As the two walked back into the temple after recovering from their little adventure, Pit started to yawn hysterically.

"Yawwwwwwwn". Pit groaned stretching his arms out.

"You getting tired?" Viridi asked.

"Yeah, flying always leaves me kinda tired, almost falling to our death's does too." The angel said causing them both to chuckle.

"Think we should call it a night?" Pit asked.

Viridi suddenly flushed a little, the smallest of gasps escaped her, "Oh….um, okay."

Pit looked at Viridi puzzled, what was wrong with going to sleep? He was almost completely certain that neither of them took "sleep" in the same way other couples do. Beyond that, Pit was only 16 and he tried his best to avoid many...we'll say 'naughty' thoughts from his head. But he still wondered why Viridi was so worried?

He soon found out when they reached Viridi's room.

Viridi walked quickly in front of her door almost defensively, "Ok, um Pit. When you go in my room, you may be…shocked, at what you see."

"Okay?" Pit said now beyond curious.

Viridi gulped, opened her door and walked in; Pit followed.

"Here we go-" Viridi softly said switching the light on.

As the room became visible, Pit gasped in utter surprise at what he saw; this was definitely the last thing he expected.

Covering nearly every inch of the room were not only plants (That he did expect) was posters, comics, props, figurines, video games and DVDs, it looked to be an entire nerd-vanna of sorts.

Posters of comics, movies, and video games, even a couple for Kid Icarus hung on her walls (gotta love the non-existent fourth wall, right?). On her shelves were numerous books, comics, and graphic novels lined the lower shelves; and figurines and plushes lined the higher ones (with a few potted plants for good measure). On the top of one shelf hanging on the wall was a replica of the Master Sword and Hero's Shield.

Pit walked into the room more; his head zooming around looking at every inch of her room. After a minute he looked back at Viridi, who was blushing immensely and shuffling her thumbs.

"This is awesome!" Pit said.

Viridi was shocked by his answer, "You really think so?" She asked slightly confused.

"Yes, this is amazing." Pit said walking around.

"I…honestly thought you'd find this... y'know nerdy and not very god-like." Viridi said walking up to the angel, grabbing her shoulder.

"Viridi; look at who you're talking to. I have probably as many figures here as you; maybe more. Besides, I've learned that Gods aren't all high and mighty all the time, they have qualities and traits that make them...more normal, human even."

"Well, I'm no human, but...thanks, Pit; I never show this side of myself much. I also guess I forgot that you're a little dork too."

Pit sneered jokingly at her comment, "but I'm a lovable dork, right?"

The little Goddess giggled, "Yup."

Pit went back to walking across the room, Viridi pointing out a few things she's proud of having or simply her favorite stuff, when the angel noticed Viridi's desk which was covered in drawings. Pit saw numerous pictures of landscapes, plants, comics, some self-portraits of herself, even pictures of Pit and her as well as one of Pitoo surprisingly.

"These are very impressive drawings." Pit said picking one of himself up, amazed by the resemblance.

"Oh, my drawings? Just a hobby." Viridi commented looking at her drawings, smiling at a few.

"You should be an artist, these are great." Pit said examining a few more.

"Oh, stop." Viridi said blushing, "You're too nice sometimes, you know?"

"That's not a bad thing to me." Pit smiled.

"Never said it was."

Pit caught a small comic out of the corner of his eye and grabbed it. "Is that Mangus and Gaol?" He asked, chuckling.

"Oh yeah." Viridi said walking up to Pit.

The angel recognized his ally Mangus and his partner/ former dark lord Gaol fighting off underworld monsters.

"Looks just like Mangus; like he's right here. When did you meet them?"

"A couple weeks after the war ended, before I got hung up about you. There cool people."

"Yeah." Pit said placing the picture down before noticing another one he particularly liked. "Hey Viridi; could I keep this one?" He asked picking up the picture of himself and Viridi star-gazing, much like they did not ten minutes ago.

"Oh that one?" Viridi blushed at her drawing; she thought if Pit wasn't embarassed over her nerdy room, he would be over the multiple portraits of the two of them. "Ok, if you really want it, I think I can part with it."

"Thanks. I'm keeping this close to my bed." Pit said placing the picture against where his heart is. "So I can wake up to you every day."

"Quite the romantic you are." Viridi said snickering a little crossing her arms, yet still blushing at his comment.

"It is true tough." Pit said; Viridi's blush deepend. "Viridi, you don't understand, your everything I like in a girl; your beautiful; your nice…sometimes at least, your fun to be around, heck your even a little nerdy." Pit said. Viridi blushed and giggled at the list of compliments.

Pit softly held Viridi's hands, taking a moment to feel how soft, delicate, and warm they were; they felt nice, "Your this angels angel." Pit said dreamily before kissing her quickly.

Viridi could've fainted right there of bliss, but instead she started thanking her fellow Gods for bringing Pit into her life. "Oh Pit." Viridi was all she could say before happily hugging him. "Thank you so much, you seem to be the perfect guy for me as I am to you. Guess we really are meant for each other." The two smiled passionately; only to be interrupted by another yawn form Pit; followed by a small soft yawn from Viridi, who shoved Pit a little.

