So, my sister and I were toying with the idea of where exactly Error came from (mainly because he doesn't even remember) and people have been asking me what my thoughts on it was. The idea we came up with is that both Ink and Error were once 'Classics'. But they were taken from their timelines (one forcibly, the other volunteered but I'm not saying which!). Then came the question of who took them and why. That's when we found two versions of Sans that weren't like the others...they didn't have an 'Undertale' storyline (like how most AUs are *human falls down, saves/kills all the monsters*), they were brothers...there was no Papyrus...just them, and neither of them had a monster soul...but something different instead.

THIS IS NOT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY! We only are doing this for fun. We're not saying that this is what happened, this is only a possible thing that happened (As far as I know, Dream and Nightmare have nothing to do with Ink and Error). But hey, this is fanfiction and we're allowed to have a bit of fun. This is however, tied to my lil' sis' story 'Sansmania' (in which we have to take care of seven *cough* now fourteen *cough* little skelies). Error mentions to his Papyrus that someone told him that all of Error's family and friends were dead...but he won't say who. Well, you're gonna find out.

*NOTE* CAPS does not necessarily mean that the character is shouting. All AU incarnations of Papyrus speak in all caps (except for Underswap Papyrus), Gaster does as well and so does Blueberry Sans (should he appear). Error will speak in 'broken caps' (some will be capitalized, some not) because he glitches when he speaks.

"Bold Italic" would be the wingding font that Gaster speaks in. All skeletons can speak it though Gaster is the only one who can't speak any other language, so he uses magically conjured hands to speak with other monsters.

I own nothing. Undertale belongs to Toby Fox, Error Sans belongs to his creator, Ink Sans belongs to his creator, Dream and Nightmare Sans belong to their creator.

Chapter 1

Of Dreams and Nightmares

They say that at the center of the universe, there's a tree made of light. This tree is said to be the origin of all dreams and all feelings. Hence why it was called the Tree of Dreams. Sometimes when a dream or feeling is especially strong, the Tree will give off a great light or a great shadow. The first laugh of the first child born? The light from the Tree was so bright that it made a new star. The first tear shed by the first death? The shadows were so dark that a black hole had been formed.

The strangest of times though, were those when light and darkness came together, forming a dusk that turned the worlds myriad colors and yet grey at the same time. Those were times of powerful magic…those were times when the Tree did unpredictable things.

His eyes fluttered open, piercing blue as shadows danced around him. He struggled to right himself from the ground, his bones creaking as he tried. He looked up at his surroundings, at the magnificent Tree that sheltered him, that cast a dim golden glow over everything and a non-existent breeze blew through its leaves, making them whisper gently.

He looked down at himself, at his coal black clothes and features, tendrils of smoky shadow curling around his limbs. He took a few steps forwards, pitching towards the ground as his newly formed legs buckled, sending him skidding over a few of the roots.

"ack…wha…?" he stammered as the shadowy tendrils pushed him upright so that he stood on his own two feet, "huh, well…that's new…"

He put a hand on the Tree's bark to steady himself and a golden apple caught his eye. His blue eye shone in curiosity as he reached out to touch the golden thing…only for it to wither, rot, darken at his touch. He jerked his hand back as it fell off the tree and to the ground with a wet splat.

"i didn't…" he gasped, taking his hand off the Tree just in case it started to rot too…

The leaves rustled and the dim golden light started to shine brighter and brighter, so bright that he had to shield his eyes. After a little while, the light dimmed and he lowered his hands away from his eyes. What he saw surprised him.

It was a skeleton, much like himself, but still asleep in the roots of the Tree.

He slowly made his way down off his root and hopped down next to the sleeping skeleton. He wore a thin, golden circlet on his head, a light blue jacket with slightly darker pants. The jacket was closed with a golden belt with the initials, 'DS' on it and bells that gave soft tinkling noises when the skeleton moved in his sleep.

"uh…heya…" he started, gently shaking the other skeleton's shoulder.

"mmmm?" came the sleepy reply as a pair of golden eyes fluttered open, "oh! uh…who are you?"

"…heh, that's the question, huh?" the darker skeleton shrugged, "you know about as much as i do,"

"…so it's a possibility that this is a dream?" Gold-eyes asked.

"or a nightmare dependin' on how ya see it," Blue-eyes replied.

They listened to the whisper of the leaves above them, smiling as something clicked in them both.

"dream," Gold-eyes smiled, "that's my name! my name is dream…but it's sans too…"

"heh, same on the sans part," Blue-eyes replied, "but uh…i guess that means nightmare is mine. gee, what a name. thanks whoever gave it to me…"

"aw, c'mon, nightmare's not a bad name…just think, the bullies that pick on you won't do it very long! they'll be too scared!"

"y-yeah! you're right, dream!" Blue-eyes, Nightmare, smiled, "and they won't pick on you because you're too nice…and if they do…i'll beat 'em up for ya,"

Gold-eyes, Dream, gave a smile that made the area brighter.

"so, if you're gonna protect me…does that mean you're my brother?"

Nightmare rubbed the back of his coal black skull, humming softly before shrugging.

"i dunno if that's how it works, dream, but uh…sure! i'll be your big bro…"

Dream gave a squeal and hugged Nightmare, making the darker skeleton freeze slightly.

"i've always wanted a brother!" Dream beamed, "now i've got a big one!"

Dream looked up at the withering Tree, tears streaming from his golden eyes as he bowed his head. What had happened to change his brother?

This…this wasn't supposed to happen.

"aw, you look so sad,"

Dream whipped around his grip on his golden staff tightening as the shadows congealed, forming a coal black skeleton with a single glowing blue eye.

"is that any way to greet your big brother?" Nightmare grinned, "what happened, lil' bro? aren'tcha gonna give your big bro a hug?"

"you destroyed our home," Dream started, "nightmare, why? we would have been happy…why do this?"

Nightmare gave a laugh, his shadows writhing as he gave a slightly manic grin.

"because it was fun," Nightmare chuckled, "and y'know what? 'm gonna keep doin' it…and you can't stop me!"

"watch me," came the uncharacteristically cold reply.

"oho! look who finally grew a backbone!" Nightmare sneered, putting his hands in his pockets as his shadows swirled around him in dripping tendrils, "proud of ya, dreamy, but that's not gonna do ya any good,"

"i won't let you take the hopes of others!" Dream growled, his golden eyes borderline orange with anger, a feeling that was very foreign to him and he didn't like it at all.

"fine," Nightmare shrugged, "i'll just get someone else to do it…"

"what are you…"

"catch ya later brother," Nightmare saluted before disappearing in a flash of blue light.

"what is he doing?" Dream wondered.

Next...we find out what Nightmare's up to and Dream may/may not find out about it. I'm sorry about this short chapter...but those of you that know me...uh...I'm kinda notorious for my short first chapters and my longer following ones.

Anyway, hope you liked it. If you did, please let me know!

Qui vállë tóquetë, ván tecë (If no review comes from y'all; no story comes from me)

Máriessë ar mára tecië

Farewell and fair writing

Elhini Prime signing off.