I own nothing.

"It's time."

Sola-Ui said to her fiancée, Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald.

"Okay. We'll begin the ritual."

"So, we'll summon Diarmuid."

"Yes. Because the mantle was stolen, we have no choice but summon him as a replacement."

An angry and disappointed tone could be heard from the Archibald mage.

It was understandable.

His original catalyst, a piece of the torn mantle of the legendary conqueror Alexander the Great, was stolen. Leaving him without his originally intended Servant. Luckily, Kayneth considered the possibility that his catalyst might be stolen by one of his family's many political rivals within the Clock Tower and prepared a back up. The remnants of the mystical sword Moralltach and Beagalltach to summon Diarmuid Ua Dauibhne, Diarmuid of the Love Spot. It would reduce his chance of victory, he knew. But he got no choice left. He had to summon him if he still wanted to participate in the Holy Grail War.

Let silver and steel be the essence.
Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation.
Let red be the color I pay tribute to.
Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall.
Let the four cardinal gates close.
Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.
Let it be filled. Again. Again. Again. Again.
Let it be filled fivefold for every turn, simply breaking asunder with every filling.

When the smoke was clear, a figure stood in front of them. He was quiet and tall. He wore a high collar, black trench coat, gloves with metal nails and had a zipper which started at the neck and ended above his waist. It was zipped up, a puff of white fabric tucked into the zipped up coat like the one of those old British nobility wear. The coat appeared to have two layers, the first being black and the layer under it was red. He had an odd looking oval metal crotch plate with a zipper line but no zipper. He wore black long pant with black boots which reached up below his knees. The boots had zippers too. Connected to the soles of each boot was thin metal blade which was jabbed into the ground, keeping the Servant straight. His face was a steel mask with the metal folding into layers near the mouth, several rectangular holes were visible around the mouth area. He had a white and long head band which oddly resembled a belt. From the eye sockets of the mask, glowing yellow eyes watched. He held a long Japanese naginata, with a rectangular hilt and blade.

Kayneth scowled at the Servant in front of him while his fiancée put her hand over her mouth in shock. The Servant was definitely a Lancer, the weapon he held was enough proof. But he was definitely not Diarmuid.

"So, you are my Master."

Lancer's glowing eyes glanced at Kayneth, or more precisely, at his Command Seals.

"Who are you?!" Kayneth screamed at the black Servant. "Where is Diarmuid?!"

Not only his original catalyst was stolen, but he also summoned wrong Servant. The Archibald mage was beyond furious now.

"As you can see, I'm not Diarmuid of the Love Spot. But I guarantee that my performance can be equal or even better than him."

"You had better be."

"I have a question, Master. Who is that woman?"

"Ah, this is my fiancée, Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri. She will act as your secondary magical energy supply besides me."

"Nice to meet you, Lancer."

Sola-Ui greeted. Lancer replied by, to Sola-Ui surprise, taking her hand and pressing it to his mask in a semblance of a kiss.

"It's an honor meeting you, my lady."

Sola-Ui was taken back. She did not expect the black Lancer would greet her in that way. A hint of red adorned her cheeks. Kayneth was annoyed at the scene, but he would let it slide for now.

"What's your name, Servant?"

Kayneth asked. The masked Servant stood up and turned to him.

"You should give me your name first, Master. It's common sense."

"You only need to know me as your Master, Servant!"

Kayneth angrily replied. This Servant really got on his nerve by every second.

"It's rude, Kayneth! Just give him your name."

His fiancée stepped in. Kayneth could only rub his temples in defeat.

"Very well. I am Lord Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald. I'll be your Master in the coming Holy Grail War."

Kayneth formally introduced. The masked Servant then bowed slightly.

"Nice to meet Lord Archibald. As for my name, it is…"

With Saber and Irisviel

"It's so beautiful… just like a mirror reflecting the night sky."

Saber couldn't help but smile at that watching as her friend promptly stripped off her boots and stockings, dancing lightly in the surf, her innocence, naïve smile that of a young woman in the bloom of her youth, rather than a married woman with a daughter.

"It's so much fun to walk around a new town accompanied by a gentleman."

"Did I make an acceptable gentleman?"

Saber asked, her tone amused, and indeed a little whimsical, recalling how she and Guinevere would likewise joke with one another in private.

"You were perfect."

Irisviel complimented her, smiling at her friend and protector with her hands held behind her back like a schoolgirl.

"You were a wonderful knight today, Saber."

"You honor me, my princess."

Saber offered, bowing courteously at her friend, unable to help a smile adorned her face at the flustered look on Irisviel's face as the homunculus turned to face the sea.

"Saber, do you like the sea?"

She asked, her tone laced with innocence curiosity, so much so that Saber couldn't help but smile despite her true feelings on the subject.

"I suppose I don't really know…" She admitted, smiling somberly. "In my age and country, the sea was where my enemies arrived. I've hated it, but never once have I admired it."

