No beta, guys. I spoke with Lelouch recently, and unfortunately, he doesn't have time to help me on the site anymore. He has constantly been working, so I am afraid that his assistance will be unavailable for quite some time. Also, I was questioned about the reason for needing to wash Jaune's burn. Well, I could be wrong (hope I am not) but isn't it important to wash away any dead skin to stop a potential infection? Either way, if I am wrong then so be it. I can't change anything now.

Either way, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!

"So you want my help with training?"

"Yep," Jaune said as he took a seat, the only form of cover for his body a towel wrapped around his waist. To an onlooker, it looked rather... risque to be with Ren like this. But he and Ren were just friends! They weren't like that.

"And the reason why you had to tell me in the communal shower was...?" He asked groggily, sporting a green towel that had his name sewn almost expertly in pink. The color combination was odd for a towel, and no typical person would have believed that the two colors would look good together.

Then again, Nora isn't the kind of girl one would call typical. Honestly, Jaune was impressed that the girl knew how to sew in the first place. For someone who didn't use any finesse in their fighting, she knew her way around a needle and thread.

"I need someone to wash my back, so it might as well be you."

From behind, he could hear Ren let out a tired. His teammate wasn't used to waking up at six in the morning, so it was understandable. But he seemed to accept his fate as Jaune heard his teammate submerge a towel in the bucket of water. With a squeeze, the water absorbed by the cloth began to drip down. Ren asked him if he was ready. He answered with a nod, then felt the cold, moist towel blanket his scar.


"Sorry," The towel was removed as quickly as it touched his back. "I'll try to be more gentle." The young Arc voiced his gratitude with a weak smile, then bit his lip down when he felt the fabric rub against his damaged skin again. Gods, it was much more painful than he thought!

Every inch that the towel scraped his back, he wanted to push Ren away to stop this torture. It was like when he would dry himself with a towel when he had an awful sunburn, reminding Jaune of all the times he got out of the water of his family's pool when he was a kid. After hours of playing with his sisters without the divine protections of sunscreen, he would have the worst sunburns.

Well, in comparison he would much rather take the sunburn. At least then he would have fun beforehand.

Taking a hit for Blake wasn't exactly fun, to say the least. Jaune would do it again, though. If she or anyone else were in danger, he wouldn't hesitate to shield them. That's what a hero does, after all, so he had to fit the part.

He could imagine his dad doing the same.

Jaune could still very much remember the exact moment he felt Torchwick's blast. It was cliché like the scene from an old movie or novel. The damsel gets saved by the heroic knight while he holds her. As the hero holds the maiden in his strong arms, he says a memorable line that everyone would remember for as long as they lived.

It wasn't as romanticized, but it would be a good story to tell to strangers.

Apparently, his friends viewed him a hero which he found to be rather silly.

If he were a real hero, then he would never have felt that small tug of regret when he protected Blake.

It was like a soft poke from one of his younger sisters. So quick and almost nonexistent that he didn't notice it the first time. But by the time he woke up after Torchwick was captured, he felt that his relief might have overwhelmed him. He survived! Everything else came second to that realization.

Then it left a bitter taste in his mouth. Because as happy as he was that he and Blake were alive and well. Jaune was disgusted that his continued existence was more important to him than the life he saved.

Someone cynical like Torchwick would laugh at his conundrum. "What's so wrong with worrying about yourself over others?" he would probably ask. It's honestly a darn shame. The criminal was incredibly skilled, and if he were a huntsman then perhaps a lot of people outside the kingdoms would be safer. Now sure, Torchwick did give him a nasty scar, but Jaune couldn't deny the strength that the man held. If his team and Ruby hadn't intervened then shielding Blake would have been meaningless.

Without his friends, everything Jaune could ever do would be meaningless.

"Why not ask Pyrrha?" Ren suddenly asked as he continued to scrub his aching back. "I'm sure you can trust her to train you properly like she always has."

"It's not about trust." He shook his head in amusement, a soft laugh slipping from his lips. "I trust Pyrrha with my life. But as it stands the best person to help me is you. You have the best aura control in our year, Ren. If anyone can make a useless guy like me get better with aura in a short time, it's you."

