A/N: So - welcome to our new Remus/Regulus fanfic! Another collaboration between M3535 and Zayhad. Againg the raw material is the result of a long RP between the two of us. It will be processed and edited as we go along. So although the RP is already written, it will take quite a while rewriting it to fit the fanfiction style. We will publish every Thursday as usual. Hope to see some of you old readers again and welcome new ones :)

Zayhad will make an illustration for every chapter. To see it, go to deviantart dot com and look up Zayhad. She has a folder in her gallery with the story's name on it. And if you would like to leave a comment on the art but don't have a deviantart acount, you're welcome to write it in a review here. Zayhad will be most pleased.

Disclaimer: Characters belong to the awesome J. K. Rowling

Chapter 1 – Welcome to Hogwarts

The car rolled up to the curb next to the large castle-like building, its walls made of solid granite stone, stretching towards the skies. Large rhododendrons in pink, purple and white decorated the green lawns, and in the middle of the courtyard stood a giant old willow.

Remus looked out the window and hid a cough behind his hand, hoping his mother wouldn't hear it. She always worried too much about him, and having been bedridden for almost a month Remus was not keen on being sent back to bed. He picked up his bag and got out of the car. "Thanks for driving me."

"Of course, baby. Now, you take good care of yourself. Are you sure you don't want me to see you in?"

Remus bent down and looked into the car. "I'm eighteen, Mum. I'll give you a ring later to let you know how my first day went, yeah?"

The hallways were full of students and Remus had to be careful not to bump into anyone as he steered for the secretaries' office where had been told to check in once he arrived. He spotted a young woman sitting by the foremost desk chatting with a boy with round glasses and very messy hair.

"Er... excuse me?" said Remus.

They both looked up.

"Oh," said the boy. "Are you Remus Lupin? The new bloke?"

"Yes," nodded Remus.

A wide grin spread across the messy-haired boy's face. He shook Remus' hand enthusiastically. "Welcome to Hogwarts! I'm James Potter. Prefect. I have been given the distinct honour of showing you around."

"Nice to meet you," smiled Remus.

James looked Remus up and down. Remus suddenly felt self-conscious about his second-hand uniform.

"Well, I see you got the right uniform and all," James smiled and straighten his own crooked tie. "So you got in on a scholarship?" he asked as they set out on the tour.

Remus nodded. "I got in on my English and Art skills."

"Brilliant!" beamed James. "Well, you'll get the best teachers here. It's a great school, but half the students aren't that bright, really. They're only here because of their parents' money.

Remus studied James for a moment and then dared to flash him a grin. He had been very worried about how he would be received by the other students, who were all rich kids except for the few, like Remus, who were there on a scholarship.

"How come you weren't here the first couple of weeks?" asked James when he had shown Remus the impressive library.

"I... I was ill," said Remus. He knew he still looked quite pale and his mother had not been keen on letting him start at school already, but Remus really wanted to go. He was tired of lying around at home with nothing to do but read.

"Right. You sure you're all well? You look sort of peaky," said James, studying Remus.

"I'm fine," assured Remus. "I feel much better than I did yesterday."

They continued the tour, James showing Remus every part of the school and talking avidly all the time. James was obviously very popular; many students greeted him as they moved around and he introduced Remus to everyone who stopped to talk.

"Jamie!" called a voice behind them and Remus turned to see an extremely handsome boy coming down the hall. When he reached them he swung and arm around James' shoulder. Who's your new boyfriend?" he grinned and looked Remus up and down.

"That's Remus Lupin, our new student. Nice bloke. And Remus, this is my tosser of a friend, Sirius Black."

Remus gulped and gave Sirius a friendly nod, trying not to stare.

"Nice to meet you," said Sirius. Then he turned to James. "Who are you calling a tosser?"

"I always call a spade for a spade."

"What a way to introduced me to the new bloke. What won't he think of me now?" The very handsome boy winked at Remus.

"Oh, I-I'm sure you're a nice bloke," said Remus.

The bell rang and all the students started milling down the hall in both directions.

"You better be off to History," said James, giving Sirius a push in the right direction. "Although old Binns probably wouldn't even notice you coming in late. I'll see you when I'm done showing Remus around."

"Fine, fine," said Sirius and swaggered down the hallway. Several girls turned their heads to look at him and giggled as he passed.

Remus himself couldn't help but look as well but quickly turned his head back to James. "Nice guy," he said and smiled nervously.

"The best. He can a right twat sometimes, but he's the best and most loyal friend anyone could ever want. We've been tight since pre-school. You got your schedule, right? What's your first lesson?"

