Hey guys,
I know this took so long ... but I first have to get this off my chest before I can continue with the other story ... lately I have some problems with writing (perfection is a bitch), what made it even harder for me to finally upload this.

About "Weird feeling":
This is based on the shooting here in Munich not long ago. My friend was in the shopping mall at the time it happened. Seeing her every day at school - all pale and not well - really is giving me a hard time. She was only 10 meters away from the killer and she was all part of this fleeing mass of people, running for their lifes. She's still traumatized, unable to concentrat at school (when it comes to long periods). She never leaves school alone (always fetched by a parent) and I'm just so sure that all this haunts her every night in her dreams.
There's so much going on inside of me right now ... and well writing helps me to process ...

Enjoy reading and since lately I'm struggling a bit with selfconfidence and all that ... I would be pleased to read your thoughts about this new story in the reviews.

Dean's look fell on a man dressed completely in black. Something about him was strange, how he was standing there in the middle of the shopping mall. The lunatic was about ten meters away from him and a weird feeling in Dean's guts was telling him that it wasn't far enough.
"Gun!" The loud scream echoed through the crowd of people, making them fall completely silent for a moment. It was like all the costumers held their breaths for a brief second, while the blonde realized that the scream actually had left his throat, when he had seen the man in front of him pulling a gun out of his jacket.

The first shot was heard, which broke the roof - made of glass - above them into a million pieces. Sharp glass was raining down onto the crowd of people, which were running for dear life. In the blink of an eye the shopping mall was filled with deafening screams and Dean found himself among the mess of terrified customers, trying to flee from wherever they thought the shot had come from.
More shots were fired and the lunatic saw blood. He didn't know where it was coming from. Maybe it had been a piece of glass, cutting his skin open or a bullet, which had barely missed him. Dean wasn't even sure if it was his own blood, because the adrenalin, boiling in his veins let him think just about this one thing … getting out alive.

His breath was shallow, while he tried to not get lost in the chaos. More and more people started pushing him from side to side and the lunatic had trouble to not get run over. They squeezed him between their bodies, giving Dean the felling of chocking, while more gun shots cut through the air.
An elbow hit him right in the face and suddenly Dean was on the floor. It felt cold and odd against his cheek and the lunatic quickly got up onto his knees, feeling the painful kicks of the customers all over his body, while the mass was still trying to escape out of the zone of danger. Dean gasped, feeling his ribcage protesting in pain, when a knee hit the blonde's thorax hard. The air was driven out of Dean's lungs and he ripped his eyes open, realizing that he was sitting right against the stream of panicked people. The blonde squinted his eyes. His whole body was on fire, when Dean was fighting his way back up to his feet.
The noise around him was deafening, but all of this was nothing compared to the fear of being shot from behind. It could happen any second. A good aimed bullet to Dean's heart or even easier, his head and it would be over. The lunatic wouldn't even see it coming. The fear was lying heavily on the blonde's chest, making it hard to suck in a deep breath with his bruised ribs, while Dean was on the run again. There were just so many people around him.
Suddenly he could see the man standing right in front of him and once again all air was taken out of Dean's lungs. Had he been running in a circle? Without think Dean turned on his heel, running into the opposite direction as fast as his aching body and the stumbling, panicked crowed around him made it possible.

The lunatic didn't even know where he was running, he just wanted to get away, away from that man and all of a sudden it became quieter around him. For a brief moment Dean didn't know where he was until he realized that his leg actually had taken him to some kind of storeroom in the back of the building.
Completely exhausted Dean was leaning against the metal door, which he somehow had managed to lock with his shaking hands before. The small room in front of his was stuffy and dark, but with the lock door in his back the blonde finally felt a bit safer.

Even when the shots reached his ears only from far away, every single one of them made him filch.
Dean had crawled away from the door, not letting it out of sight, fearing somebody could bully his way into the storeroom any minute.
With his hands pressed tightly against his ears the lunatic found himself coiled up on the floor, begging for this nightmare to stop.


Meanwhile at the outside of the shopping mall:

"Sir! You can't get in there!"
But the tall man seemed to not even notice the police officer, holding him back.
"No! My boyfriend's in there!" Roman screamed and struggled his way out of the cop's grip.
"Sir!" The other man shouted, getting hold of the Samoan's arm once again, "No one is allowed to enter the evacuated building right now!"
"Please! I need to get in there!"
Another officer had joined the first one, avoiding that the upset Samoan could pass the 20 meter barrier.
"Please!" Anger turned into despair, when the police finally managed to bring the tall man down to the ground with a third uniformed man.
"Please …" Roman sobbed. His breath was shallow and fast, feeling the knee of the first officer painfully pressing down onto his spine, making sure the Samoan stayed where he was. A tear ran over Roman's cheek, when he slightly lifted his head to look at the shopping mall in front of them. Helicopters were circling over the building, while cops were constantly patrolling at the main entrance, guns in hands.
"Please …" The black haired man tried once more, " … my boyfriend is in there …"

Thanks for reading guys!
My thoughts are with the victums this shooting claimed and their families.