Hi, I know, long time no see. I lost my mojo for a while, and needed to step back. Now I'm trying really hard to get back into the swing of things.


Danny and Vlad have come through yet another challenge in their alliance, and with Danny alive and well again the two must now try and return to normal. Vlad's gala is one week away, and with it comes new fears about what he is hiding from Danny and what it could mean for their newly forged trust.

The Life We Fight For

Chapter 30, PART I: My Secret, Your Safety

If you had asked Vlad a month ago what he thought about lying, he wouldn't have needed a moment to answer. If you'd visited the Masters Mansion at that time, you would have noticed the lonely atmosphere and tense air.

Perhaps if you spoke with the staff, they would tell you the stories of their stern and cold employer, a man transfixed by a family not his own. Said man would have done whatever possible to crush his enemies, to gain power and overcome adversaries for the simple sake of greed. All without a shred of remorse.

But even as Vlad gazed at his own angry, red eyes in the mirror, he struggled to remember the days he considered himself ruthless. The half ghost he had become was slipping before his eyes, falling piece by piece and leaving both Masters and Plasmius behind. Light was pouring in and the shadows that protected him were falling away.

He was going soft.

A chill ran down his spine as he stepped away from the mirror, walking quickly out of the master bathroom. There was another ectosignature present in the mansion.

Godfrey met him in the hall, concerned about the visitor.

"Keeping Daniel in the dark after all you've done to gain his trust, doesn't it seem a bit backwards, sir?" said Godfrey, wringing his hands as they walked.

"If my plan goes smoothly, it will all have been for his benefit." Vlad replied. "Besides, Walker will be at the forefront of this mission, not I."

Godfrey did not look convinced, but was wise enough to push no further. With his study in view, Vlad glanced at the time and tensed.

"Daniel's time with Samantha will be ending soon," he told Godfrey. "Make sure he does not disturb me, or even come close enough to sense Walker."

After Godfrey departed from his side to do his bidding, Vlad entered his study to find Walker waiting for him. The warden stood from the couch he'd been resting on to greet him.

"If it isn't the mastermind 'imself," said Walker, flashing a toothy smile.

"I have better things to do with my time than meet with you, warden." Vlad said. "Report."

"We've completed the last of our preparations, my men are just about ready to head out." Walker's smile had faded at the reminder of his guards but Vlad paid it no attention. The sacrifice would be worth the gain.

"Good. We'll commence with the plan in one week's time."

Walker looked at him incredulously, arms crossing over his bony chest. "Why wait? The sooner this is done, the better!"

Vlad's hands clenched, his gloves straining under the pressure. This weekend was the event he'd asked Godfrey to plan, and also marked the third month since Daniel had come to ask for his help. He had to be there. He couldn't risk the possibility of the plan going awry and losing a chance for even one more good memory with the boy.

"It can most certainly wait," said Vlad, "or are you that eager to be rid of your own subordinates?"

Walker didn't take the bait, merely bristling at Vlad's comment. "This ain't a game no more. you heard what the princess girl said, this monster is out for blood. Yours, and the brat's."

Vlad's hand came down hard on the desk's surface, rattling the contents there and making an impressive 'Bang'! as it landed. Walker didn't flinch, but his eye sockets widened significantly.

"Don't tell me what I already know," said Vlad, his voice dangerously low. "I'll do as I please with the time I have left until then, and you should stay out of it."

"This is about the boy after all, ain't it?" Walker spat, recovered and now unfazed. "Can't stand to be away from him for one day, can you? What, are you in l-"

Vlad flew at Walker and grabbed his throat before he could finish, using his momentum to push him back until the skeleton ghost was pressed against the wall. Squeezing tight around Walker's throat, Vlad leaned close until he was staring him down with blazing, ruby colored eyes.

"Do not ever," Vlad's hand tightened. "Ever , insinuate such a thing ever again, or I'll break your bones into so many pieces you'll be unrecognizable."

Walker frantically nodded, trying desperately to pry Vlad's fingers from his neck. When Vlad finally did free him, he collapsed to his knees, coughing and sputtering.

"You will wait for me as I've instructed," said Vlad angrily. "Unless you'd rather lead the charge alongside your men when the time comes?"

"I meant no disrespect, sir, I swear." Walker said quickly, pushing himself up off the ground. "We'll postpone the mission until you're ready."

Vlad wrenched open the door to his study, jabbing his thumb in the direction of the hallway. Walker wasted no time following the silent order to leave.

"Bother me for something so trivial again, and I won't be this lenient." Vlad told him as Walker departed just as quickly as he'd come.