Remus looked down at the schedule. "Math," he sighed. He was good at many subjects but Math was not one of them. "I was supposed to report to the school nurse with some papers from my doctor. Could you maybe take me there before I go to my lesson?"

"Of course. I'll wait outside while you talk to her." James knocked on the door to the nurse's office. "Madam Pomfrey?"

"Yes, come in," sounded a voice. "Sit down, Mr. Lupin," said the nurse when she had greeted Remus and closed the door. "You have some papers for me?"

"Yes," said Remus and opened his bag, pulling out the papers and handing them to her. "They should all be there."

She looked through the papers. "You have a defective immune system disorder? Tell me about it."

"Well," started Remus. "I get ill easily and I get very ill. I've often ended up in the hospital just from a simple flu, so I have to be careful around sources of contamination."

"Right," said madam Pomfrey, looking serious. "I will inform your teachers and ask you to come see me if there is anything. My door is always open."

"Thank you," smiled Remus and got up from his seat, shaking her hand.

He found James waiting for him outside. "Thank you for bringing me. I'm sure I would have walked around for hours trying to find it on my own."

James eyed him curiously, probably debating with himself whether to ask why Remus had to see the nurse. "There's only half an hour left of you first lesson, so it isn't really worth disrupting the whole thing in the middle of it. Professor Vector is quite strict. What's your next lesson?" James studied Remus' schedule and smiled. "Brilliant! We have the same lesson - English. Then you can meet my next-best friend."

Remus nodded, hoisting his rucksack over his shoulder. "Which teacher do we have in English? Is that a strict one too?"

"No, no. Flitwick is brilliant. You'll like him." James took another look at Remus' schedule. "We have most of the same lessons - that's brilliant! McGonagall is very strict too. But fair. She's Physics teacher and Deputy Headmistress. Slughorn, Chemistry teacher, and Sprout, Biology, are both very friendly. Oh, and you take Philosophy, I see. Professor Trelawney is a right nutter. No idea how she got the job. And Sinistra for Art. I don't take Art so I don't really know her."

When the lesson was over, Sirius found Remus and James. "This is Peter," he said, introducing a short, blond boy. "Peter - this is Remus, James' new boyfriend."

Peter looked very surprised for a moment but then seemed to get that it was a joke.

"Let's go sit in the canteen for a bit," suggested James. "We have ten minutes until next lesson."

Sirius left them for a moment and returned carrying a very large cup of coffee.

"Can you even finish that before next lesson?" asked Remus.

"Easily. I'm a speed drinker," grinned Sirius and took a large gulp of the steaming hot drink, making Remus feel pain in his throat just by watching. "Oh, look who's here," said Sirius and nodded in the direction of a red-haired girl who had just entered the canteen. "Your girlfriend, James. Or at least you wish."

The girl spotted Remus and recognition appeared on her face. "Remus!" she beamed and ran over to hug him. "So you're finally well enough to start?"

James' mouth fell open as he stared at them. "How do you know Remus?"

"He can thank me for being here," said the girl, Lily. "I was the one who gave him the idea to apply for a scholarship."

"But how do you know each other?" demanded James.

"I met Remus in Ollivander's book store. He works there once in a while."

"I see," said Sirius and elbowed James. "Remus knows Lily outside of school."

Remus nodded but noticed how sour James suddenly seemed and he quickly removed his arm from Lily's waist.

Lily also noticed James' face and snapped, "Oh, stop it. You don't own me, Potter!" Then she gave Remus a kiss on the cheek. "See you later, Remus."

James gawked as she walked away and then they all turned to look at Remus. Remus gulped nervously.

"So what's up with you and Evans?" grinned Sirius.

"Nothing," said Remus, feeling the blood drain from his face as he got more and more nervous. "We're just friends."

"Right," said James stiffly and got up. "We better get to our next lesson."

Sirius trailed a little behind James and Peter with Remus. "Hey, don't mind him. He's just a bit jealous. He's been fancying her for years, but she won't go out with him."

"Well... there's really no reason to be jealous of me and Lily. As I said, we're just friends and it will never be more than that."

Sirius raised an eyebrow. "She isn't interested in you? She certainly seemed friendly enough."

"It's more me who's not interested."

James spun around, having obviously heard what Remus had said. "What? You don't fancy a goddess like her? What's wrong with you, mate?"

Remus stared at him with wide eyes. "I... I didn't mean that she isn't a nice girl and pretty and everything. It's just that..." He gulped, feeling very uncomfortable under James' burning gaze. James was clearly waiting for a very good explanation. "Well... I'm... I'm gay," continued Remus in a low voice

James looked taken aback but then a grin spread across his face. "That's wicked, mate!" he said, swinging an arm around Remus' shoulder, as if they were old friends, as they started walking again. "Don't look so nervous. We have no problem with that, do we, lads?"

