authoresnote: edited, OH WAIT. it is a new chapteeeeer, /lets pls ignore how long it took, I'm a terrible person iknow/

I hope you guys enjoy this, I never wanted to upload more of this story when I was unhappy with the previous chapters, editing the story made me fall in love with it again and I hope you enjoy this shinier version and new content, please let me know and review if you do, and fav/follow to keep up to date!

songrecommendations: just be - ashley jana

Highgarden was everything she could have imagined and more.

They were greeted by smallfolk calling for them in the streets, smiles on their faces as they screamed for the Tyrell's. It was different than Kings Landing though, the smallfolk called here for people they loved, instead of those they feared and needed. Sure, the people here relied on the Tyrell's as any smallfolk relied on the nobles but not in such a desperate way as it had been in the Capitol. She could see as they called out for Lady Margaery, for Garlan the Gallant and the Tyrell family, she could see the smallfolk loved them.

'I will make them love me too' She vowed, and she waved with a smile before the carriage window closed, and she heard one or two shouts for her as well.

The fragrance on the air was of roses, not the stench of Kings Landing. She had seen the castle from afar when they had stopped that morning and it was truly beautiful. Surrounded by a large labyrinth the City seemed to be made of flowers. The grass was greener than she had ever seen and the trees that towered overhead shed blossoms on them as they passed. Large towers spiralled with flags atop and they passed many a beautiful fountain and water feature. It was about as far as one could get from the North and it was stunning.

And yet, Sansa couldn't find complete joy in it. Years ago, she would have squealed in the delight and vowed to never leave, but now she saw a hollowness to it all. It was pretty yes, but beauty wasn't everything. She longed for the snow of the North, of the strength of the keep of Winterfell, of the blue winter roses and hardy trees of the Wolfswood.

Sansa had hoped that perhaps when she left Kings Landing her longing for home would diminish. She had hoped her lingering sadness would evaporate when she left the Lannister's grasp, and yet even as they rode for Highgarden, even as they entered the City walls and the keep was close, even as Willas placed a kiss on her hand to pull her attention to the fact they would soon enter the keep … the sadness never left her, that longing for home was if anything more powerful than before. She knew it wouldn't go away, not until she saw home again.

She knew she would not return to live in Winterfell, her marriage prevented that, but she hoped to visit again, to see Winterfell, perhaps to marry there. It felt a little wrong to her that she had not married before the old gods yet, the gods of her father and the gods of the Starks. In the past she had shunned them for the seven but no longer. The seven had abandoned her, only the old gods offered her a comfort in faith now.

And though she prayed less than before, she still prayed to the old gods. She hoped to pray in the godswood of Highgarden, but it would never compare to Winterfell.

"Sansa" A voice shook her from her thoughts of melancholy, and she managed a smile as Willas held a handout to her. Willas, if he had not been so kind, so gentle and good to her, she'd have hated him for now she was free from the Lannister's her marriage was the reason she couldn't return to her family. And yet, if she hadn't married him, she wouldn't have been able to return to her family and still been a prisoner. It was confusing, but Willas had always been the better option.

Though she supposed she was a prisoner now, of Highgarden and the Tyrell's. Yes, it was an infinitely better prison, but it still had bars.

Sansa knew she was falling for Willas, for his caring and kindness to her, for the way he made her laugh and the way he kissed her, but above all else she still wanted to go home, that longing would never change.

And yet for now was there any point to being so homesick and sad? Perhaps one day Willas would take her home, to visit, and perhaps her family could visit here? At least the Tyrell's weren't allied with the Lannister's now. There were silver linings to consider, and so as the carriage door opened, she managed a real smile, a happy smile, and as Willas stepped out, she followed.

She could be happy here she knew, she just had to try and let herself. As hard as it was, though she may still be trapped, she could be happy.

Thus, her smile was true as she stepped out the carriage and the sight of Highgarden surprised her anew. It was truly beautiful, and Willas grinned at her as she looked up at the castle in awe. She took his arm as they walked together, to the main doors, only second behind Mace and Alerie. Sansa often forgot how important Willas was, heir to one of the most powerful seats in Westeros, and she would be Lady of that seat too.

"Do you like it?" Willas whispered and Sansa grinned at him and nodded, of course she liked it. She may long for snow, but Sansa couldn't deny the beauty of flowers.

"It is stunning" She said as they walked on, through more flowers and gardens before the doors to the keep loomed in front of them, "You'll have to give me a tour" She teased.

"Of course my Lady" Willas teased back, for he so did love to tease, "I would be honoured to tout you about my family home, I would expect you to do the same for me after all"

"Perhaps one day I will" Sansa almost cursed herself for her words, but she couldn't resist, and she regretted them less as Willas smiled at her, squeezed her hand, and said.

