Jake, he'd never played again until that fateful night in Engagement Ring Kingdom. Having taught Maja to play that wild night after they left Connie's party, he now found himself with an eternal opponent. Maja wanted to play every day. She could have played for hours–even days–at a stretch. It was all she ever wanted to do. She was happy and almost-normal when she was immersed in a game. Finn indulged her as much as he could. Pity was a strong-suit of his.

He'd feared early on that Cherry would leave him over it, but strangely enough, she understood it maybe better than him. He'd tried to save her soul, after all, and she'd had to watch her grandparents lose their minds in their old age. She'd actually confided to Star that she wasn't angry anymore. She no longer felt the all-consuming rage when she thought about the day Rootbeer died defending the Kingdom. All the old anger was gone, and for that Finn was thankful. He would gladly take the karma of having to play Card Wars with Maja every day to have one of his most-troubled wives mostly back to her old self again.

Of course that left him with new trials to face. He was constantly looking out for Toast–looking for signs of distress or depression. The men he'd assigned as her bodyguards were there to protect his old friend from herself as much as against enemies. And of course he had to deal with his discomfort with Maja's condition. He'd been intimate with her. Twice. It was every kind of creepy having to deal with her in this state. If that wasn't enough, having her seven months preggers left him struggling to hold onto his own sanity every day.

He wasn't sure if he'd knocked her up that crazy night in Emerald Kingdom after she'd tried and failed to wake the Firebleeder. Or it could have been the night he'd banged the shit out of her before the battle with Suadela's undead. They'd gone at it for hours on both nights, and he'd held nothing back at all. Not that it really mattered, when it had happened. She was happily knocked-up, even if she didn't really understand it, and now Finn had that karma to deal with too. Drew had told Maja about what it meant to have a baby, and she was thrilled, but they all knew she was utterly incapable of caring for even herself right now. More to the point, Finn was absolutely terrified that the same toxins that had shattered Maja's mind would twist the baby too.

They had, collectively, been blessed. Cole, Van, and Ember were all doing well, with no after-effects from the Quicksilver Curse. Now they were looking at long odds for Abeiuwa's daughter–due real-soon-now–and now for little Chiang. "They said you were going," whined Little-Maja. Hugging her–and trying not to be creeped out about having his girlfriend hugging him while she had the mind of a child–Finn said, "yeah, M... I have to." Strangely enough, Maja understood that. She would cry when he had to go on these trips, but she never asked him to stop. Maybe it was a submerged remnant of her shattered personality, but she understood what it meant to be King of Ooo. "You'll call, right," she pleaded? "Yeah," said Finn. "I'll call. We can do a few moves, ok?" Delighted, the madwoman stood on her toes and kissed his cheek. She was like a little girl with a crush. Finn gave her another hug, though he felt tremendous sadness looking at her like this. When he let go, she stood there smiling like a child who'd just gotten a piece of candy. Forcing himself to smile back when he really wanted to cry, Finn turned and got on his way. Karma. Yeah, karma sucked hard.

His driver, part time bodyguard, and full-time son-in-law was waiting with the car, and he set off as soon as Finn was settled in the rear seat. He was expecting a crop of grandkids to go with his third wave of kids, and he found himself going a little giddy thinking about it. Fionna was preggers with her second kid. Billy had a baby boom of his own going on. Bon and Frenchie were expecting alongside Randy and Shoko, and, in the middle of all that, there were signs that Star was finally starting a family of her own. He'd have plenty of company in his old age when he was finally able to walk away from all this.

Up ahead, Billy Mertens was dealing with his own situation. The saying went 'happy wife, happy life'. Which basically meant he was fucked. Proper fucked. Ragnhild, Abeiuwa, and Noemi had agreed to share, but that was all they were able to agree on. The trio fought like a basket of soggy cats over everything from where they were spending winter to how the kids were to be raised–and with all three knocked up, there were a whole lot of hormones in play. He'd vowed not to find himself in a jam like this, but the world had blown that hope away. Now he'd unluckily stumbled on the one other thing the trio agreed on.

None of them was happy he was still going on missions with his dad. Honestly, what was he supposed to do? Let him go alone? Fi, Shoko, and Star were preggers, Marshall was neutral, and Bon had the Candy Kingdom to run. There was nobody else to go, and he told them that. Ragnhild glanced away, and Abeiuwa glared at him. Noemi, ever the schemer, opened her mouth to suggest she go along. Billy shut her down, earning an irritated 'humph!'