"Stop yawning, your making me *Yawn* Ok, I'm getting ready for bed." Viridi said getting up and moving off to the bathroom. Pit chuckled, "I'll just get ready in here." Pit said happily.

After getting ready for bed; Viridi (in her floral print night gown) walked back into her room and saw Pit, doing push-ups?

"So much for being tired." Viridi said, taking a quick moment to see how strong her angel really was.

"I out before bed; keeps and ready...just in case of an attack." Pit said as he pushed himself up and down slowly.

"If you want to go to bed sweaty; that's your problem." Viridi commented walking by him and to her closet.

Viridi had to quickly put together a makeshift bed for Pit (they both agreed that it might be the tiniest bit awkward to share a bed on their first dat- er, hang out. The makeshift bed ended up being just an old bean bag chair with a blanket, but Pit didn't seem to mind at all.

"It's actually very comfy." Pit said laying down and grabbing the blanket.

"Glad to hear." Viridi said hopping into her bed and laying down.

"Well, good night, Viridi." Pit said sleepily, yawning yet again.

"Good Night, Pit." Viridi replied laying down and shutting off the light.

After a minute, the silence of night was broken by a whisper from Pit, "And Viridi?"

"Hmm?" Viridi replied opening her eyes to the dark room upon hearing his voice.

"Thanks for the best day ever." Pit said, his smile breaking through the dark room.

"I hope we have more days like this…together." Viridi said blushing into her pillow a little.

"Me too." Pit said, falling asleep. "Me too."

As Viridi fell asleep herself, she smiled the biggest smile she ever made in months and drifted off into sleep.

As morning began peeking into the room the next day, Viridi woke up to the sound of the 8-bit Kid Icarus theme playing on her alarm clock; she turned it off and sat up, stretching her arms. She then looked over and saw Pit still asleep peacefully, a smile on his face.

"Awww." She said softly. "He's so cute when he's asleep. Think I'll let him sleep in a bit more." She thought as she got down from her bed and quietly sneaking past Pit out of the room, the only noise being the slightest, tiniest click of her door opening and shutting.

On her way to the bathroom, Viridi ran into Phosphora, who, as always, had a horrible case of bed head and very droopy, tired eyes.

"Hey V." She murmured sleepily. How'd it go yesterday? Did you two have fun?"

Viridi blushed, it really starts quick with everyone making fun of them, doesn't it. "It wasn't like that. We just hung out, like friends."

"So your not going out, and it wasn't a date?"

"Well, I guess it was a date, and we are- it isn't your business, Phosphora."

"Come on V, if there is gossip: I know about it." She said forming her best gossip face through her sleepy morning complexion.

"Even still, it's none of your business. You've already snooped enough into my personal life for one day, now move." Viridi said stenly walking past the Thunder Goddess and into the bathroom.

Phosphora sighed. While Viridi did have a point, if Phosphora didn't snoop, Pit and her might not have gotten together. But, she understood Viridi's standing and just left her alone; besides, fighting with your boss is a made career move.

While Viridi freshened up; Pit woke up and almost immediately started doing push ups again, he never did this much exercise in the morning or night, but he honestly was trying to impress Viridi a little, though he was sure she wouldn't really be that impressed anyway, no matter what.

The angel also couldn't stop thinking about all the fun they had yesterday.

"I still can't believe I'm the one who's making her so happy; and here I thought she hated my guts." Pit thought to himself, stopping his workout and sitting down as he started to think out loud.

"But she doesn't, the complete opposite…she likes me. She actually"

Pit's face went pink along with a warm feeling going through him just thinking about his next thought. "Could this mean…I'm her boyfriend?" Pit asked in a small whisper of glee.

Suddenly, a door knock interrupted Pit's thinking, causing him to scream in surprise. It was Arlon (who unlike Phosphora, was both up and active and looking no different than yesterday.

"Breakfast is ready for you and The Miss-tress, Young Master." The tall Commander said opening the door.

"Oh, Thank you Arlon." Pit replied in a small voice crack. "I'll be there in a minute." He continued, trying to fix his throat from the surprise knock.

After getting dressed, Pit walked down the hall to the dining area. He looked around at the temple, seeing the flowers lining the walls once again blooming. Flower's and vines decorated each wall with color and life; Pit had never seen and felt such a happy feeling emanating from the halls. He smiled knowing that this was the best sign than ever that Viridi was truly happy again.

When the young angel arrived in the dining hall, the room was empty except for two plates, one of bacon and eggs (most likely his breakfast) and one of a collection of lettuce. Pit really thought it was weird such small, common meals like this in a fancy setting in a castle like temple, but Pit knows Viridi isn't like other Gods and Goddess', she was special, and this extended to a not so big breakfast.

The angel sat down, not touching his meal until Viridi came in to be polite (It wasn't even a long wait anyway).

