Reviews for FateZero Arcana
Mangareader13 chapter 6 . 2/12
Adachi's Izanagi? Well this shall confuse the other players.
Mangareader13 chapter 3 . 2/12
Why did I not think of Yu? I'm a fool.
Mangareader13 chapter 2 . 2/11
Yep it's the Messiah.
Well have sweet dreams.

Rider has no sense of subtlety at all.
Mangareader13 chapter 1 . 2/11
I can only assume it is Minato Arisato since he's the only character in Persona with Miracle.
Icedcappuccino chapter 6 . 12/5/2018
Yu as Pseudo-servant Izanagi or Izanagi using Yu as his inhabited body like Ishtarin? Sign me up, fam! Also when this getting update? I wanna see next chapter with Magatsu-Izanagi

Great story!
Guest chapter 6 . 10/31/2018
by the power of the holy grail i wish that there would be more chapters of FateZero Arcana.

everyone dies
APridefulSin chapter 6 . 10/4/2018
Phantom System chapter 6 . 2/16/2018
DUDE! Please Continue this, I can't wait to know what happens next.
Kinaki747 chapter 1 . 11/29/2017
Izanagi, is that you? O.o
Kiri Kaitou Clover chapter 6 . 7/15/2017
I'm liking this. Despite him saying he is Izanagi, I actually have this odd feeling that its Yu's ability to change Personas... having a visible effect on his personality and appearance depending on which mask of his True Self he wishes to put on. Of course I could be totally wrong and its the Izanagi no Okami from the Sea of Souls using the experience accumulated from Yu and Adachi. So far things have been going pretty canon like despite a few confrontations that went differently. Wonder what change the facet that is Magatsu Izanagi will bring.
ObsessivelyObsessiveObsession chapter 3 . 6/10/2017
So, for the most part. This story is just canon.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/1/2017
try read it again there minor gramma mistake
Guest chapter 6 . 4/9/2017
Ah this is so good but it hasn't been updated in a little over half a year!
Citopal chapter 6 . 2/1/2017
i cant wait to see lancer's noble phantasm!
Ryoji Mochizuki chapter 6 . 1/29/2017
interesting, please update soon
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