Everyone waited with tension and worry in the waiting room. It had been about seven hours since Miles went into surgery. Everyone was on the edges of their seats when the doctors came out.

"Good news." Doctor Li said. "He's going to make a full recovery. We removed the bullet and patched his lung back up."

Everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief. Especially Clover.

# # # # #

Several Weeks Later...

Miles awoke slowly as he fought his way back up to the land of the living. He had a bad headache, a swimming head full of thoughts that were driving him insane… and his mouth felt like it was full of cotton.

"Want some more cotton candy? It might sober you up." A familiar voice said through his blurry, let clearing vision.

"Butch!" Another familiar voice said, as Miles saw one figure in his vision elbow another one in the ribs.

Miles closed his eyes. "If I'm having a medication-induced hallucination, why couldn't it be something like on Captain Cosmos?" He said in a really woozy voice.

He was so out of it he didn't even see the hand flying at his face.

# # # # # #

"May I?" Doctor Li asked.

"Go for it." Scribe Schuler said.

"Just try not to leave a mark." Clover cautioned.

"No guarantees." Doctor Li then wound up her hand, and gave Miles a good, long-winded smack across the face. Her hand left a rather red imprint on his skin.

"Ow! Fuck! What the hell was that for?!" Miles exclaimed, now at full alertness.

Clover gave Doctor Li a look. "Really, Madison?"

"I told you no guarantees." Doctor Li repeated. She then turned to Miles. "Now, to begin: Do you have any idea how long we've been looking for you?" Doctor Li scolded. "Nine years! Nine years you've been missing, young man! Nine years the Capital Wasteland has been waiting for clean water that you hold the key to!"

Miles rubbed the side of his cheek. "You mean you didn't figure out the code?"

"It's more complicated than that." Amata explained. "The keypad has a DNA reader, which locks anyone that doesn't have a match. According to the computers at Project Purity, and Doctor Li herself, they have your DNA in the database. Therefore, only you can unlock it."

Miles looked surprised. "Dad went so far as to put a DNA lock on the thing? Wow..." Miles sighed.

"Also, one of the recent arrivals brought what we needed to fix the purifier." Another voice said from outside the door. Walking into the room was Sarah Lyons, and in her hands, the Vault 87 GECK!

"So now we need to figure out how we are going to get back to DC." Amata said. "A lot has changed in the Brotherhood since you were gone. For example, since they freed Vault 101 from my father's tyranny, all of the vault has enlisted into the Brotherhood. Including Butch and his Tunnel Snake gang. That and Vault 101 is now a BOS Base."

"So now I need to go back and reactivate the Purifier?" Miles finished.

"Pretty much." Lyons said. "The Enclave has lost a fair amount of footing since we left. We've kept in touch via long-range radio transmissions with the Prydwen. The Doctor says you'll be free to go in the next couple of days."

# # # # # # #

A few days had passed. Miles was saying his farewells to all his friends, for now. He was planning to come back after he had activated the purifier. But right now, he was having a difficult time saying goodbye to Clover. He was struggling to come up with the right words to say.

"Miles, I'm sure you are doing the right thing." Clover said, trying not to tear up. "You helped us at the Lucky 38, taught our chefs some new things. You even helped to make an alliance between Vegas, the NCR, the Brotherhood, and so many other factions… I just wish you didn't have to go so soon..."

Miles couldn't stand it anymore. He took Clover into his arms, and they kissed. When their lips had parted, Miles then made Clover a promise he was going to keep by any means necessary.

"I will be back, Clover. I swear on the Brotherhood's Codex I will, as god as my witness. But until then, we will always have Vegas." Miles said, wiping away her tears.

Clover felt she would have to be satisfied with that. With that, she let him go as he boarded the Vertibrid. The door closed, and the Vertibird flew up to the Prydwen. Shortly afterwards, the Prydwen headed east, the setting sun against it's back.

"Don't worry. He'll be back. I know it." House said, standing next to Clover in his Holoform.

"You really think so?" Clover said, hope sparkling in her eyes.

"Trust me, he will." House said. "You don't meet a guy like that every century. Keep your chin up, Clover. Anything is possible. Until then, we have a new set of alliances to manage. Shall we?" House motioned over to Vegas, as the Securiton's projector stopped.

Clover then walked back towards Vegas, alongside the Securitron, with Joshua and Ulysses. Until the purifier was reactivated, she would wait here. For her love.

# # # # # # #

Two Years Later…

Clover walked along the Strip, content with today's work. The moon was full, and the Vegas strip was lit up in a great display. Things were peaceful, as the rest of her group arrived at the Lucky 38.

"How's it going, Clover?" Arcade asked.

"Good." Clover said. "It's been two years since he left. But I'm sure he will be back..."

It was then that they heard the sound of Vertibird propellers ovehead. Then, Victor and Jane came out of the 38 swiftly.

"Clover! We've got a message from the Capital Brotherhood! They've sent an envoy here!" Jane exclaimed.

Then, they all saw it! Several Vertibirds flew overhead, bearing the insignia of the Brotherhood! They all landed in front of the Lucky 38!

Stepping out of the Vertibird, was Miles in T-45d Power Armor, with no helmet! "Clover!" He exclaimed!

Clover ran forward into Miles, arms! She was ecstatic! "Miles! Oh, lordy what kept you?!" They both embraced, each relieved that the other was okay.

"It's good to see you again, too Clover! The Purifier is activated, and the Capital now has fresh water for everyone! We will have to hold off on the Celebrations, though."

"Why?" Boone asked. It was then that Sarah stepped out of the helicopter.

"I hate to say it, but we have trouble." Sarah said. "Autumn escaped, and we've tracked him to Boston. He's aligned himself and the old Enclave with an entity known as the Institute. Anyone up for a good old fashioned manhunt?"

That got everyone's attention in a snap. Then, another Securitron rolled up, and projected Mr. House's holoform.

"I think after everything that has happened, this will be a walk in the park." House said. "I'll get General Oliver and MacNamera on the radio at once."

With that, both parties prepared themselves for combat once more. Because War….

War Never Changes.