Reviews for The Life We Fight For
Gatomaro chapter 31 . 8/6
En verdad amo este fic, todo es muy equilibrado sin ser forzado, cuídate y sigue así uwu
Heart of the Demons chapter 31 . 8/4
This new chapter definitely lit me up, especially at the end about Danny being a symbol of hope. Thanks for that, my friend.
Guest chapter 31 . 8/4
Short, but it's a breath of fresh air. Glad to see you're doing okay. Thanks for the chapter!
Invader Johnny chapter 31 . 8/4
I'm intrigued by what Danny may do now and I liked the interaction between Jazz and Dora, the latter's wisdom certainly showed.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
freegirl333 chapter 30 . 5/16
Hope you come back soon I'm on tumblr and discord
Gatomaro chapter 30 . 4/7
Well, i really feel and looove this, continue pleaseeee (?) Be safe, my english is so horrible.
Gatomaro chapter 8 . 4/7
Okey, i really don't know if you need an other revisation (?) Emm i'm not good with english.
Jean d chapter 30 . 2/28
Wow, another great chapter. I love the the way Dora manipulated Danny to follow the lesson and Danny reaction to it when he noticed. Also, Danny is very sure about his theory and can not wait for the next chapter.
Jean d chapter 24 . 2/20
This was a amazing chapter, vlad’s scheming as usual, you quotes about trust were great.
Jean d chapter 21 . 2/20
Nice chapter, like the philosophical good and evil comparison.
Empressmarcy chapter 10 . 2/18
I interpreted "honestly, I should haul you over my knee for this."

to "Honestly, I should whoop your aśs for this."
Empressmarcy chapter 8 . 2/18
did I just read Danny getting a good ole whipping XD
Heart of the Demons chapter 30 . 2/15
I'm totally won over by how well thought out this story is here. Special thanks to Kelseyalicia for introducing me to it. Danny and Vlad are well done here as characters thanks to your attention to detail. I appreciate that very much. You can count on me for future updates.
KelseyAlicia chapter 30 . 2/15
Well, this isn't going very smoothly on either part. Sometimes they like each other other times they can't wait to get to the other's throat. Vlad is definitely a different kind of parent then the ones Danny is used too. But he is giving him opportunities and new avenues to explore and expand on himself.

I still can't believe Maddie made a deal with the devil! And everyone's emotions are running higher and higher.

I like this butler guy. Wonder if he was a parent when he was alive?

Keep it up!
cinhtay chapter 29 . 1/4
I reallyyyy love your fic, rereading it and i prefer your style and the controled corporal punishment you know.
It is weird that J. M. Prefers him being slaped to the face and that stuff, please don't let him take control of your story, continue like you are doing it if vlad becames reaggresive danny would be to scared and thats no good

I love it the way you write
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