Reviews for Hero
KuletXCore chapter 1 . 11/8/2016
More Overwatch shortswormverse pls
NecroMac chapter 2 . 9/14/2016
Interesting Idea, certainly will follow to see more of it.
Rc1212 chapter 2 . 8/14/2016
Awesome story idea!

I look forward to seeing where this goes!
Qinlongfei chapter 1 . 7/31/2016
Pretty good re-imagine of Overwatch in Wormverse. The only thing I feel a bit out of the place is the mini-gattling gun since I feels like Wormverse's technology is not as advanced as Overwatch (There's Tinker tech, but they aren't easy to replicate) so I don't feel mini gun would be common enough where even a low level grunt of a gang can have access to.

The second chapter does feel a bit redundant for a short story since it just has 'sequel begging' feel to it rather than contribute anything to the first chapter. I guess it makes sense Solider 76 would have a word with Sophia Hess where she just watch Emma gets threatened, but it feels more like setting up for future chapters which this story doesn't have rather than wrapping up this short story.

All in all, pretty fun if short read.
jimjamr chapter 1 . 7/26/2016
Pretty good interpretation of the Overwatch short into the Worm verse. The scene from Worm applied very well to the video. Great job!

Are you going to be doing this for all the Overwatch shorts? I feel "Dragons" could be a decent one to try out next. Just a thought.