The young Goddess skipped, almost trotted in happily humming softly as she grabbed her seat next to the angel. "Good morning." She said happily.

"Morning." Pit replied. "How'd you sleep?"

"Very good." The Goddess said while grabbing a fork and a bite of her eggs. "The best I've slept in a long time."

"Why's that?"

"You know why." Viridi said shoving Pit softly; the two chuckled. "I had my favorite angel in the room."

"Yeah." Pit said. "My presence does light up the mood doesn't it?"

Viridi leaned in and kissed Pit on the cheek, the angel's face went deep pink. "You have no idea."

The two chuckled and began to eat. After a minute of the two eating, Viridi put her fork down and turned to Pit, "Hey Pit?" She asked.

"Hmm?" Pit mumbled between bites.

"Your not….doing anything next weekend, are you?"

Pit's eyes quickly moved to the Goddess of Nature, turning pink. "No." He said genuinely. "Why do you ask?"

"Well…" Now it was Viridi's turn to go pink. "Do you want to… I don't know, hang out….again?"

Pit almost choked on his food at the request, desperately trying to reply, "Of….course." He said amongst coughs, Viridi giggled at his stumbling about.

"Ok, where do you want to meet up?" She asked happily going back to her breakfast.

"How about the waterfall in the meadows down on Earth?" Pit asked taking a gulp of orange juice brought to them by Arlon.

"Ahh. A little nature setting, I love it." Viridi said swallowing some salad and tomato. "Okay then, it's a date."

"A D-D-Date?" Pit asked surprised and excited at the same time, his eyes widened.

Viridi blushed yet again and nodded.

Pit couldn't hold his excitement, he quickly jumped up out of his seat and practically zoomed around the room in glee.

"Yahoo! A date! Yipee!" Pit yelled, causing Viridi to almost fall out of her chair from laughter.

"Oh stop." She said, still giggling. "I can't be that exciting."

Pit quickly stopped in front of her, walked up to her and took her hand. "You have no idea." The angel whispered placing his free hand on one of her burning cheeks.

"Oh Pit."

The two hugged hard smiling and didn't let go for some time, not that they wanted to. Pit and Viridi's bond seemed inseparable, it was as if nothing could upset them….except for one thing; saying goodbye for a week.

Pit and Viridi walked slowly to the edge of Virid's front courtyard; hand in hand. For early in the morning, it was quite bright. Upon walking out the huge oak wood carved front doors, Pit was immediately blinded by the sun. He found this odd given Viridi's castle is about fifty percent naturally lit by the sun, and he assumed Viridi has gotten use to it by now. But still the day was beautiful out; the wind blew softly moving their hair in the breeze slightly, and while the sun was bright, it wasn't hot, it was just right if not a slight chill due to some breeze.

As the two stopped by two large fountains surrounded by flowers, Pit pulled out a small, wooden whistle from his pocket.

"A…whistle?" Viridi asked slightly confused but Pit having such an odd object on him. "You play the whistle?"

"No." Pit chuckled holding the little instrument up. "It's a way for me or Pitoo to call Palutena to fly us back to the temple if we split up, and it pretty much plays itself, I just got to blow into it."

"Huh, okay." Viridi shrugged.

"I'm really going to miss you." Pit said hugging the small Goddess who went a shade of red.

"I will too, but it's only for a week, don't get too upset on me, Pity. You have my cell number and we can talk through laurel crown, so we can talk pretty much anytime." She said poking the angels bright gold laurel crown placed neatly on his head.

"Well, make sure you keep your phone on you." Pit said. "Something tells me I'll be talking to you a lot."

Viridi giggled.

Pit then took a deep breath and blew into the whistle hard, playing a small tune Viridi swore she recognized from somewhere (*cough, cough* Mario 3).

"Bye Pit." Viridi said softly, looking into his beautiful, dreamy eyes.

"Bye." Pit said before laying his lips on hers. Viridi groaned in utter delight, and after hearing a slight "woosh", she opened her eyes, Pit was gone.

The Goddess of Nature smiled from ear to ear; taking a deep, happy sigh before turning around and walking back towards her temple.

Upon making it back to her room, Viridi shut the door and locked it, still smiling as she walked to her desk. She grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil and began sketching. She began to draw out Pit's head, followed by her own, a huge heart around the two heads, and the phrase "Pit-idi" on top. She blushed and giggled at her made up couple name for the two of them.

Seriously, Pit-idi? How much more shippy can this fic possibly get?

"Oh shut it, narrator; don't ruin the moment." Viridi snapped.

"Besides, I like it, cause where would I be without my Pit?" She said smiling at her drawing once again.

"My angel."


A/N: And it's done, I really enjoyed re-reading and fixing up this old story; I know I can probably do better but I still like it anyway. Also, before anyone thinks I'm done with the Kid Icarus cast, I'll be making many more stories starring a bunch of other KI characters as well as some more Pit-idi of course. So watch out for more Kid Icarus goodness soon :)