With the warden out of his sight, Vlad slammed the door shut and sank into his desk chair, a hand pressed to his temple to soothe the ache there. Had he conversed much longer Vlad feared he would not have had the nerve to follow through with his plan, wanting too earnestly to avoid hiding the truth from Daniel.

He had to remind himself that the importance of keeping Daniel safe was worth possibly breaking his trust. Ivix had taken over the boy's mind before, there was no telling whether his memories were up for grabs as well. He couldn't risk his plan getting exposed.

Vlad sighed and reached for a sheet laying in the desk. A list of the guests he'd invited to dinner this weekend, arranged by Godfrey. All had children, most around Daniel's age. If Vlad could help Daniel see that the 'rich kid' life he so despised was not so bad, perhaps he would be more interested in being a Masters.

Filthy rich or not, teenagers were still teenagers, right?

The morning after their ordeal, Sam and Danny took refuge in the private theater to catch up. Neither of them really wanted to bring up what transpired the night before, so Sam took it upon herself to tell Danny about all that he'd missed at school.

"The Lunch Lady showed up at school last week," she said. "Lucky too, because it was an 'all meat' day in the cafeteria and I needed an excuse to ditch…"

Though her friend laughed with a smile on his face, Sam knew him well enough to tell his heart wasn't in it. Ever since they had come to him for help, Vlad and their many issues were all Danny ever had on his mind. Sam's gaze shifted to the ground.

"Have you thought about what you'll do, you know, when this is all over?" Asked Sam. Danny gave her a quizzical look.

"…Should I?"

Sam rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. Though she cared for him dearly, Danny could be thick as a brick sometimes.

"What if- hypothetically, you end up staying here with Vlad?" she asked, continuing quickly when Danny pulled an uncomfortable face. "What happens then? You transfer to a rich kid school, and we never see you again? Will you stop being Phantom?"

Danny rubbed at the back of his neck, thinking. His future was a topic he'd been avoiding for a while now, especially with Vlad.

"There's no way that would ever happen," he said. "I'm going to fix this so that everything will work out and go back to normal, promise."

"But do you still want that?" Sam questioned, frowning. "With everything that's happened, you just want to go back to being enemies with Vlad and hiding your identity at school?"

If Sam had asked him these things a month ago, Danny would have had a definitive answer they both agreed on. Now, doubt clouded his judgement. He didn't see the world as all black or white anymore.

"Vlad has changed me, and I've also changed him. We can't go back to the way we were even if we both wanted to," said Danny quietly.

"So what're you gonna do?" Sam asked. "Vlad won't just let you go, not now."

"He has to," Danny answered. "There's nothing that can make me abandon my family, or my friends. I think the needy fruitloop is finally starting to see that."

Sam laughed softly, relaxing for the first time since she'd arrived. Danny smiled as well, realising how much he'd missed hearing her laugh. It brought more thoughts of the things he'd been missing; Tucker's jokes, Lancer's lectures on prose, his parents' antics, the feeling of flying free over the town at night on patrol…

"I swear I'll make everything right again, even if it takes all I have," said Danny sincerely. Sam was smiling, but didn't look entirely convinced. Before either could say anything more, the doors opened behind them.

Dora entered, once again decked out in jewels and velvet. She gave Danny a gentle nod and a warm smile in greeting.

"I am here to inform your friend that her parents have requested her return," she said, looking apologetically to Sam. She then addressed Danny. "Sir Plasmius will also be busy today, and will be unavailable for your lessons, Danny."

Sam stood, letting out a loud breath as she did. "Hopefully I don't get in too much trouble this time."

Danny moved to follow and escort her when she shook her head at him and eyed Dora, who had remained in the doorway after delivering her message. With worry now invading his expression, he let Sam head off and sure enough, Dora stayed behind.

"Have you gotten a tour of the place yet, Dora?" asked Danny. Dora smiled appreciatively and shook her head.

"We may explore later," she said, "I'd like you to take me to your room of learning right now."

Danny raised an eyebrow, following Dora out of the theatre. "The classroom? Why?"

"Sir Plasmius has asked me to fill in for him today," Dora replied, walking purposefully down the corridor. Danny started to get a bad feeling in his chest.

"To teach me what, History?" he asked, falling reluctantly in step with her. "Wait, is it ghost related?"

"I was told there was an event you're expected to attend soon, I'm going to help you prepare for it." Dora smiled, trying not to giggle when Danny's mouth popped open.

He was going to kill Vlad. Danny had made it quite clear he had no interest in the stupid dinner party, but Vlad was making him go anyway. And since attending apparently wasn't enough, now he had to take etiquette classes? With Dora?!

