Full Synopsis:

Mai always expected to panic when he returned from England. She had assumed her heart wouldn't be able to see him after the words he had said to her that day. But now Naru and Lin have returned to Japan and she finds herself working once more as an assistant at SPR. Why would she not help if she had the abilities she did?

In the ten months the two stoic men were gone, Mai's abilities had gone through a series of unexpected developments. From her instincts being sharpened to the point where she can now determine who will be in trouble to dreaming of residual memories left behind by ghosts her friends have been in contact with, Mai's psychic abilities have shown no signs of slowing down nor going away.

Author's Note:

I have only watched the anime, but through research and reading other fan fiction works, I have a vague understanding of what happens after the ending of the anime. However, for the purposes of this particular fanfiction, I am not working with the same universe that the sequel "Akumu no Sumu le". There will also be no appearance of Gene anywhere in this story. I'm working under the assumption that he has passed on and, more than anything, I want Mai to develop confidence in her abilities, which I feel cannot happen while Gene continues to guide her.

There will be more than one case in this story and it will, ultimately, be a NaruXMai story. It may present other ships within the fandom, but they will definitely not be the focus.