Reviews for Black and Jaune(ish) White
IROCK108 chapter 4 . 4/23/2019
EmeraldGuardian7 chapter 5 . 5/7/2017
Just found this story and I'm loving it. I really enjoy a good Jaune/Blake ship. Anyway can't wait to see how our protagonists start to develop feelings for each other. I think Blake has started to already without realizing it. Jaune... *sigh* needs to drop his infatuation with Weiss first. Also, I think your idea for the new story with Roy Mustang powers for Jaune sounds awesome. I'd definitely read it. Anyway, keep the good work and please update this again soon.
scottusa1 chapter 5 . 3/7/2017
Good story so far.
Keep it up. Laters.
Mr.Hamvich chapter 5 . 3/4/2017
Thanks for the great story, I can't wait for the original arc :).
Guest chapter 5 . 3/1/2017
Take it as a compliment but i want that flaiming arc story more that the continuation of this one
ArmantusCumPinnae chapter 5 . 3/2/2017
wood be very interesting if jaune has the ability of Colonel roy mustang... im assuming he will also have roy's intellect abilities and overall skill... thought begs the question is will there be alchemy mixed iinto this or not? welp regardless. i wood very much like to see this new idea fly... and if possible make long chaps like how Coeur does it.. so satisfying... many thx for the chap n looking forward to the next
JustAFool chapter 5 . 3/1/2017
"Even if it was someone who caused harm to another, they still deserve a chance at life." I wonder if Jaune will still have this mindset after he meets Cinder.

Not to mention I really don't think Jaune would still have this mindset after he gets mortally wounded and has a scar from the encounter with Torchwick. The situation is completely different from Cardin where no one was intentionally trying to end the other's life.
Celestia's Paladin chapter 4 . 3/1/2017
Ok so this is about the chapter itself but about your first story idea, the one with Jaune mentoring his past self. I have seem a fic that did something similar, a rather well done Harry Potter fic that is sadly incomplete. I really liked that story so if you try it then you got yourself a reader.
Crimson Eyed Prince chapter 5 . 3/1/2017
I for one can't wait to read "The Flane Huntsman".
Shad0wReaper133 chapter 5 . 3/1/2017
"From behind, he could hear Ren let out a tired."
Pretty sure you meant to say "a tired sigh."

"Shouldn't you*?*" Jaune couldn't stop a nervous chuckle from escaping.
A rhetorical question is still a question.

"So Blake, what brings you here?"
You don't need Blake's name in there since it's only Jaune and her having a conversation.

"My saving you isn't as grand as everyone is making it out to be, Blake."
Same as above, they don't need to use each other's names in the middle of a conversation since they're the only ones in the scene.

"Are you sure?" *S*he sounded so unsure
If you end a sentence with a period, the next starting letter needs to be a capital.

"I will go to you immediately." *H*e made sure to offer a confident smile.
Same as above. Capitalization is important.

"Thanks for stopping by, Blake."
Again, no need for Jaune to use her name since it's the two of them, instead you can re-word his thank you to something slightly different but without the use of her name.

For example: "Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate it."
Amvmaster chapter 5 . 3/1/2017
Ok i like that flame huntsman idea
KING IN THE N0RTH chapter 5 . 3/1/2017
Jaune saying that he would have done the same thing if it was torchwick in that situation seemed a little much. It's one thing to not kill your enemies but to but your own life in danger to save bad people seems kind of like a bad trait for a warrior. I liked the chapter overall though. The new story idea seemed interesting.
Dareth chapter 4 . 2/12/2017
Actually, pretty good. The second chapter was a bit confusing, overly explaining things and some phrases sounding forced. But everything else is interesting so far. Keep writing and being awesome!
UCCMaster chapter 4 . 12/28/2016
Great story. Unfortunately since I'm on mobile I can't vote on polls so I'll do it here. I'd actually be interested in an original storyline IF it was short. As in still character development, but not so long that it loses focus of the main developments of Volume 2. So sorta like a short misadventure or something along those lines.
As for your new ideas, I like the first one a lot. There's so much potential in that especially if future Jaune and past Jaune are incredibly alike in terms of social awkwardness and density, the only real difference being knowledge of the future and a little bit more maturity. Therefore: shenanigans. I can imagine it now. C Jaune: so how should I approach ice queen this time? F Jaune: well the serenading didn't go so well, maybe this time we should try interpretive dance. That's like the one thing we're good at. By the way, note to self, Pyrrha keeps acting weird around us, try to find out why she randomly kisses me out of the blue. Rotfl!
Anyways keep up the good work!
VNCE chapter 4 . 12/24/2016
that reference was amazing!
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