Reviews for Love of Two Wastelands
Judy chapter 17 . 11/10/2018
Thanks for the Excellent story!
Paladin Bailey chapter 17 . 10/24/2018
Even though the chapters are shorter I must admit: you never lose your magic.

Keep it up man!
Can't wait to see how everything turns out.
Berry246 chapter 1 . 8/14/2018
I can't wait for the next chapter. I love the plot of this story.
Guest chapter 15 . 8/13/2018
I don't mind it and all but uhh what's with all the explanation points? Is it for dramatic effect? Again I don't mind at all.
Anyways well now that's a suprise, was honestly expecting Lyons Brotherhood of Steel to be either all KIA or severely weakened by the Enclave, question is though: How the hell did they manage to find out about the situation in the Mojave?
Well there goes my idea of seeing a joint NCR/Brotherhood task force heading to D.C., eh gives me a far better idea!: The Commonwealth! Since Fallout 4 takes place 6 years after the Second Battle of Hoover Dam hopefully that would be enough time for all factions (NCR, New Vegas Government and Brotherhood of Steel) to get reorganized and send small recon teams out east, seeing a combined force of NCR, Boomers, Desert Rangers, Neo-Enclave (That's what I'm going to call the Remnants) and Brotherhood of Steel could definitely liberate the Commonwealth and bring the upper half of the eastern seaboard under Allied control.
But don't make it completely over powered, there has to be some weaknesses to it, after all Fallout may not be fully focused on realism but just like in real military operations there'll always be small weaknesses.
Anyways keep it up, hope to see more soon!
Paladin Bailey chapter 1 . 8/13/2018
Very good chapter as always!
I don't mind the explanation points because it's probably for dramatic effect but eh.
Anyways: Hopefully you'll do the events of Fallout 4 next.
It would be great to see a combined force of NCR, Boomers, Desert Rangers, Neo-Enclave (That's what I'm calling the Remnants) and Brotherhood of Steel liberating the Commonwealth, but if you do do it make it realistic as you can, there's bound to be some weaknesses within the 'post-War United States military' (Makes better sense because with all the known military/government forces in post-War America under one flag I assume some of the leaders would want to reinstate the United States government with an improved Constitution etc.
Anyways, keep it up, I know i may not speak for everyone but as one person to many keep up the great work, we all hope to to see more soon!
kpmh2001 chapter 14 . 6/17/2018
A good read for certain, the characters are likable, especially house. Looking forward to the epic showdown between the Enclave and Vegas and co.
Paladin Bailey chapter 12 . 4/28/2018
This may sound like an awful thing to say but: The Enclave's arrival is blessing in disguise.
Why: The NCR is getting their shit together and allying themselves with the Brotherhood of Steel and House is not having the Brotherhood of Steel eliminated. There's still the Legion to contend with but once the Enclave is defeated by the New California Republic and Brotherhood of Steel hopefully they'll be able to kick the Legion out of Nevada without incontinent leadership, this'll get General Oliver off his ass and be a real General, it'll get Elder McNamara to change the Brotherhood of Steel for the better, it'll end the long fought/pointless NCR/Brotherhood War. This is the beginning of a new dawn. But as of now it's the dark before the dawn, but this peace will definitely lead to a better future for the NCR and Brotherhood.
I assume that Lyons Brotherhood was eliminated or in hiding correct?
If so then after the Enclave and Legion are eliminated hopefully the NCR and Brotherhood and House will send a small expeditionary force to D.C. to route out the Enclave and free then from the oppression. It sounds impossible but Lyons expedition made it to D.C. within a year, if his group can do it then can the NCR, they have Vertibirds so they can get there within 6 hours (Depending on if they have a extended amount of fuel for the Vertibirds, but knowing House there's a likely chance he'll upgrade the NCRs Vertibird fleet for extended travel)
Hopefully it'll go well.
Can't wait for more chapters!
Keep it up.
Paladin Bailey chapter 11 . 2/11/2018
Gotta admit I like this AU version of Mr House, unlike the snarky bastard in vinalla Fallout New Vegas this version of him is oddly and I say that in a great manner of speaking: Seems to actually legitimately care about the people of the Mojove, Core Region as well since he dosen't money hoard everything for political gains.
Also DEEPLY surprised he would ask the Brotherhood of Steel for assistance.
Keep it up!
more chapters chapter 10 . 1/10/2018
Are there going to be more chapters soon?
Guest chapter 9 . 6/19/2017
Please keep this story going, I love the way it's having this sort of tenseness in it and the amount of characters from the game greatly used and brought out with their backstorys. It's very well written, keep going please!
SwiggitieSwootie chapter 9 . 6/20/2017
This story is a pretty interesting and good idea that definitely caught my attention but I feel like it's written as if it's just dot-points of a plan for chapters content. It doesn't feel like a fully fleshed out story at this point.
Use this as an opportunity to improve your writing skills because I'm sure you could pull off some amazing stories with your skills more refined.

RavenMechanical chapter 1 . 6/17/2017
To my readers,

the latest chapter was rather rushed, so I am going to re-write it. This next one should be a bit better. Please stand by...
Ragingceliac chapter 8 . 6/7/2017
Glad to see you're back.

But, I have problems. I feel that the enclave agents should've been more secretive; say one of them got a job as a cook and hides a weapon. Then, in the middle of a banquet or dinner, they force him outside without any weapons - then Clover could see that, follow Miles and the agent, and still have the same questions. Also, I feel that you used too many exclamation points; in your third paragraph, every sentence ends with an exclamation point. While that may be grammatically correct, having EVERY sentence end with one makes it loose the impact an exclamation point should have.

Longer chapters would be nice, too, but I understand that time could easily be in short supply for you. Still, glad to see this story isn't dead, so that's good. Hope you continue to write. - Raging Celiac
Ragingceliac chapter 5 . 11/27/2016
My god...You're not dead! I enjoyed this chapter immensely. I feel as if our writing and vocabulary has expanded since the last chapter. As for my complaints, they're rather minor; a repeated word here and there, or an unneeded space once or twice. That's literally it. Keep it up!
Guest chapter 4 . 9/26/2016
Nice and short chapter with some great use of descriptive language, ur writing seems to be getting g better and better.

Best of luck I your computer repairs.
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