"I am sorry about that." Irisviel murmured, her expression clouding slightly at the revelation as she stood in the shallows, the waves coming up over her ankles. "You're a woman just like me. Yet when you were King Arthur, you couldn't afford to enjoy anything like this."

"And you, Irisviel? Would you not have preferred walking around the city with Kiritsugu instead?"

Saber shook her head as she smiled.

"I couldn't make him do that." Irisviel smiled sadly. "It would only hurt his feeling."

The homunculus answered made Saber raised an eyebrow.

"Does Kitirsugu not enjoy spending time with you?"

"He's someone who finds happiness painful."

Saber looked down, narrowing her eyes while Irisviel gazed at the sea painfully.

Their thought was cut short, however, as a sudden wave of prana washed over them. Saber's head snapped towards the Fuyuki docks, the King of Knight tugging subtly on her Master's upper arm, instantly sobering the homunculus up.

"An enemy Servant?"

She asked, her tone a little worried.

"Yes." Saber confirmed. "He's making his presence known from the shadows, 100 meters from here. He seems to be inviting us there."

"How thoughtfut. So he wishes to choose to battlefield." She turned to smile at Saber. "Shall we take him up on his offer?"

"We shall."

Saber smiled confidently as they made their way towards the Fuyuki docks.

With Lancer

Lancer was currently standing in the shadows, while spreading his prana. His Master had ordered him to lure as many Servants as possible and engaged them. It's not like he had any problems with this. In fact, he too wanted to have a fair fight with other legendary heroes of all ages. He wasn't a battle maniac, but he still enjoyed a good fight with strong opponents.

'It seems a Servant is coming here.'

The masked Servant thought quietly. He felt more than one Servant noticed his presence, but only one came out of hiding and went to confront him.

He still had one problem, and that was his Master. He was too arrogant and prideful, much to Lancer's dismay. Even his fiancée derided him harshly as a coward for not confronting the enemies openly because of this plan. He had just spent a few days with them, but he could feel no affection from Sola-Ui for his Master, although his Master loved her very much. He deduced that their engagement was just a strategic marriage engagement of her family.

'Mages and their things. Well, I had better get on Sola-Ui good side if I want to freely do what I want. At least he picked a good spot for the first 'official' battle of the Grail War.'

The spot Lancer's Master had chosen for his duel was on the end of the west bank of the seaside park, an area cluttered with storehouses and a harbor that separated the eastern industrial area from Shinto proper. What made the place so perfect for the duel between two knights was the fact it was literally deserted at night. All the dock and warehouse workers had long since gone home.

His musings were cut short as two presences appeared at the harbor. There were two girls, both of them was beautiful to Lancer, one with white hair and one with blonde hair. The blonde one was a Servant, what class he didn't know.

'Well, it's time to make my appearance.'

The masked Servant stepped out from the shadows.

"So, you have come. You're Saber, I presume?"

"Indeed." Saber stepped in front of Irisviel. "And you must be Lancer."

"I really want to know your name, but rules are rules." Lancer readied his weapon. "Get ready, Saber."

Saber's black suit vanished in a wave of prana, replaced with a blue dress, silver armor adorning the hem along with her arms, chest, and her feet, an invisible weapon in her hands.

"Here I come, Lancer!"

I'll leave it at that. I got this idea from a story I've just read. Hope you guys like it.

Here is Lancer Stats Sheet:

Servant class: Lancer

Spirit: ?

Master: Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald

Gender: Male

Height/Weight: 180cm/?kg

Alignment: True Neutral

Strength: A+

Endurance: A

Agility: B

Mana: B+

Luck: B

N. Phantasm: ?

Class Skill:

Magic Resistance: B (Cancels spells with a chant below three verses)

Independent Action: B (A+)(It is possible to operate even without a Master)

Personal Skill:

Bravery: EX (Negates all kind of mental interference. Can resist Command Spells to a certain degree)

Battle Continuation: A(Makes it possible to fight even with deadly injuries and can remain alive so long as one does not receive a decisive fatal wound)

Charisma: B (The one who is trusted by many people)

Disengage: A (The ability to break away from combat)

Enchant: A (The ability to empower people and himself)

Eye of the Mind (True): B (Capable of calmly analyzing of battle conditions even when in danger and deduce an appropriate course of action after considering all possibilities to escape from a predicament. So long there is even a 1% chance of a comeback, this ability greatly improves the chances of winning)

Healing Magecraft: EX (Capable of healing all kind of injuries and bad conditions)

Human Observation: A (The ability to observe and understand people)

Instinct: B (Refined sixth sense honed by observing many battles)

Miracle: EX (The ability to make the impossible possible)

Proof of Friendship: B (The ability to suppress enemy's fighting spirit to a certain extent and a dialogue can begin)

Noble Phantasm: ?