Maybe it was wrong of him to want to expect results in a small amount of time even with Ren. But after fighting Torchwick, it helped him realize that his current progress was sorely lacking. There had to be more options to use than relying on his body as a physical shield to protect others.

Jaune didn't want to die and be forgotten, but to be remembered by others as a hero.

"Ren..." Becoming as skilled as his friends may be impossible. "I know almost nothing about you. We don't talk much, and there aren't many things we share in common." There was a pregnant pause before he mustered the conviction to continue. "You may even think I don't belong here, and you would be right." For a brief moment, he felt Ren stop scrubbing, only to continue a short moment later. Jaune surmised it was because he wanted to get out of their awkward position as quickly as possible.

"But even so... I need your help, Ren. I'm not sure if I can do this without you." Even if the only way to gain power is to break his body then so be it! He won't hesitate. "I need your help. I want to be someone that others can trust in a fight. I don't wanna drag everybody down again. I couldn't bear it!"

Everyone at Beacon is amazing. Except one.

"I'm the only one at Beacon who is weak. You, Pyrrha, Nora and team RWBY. You're all so incredible that it makes me jealous. Whenever I see you guys fight, it makes me fantasize about what could have been if I had trained before coming here. What if I had trained instead of dreaming like the stupid kid I was? Would I have been as strong as Pyrrha? Would I have at least been able to become a better leader?" Would he at least be someone that his friends could rely on?

Throughout all his life, he wanted to train only for his father to always deny him the chance. Jaune was six when he first asked about becoming a huntsman. It was on his thirteenth birthday that he came to the conclusion that his dad didn't see any potential in him.

What other reason could there be for a great Huntsman like his father not to train him?

So Jaune gave up on asking him. Gave up on becoming a Huntsman altogether. But I should have trained on my own. I should have rejected the thought of giving up just because Dad didn't believe in me.

"Five-thirty." Ren suddenly said, while Jaune still felt his teammate's gentle washing.

"Five-thirty? I don't follow." As he turned his head the pain on his back forgotten, he saw Ren with a small smile.

"We'll have to be quiet when we wake up in the following mornings to train." Ren lets a sigh escape his lips. "Which means I can say goodbye to sleeping in, but since you're so determined, I will sacrifice the pleasures of sleep for you." He never stopped washing the blond's back as he spoke.

Despite knowing little about him when seeing Ren together with Nora, it gave insight to what kind of a person he was. While quiet and stoic, he was someone who would do anything for a friend - even if that friend opposed his quiet nature and longing for peace with loud brashness and hunger for excitement. It wouldn't matter to him.

Or if his foolish team leader needed someone to wash his bare back, he would gladly do it. Even if that same idiotic blond needed help with a hopeless endeavor like attaining strength, then he will help. Ren was a good friend like that.

No... He's probably one of the greatest friends a person could hope to have. Because he'll be by a friend's side despite it all... and Jaune knew that he didn't deserve a friend like that.

"Five-thirty it is." he said with a smile.

Jaune faced the front again, not daring to look back. It would seriously suck if Ren saw him cry right now. He would sooner fight his father than let his friend see tears in his eyes. It would be so uncool if that happened!

"By the way,"


"Don't call yourself weak, because you aren't, Jaune. We trust you with our lives, and whether you believe me or not changes nothing of how the team or I feel." The towel he used was submerged once more. The sound of the water hitting the tiled ground reached the blond's ears, informing him that he needed to prepare for the stinging pain again.

He didn't wince this time.

"How can you say that? Wasn't the state you found me in proof of how I weak I am?"

With how quickly he was defeated it should be evident that his skills were in serious need of improvement. While the trust instilled in him was kind, it was undeserved. When the time came that Jaune could stand next to his friends as an equal, then they could trust him with their lives.

But only then.

"You may not have been able to fight him as an equal, but you did all you could to fight him. You bought yourself enough time for us to reach you, and because of that we captured him." With how proud his tone sounded, it was easy to imagine the smile he must have had. "In my eyes, that was not a defeat but a victory. When Blake told us of your fight, I got the impression that you were doing more than just throwing yourself at Torchwick. You were buying time for reinforcements to arrive, weren't you?"