"I really don't think that's necessary," Danny reasoned. "I could act proper if I wanted to, pull out chairs for the girls, talk about the weather, put my napkin in my lap...trust me Dora, it'll just be a waste of your time."

Dora let out a chuckle this time. "I was not instructed to show you how to be 'proper', Danny," she said.

"Then, what?"

"Sir Plasmius specifically instructed me to give you- well, let's call it 'Royalty Training'," Dora explained, watching as Danny led them up a flight of stairs and around a corner without thought. He'd gotten the layout of the mansion nearly memorized, as if he'd lived there forever.

"And what do I need Royalty Training for?" Danny asked, opening the door to his classroom to find most of the space cleared away, with shelves and chairs pushed up against the wall.

"To act like someone worthy of your titles," Dora said, "I am a queen. I had to learn to act like one, sound like one, and move like one. It's not as easy as it seems to act 'proper'."

Danny immediately frowned. "But I really don't want to change. Being snobby and pretentious just isn't me."

Dora nodded in understanding and led Danny to the middle of the room. She stood with her back straight and head high, looking down at the halfa with kind eyes. Her fingers were woven together across her navel and her presence seemed to become the biggest and most intimidating thing in the room.

"Am I not still Dora to you like this?" she asked him. Danny didn't look sold, but nodded his head all the same.

"Danny Fenton and Danny Phantom are certainly different, aren't they?" Dora reminded him, then with a smile adding, "Daniel Masters can be just as much a part of you as they are. Still you, still a hero, but also adapting to what's going on around you."

"There's nothing going on around me," Danny muttered, remaining unconvinced.

Dora grasped his shoulders and gently turned Danny around. He tensed under her touch, uncomfortable with anyone being behind him. Often he would sleep on his back, able to scan the whole room as soon as he woke up for threats. His current position wasn't pleasant at all.

"Close your eyes and relax," Dora said softly, waiting for Danny to let out a breath before continuing. "Imagine the room is full of people you don't know. All dressed in fine clothes and talking amongst themselves, not taking any notice of you."

"Okay," Danny said, not sure where this was going.

"You are the only ghost in the room," Dora continued, her hands tensing around his shoulders. "You sense danger, and your powers tell you a ghost is near, moving quickly. If nothing is done, people are going to hurt."

"Then I'd evacuate the room," Danny answered simply. "And go after the ghost once the area is clear."

"You can definitely try," Dora said, "but this is a room full of important, powerful people, they won't go running scared because a young halfa told them to."

Dora pulled back on Danny shoulders, then poked his spine, causing him to tense and straighten his posture. She then reached over and carefully pushed his chin up, so that he wasn't facing the ground anymore.

"Your presence is noticeable now but your message doesn't seem to be getting through." Dora said, her voice wavering. "There's not much time left. If you're forced to fight with everyone inside, someone could be seriously injured…or worse. Make them listen to you, Daniel."

Though he still thought this exercise ridiculous, Danny decided to play along, if only to get it over with.

"Everyone needs to leave, like right now!" Danny said as loudly as he could. Dora let go of him.

"You're Daniel Masters, surely there's more authority and eloquence you can put into that command," she said, almost taunting him. Danny's hands clenched.

She was right, Danny knew. Daniel Masters wouldn't have a problem demanding respect and using it to save lives. He couldn't truly be the snobby rich kid Vlad wanted, but he *could* be a hero, no matter how he needed to act to do so.

"Listen to me," Danny ordered. his voice echoing as he tapped into his Phantom side. "You all need to get out. Now."

Dora smiled, finally hearing Danny sound confident for the first time since she'd arrived. She clapped loudly and Danny flinched, his eyes flickering open. He groaned dramatically and dropped his head into his hands.

"I can't believe I did that," Danny said, cheeks tinged red. "You can't just use my hero complex to tell me to fix my posture!"

"It worked, didn't it?"

Danny's shoulders slumped but he knew he couldn't stay mad at Dora. Vlad had been the one to ask her to do it in the first place, if anything. Speaking of…

"Hey, Dora?" said Danny, "Why do you call Vlad 'sir'?"

The former princess relaxed a bit and let out a quiet breath. Danny wondered if he shouldn't have asked.

"I respect him a great deal, for one," she responded honestly. "This, and he'd once saved my life."

Danny's eyes widened, his blue irises fully visible. "Vlad did?"

"I doubt he even remembers," she said somewhat sadly, "but I will forever be grateful, and in his debt. That's all I'll say at the moment."

Danny nodded, his curiosity growing tenfold. But he had no desire to push Dora anymore, with the way she seemed to treat the subject, it was a sensitive topic. Danny decided to move on.

