He is tired of repeating himself to sleep, because he is not nervous at all. His hands are not shaking, his breath is not heavy and definitely his cheeks are not pink because that's for nervous people and he. Is not. NERVOUS.

Alright, maybe... maybe he is a little nervous.

He stares at the black velvet box on his desk and bites his tongue, waiting for it to move or to do something. Why can't it go and spit the proposal for him? He and his friends are a reality, a walking velvet box wouldn't be that weird; he'd buy it in a whim and then it would do his dirty work for him, but that's just cowardly, isn't it? He'd disappoint her, he'd disappoint himself, his sister would have his decapitated head for dinner and his soul would be left alone to rot in hell, because he would be a coward.

And now he wonders, why is he pondering about the hypothetical existence of a walking, talking velvet box instead of doing the right thing and, I don't know, go and propose like a man?

He is half a man, according to Gakupo.

Luka is not so sure he is even male.

What does she even see in him? He is awkward, shy, a huge nerd, tall, slim... alright, he is pretty, he can't deny it. But she is a goddess, way out of his league and so... so lovely. Still, he is going to do it, because he loves her, he is sure of this. There is no way she will say no.

Wait, and if this is too rushed? He is twenty, they have been dating for four years, this is too fast, definitely, he can wait until they're seventy and old and grey and...

Just get on with it.

Or maybe she'll say no. That's also a possibility. She'll say no.

But he won't know until he asks.

And the velvet box remains unmoving, defiant to his wishes to the very end. And a bit cheeky, too. He is sure he can hear it laughing.
Or maybe he's going mad.

So he makes up his mind, grabs that stupid velvet box and stands up. He is going to do this, she is going to say yes and she will have his surname as her surname.

Maybe not the surname part, her name is gorgeous as it is.

Or maybe it's not so gorgeous and he is just a fool in love.

Problem is, he doesn't even know why he is so scared. He knows her from head to toe —in a very particular and literal meaning too, but that's private and not for him to share with anyone—, and she knows him in the same way, he knows she'll say yes, he made sure everything is right as she'd like it. So he takes a deep breath and walks towards the living room.
Everyone else is out, it's just him. And his future wife, if she dares to wake up. She is a heavy sleeper, and a kicker. Except when she stays in his bedroom, in those rare occasions, she wraps herself around him like an octopus and nuzzles him. Her breath tickles his neck and lulls him to sleep. She is a good blanket and he is a good pillow. They're just a good match.

He sits in the couch and waits. The dinner is ready, so is the dessert, and so is he. Or so he wants to believe.

Rin got everyone out for him, since she knows he'd rather do this in private and tell them the results later. It's going to be pretty obvious, she knows, he'll have a stupid grin on his face and she'll have a nice bracelet wrapped around her wrist —and him wrapped around her finger, but that's normal—, and they'll celebrate or something.

If not...

Rin is good at picking up the pieces of his broken heart.

Finally, after a while of sitting in the dark, he hears her footsteps getting closer. As they grow louder, so does the beating of his heart, until he is sure it's about to burst out of his chest and run away.

"Hey, what are you doing here in the dark? Are you trying to become a vampire or something?" Her voice is soft, still sleepy, and she sits next to him in the couch. She didn't switch the light on, so that's good. She can't see his blushing face.

"I have to ask you something, please listen. This is very import-"
"Yes" she interrupts him before he can finish, her eyes glistening even in the dark. Once again, she amazes him.
"The answer is yes, if you're about to ask what I think you're about to ask"
"You to marry me, as a matter of fact"
"Oh, I know"

He lets out a breathless laugh, and even in the dim glow coming from the only light he allowed himself to have —a lamp, dimmed down and hidden nearby, but it gives quite a nice glow— he can see her smiling face.

"I... what... what gave it away?"
"You're obvious, Len. You get nervous, you stutter, I can smell your food from upstairs... it smells nice, I want... But still. You're so painfully obvious it hurts. And I wouldn't have you any other way"
"So, I got you a bracelet instead of a ring but..."
"Can you give it to me while we're eating? I want food"
"You're ruining it"

Both of them get to their feet again and make their way to the kitchen, stupid grins on both faces. He is also quite proud. The lasagna smells delicious, and he can't wait to have her to taste it.

"Alright, I made- Rin..."
"You... made... Rin?"
"No" he points out "Rin"

There, in the kitchen, gorging herself with the lasagna, is Rin.

"Diff she fzay chez?" she asks, and she has her mouth full of food.
"Swallow, THEN, talk" Len chastises.

Rin swallows quickly.

"Did she say yes?"
"Yes, and you ate our dinner"

Rin looks down at the plate and then back at her twin.

"I was sure this was for me"
"No, it was for- What are you doing here anyway?" Len asks "I thought you were with the others in... wherever they are?"
"I wanted to be the first one to know" Rin answers, and takes another bite of lasagna "so I can gossip"

Len just sighs.

"If the dessert is not intact, I swear to god I'll hunt you down"

So, there we go. Short and sweet. English is not my first language, so if anyone wants to point any mistakes, please do. I'll fix them.