That was his intent because it was his only option. Call him a coward, but there was a reason why he did not help Blake and Sun at the very beginning. Simply put, his presence would only have served to be an obstacle for the two faunus to avoid while he would clumsily try to strike against Torchwick. Not only that, but his belated attack also ensured more time for help to arrive. Despite how poorly he did, it anchored the criminal at the docks, and as an extra boon, Blake was able to fight again courtesy of the extra time he bought. Thus becoming another chain to tie the enemy down.

To be a nuisance to Roman Torchwick... it was all part of the plan.

"But I had to rely on hope. You guys showing up at the nick of time was luck finally being on my side."

"Maybe so," he surrendered. "But you were utilizing everything you had at your disposal for that one ray of hope. Against the overwhelming odds, you trusted yourself to keep stalling. The only reason that everything worked out the way it did was a result of your determination." Ren was speaking as if it were a lecture. But unlike Port who no one cared to listen to or Oobleck who was just too fast as if there was never enough time in the world— Jaune was drawn to his teammate's words like Rapier Wasps following the aroma of red sap.

Now didn't that bring back memories better left forgotten?

But maybe he had a point. While Jaune didn't beat Torchwick in combat, he did win the battle. He and his friends were alive while a criminal was behind bars.

Jaune felt his the corners of his mouth twitch up.

"Thanks, that meant a lot." His gratitude was genuine.

"It's no problem." Thankfully, Ren seemed to believe his honesty.

They were silent from then on. Just the constant scrubbing with the occasional winces as a reaction to the pain.

When they heard a cough, however, both looked to the side seeing a pair of men divested of their clothes just a few seats away. The two were in a similar situation that he and Ren were currently in. Mirroring Jaune was a tanned figure with red hair, his dark skin covered with numerous scars that told stories of his battles. His pure white eyes suggested that he was possibly blind. The fact that he was still at Beacon despite such a crutch was a testament to his skill.

Then there was the literal giant behind him, who was washing the smaller man's back with arms that could bench all of team Cardinal and then some.

Brown eyes met their gazes.

"Forgive me. I did not mean to ruin the moment."

When Jaune returned to the medical department of Beacon, he had prepared himself for a dreary day of rest. It would be a day of laying in bed as he would have to listen to the heart monitor read the rhythmic beating of his heart. It was going to be a day when attending class became much more appealing.

The first sign that his day would be more... exciting ... was seeing Doctor Arima lean against the door to his temporary room, blocking his entrance. There was only one flicker of emotion that Jaune could discern from his blank stare.

Irritation. Oh boy... "Ryu, I didn't expect you to be up so early." He made sure to be on a first name basis, as anything else would only piss him off more.

"I'm always awake..." he growled. "Now, I would like to know why a particular patient of mine decided to leave his room without consulting me?"

"Um... I thought you wouldn't care."

"Well, you'd be right." Oh, well that's a relief... as strange as that sounds. "Normally, I wouldn't care about a missing patient. I would have just gone back to my room to relax. However..." his teeth began grinding together as the object of his frustration was in sight.

It was easy to guess what —or who annoyed him so greatly.

"A visitor for you kept me from doing that. But now that you're here, I can leave. And judging the way you so carelessly leave your room, it seems you are doing just fine."

"I'm sorry?" He didn't know if he really should be. It wasn't like he decided to go out to Forever Fall to fight Grimm. Jaune wasn't stupid enough to do something so dangerous as that in his condition— though his doctor seemed to think otherwise. Maybe he cared about his condition deep down—

"Gods, you are so annoying."

— but he had his doubts about that.

Ryu pushed his body off the door, closing the distance between them with a few strides. It was when he took the fourth step that Jaune realized that his doctor wasn't walking to him, but past him. He turned his head, seeing the retreating backside of his cranky caretaker.

"Your girlfriend and I have been waiting for about an hour." As his cheeks became warm, he knew they shared the color of his doctor's hair. "If I were you, I wouldn't keep the lady waiting any longer. Women can be terrifying creatures." Ryu seemed to shiver at that before he left the room without saying a goodbye.

He didn't even wave.

Jaune let a sigh escape his lips. Like he would have a girlfriend. The old man was probably referring to Pyrrha or Ruby, maybe even Nora. They were the only three of the opposite gender that he could think of that would visit him so early.

When he opened the door, the first color that he imagined seeing first would have been red. It was a lovely color. So lively and compelling to look at, that it inspires confidence whenever he sees it. Whether it was Pyrrha's hair or Ruby's cloak, Jaune expected to see the striking contrast of red and his white room.