"Perhaps you will"

It was certainly good to be home.

He knew he had only been gone a short time but that didn't lessen his joy in being back. It wasn't just for being somewhere safe, for being surrounded by family and for much preferring Highgarden to Kings Landing, but it was good to be back for other reasons too.

The first was that this was simply his home, the place he loved most. He could work better here, he knew everyone, he knew he could talk more freely and live more comfortably. This was where he belonged. As future Lord of Highgarden and the Reach it was his duty to visit other Lords, even other parts of the Kingdom sometimes, but his seat would always be here. Highgarden would always be his place of power, and it had always felt as such.

The other was Sansa. She had smiled brilliantly as she had seen the keep, had grinned as she smelt the flowers and walked in the gardens to the doors. He had sensed some sadness to her, but he knew that sadness was one he could not cure, not for the moment. She was homesick, she wanted to return to her family. As good as things were between them Willas wasn't stupid, he knew if Sansa were offered the chance to return home she would in an instant, even if it meant leaving him behind.

He didn't doubt that she cared for him, as he had grown to care for her, but she didn't love him, not yet, and she missed her family.

He had hoped in the future he would be able to take her to see her family, though her place was now and would always be in Highgarden he had hoped she would be able to see her family again, perhaps visit Winterfell in the future. After all, their second son would inherit the seat if Robb Stark perished. Though that was looking less and less likely nowadays. He had never planned for her to visit Winterfell with her family still in power, as they had been allied with the Lannister's, thus on the opposite side to the Stark's, but now? Now everything had changed.

They looked like they were going to ally with the Stark's.

Robb Stark, the King in the North was currently marching on Winterfell to take back and liberate his homeland and they had his assurance that once he had done so they would arrange a meeting to discuss a possible alliance. The specifics of the alliance would need to be decided, particularly what the plan for the Iron Throne was but it looked like an alliance would go ahead. He knew his grandmother would insist Margaery marry Robb, perhaps even try, and secure some advantageous marriages in the North for lesser Tyrell cousins who would inherit nothing.

They were due to have a strategy meeting as soon as they returned to Highgarden and now they were here he knew it would only be a few days before they met and discussed their terms of the alliance and what to do going forward.

So, perhaps Sansa would see her family again soon … or would she?

Of course, Willas wanted to bring her along to any negotiations, so she could see her family. No doubt negotiations would take place in-between their homes, perhaps Riverrun or somewhere else in the Riverlands, and so Sansa wouldn't return to Winterfell, but he knew she would want to, and part of him wanted to bring her along to the negotiations, so she could see her family.

And yet, part of him was extremely wary.

What guarantee was there that once she saw her family, she wouldn't want to go home with them? What stopped Robb Stark taking his sister back, shunning an alliance and marching home? Willas knew it was a very real possibility, possibly even the Young Wolf's plan. If he got Sansa back, he would secure all of his family (considering Arya was long lost and probably dead – another thing to discuss at their meeting, perhaps sending search parties out for her?), and marching home would only see him giving up on his thirst for revenge. Willas knew it was a possibility.

He knew his grandmother wouldn't want Sansa attending, and Willas could see why. If Sansa left them, they would be in a worse position, and possibly mocked, which was not something they could allow. And yet, the part that cared for Sansa, and cared for her deeply wanted her to see her family.

It was a bit of war inside of him, the part that cared for Sansa, the part that was ever so slowly falling for her, the part that wanted to see her reunited with her loved ones … and then there was the pragmatic part of him, the part that spoke to the risk of bringing her along, the part that had him think keeping her behind was the smarter option both to prevent her from escaping and refusing to come back, and to prevent Robb Stark taking her and refusing to give her back.

He internally chided himself for thinking of Sansa as an object, he didn't intend to, but he knew she was in the middle of them. She would want to go back to her family if given the choice he was sure, but he simply could not let her. They had risked a lot to secure her, and they could not let her go now.

And in truth he did not want to let her go. He cared for her. She made him laugh, smile, she was smart, smarter than most thought and she was so very kind. He didn't want to lose her, and as he noticed her looking at him, clearly concerned at the brooding issue on his face he forgot the issue for a moment, turned to smile at her.

"What's wrong?" She asked, perceptive as she was, and he simply smiled, pulling her a little closer.

"Nothing" He said, "Just thinking about the past few weeks"

She seemed to accept that, nodded before patting his arm as they approached the keep. He pulled her even a little closer and she giggled a little and smiled at him, her face so beautiful, her smile so kind and filled with joy, only the hint of sadness present. She was so beautiful, so perfect, and he knew it wouldn't take much for his feelings to become love.

And so, no, he would not let her go, he couldn't, he wouldn't.