"Vlad didn't happen to tell you what it is he's doing today, did he?" asked Danny.

Vlad rarely went to an office to work, though he had several. He usually worked from home, taking calls and scheduling meetings as needed.

"No," Dora said simply. "Maybe he's working with his abilities, he was in his ghost form when I last saw him."

Danny's eyebrows furrowed a bit. "You think he's practicing with his powers?"

"Perhaps, he could be doing a number of things though," replied Dora with a tilt of her head. "Why the interest?"

"I rarely see him train," Danny explained. "He's always insisted it's too dangerous. I guess I'm just curious about it."

Dora hummed thoughtfully, crossing her arms loosely over her chest. She seemed to find Danny amusing, judging by the small smile peeking out at the corner of her lips.

"It could be a new ability, one he doesn't wish for anyone to see…" Dora said lightly. Danny's eyes grew wide and the queen began to regret mentioning her theory.

"I hadn't thought of that," Danny said, brows furrowing in thought.

"It's probably nothing, Danny, really." Dora didn't like the look in his eyes. She gave the room a quick look over. "Maybe we should end here for today."

Danny nodded, glad he would not need to do anymore embarrassing scenarios. At least for now.

But the idea Dora had proposed stuck with him in a strange way. If Vlad was capable of hiding his secret identity for twenty years, he was obviously capable of hiding a new, potentially dangerous power.

But it was just a thought, a theory. He'd have to find out himself whether or not it was possible Dora was on to something. And Danny knew just the way to do it.

Feeling suddenly energized (something he hadn't felt in quite a while), Danny moved for the door.

"Thanks Dora," Danny said, stepping away. The dragon ghost looked worriedly at him as he departed. "I'll see you later."

Once safely hidden from any possible witnesses Danny changed forms. His plan would require stealth, cunning…and a lot of ice.

Vlad left his study promptly after finalizing the details for his weekend event. All seemed to be going according to plan, he just needed to convince Daniel to go- preferably of his own will.

There was one boy in particular he was hoping Daniel would find tolerable. He'd met the young man on a trip overseas and he seemed just humble enough to not want Daniel's friendship for his own gain. That...and the boy had an interest in the supernatural.

Perhaps a risky move on his part, but the reactions from Daniel would be worth it. Tomorrow morning his decorating team would be preparing the mansion for the event, he could speak to Daniel then.

Vlad slowed his steps just slightly as he tuned into his surroundings. Something didn't feel right all of the sudden.

Being a half ghost teaches a man to be wary. A discreet glance over his shoulder told Vlad he wasn't being followed, at least not obviously. But he listened to his core like an animal does his instincts, and right now he suddenly felt tense and on edge.

The eldest halfa pulled back his sleeve and checked his watch. It was just past time lunchtime. Daniel would be in the dining room, most likely assuming Vlad wouldn't make it due to his meetings.

He tried to distract himself by thinking of joining the boy for lunch but every so often the air would change just enough to be noticable. At least, to someone with heightened senses such as himself. Any normal person would think he was crazy, but Vlad could definitely sense a very slight change in temperature and spike of energy.

The problem was that he couldn't pinpoint it, and he began to grow aggravated. The changes were so slight and inconsistent he couldn't tell where- or from whom it might be coming from. Horrible memories of the recent attacks he'd witnessed quickly came to his mind.

Thinking swiftly, Vlad approached the next turn normally, waiting until he'd reached it to disappear around the corner. Another invisible ghost would see him regardless, but perhaps if he issued a challenge it would take the initiative and attack.

He changed fully into Plasmius and waited. Invisible and silent he stood, listening and feeling for any indication of an enemy. Minutes went by, and nothing. Not a temperature spike, a sudden indoor breeze, or even an ectosignature.

"Your being paranoid, Plasmius." he said with a sigh. Vlad then forced himself to relax, dropping his invisibility as he did so.

Now annoyed, the man headed off, reaching the dining room within a minute now that he wasn't slowing his steps. He could sense Daniel's ectosignature nearby and was relieved that he'd been right about the boy's whereabouts. Vlad grasped the double doors' sturdy, brass handles and instantly went still.

They were ice cold.

And quite literally at that. Frost began creeping up from the edges of the wood, the handles feeling as if they might give him frostbite. Vlad jerked back with a gasp, whirling around angrily to find the enemy responsible. He didn't have to search much.

Daniel was standing right behind him.

"Boo," the boy said with a smirk. Vlad dragged a hand down his blue face.

"I'm not in the mood for your games," he said, frustrated. Daniel raised an eyebrow.

"What games am I supposedly playing?" he asked, too innocently for Vlad's taste.