The first thing he noticed was black— raven locks that framed a pretty face.

Seeing Blake sitting next to his empty bed with a book in her hands was one of the people he expected to see. And much like her personality, the girl's presence was a mystery.

"I take it that boredom drove your little escapade." Her eyes never left the pages of her book. Most would have assumed it was due to a lack of empathy on her part that this visit was nothing more than courtesy as a show of gratitude.

The fact that she was waiting for him to return, instead of leaving to come back another time proved otherwise. She could have gone back to her dorm for more sleep, or go the library to study. There were so many other things she could have done that Jaune could think of on the top of his head.

"Why are you here?" And yet he couldn't find the reason for her visit.

"That's your question?" Blake rolled her eyes as the book she was reading closed carefully. "I'm here to see you."

Well, duh. He gathered that much. "I mean, why are you here to see me so early? Shouldn't you be in bed?"

"Shouldn't you." Jaune couldn't stop a nervous chuckle from escaping. She wasn't wrong, which was why she had probably said it as a statement rather a question.

She didn't reprimand him any further like Pyrrha would have. And he appreciated that. While having a partner watch over him was helpful for the most part, there were times when he didn't want or need a lecture. Of course, he was still grateful to have such an incredible partner like Pyrrha.

His gratitude towards her would never change.

"Are you just going to stand there?"

"Sorry," He apologized with a smile. "Distracted is all."

"About what?"

"Just thinking about Pyrrha." His eyes snapped open wide as he saw a smirk from Blake. "Not in that way!"

When Blake started to giggle at his distress behind one hand, he couldn't help but blush. Jeez, it might as well be Yang in front of him. Who else but the self-proclaimed pun master would laugh at his expense over something like that? Maybe the fellow blonde was influencing her partner behind the scenes. Orchestrating a plan that would damage his pride... well... what was left of it at least.

"Why do you look so afraid?" she asked.

"Just thinking about Yang."

"Let me guess. Not in that way, right?"

"Not in that way, no. But in that way." Blake hummed in understanding.

"I suppose she does go a little too far with her antics at times." She paused as her lips tensed to a frown. "Scratch that, she always takes things too far."

Yang can be terrifying in more ways than just leaving a fist sized crater on someone's face. The older sister of one Ruby Rose was known for her teasing nature that could cause antics to threaten the standing of this school... literally. Pair her with Nora— Jaune winced as a shiver ran through his spine at the thought, becoming a sharp pain.

His back was sorer than he expected.

"Are you okay?!" His eyes snapped open when he felt a grip on his shoulder. Blake stood there, a worried expression on her face, who opened her mouth to speak, but stopped when he waved a hand in front of her. He gave a smile that told her not to worry.

Jaune was thankful to have someone worry about him, but even more so to find that Blake trusted him enough not to argue. When he made to move to his bed, her body shifted before he could even brush against her as if she was never there in the first place.

When he got to his bed, he was surprised to see Blake already sitting beside him with a closed book on her lap. Instead of reading, she seemed keen on anchoring her gaze on him alone. What an odd girl, worrying about him when the worst had passed long ago. Although, the company was pleasant if he had to admit. Perhaps the day won't be as dull as he once thought.

Well... at least, until she had to leave for class leaving him to his devices.

I'll take what I can get. "So Blake, what brings you here?"

"I thought we already went over this."

Jaune mirrored the girl's smile as she said that. "Not really. You never told me why you came by to see me. Ryu said that you were waiting here for about an hour so it must be important."

She seemed to blush at that. If Jaune were the same guy who first came to Beacon, he would have assumed that it was because she had a crush on him. But he wasn't so foolish to think that anymore. This wasn't a cliche story where he and Blake were going to be an item because of one incident.

Thinking about it now, her reason for being here was clear as day.

"You know, I don't blame you for what happened."

The air around them grew to a chill. He would not have been surprised to see his breath take form as mist at that given moment. Blake didn't say anything at first, too stunned to say anything. As smart as she is, the abruptness of his statement must have made any logical response seem brain dead to her.

Honestly, it was a surprise that he had that effect on her.

