A/N: It is at the end or after of Glass Sword. I just wanted to try to write what Mare's thoughts could be.

"I just wish it could take a break

Before everything will break
So that I could take a deep breath
Before the next day
Before the next rain
The next decay
I've been running, running, running all the way
Trying to find a world that is not the same
Then I realize there is no such place
I only have myself to blame
Heroes will be afraid
Heroes will be afraid
Heroes will be afraid
Heroes will be afraid
On his way to the flame"

Shang Wenjie (尚雯婕) – Before the doom


Mare looked hastily away, making herself ignore the jeer of the seething heavy mass of bodies, with necks straining to catch a glimpse of the defeated lightning girl, all beckon for her to burn.

Shade Barrow was dead. The one Mare was closest to, who not only understand her, but who would encourage her, advise her, and chastise her when it was necessary, would no longer be there to consult, go through silly banters, provide suggestions, and even nag. Another part of her lost. Another of the very few with whom she would be able to reveal herself, where she could be as open and blunt as much as she wants, and maybe still regain some of that...innocence, no matter how small…was completely gone.

Mare was so weak…she was ready to give up. Maybe she was getting what she deserved for being so blind. For being too reckless. Getting Shade killed. For pushing away her friends and family. And Cal. Oh, Cal, that was all over. There was nothing that could take back after all the hurtful things she said and done.

Maven took in the scene before him, savoring his victory.

"Are you not enjoying this?"

Wordlessly, she kept her head bowed. Her jaw clenching, Mare's expression did not change, but only Maven noticed the slight tensing of the Red's hands.

"What are you thinking about, hm?"

Cal, Kilorn…are they alive? Are they all safe? They have to be, they are all survivors. A way to break out of this chain. Someway to escape. To strangle you with the chain that's used to restrain me.

Those thoughts were the only things that gave her some comfort. The hope that everyone is alive and still ready to fight for their survival. Her being able to wrap her hands around Maven's throat and just squeeze. The hope that Shade's unborn child will be able to be born safely. The hope that somehow, someday everyone will find their place in the world. And Cal. Cal, to be able to roam around freely out there somewhere, free from everyone, hidden away from prying eyes. She resisted a small smile, at the silly picture of herself free out there beside him.

Shaking away those foolish thoughts, Mare could not keep hoping to find that light at the end of the tunnel, that they will come help her or any other comfort. She had to stay alert. Her every move will be watched.

Mare did not reply. It was evident that the young treacherous king, in his grand fashion, enjoyed taunting her. It seemed that Mare would not give Maven the satisfaction of any participation from such a question.
But her hands tighten even more.

Is that it, Little lightning girl?

"You're nothing," he said musingly. Enjoying the view of her kneeling before him. Heavy malice creeping into his voice now. "Just a whore on her knees."

I am no whore; I am Mare Barrow, a Red. Her eyes were vacant; she continued to stare at ground unblinkingly. Don't underestimate Reds.

"No?" Maven replied with a smile that was razor thin. "You lost Little lightning girl."

That was Maven's mistake. His triumphed 'victory' and that satisfaction along with it infuriated Mare anew- a surge of rage coursed through her.
She kept her eyes cast to the ground. Time seemed to stop. The boiling fury that swirled and mixed with despair festered inside of Mare. She kept her head bowed further down, hiding the gleam in her eye. Nothing has changed. She knew what she must finish. Maven Calore, King of Norta…You have no idea, do you? You truly know nothing of the bottomless malice that lies within the Reds.

Mare closed her eyes tightly; she could feel a lump in her throat but ignored it, knowing that she has to keep fighting somehow. The skies and land already turns red and silver from the blood on all of their hands.

Every drop of blood lost brings her closer.

Enjoy this for now, your Majesty. I will kill you.

A/N: Thanks for reading!

- It's just something I wanted to try.

-Also, I apologize for any grammar errors, my beta is MIA at the moment.

-I hope it was not too difficult to read.