"Of course not," said Sirius and put an arm around Remus from the opposite side so they took up most of the space in the hallway with Peter walking beside James.

Remus smiled and felt relief fill him. "I'm glad," he said and took a deep relaxing breath. "I was a little nervous about telling. You never know how people react to it."

They entered the classroom and sat down in a group. A few minutes later Professor Flitwick came in, a smile on his face. He swung his briefcase up on the teacher's desk, which was nearly as tall as he was.

Remus had to crane his neck to get a good look at the teacher as he walked behind the desk and pulled out a stool to help him get up on his chair.

"Good day, class," he said and opened his book. "Turn to page 150. I hope you all did your homework so we can have a nice discussion."

Remus raised his hand a little hesitantly.


"Um, I'm sorry, Professor but I just started today so I have not read this chapter."

Professor Flitwick looked at him and then nodded. "Ah. You must be Remus Lupin! Well, Mr. Lupin, just pay attention and I'm sure you will be fine."

Next lesson was Biology. Professor Sprout was a portly woman with rosy cheeks. Not ten minutes into the lesson there was a knock on the door and a student peered in.

"McGonagall wants to see Sirius," he said, his eyes finding Sirius in the classroom.

Sirius sighed and got up. "Right. I'll see you lads later."

"No need to ask what that is about," said James. "Or rather who that is about."


Sirius knocked on the door to Professor McGonagall's office and entered as he was permitted access. By her solid oak desk sat a boy looking very similar to Sirius, arms crossed and mouth set in a significant pout.

"What is it this time, Reggie?" Sirius sighed exasperatedly.

When the boy's only response was to stare pointedly at a spot behind Sirius and scrunch up his face in an even bigger pout, McGonagall said, "Seems Mr. Black here got himself into trouble again."

"I didn't get myself into anything. I was assaulted! That big oaf Dearborn punched me!"

"After you pushed Miss Meadowes into a table and called her – what were the exact words? A filthy slapper – weren't they?"

"She was feeling me up."

Sirius' eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Honestly, Reggie – Meadowes?"

"Witnesses say she put a hand on his shoulder," said the Professor.

Sirius sighed and went to sit down next to his brother, looking him over for a minute and then turning to McGonagall. "What happens now?" Sirius cast a glance at his brother who was just sitting there with his arms crossed, looking sour.

"I would like you to take him to Madam Pomfrey and have his nose looked at, and then send him home."

"I do not need to see Madam Pomfrey!" exclaimed Regulus, suddenly looking nervous.

Sirius now noticed the bloody tissues lying on the desk. Regulus had obviously had a bloody nose.

"You do as you're told," said McGonagall harshly. "I want to make sure I don't send an injured pupil home!"

"What were you thinking?" scolded Sirius as they walked towards the nurse's office. "Getting into a fight over someone touching your shoulder? We have talked about this so many times. You need to control yourself!"

"Well, she should know better. It's very rude to touch other people without asking permission first. Especially if it's in a sexual way."

"How can her touching your shoulder be in a sexual way? She was probably just being friendly or trying to get your attention."

"You didn't see it, so you don't know. It was in a very suggestive way and she was smiling lewdly at me."

"Did you consider the possibility that she actually liked you? Although I think that phase has passed now, with you pushing her and everything."

"I certainly hope it has passed. I don't like her," said Regulus. They had reached the nurse's office and Regulus suddenly stopped. "I'm not going in there. You can't make me!"

"Yes you are, and yes I can. I'll get in trouble if I let you off the hook, but I promise to go with you and make sure she doesn't try to molest you."

"It's not broken. Look," said Regulus, touching his nose, trying one last time to get out of it.

Sirius shook his head. "You're going in there and then you can go home," he said and tried to push Regulus in through the door.

"Stop that!" said Regulus and jumped forward to get away from his brother's hands. When he realised that he had moved right into the nurse's office, he spun around to get out again, but Sirius blocked his way.

"Oh, Mr. Black," said Madam Pomfrey, looking all but thrilled as she spotted the boy. "What happened this time?"

"He got into a fight over a girl touching his shoulder," said Sirius. "He had a bloody nose, so best check if it's broken"

The nurse put on a pair of gloves. "Sit down please."

When Regulus made no indication of sitting down, Sirius pushed him down and held him as still as he could so Madam Pomfrey could examine his face.

"Stop that!" demanded Regulus, trying to wriggle out of Sirius' grasp. "I'm not a small child you have to hold down!"

