Author's Note: Cool, my first fanfic! So we'll get the copyright stuff outta the way first: I do not own KND, it belongs to Mr. Warburton blah blah blah! Just a quick warning: if living doll type of stories make you uncomfortable, I don't think you're going to like this very much. I really hope I conveyed what I've had in my head into the story properly so that it makes sense to you all. And on that note, enjoy OPERATION: D.O.L.L.S!


In the TV Room of Sector V's treehouse, Numbuhs 2, 4, and 5 were all enjoying some relaxation time. Numbuh 5 sat in her cushy chair reading a magazine, while Numbuhs 2 and 4 were on the couch playing a video game. Numbuh 1, meanwhile, was across the hall in the Mission Prep Room, checking in vain for any missions, completely bored out of his mind. All in all, a typical Saturday morning.

The villainous adults and teens that the Kids Next Door were used to fighting on a daily basis had been pretty lax this week. It seemed that everyone, even evil-doers, were taking to the warm, peaceful weather that had finally pushed the cold winter to some other part of the world. And while the rest of Sector V didn't mind, using the free time to go to the beach or laze around the treehouse, Numbuh 1 was ready for action.

After Numbuh 1 made his fiftieth loud and frustrated "Ugh!" Numbuh 5 finally snapped.

"Boy, will you keep it down in there!" she yelled. "You sound like you're hackin' up a hairball!"

Numbuh 4 snickered. "There're some bald jokes in there somewhere! And if I wasn't too busy kicking Numbuh 2's butt right now I'd make 'em!"

Numbuh 2 smirked. "Unlike you, my one track-minded friend, I'm never too distracted to crack jokes! Here's one for ya: ha- Hey, that's cheating!"

While Numbuh 2 whined over Numbuh 4's sudden lead in the game, Numbuh 4 cackled, and Numbuh 5 breathed a sigh of relief that she wouldn't have to suffer through Numbuh 2's awful jokes, Numbuh 1 walked into the room glaring at his teammates.

"In case you haven't noticed, there hasn't been a mission for days! This can only mean that the adults are planning something big, and I plan on being the first to know about it when it happens!" Numbuh 1 looked around the room and noticed that one of his teammates wasn't even present. "And where is Numbuh 3?!"

Numbuh 5 rolled her eyes. "Will you calm down? The adults could just be relaxin' like everybody else this week. Maybe you should try it! And Numbuh 3 left last night, Captain Observant! While you were busy mopin' over the mission-less database, her mama called and told her to come home. Something about needing her to watch her little sister or… something."

Numbuh 2 shuddered. "Ugh, getting stuck watching Mushi? That's a fate I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy!"

Numbuh 5 eyed her watch. "Although," she said. "You think she'd be back by now?"

Numbuh 4 shrugged. "Eh, she's probably on her w–."

Before he could even finish his sentence, however, a giant metallic claw burst through the wall of the treehouse. Sector V sprang to the opposite side of the room, looking for any potential weapons, readying themselves for whatever was outside the treehouse.

The metal claw ripped the wall away to reveal a giant robot piloted by none other than Sector V's archenemies, the Delightful Children From Down the Lane, who looked mad.

"See? Told you somebody was planning something!" Numbuh 1 gloated with a smirk.

But before his teammates even had time to roll their eyes, they scattered about, barely avoiding the robot's hand crushing them.

"Give them back!" the Delightful Children demanded as menacingly as they could in their monotonic voices. Their robot violently thrashed about the treehouse, desperately trying to either crush or grab any operative they spotted.

The operatives managed to each get their hands on a weapon, and regrouped in the middle of the room. However, this only made it easy for the metal hand to grab the four of them before Numbuh 1 could give them orders and brought them to the eye level of the Delightful Children.

"We know you took them! Give them back NOW!"

Sector V, not knowing what the heck they were even talking about, ignored them and tried to squirm themselves free in the robot's grip.

"Give! Them! BACK!"

"What are you brats goin' on about?!" Numbuh 5 barked.

"Father's new schematics for a Delightfulization Chamber! We know you took them, now give them back to us before he discovers they're missing and we all get in big trouble!"

"We didn't take 'em!" Numbuh 4 yelled. "We haven't gone anywhere near your stupid mansion since the last time we trashed the place!"

"LIAR!" the Delightful Children yelled. "We know you have them! And we have this to prove it, found at the scene of the crime!"

The short, blond Delightful Dork held up a small cellophane bag. In it was a long strand of black hair.

Numbuh 5 scoffed. "What? You think Numbuh 5 did this? She hasn't left the treehouse all morning!"

"That may be," the Delightful Children retorted. "But what about the other dark-haired operative who is conveniently missing at the moment?!"

Numbuh 2 managed to get his arm free. "Let me see that!" he said as he snatched the bag away. He examined the "evidence" inside. "Pfffft! This could be anybody's!"

"Here's some advice, Delightful Dorks!" Numbuh 1 sneered. "How about instead of blaming us based on paper-thin evidence, you worry about Father finding out his schematics went missing on your watch!"

The Delightful Children thought it over. Indeed, avoiding the wrath of Father was worth letting Sector V go… for the moment, anyway.

"You win this time, Kids Next Door," they said in their dull monotone voice. "But we'll be back for the schematics – and the little brat who stole them – later!"

The robotic hand dropped Sector V in the middle of their damaged treehouse, causing them to wince in pain. And just like that, the Delightful Children left as quickly as they came.

"Well, that was random." Numbuh 5 commented, rubbing her sore back.

Numbuh 1 started analyzing what repairs would need to be made to the treehouse before Numbuh 2 interrupted his thoughts.

"Hey Numbuh 1?" he said hesitantly, inspecting the evidence more closely.

"Yes, Numbuh 2?"

"We haven't seen Numbuh 3 since last night. And, yeah this hair could belong to anyone… Including her. What if she did have a part in all this?"

There was a moment of silence.

"You don't really think Numbuh 3 stole those blueprints, do ya?" Numbuh 4 finally asked unconvinced. "What would she want with 'em?"

"And why would she do it without us?" Numbuh 5 wondered.

"I…I don't know! You don't think Numbuh 3 went on a rouge mission, do you Numbuh 1?" Numbuh 2 asked their leader.

Numbuh 1 pondered this. Numbuh 3 was as loyal a Kids Next Door operative as any other, and a lot sweeter too. Definitely not the kind to just leap into an extremely dangerous mission alone and without orders. Still, she was rather fiery and unpredictable, and definitely not the brightest of kids. And every once in a while she reminded both teammates and enemies alike that she was not a girl to be reckoned with.

But that doesn't make her guilty, right?

"I don't know." Numbuh 1 finally answered. "But we're going to find out."

Author's Note: TA DA! First chapter done! Whoo! I'll try to upload frequently, and if people are digging this I'll upload more often! Comments are totally welcomed; obviously, since this is just the first chapter, there's not a whole lot to say. But if the story has peaked your interest, please let me know and I'll get the next chapter up soon! Or just say hi, I enjoy friendliness! Have a beautiful day!