Sansa sensed there was something more to Willas's serious expression, but she let it go for the moment. Especially as a pair of servants opened the large ornate doors for everyone to come inside. She noticed other servants stood inside the hallway, and she let out a little gasp that made Willas chuckle as she saw the inside of the keep.

It was beautiful, and so ornate, and yet more subtle than she had expected. Yes, there was a lot of gold, a lot of expensive paintings, tapestries, and silks, but none so gaudy and distasteful as the ones in the Red Keep. The Tyrell sigil was displayed, but it was proud rather than ostentatious. The gold on the walls wound like vines with green flowers painted and it created a stunning effect. Pots and baskets of flowers were common, and they added a sweet smell to the air. The windows allowed in a great deal of light that made the keep seem so large as they walked through the main hall to have dinner as a family.

The main hall was beautiful too, and she was smiling as she looked up at the ceiling, painted in detail with cherubs, flowers and plants. Gold was worked through the walls again and the curtains were pulled back, allowing light to filter into the hall. The tables were long, with a head table for the Lord and Lady, and side tables connecting to the head table for family members. The tablecloths were a beautiful gold and the glasses were crystal. It was stunning, and yet again she felt a rush of homesickness.

She thought of the grand hall of Winterfell, of the Stark sigil displayed proudly on the walls, the racing direwolf that spoke of their strength. She thought of the roaring fires and torches on the walls, for in the North it was never this light. She thought of the roughly polished wooden tables, of the simple tableware that was of high quality. She thought of Ice, mounted proudly above the head table, a symbol of their family's strength. She thought of the head table that made space for the entire Stark family, regardless of rank, even Jon sat with then unless royalty was present. She thought of when the hall had been filled with laughter and talk, of Bran and Arya chasing one another, of Rickon playing with his food, of Robb and Jon laughing together, of her father and mother in quiet content discussion, even of Theon making jokes. She thought of her family and felt tears bite at her eyes as they walked further into the hall.

She had never appreciated the North when she had lived there and yet time away had truly made her heart grow fonder for it. She missed it so much it made her heart ache. She knew if she hadn't married Willas and had been able to return home she never would have stepped foot below the Neck again.

And yet, she was married to Willas. She looked at her husband then and saw him smiling at her as she took in the great hall. She cared for him deeply, she truly did, and she wondered what she would do if she were given the option to return home now.

If she were honest with herself she knew she would return home, her love for her family and desire to see Winterfell again was strong, and yet she cared for Willas deeply, and she knew as time went on leaving him would become impossible. She was already falling in love with him.

With a small sigh she tried to distract herself by looking about the hall again, it was beautiful, but she preferred the hall of Winterfell. The Tyrell sigil made her smile but it didn't make her feel proud as the Stark sigil did. Still, she didn't want to get sad and think of difficult situations, not now, she was in her new home, she had always wanted to visit Highgarden, and she wanted to focus on the happiness she felt, not the small corner of sadness occupying her heart.

At least it was only a small corner now, before the Tyrell's, before her friendship with Margaery, before Willas it had been her entire heart engulfed in sadness, now only a small corner was hurt. An improvement, and she hoped one day, perhaps when she saw her family again, perhaps when she visited Winterfell, perhaps when she and Willas fell in love, perhaps when they had children, she hoped, she hoped the sadness would go away for good.

She presumed that once they were shown the great hall they would sit down to eat, but instead the men made their way to one room and after a peck on the cheek from Willas, Sansa was whirled away by Margaery to another room just off the dining hall.

She realised as they entered it was a powder room, and the men's must be on the opposite side, it was a place to freshen up before food and she appreciated the opportunity. She didn't change her gown as some of the other girls did and instead simply brushed out her hair, adjusted her gown (of green and silver brocade), and repined her hair with the diamond pins she was so fond of, she also handed her travelling cloak to waiting servant. She readjusted the pin Margaery had given her for her wedding, washed her hands and was ready to go. Some of the other ladies took a while, changing gowns, applying makeup, and more, but soon they were ready to return.

There wasn't really such a thing as a powder room in the North. In Winterfell, any room that was in use was used for more important things. There were the large rooms like the Winterfell library, the main hall and the armoury, and then smaller rooms that held supplies, clothes, and such. There were the rooms for servants, barracks for the guards, and the rooms of the Stark family. Her room had always been next to Arya's, and as children they had often slept in one another's bed. She missed that, she missed her sister, and she regretted how they had grown apart. She prayed to the Old Gods daily to return her sister home, safe and sound, and vowed if she did return Sansa would never bother her about her attire or appearance again, she just wanted her to be safe.

"Come Sansa" Margaery said gently winding an arm through hers, "How do you find Highgarden?" She asked with a smile and Sansa smiled back, her friendship with Margaery was something she truly cherished.