"Obviously you are," said Sirius, not letting go.

Madam Pomfrey touched Regulus' nose and he sent her a furious glare. "It doesn't seem to be broken," she said and snapped off her rubber gloves. "Just a little bruised."

Regulus jerked his head as far away from her as he could, in case she decided to touch him again. Sirius let go and Regulus jumped to his feet. "Can I go now?"

"You can go," said the nurse and scribbled something on a piece of paper.

Sirius followed Regulus out of the office and turned him around by the shoulders. "You got to get this under control. This is the third time this month that I've been called to McGonagall's office because of you. Mum and Dad are bound to find out soon and you know what will happen then."

"They don't care," said Regulus and angrily shoved Sirius' hands off him. "And stop touching me all the bloody time! You're doing it on purpose to provoke me!"

"Of course I am," sighed Sirius. "Everything everybody does is done to bother you."

"Well, mind your own business!" said Regulus before turning on his heel and marching towards the front doors, eager to get home.


The Biology lesson ended just as Sirius got back.

"So what's he done this time?" asked James as he, Peter and Remus emerged from the classroom.

"He got into a fight over some girl touching his shoulder," said Sirius, rubbing his temples.

Remus looked curiously at him. "Who did what?"

"My little brother Regulus. He's... well he's a little special. Gets into trouble over small things."

"He's more than a little special," James told Remus in a low voice when Sirius was further ahead. "He's bloody mental. People should have learned to stay away from him by now."

Remus looked a little uncomfortable by James' choice of words. "How is he… mental? Isn't he getting any help?"

"Help? He doesn't want help! Teachers have tried sending him to the school psychologist many times but that freaks him out as well. He won't cooperate. He just wants to be left alone."

Remus felt sorry for the boy without having even met him. "I just think it's sad if he doesn't get help if he has a problem…"

"Don't feel bad for him. He creates his own trouble. He gets violent over nothing. You heard Sirius - he just got into another fight, and I guarantee you he started it."

"But why did Sirius get dragged out of class?" asked Remus. "I mean - it should be fairly easy to just give him detention if he's causing problems."

"Because Sirius is the only one who can deal with him. Maybe there was something that needed done, and McGonagall keeps him updated. Hopes he can set him straight, I presume. It's a miracle he hasn't been expelled long ago. But our Headmaster is a very liberal man. He believes in giving everyone a second chance. And a third and a fourth. Also, the school board likes the Blacks' money."

"I see," said Remus and looked up to watch Sirius who was strutting down the hallway and turning heads.

James noticed Remus looking at Sirius. "He's handsome, yeah?" he grinned, giving Remus a nudge with his elbow.

Remus blushed and quickly looked down at his shoes. "Y-yes, very," he admitted.

"Well - all the birds agree with you. Half of them would give a leg and an arm to date him. Personally I don't see the attraction."

"You're probably not looking hard enough," smiled Remus.

Sirius and James kept talking and talking during lunch, telling Remus more about the school and the people in it.

"You heard what I said about Dumbledore being very tolerant?" said James. "Just look at that lot," he said and pointed at a table at the far end of the dining hall where six gloomy looking teenagers were sitting. They all had black hair and heavy eye-makeup (two of them even black lipstick), and several of them had piercings and tattoos with morbid motifs.

Remus studied the students for a moment and wondered how students were allowed to wear that kind of make-up and have piercing at such a fine school. He guessed that the Headmaster must be rather liberal about personal appearance, as James had said. "What are they? Goths?" he asked.

"More like Satanists. That's what they say, anyway. Always yakking about the 'Dark Lord' and his arrival on Earth. The Anti-Christ and stuff like that. They call themselves Death-Eaters."

Remus leaned a bit to the side to get a better view of the students, but quickly sat back in his seat as they turned their heads to look at him.

"Best just keep your distance if you don't want trouble with them," said Sirius and snatched a chip from Peter's plate.

"Does… does your brother get into trouble with that lot?"

Sirius nodded. "He gets into trouble with everybody."

"Hey, we're going with Sirius home after school," said James suddenly. "Wanna come? His parents are away on a business trip – as usual - so we have the house to ourselves. Well, Regulus is there, but he won't bother us. And Mrs. Harris, the cook, makes the best food in Chelsea."

Remus smiled and nodded. He knew his mother would not condone of him staying out after school when he had just been ill, but he really wanted to hang out with his new friends and not seem dull by turning down the offer.

Sirius flashed him a grin. "Great!" he said and slapped Remus on the back. "You could use some good food. It's like slapping a bag of bones."