Vlad wasn't buying it. Daniel had clearly been invisible until now, otherwise Vlad would have noticed him.

"You just looked a little freaked," Daniel continued. "Like you've seen a- well, you know. I was just joking around."

"Nice try little badger," Vlad said, "but you're the only ghost in this house that has an ice core. You'll have to do better than that to fool me."

Daniel seemed about to argue, but suddenly looked down and tensed. Vlad crossed his arms with a sigh, unconvinced.

"What is it now?" asked the older halfa. Danny looked up at him through long, dark lashes.

"Am I in trouble?"

Vlad raised an eyebrow. "Have you done something I should be aware of?"

Danny quickly shook his head. "You just look kinda wound up."

Vlad sighed quietly. If anyone should be worried about trouble, it would be himself. Vlad suddenly felt a twinge of guilt in his chest.

Outwardly, he stood firm in his belief that Daniel was better off not knowing about his plans for the weekend. But on the inside, he wasn't so sure this wouldn't set them back several paces as allies.

"I assure you," Vlad said as he pushed open the tall door before them, "I'm not the least bit 'wound up'."

A sudden, frightening chill raced past Vlad's head and down his spine, instantly setting off alarm bells in the man's head. Vlad heard a loud snapping sound and without another thought he turned and grabbed Danny, forcing them both to the ground.

"Get down!" he commanded, tuning out Danny's confused shout as he landed facedown under the man.

Vlad had a pink shield up in the next beat while his arms protected Danny's head, in case said shield wasn't enough. He held his breath, tensing when a loud crash was heard beside them. He saw Danny flinch hard and began to move his hand to the teen's shoulder, hoping to comfort him- until he realized that Danny was not frightened at all.

The boy was laughing. His fist was pressed to his mouth to muffle the sound but Vlad heard it all the same. Finally, Vlad turned and looked to the doorway to face their attacker, no longer fearing the worst.

Blue eyes turned red as he took in the mess before him; a large metal basin laying tipped, spilling chunks of freezing cold ice and half melted snow onto the floor. If the temperature from the room now flooding the hall was any indication, the ice had been there for a while, yet somehow not completely melted.

Unnatural ice and a snickering hybrid teenager. Even Jack Fenton could have figured this one out.

"Is something funny, Daniel?" asked Vlad with a sickening sweetness.

The boy had enough sense to snap his mouth shut completely, head turning to allow those bright blue eyes to peer up at him from the corners. He paled at Vlad's expression.

"O-okay, before you kill me," Danny said carefully. "I really did think you looked angry. I was only trying to lighten the mood! And I mean- if anything, I'm helping you relax-"


Danny's eyes widened. "Well…yeah?"

Bracing for the worst but hoping for the best, Danny prayed Vlad didn't consider his prank a punishable offense. He wasn't sure he could shake off one of Plasmius' attacks from this close.

Feeling a sharp pinch on his ear Danny flinched, shutting his eyes tight. Vlad hauled him up by the grip on his appendage, all while his eyes remained fixed on him with a burning glare.

The billionaire tightened his hold on Danny's ear, giving the boy no choice but to meet his eyes. Vlad then let out an angry huff of air that felt way too hot blowing by Danny's head, and despite every fiber of his being on high alert he was more upset that his plan had failed.

This trick should have surprised Vlad enough to show off the new power he'd learned! If Danny understood the man at all, he understood how protective Vlad could be. Yet it seemed he hadn't taken into account Vlad's self-control.

Vlad's eyes looked tired as he leaned in a bit too close for comfort.

"Clean up this mess," he said, "and the next time you pull a prank like this, you'll clean this mansion top to bottom!"

Danny's ear was released and Vlad stepped back, changing back into his human form. He swiped imaginary dust from his suit and headed off down the hall, no longer interested in food. As soon as he was out of sight, Danny let out a breath of relief. He had been trying to get Vlad angry or defensive, but not at Danny himself.

He'd almost forgotten how scary his Plasmius form was.

Danny rubbed at the back of his neck as he gazed down at the mess he'd made. All for absolutely nothing; and if he tried again Vlad might make good on his threat.

'A threat…' Danny thought, his eyes lighting up. 'Maybe I need something- or someone that Vlad actually considers threatening!'

With renewed determination, Danny set about cleaning up, thinking carefully about how to go about this new plan.

Next Chapter- Danny ups the ante with his pranks, meanwhile Vlad tries to understand why he now feels guilty for his actions.

This is a two-parter, solely because I'm burnt out from being reborn from the ashes of writer's block. I'll be posting updates on my profile as often as their needed, so watch out for that.
