Here is an update!

Thanks to everyone who read the previous chapter! It means the world to me!

I own nothing but the plot and some OCs I may use

"You can see him now" A nurse told them an hour after Alec had arrived.

A doctor had walked out 45 minutes after Alec's arrival to give them the news of what had been going on with Max. Max was allergic to hazelnuts and his body had reacted as soon as he ate the cookies. He had been lucky that Magnus had brought him up so quickly. His lips had swollen as well as his tongue, which had closed up his throat and that is why it had been so hard for him to breath. Had he spent any more time without treatment would have probably ended up with him dead. The doctor was able to treat him fairly quickly after his arrival to the hospital, and since then the swollen areas had gone back to normal.

"He just woke up" The nurse informed them.

"Oh thank God" Magnus breathed out, relieved.

"Come on Rafe" Alec said gently, helping Rafael stand up from where he was sitting on his lap. "Let's go see Max"

"Immediate family, only" the nurse cut in "That means just you, Mr. Lightwood"

"Magnus and Rafael are Max's family as well" Alec frowned "They were the ones who brought him here"

"I'm sorry" the nurse said with a small shrug "Hospital policy"

"But that's just-"

"It's alright Alexander" Magnus cut off before Alec got too worked up "We can wait here"

"It's not fair" Alec frowned "You should be able to see him.

"We'll see him when visitor's hour come up" Magnus shrugged.

Alec sighed, but nodded nonetheless. He started walking towards Max's room, but not before glaring at the nurse who had not allowed Magnus and Rafael to see Max.

Magnus sighed as well, mostly out of exhaustion and relief, before sitting down on the uncomfortable chair once more. Rafael took a seat next to him, taking Magnus's hand in his own. Magnus smiled down at his son, ruffling his hair with his free hand.

"You most be starving" Magnus said "Come on, let's get you something to eat"

"Okay" Rafael nodded.

Both of them walked off towards the small cafeteria the hospital had. Magnus bought a sandwich for Rafael to eat and some juice while he got himself just some crappy coffee. It was nearing midnight, and Magnus guessed he should take Rafael home and come back in the morning. He didn't want to leave, though. And he was sure Rafael would complain about going back. So he didn't even mention it to Rafael.

As they were making their way back to the waiting room, they came across a gift shop. It wasn't much, just some small thing with few balloons, cards and stuffed animals. Rafael instantly guided Magnus there and together they chose something for Max. They got him a stuffed elephant, after Rafael's request. Together with some colorful balloons with different 'get well soon' messages. It was really cute and heartfelt, Rafael was almost bouncing with excitement to give it to Max.

They made their way to the waiting room once again. It was just as they had left it, but now there was a blond woman in a business suit talking to the nurse in the desk. Magnus looked at the woman curiously, thinking he recognised her somewhere. His thoughts were interrupted when Alec walked into the waiting room. He smiled at the sight of Rafael holding all the balloons.

"Is he alright?" Magnus asked him, concerned because Alec was out with them and not with his son.

"He's fine" Alec nodded "A bit sleepy, but you know him. He'll start asking for chocolate pudding soon"

"Can we see him now?" Rafael asked eagerly.

"As a matter of fact, you can" Alec grinned down at Rafe "Max was asking for you guys. Even the nurse couldn't say no to his pout"

"Sounds like him" Magnus chuckled "Shall we, then?"

Alec nodded, lacing his fingers with Magnus's before guiding them towards Max's room. Once inside, Rafael rushed to Max's side and hugged him tightly. Max hugged him back, excited to see his best friend again. He was even more excited at the sight of the different balloons and the stuffed elephant.

"Dad look!" Max exclaimed, hugging the elephant close to his chest "His name is Marvin"

"Marvin?" Alec chuckled.

"He does look like a Marvin" Magnus mused, smiling at the sight of Max talking excitedly to Rafael and hugging the stuffed elephant close to his chest.

Magnus looked around the room, seeing the small space and white walls. It wasn't much. Just a small bed in the middle of the room with some chairs against the wall. At least he didn't have to share th

e room with someone else. Until that moment, Magnus let everything rush out. He had been holding it back, trying to burry it or just ignore it. But seeing Max now, so happy and alive, brought back the horrible sight of the little kid trying to breath and chocking. It was terrifying and every single little thing came crushing into Magnus all at once. His legs turned to jelly, and he had to sit on one of the chairs so he wouldn't fall.

Alec noticed, of course, and in a second he was kneeling in front of Magnus. His blue eyes bright with worry. Taking Magnus's hands, Alec brought them close to his lips and pressed a kiss on Magnus's knuckles.

"What's wrong?" Alec whispered.

"Nothing" Magnus shook his head, giving Alec a watery smile "I'm so glad he's okay"

"Me too" Alec breathed out. "Thank you"

"What are you thanking me about?" Magnus shook his head "I almost killed your son"

"You saved him" Alec told him sternly "You heard the doctor, you got him here just in time. He's breathing now thanks to you. I have no idea how to repay you"

"You don't have to" Magnus shook his head "You would do the same for Rafe"

"Of course I would" Alec nodded "We're a family. We look after each other"

They stayed there until Max fell asleep. A doctor came by to let them know Max would be able to leave in the morning. Alec would stay with him all night while Magnus and Rafael went back home to catch some sleep. Rafael put a bit of a fight, but then he agreed after the promise that he would be able to see Max in the morning. Alec and Magnus shared a small but tender kiss before parting.

Lydia Branwell was a girl of many secrets. Always had been.

It wasn't that she liked to hide things. It was more that she was used to putting up a wall against everyone that no one got to know who she really was. There were very few people who had been able to break through that wall. One of them being her boyfriend through the first years of college and her best friend. They were gone now, though. Her boyfriend had died leaving her alone with their unborn child. Her best friend had been there for her through everything. But once her child was born she couldn't handle it.

She had thought she would be able to go through it all. To raise their child and love him. She had been wrong. After John was gone, things just went downhill. And then her child looked every single bit like the love of her life, and she was not able to handle it. So she left. Left the kid under her best friend's care and ran away.

She didn't hear from either of them again. She was glad...and then she wasn't. It had been the hardest thing to do, but she did not regret it. She knew she could never have raised the kid as her own, that he was better off with someone who could love him like he deserved. Alec was that someone. She was sure about it.

Sometimes she wished she could see him again. At least once. Just to see how much he had grown, if he still looked like his father and if he had some looks from her. Maybe he would be a mix of both of them, or not at all. Maybe he would be all John. Maybe he wouldn't. Lydia was sure he would be all Alec when it came to his personality. Caring and responsible. Filled with innocence and joy. A spark of something special, something that just burned with passion and love towards everything around him. She knew that. And maybe she was not ready to face him just yet.

That was what kept her away for such a long time. She was not ready. She convinced herself she was not ready. Not ready to face her son. But also not ready to face Alec. She was sure he would hate her now. No matter how much he had cared for her once, leaving him alone at such a young age with a child that wasn't even his under his was too much. Alec would hate her for sure. She was not ready to face him just yet.

But being away had grown to be too much. She couldn't keep running. She knew that and she knew it would come catch her at some point. So she came back, even though she was not ready to face it all.

So what do you think?

Lemme know in the reviews! Also favorite and follow!