"It is beautiful" She said and she saw the pride in Margaery's eyes, Sansa knew if she were showing her new good-sister around Winterfell she would have the same look, "I am glad to make this my home"

"That makes me happy to hear" She said with a grin, "And now you'll take your seat at the high table, next to Willas" Sansa nodded then, as they walked forward, the men were already seated.

Of course, Mace and Alerie took the two dominant seats in the middle of the high table, as was their right as Lord and Lady of Highgarden. Olenna sat next to her son, with Margaery making her way to the seat on her grandmothers right. Sansa spied Willas sat next to his mother and realised the empty chair next to him was for her. He was sat in one of the most prestigious positions as was his right as heir, and now she would sit with him, as his wife, and future Lady of Highgarden. It made her feel a little giddy inside and she knew she was grinning wide as she approached and took a seat, some old habits of wanting to be a noble southern Lady, well … they died hard.

She took her seat next to Willas and she saw him smiling indulgently at her as she sat down, she knew he could see the delight etched on her features, and she couldn't help but lean in and give him a kiss to the cheek, which made him mirror her grin.

"So, what can I expect from Highgarden food?" She asked with a little smile as the servants hurried to bring out the first course. She noted the lesser Tyrell cousins, knights and some bannermen sat on the regular tables, and the high table as tradition would be served first. The tables that branched off from the high table included Garlan, Leonette, Loras and Garth Tyrell, all in positions of honour. Sansa wondered why Margaery wasn't sat next to Loras, but she knew it was because her grandmother likely would have refused to sit next to Garth or any other lower member of the Tyrell household.

She thought of her father's tradition, to always sit someone new with them at every dinner, whether that be a Lord, knight, Lord's son, he would always invite someone to sit with them, it allowed them one on one time with their Lord and inspired a deep loyalty in them. Sansa knew her father had inspired loyalty, perhaps more so than any other Lord, and if reports were to be heard Robb was doing the same. Sansa would like to as well, and she wondered if it were a tradition she could suggest once Willas became the Lord of Highgarden.

"Hmm, it'll be better than the stuff in the Capitol" Willas said as soup was placed in front of them. Sansa took a sip and nodded her head, it was delicious, of high quality, and the rest of the meal continued the trend. The food here was a little different to the food she was used to, more vegetables and fruits were incorporated, but it was delicious. Nothing like hardy Northern food, for the Reach had fruit and vegetables in abundance, the North had potatoes, ground veg and rice from the marshes of the Neck.

She even allowed herself a glass of wine then, and it was delicious. Sansa wasn't much of a wine drinker and she noted Willas wasn't either, she wondered if he took anything for his leg, but she doubted it, she wouldn't want his mind clouded. Today however was a day of indulgence for them both it seemed as he tapped her cup with his own, making her laugh, as they both drank.

"Where would you like to see first Sansa?" Willas asked as the meal came to an end. It had been a lovely affair, she had spoken at length to Willas about the food, and to Loras about the tourney that would be held soon in celebration of their return. She had drunk a glass and a half of wine and was feeling a little warm, her cheeks a little flushed, which Willas of course had commented on and made her blush even more. "Our bedroom? Though it is a little plain, I give you leave to decorate it how you wish. Or perhaps your private parlour?" He asked and Sansa couldn't help but smile at him, and gaze for a moment. He was always trying to make her happy.

She knew one day soon she would love him for it.

"Neither" She said with a nod of her head, and as others rose to their feet and filtered out, she followed Willas in standing too, "I'd like to see your godswood if it please you my Lord?"

"It does Sansa, but only if you'll call me Willas" He said, chidingly but it was teasing, "I thought I'd broken you out of that dreadful habit by now"

At that Sansa's first instinct was to apologise but no, Willas would tease her for that too. It wasn't unkind, he just didn't want things to be so formal between them and Sansa understood that, she often fell back on her own courtesies without meaning to, and so she did something completely unladylike. With a grin she stuck out her tongue to his teasing. Willas was silent for a second after she did so, and she worried that he would be unhappy she'd done so, but no, of course he wouldn't.

Instead he burst into laughter and she followed with a happy little grin. "Much better" He said with an approving nod, and Sansa giggled as well as he tucked his arm through hers, "To the godswood then Sansa, it will not be as impressive as your home one I'm afraid, but I hope you like it"

"I'm sure I will Willas" She said, and she returned his smile as they made their way outdoors, perhaps she could truly be happy here was all she could think as they made their way into the flowery gardens of her new home.

no robb in this chapter I know :( I have actually written a big section for him but saved it for the next chapter! another pov will again be appearing soon.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and pls let me know if you did. let me know your predictions/questions/comments/concerns/what you want to see, I welcome it all, unless you just review to be mean, then pls stahp.

pls review/fav/follow as always

see you soon (I promise)