"I took that blast for you because I wanted to." Jaune continued, knowing that he has the floor. "If you came here to apologize I won't let you. Whether it was Pyrrha or even Torchwick in that situation, I would do it again."

He was certain that the statement was one hundred percent genuine to what he actually felt. Even if it was someone who caused harm to another, they still deserve a chance at life. The thought made him want to smile out of pride.

Then he remembered the sensation of relief and regret he felt not long ago, which quickly snuffed out his giddy feelings.

"Besides," he went on, ignoring such depressing thoughts. "My saving you isn't as grand as everyone is making it out to be, Blake."

"You still helped me against Torchwick."

"Not that I really helped you much there," Jaune pointed out honestly. "While I did buy us extra time for the others to show up, it was you and Sun that did most of the work. If anything, the real heroes are you two."

Ren may have been right about his involvement being an essential part in capturing Torchwick, but without Blake and Sun, things would have ended very differently.

Like a funeral for one.

"Regardless of what you believe," Blake said with a huff. "It doesn't change how I feel. Whether you want it or not, I will be repaying you."

"It isn't necessa-"

"It is to me." she hissed, which made him recoil back in shock at her quick dismissal. Blake seemed to realize her tone, as she cleared her throat behind one hand. "Sorry, I just... Is there anything you want help with? I'll gladly do it if it's within my ability to do so."

Why can't Blake just understand that there isn't anything he wanted? Well, there was getting a date with Weiss, but he would never spring that on Blake. Making her choose between helping him or Weiss would be irresponsible of him. He had a strong feeling that Blake would always choose her teammate over him (regardless of saving her). But it wasn't the knowledge of rejection that stopped him, but the principle of asking in the first place.

He wasn't going to potentially ruin this new found friendship that he and Blake were forming. As short as their time together was during her escapade away from Beacon, any friend meant a lot to him. Jaune began running a hand through his coarse unkempt hair.

"Honestly, though... I'm just happy that you took the time to visit." Blake had a knowing smile when he said that, which worried him. When you deal with seven sisters, seeing one of them smile after saying something was a huge red flag.

"Do I even want to know?" he asked wearily.

"Nothing bad," Blake shook her head, smile ever present. "I'm just amazed that Yang was spot on." Seeing his confused look, she continued. "She said that my coming here was enough compensation for you. I honestly don't know what stuns me more. Yang's accuracy or your stubbornness."

"The fact that Yang knows me so well is worrying."

"It's not like you're difficult to read."


"Can you deny it, though?" Blake asked, an amused brow raised.


Damn it!

"How 'bout this," he decided to change the subject— a weak attempt at salvaging what pride he has left. "If this really bothers you, you can just owe me a favor. That way, if I ever need help with something I can go to you, and that'll settle it." More importantly, she will relax and hopefully forget about trying to make things even. There wasn't anything he wanted from her, so he wasn't going to waste her time.

Jaune got to be the hero for once, albeit a clumsy one. He was finally making the next step into realizing what he wanted to be— a hero like his ancestors. What more could he want?

"Are you sure?" she sounded so unsure which matched with her hesitant expression.

Jaune smothered his laughter.

"I'm sure. If something comes up that only you can help with, I will go to you immediately." he made sure to offer a confident smile, which seemed to do little as Blake had a defeated sigh.

Truthfully, Jaune doubted that he would ever collect a favor from Blake. Whatever happens in the future, this favor that Blake thinks she owes him will hopefully never come up again. A person's life was worth much more than some favor could ever be.

Not only that, but Jaune didn't deserve her gratitude. All he wanted to do was be the hero, and he got that at the docks. Whether it was a friend or a stranger didn't matter.

His reason for saving her did not warrant any reward. Not from her or anyone else.

"Thanks for stopping by, Blake."

"I fail to see why we need Torchwick any longer." Adam growled, the catalyst of his ire no doubt being the thief. Taurus has always been bullheaded, and today was no different it would seem.

Cinder would have laughed at her pun, but the silly animal standing in front of her might have lashed out. It wouldn't do for there to be ash and bone on her carpet now, would it? Instead, she let a tired sigh escape her lips to show just how much she cared for Roman.

"I too would rather leave him, but you must understand Adam. We still require more dust-"

"We do not need that human for dust!"

