Disclaimer: I don't own Worm or Overwatch.

"You can come out now." I called out.

"I don't see why you're pissed at me." The girl was nonchalant about the whole issue.

"You're a Ward. You're supposed to help people." I tried to be kind about it.

"And you're a vigilante, so I don't really see the difference."

"Trust Reaper to pick up a girl who doesn't care about others and teach her how to fight, then drop kick her into the Wards." I rolled my shoulders, testing the damage the grenade had done.

"Hey! I'm only in the Wards because"

"You got caught." I smirked at her, not that she could see it.

"Grr, stupid skullface. Cool off behind red tape my ass. He's just punishing me because he thinks I hurt his reputation." She was ranting now, about the infamous mercenary who had picked her up and taught her her tricks.

"Let's see. Black coat. Black hood. White mask. Even two identical hand-held weapons. Of course you would get caught. You even have the same powers! Did you think that just because he had an alibi that the police would handle it? You two even have the same catchphrase!"

"I already got the third degree when they interrogated me about his identity. I don't need you lecturing me. Just tell me when I can vanish."

"You won't." My tone was humorous as she froze in place.

"Say that again?" Her voice had a tinge of pleading in it.

"We're going to use the Bay for our base of operations for a while. So if it comes to it, you'll act as liaison."

"Please tell me you're joking."

"You know I don't." The smirk was back in full.

"I need to kill something." Her body was wrapped in smoke as she started to disappear.

"Heh. And Reyes says I don't have a sense of humour. Oh well. I better patch this up or the doc's going to kill me."