Thor roared up with Finn in the back of the car. Almost as soon as the car was stopped, the King of Ooo was getting out. As Thor fished his bag from the trunk, Finn passed his son and daughters-in-law. He'd managed to get himself used to the idea that his son was boning three of his old girlfriends. Now he greeted them with a polite, 'ladies', as he passed by. Knowing his dad always cut it close, Billy moved on. He planted a heartfelt kiss on Ragnhild, promising to call and read to the boys. As always Abeiuwa played at being prickly. Seizing her still-hard body, he planted a scorching kiss on her plump lips, noting with some satisfaction the way she began to grind her hips against his. Turning to Noemi, he slipped his arms around her broad hips as he admonished her, "stay out of trouble..." Kissing her sweet lips, the younger man shouldered his bag and headed up the ramp.

Almost as soon as Billy was aboard, the ramp began to close. On the flight deck, Finn found his naughty cyborg fuck-beast going through the final stages of preparing for takeoff. Settling himself in the copilot's seat, Finn put his hand on Nadia's and said, "whenever you're ready, baby..." Grinning, Nadia, the Grid-Face Princess, eased the throttle forward, causing the aircraft to rise into the sky.

Nearby, a pair of beautiful faces observed the glint of sun on the airship's aluminum skin as they sat in the fall sun. Marceline Abadeer had all but forgotten what that felt like. "He's off again," sighed the Lord of Darkness. He'd been crazy busy these last months. She was trying to be philosophical about it, but it was tough. It helped to be here with her other favorite person. Bonnie was being girly today, wearing a sexy lace dressing gown that left little of her eternally hot body to the imagination. Marceline had sort of expected to get laid when she showed up, but Bonnie wasn't even trying to be coy.

"And what about you," said Bonnie. "When do you...? She meant the takeover. Marceline smirked. "Not like you're thinking," she said. "Dad's a little bent out of shape because his golf-partner's in solitary. Don't think he's retiring now." It was good news. Marceline no longer needed to exile herself, and that pleased her girlfriend immensely. "Told you I had it covered," Marceline crowed. Leering at her girl-toy, the demoness said, "now. You were supposed to be putting together that threesome. How are you going to make it up to me since you clearly failed to get number three...?"

Bonnie stood up and slipped into Marceline's lap, straddling her slim thighs. In moments the pair were intensely making out. Ironically, far from being the soft touch, it was Marceline that was rough, squeezing the pink princess's perky boobies almost hard enough to hurt. By contrast, Finn often treated them as if they'd break. The bubblegum woman did her share of touching, eventually managing to strip off the former vampire's leather jacket and then her blouse. Fingering the very feminine lace bra Marceline wore, the princess giggled, "that's very pretty!"

It was a comment calculated to push buttons. "Pretty, eh," growled the Dark Lord. Marceline picked up her pretty toy, carried her to the bed, and threw her on it. As the pink one played with herself, the demoness slipped out of her heels and micro-mini-skirt before climbing into bed. The two immediately went back at it, caressing and exploring each other.

They were well into it when a worried Peppermint Butler followed his master up to the door. He'd cast the aura-alteration spell on Ms. Sarah because she'd been planning to play a prank on Marceline. After all the trouble the former vampire had brought him, he was happy to help. At least he was until he realized he'd been duped. Now he was desperate to stave off the expected fireworks, but the princess wasn't listening. Indeed, as she opened her bedroom door on a lurid scene, Bonnie forgot all about the butler.

"Sarah," she babbled? "Y-you... Are you stealing my girlfriend too?!" Sarah Mertens shoved a surprised Marceline on her back and pinned her there. Coolly, she said, "you owe me, Bonnie. Get your ass in here and get out of that dress. And close the door. We're not doing a show for him." Face hot and stunned by this turn of events, Bonnibel shut the door in her butler's face. The subsequent rustle of cloth told Peppermint Butler all he needed to know. Face gone red hot, the manservant tore out of there as Sarah declared, "I've got some more candy for you, Marceline..."

And thus ends the saga of the King of Ooo...

I know a number of you have expressed a desire for another story arc. I'm not sure I'm ready to do that again at this time, as I'm pursuing some efforts at getting my own original material published. With that said, if I do find the time, I'd gladly take up the pen again and look in on Finn's crazy family.

I would also invite anyone interested in taking up the thread from here to write their own follow-on if they so desire. I've left a number of possible threads to pursue:

1.) (The obvious question...) Does Maja get her mind back?

2.) What happens to Maja's baby?

3.) For that matter, does Ingrid manage to redeem herself?

4.) Both Billy and Simone are 'sharing' their bodies with the entities that were the Ice-Crowns. What kind of long-term fallout will that cause?

5. Are the Hyoomens all gone? Is Susan still alive?

6.) What happens to Finn's captive princesses? There are at least two evil geniuses amongst the pack. It could be devastating if either Blargetha or Wildberry escaped.

7.) Do the aliens come back? Where there was one alien army, there could well be others?

8.) Do any more humans return to Ooo?

9.) Is the Quicksilver Curse truly gone? Or has it merely been put to sleep?

10.) Jungle Kingdom's got a LOT of radioactive ore in storage. What if the storage bunker starts to go critical?