She would have reduced his tongue to a bubbling grease for interrupting her. But that would cause more problems for only a small relief. With a practiced smile that would drop any other man's guard. "I do not doubt your ability, but Roman has more experience than you or me in this field. Future operations will run much smoother with him than without." It wasn't a lie, which was painful to admit. Roman was many things, but useless he was not.

"Then there is Neo," Cinder added. Seeing Adam's face tense in annoyance was enough to tell her how much he cared for the petite woman. "Regardless of how you feel, you can not ignore her importance. If we lose Roman, we lose Neo." That could not happen. She needs as many powerful pieces on the board as possible. As much as a nuisance Ozpin was, Cinder could not deny how powerful his side of the board was.

Emerald and Mercury were well above the levels of any student at Beacon, but they could do little against trained combatants like Branwen or Goodwitch. There was also the rest of the staff at Beacon including the students. So many powerful pieces under Ozpin's control while Cinder had much fewer under her command at the moment. Besides Adam, the White Fang only provided numbers— which a team of huntsmen could dispatch easily enough.

"If we are to achieve our goals, then all the pieces must be in place. The revolution you seek can only be achieved if we work together."

Cinder could hear Adam's grip tighten.

But he did not argue any longer when he turned his back to leave.

"When do you want it done?"

"You will know when I send you the coordinates of our rendezvous. Until then, prepare what men you can spare."

"Very well..."

Cinder would have set the spot he stood on fire after he left, but refrained. A chuckle slipped past her lips instead as she leaned back into the leather couch. Despite how tiresome dealing with him was, it was easy to manipulate the fool. As powerful he may be, the man was no leader. So blinded by hate and grief that he'll do anything to sate his vengeance. Just crack the door a little to reveal the opportunity to do so, then he'll agree to anything.

With Adam's assistance, Roman will be back in the fold soon enough.

Heh... only for him to be captured again. She did not intend to keep him forever. For as soon as Roman causes the breach for the Grimm to flood through the tunnels into Vale, he will no longer be of use. She would steal the remainder of the Fall Maiden's power, and destroy the CCT.

Then she will be gone.

How easy it is to manipulate men. With Adam, it was the opportunity to hurt those who hurt him. There was also his old partner that he fancies so much. Offer him the chance to find her again, and he'll turn into a dog and obey her orders. Roman was even simpler. All he wanted was to survive— to be on the winning side.

Roman will help ensure the fall of her enemies, and also his own fall.

How ironic, that the man who will do anything to win will lose because he chose the winning side.

Salem would be pleased.

Sorry for the long wait guys. Also, I know that the chapter isn't very long, and I apologize for that. However, everything important that needed to be addressed was in this update but also builds up to future chapters. Also, for those of you who want to correct me about Cinder's master plan, I think the breach was the original plan. Coeur seemed to believe this to as he explained this perfectly in Stress Relief.

Looking at the results of the poll, it is safe to say that you guys want an original story before we get to Volume two. It won't be set in stone, but the chapter count of this original arc might be ten chapters long. It sounds long, but I guarantee that you will all like it.

A piece of news! I have another story idea. I would like to write this, but only because Jaune would have the abilities of my favorite character of ALL TIME! Truthfully, this lacks creativity with how unique Jaune's abilities would be, but I do think it would be a cool read if someone else were to do it. Anyway, here's the story idea.

The Flame Huntsman

There aren't many who have what it takes to be an Atlas Specialist. For Jaune Arc, it was all thanks to his semblance that he became the youngest Huntsman in Remnant. With a snap of his fingers, his foes shall be engulfed in searing flames. Its heat unmatched by any other. "I am also quite the ladies man. Right, Winter?"

If you couldn't tell, in this story Jaune Arc has the abilities of Colonel Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist. Is it unoriginal and lazy of me to do this? Yep! Do I care? Nope! As for those of you who dislike the fact that I even entertained the thought of doing this, I understand. Normally, I would roll my eyes after reading a summary like the one I wrote.

But you know what? I don't care. Yeah, that's right, I. Do. Not. Care.

Besides, it's only the ability that is unoriginal for this story. I have some really cool things planned for that story when I eventually start writing it. Also, while Mustang's alchemy is overpowered as hell in the show, in the world of RWBY, I think it's pretty balanced when you compare it to everything else.

Well, that's about it. Have a good one guys!