A/N: Hello long time no see. I don't really like this one, but it's something. I hope you like it. and I know this seems kind of rushed, but I've been given so many projects and SOLs are coming like NOW, so blah, my inspiration has died over the past couple of weeks.

Here take it...



"Hey, kid." Tony chuckled, ruffling my hair as I trudged in. I had just gotten back from taking care of some out of control monsters. The lack of mist is really getting to people's heads. And the monsters took advantage of that, so as 'The Kid' I would go and help out. Other demigods help too, but they now have to wear masks like lone superheroes. It's for their protection. There's a difference between believing in a bunch of fairy-tales, it's another to understand the real horrors.

"M-huh." I muttered, flopping down onto the couch next to Clint, who was cleaning his bow. I was beat, from school, from that morning at SHIELD. "CRAP!" I bottled up right and looked up the clock. It was only 4.30. I had to be at the head quarters at 5.30. I took a deep breath and relaxed again, Clint patting my knee.

"If you were late, I would have told you." Clint said, not taking his eyes off of his prized passion. "Plus I think Clint would have been calling you." I just grunt again and lean back.


"You're late." Grant Ward commented as I skidded through the door to the sparring room, golden glitter making my hair stick up at ends. My shirt had a huge rip init and I was breathing heavily. "Hero-ing doesn't give you a good excuse."

"What about being a demigod who has a smell that involinteerily attracks monsters?" I wheezed out. "Cause I think it does."

"What ever, just re-energies, and if you can get me on the mat, then I'll let it go." Ward said, handing me a bottle of water. Skye rolled her eyes.

"So, what is it like being an Avenger?" Skye asked as I walked out of the changing room, wearing the SHIELD issued work-out outfits, which was a black sweat-resist shirt and mid-length gym shorts.

"Like being in a large building with a bunch of psycotic maniaques. Nothings done sparingly." I commented, bending down to ty my shoes. The back of my shirt raised just enough to brush my mortal spot. I shivered as chills crawled up my back.

"So if you're only a trainee at SHIELD, and your, what - 17?- how did you get that scar?" She grazed a large one on my back, just above my ex-mortal spot. I shot up then.

"AHG! Don't touch it." I smacked her hand away. "I got it a while back, no more questions." I stalked over to Ward, who was glaring at Skye. "Ready to have your ass kicked by a 17 year old?"

"I hope you like getting glared at by Coulson." Ward cracked his neck and got into a sparring position.

He attacked first after a few 'size-'em-up' circles. He let out a punch, which I ducked and swept my feet around, which he jumped. He tried to kick my face, but I leaned back, preforming a low backflip, nailing my foot into Grant's face. I could feel my senses one egde vibrating through my body as I counteracted every hit that Ward tried to land. Though I misjudged the length of Ward's foot, and he nailed me in the chest, but it didn't stop me. While Ward was off balance with the hit I lunged forward and grabbed the back of his knee, a cheap move, but oh well. He feel on his butt.

"I win." I declared, throwing my hands up into the air.

"That was a bad move, you could get hurt or killed pulling that in the feild." Ward grunted. "You need to learn how to control those juvanile urges and -"

"They weren't 'juvinile urges' it was instinct. I looked at you and in a split second I identified your weakest point, and I went for it, in the way least damagable to my body." I informed, not missing the huff from Ward, the snort from Skye.

Ward was about to say something when 'BACK IN BLACK' rang through the training center. Saved by the bell. I picked up the call from Tony, waving to Ward and Skye.


Gaint slugs were terrizing the city at a slow pace. Though the acid slim helped as they monsters shot it at buildings, making huge holes. They also were eating cars and other mechanical things. At first we had this. We didn't need Percy yet, he was training to be a SHIELD agent, and needed the hours.

I couldn't trip them up or tie them down with my webs, because they had no appendages and were pretty much slim. I tried to electocute them, the smell was horrific, but nothing seemed to help. Steve lost his shield to one of them, it was sticking in it's head, stuck by the slime. Natasha and clint were out of amo, leaving one of the slugs looking like a porkupine. Thor wasn't doing much better. He throw his hammer into a slug, making it rip through it's body and back to him, but the hole would just fill back up with slime. Hulk was having the same problem, just with his fists. His feet were sunk in the body of one of them, yet they continued to slug along.

I think Tony was having a blast, litteraly. He was shotting energy bolts at the things, making holes then watching them close back up, it was like he was in a candy store.

"That's so gross, yet absolutly amazing too." He said through the coms.

"Tony, they're distroying the city, call Percy." Steve grunted as he tried to extract his shield. I had him on a web, making sure he didn't get sucked in.

"Fine, fine." Tony shot another hole in the thing.

About five minutes later Percy came in all decked out in his 'kid' outfit. He stepped off of his flying horse, and within three steps slipped on the slime. He grunted and stood up.

"Alright, so who made the french mad?" Percy asked.

"Not funny, Kid. Just dissolve them with water or something." I grunted as I pulled Steve and his shield out of the slug. Percy snorted.

"That's not how it works. Though salt would be better." He said. "You guys tried that right?" I heard Natasha start yelling in Russian as Percy said this. "I'll take that as a no."

"Were are we going to find this much salt though?" Steve asked.

"We are by the ocean." Percy sighed and lifted his hand. A few moments later a stream of water curved through the streets and started to circle around the pests. They started to let out loud hellish screaches as they started to bloat up and explode.

I saw Clint run to Percy as the kid stumbled and started to fall. We all ran to him then.

"Too far from the ocean. I'll be fine." Percy said as he leaned against Clint, his hair stuck to his forehead from sweat and grim. We were all covered in goo. "Just gonna-" He passed out then.

"Hey, let me take him back, then I come and help clean up duty." Tony said, his mask open.

"Alright." Clint nodded. Percy grunted as he was passed on between the two. Tony held Percy bridal style as he shot into the sky towards the Avenger Tower. "He's not coming back."

"Not at all." Natasha comfirmed as we started to gather our things. I grabbed Banner's spare clothes from my bag and started to find the Hulk, hoping he was already calmed down into Bruce by the time I do find him.