Chapter 1 - Of Yellow Ribbons and Brown Eyes
Social Relationships. Do we always have to label them? What is a stranger? An acquaintance? A friend? Lover? Why is there this nagging need to label such things? Can't we just claim that we are close to another person? That we just know another person? That we have spent time with another person? Please give your answer in essay form.
Kidding aside, I just can't find an acceptable reason to label my relationships with other people. Okay, there's family, but that's a given. Once you are born to this world, you will have your first social relationship and that is, you got it right! FAMILY. You will have at least a father and a mother (whether they are present for the rest of your life or not). My parents may not spend that much time with me nowadays, but I don't mind. We have this mutual trust between us. I know I love them. I know they love me too. And then there are sibling/s (or none if you're an only child), which could be younger or older than you. It doesn't matter which gender they are. Refer to my relationship with Komachi. She may be bratty and sly sometimes. She may sometimes get on my nerves, intentionally or unintentionally. She may treat me as the lowest of society's scum every now and then. But, I would never give up the relationship I have with her for anything in this world. I don't care if I have to live a single life. I don't care if I have to give up my dream of becoming a house husband. I really treasure my relationship with Komachi. I love Komachi… Ok that was gross. Maybe I really am a sis-con.
It is really frustrating! For example, look at these two amazing beautiful girls here spending their time with me in this clubroom. I know that they are close to me (don't tell them that). They are so close to me that should they ask for my help anytime, even if it is in the dead of the night, I'll come rushing to their rescue. No matter what it will cost me. These two girls are precious to me. The thing is, I didn't have this kind of relationship in the past. Hence, the frustration in labelling my relationship with them. I'm pretty sure that they are more than just acquaintances to me. And I'm not sure whether they are my friends. For me, they are more than that. Which made me ask this question: What am I to them? Yeah. No need to answer that. It doesn't matter what I am to them. What matters is what they are to me. Let's just settle with "Yukinoshita and Yuigahama are the most closest to me, second to my family". Yeah. That should do it.
Then we have Hiratsuka-sensei. It is a known fact that I am her student. So we have a teacher-student relationship right? Yes and no. Yes, we have a teacher-student relationship (please don't make this complicated). No, because aside from that, we have something more. She gives me pieces of advice from time to time. We spend time, enjoying each other's company. I just wish that she tones down the violence. I don't think my body can take much more. And oh, she's single and attractive, so please someone, anyone, take her already!
Same goes with my foxy kohai. Isshiki and I have a senpai-kohai relationship. But for me, at least, she's more than just that. She is more like a little sister to me, even though we are only months apart in age. Eight months to be exact. It's just that, my Onii-chan instincts automatically activate whenever she's around. She's rotten too, second only to yours truly. She can be a slave-driver sometimes, but alas, I have to take responsibility for the actions I have done. Afterall, she saved my relationship with these two precious girls. I am grateful for that. But please, stop teasing my poor heart Isshikki! I might really fall in love with you. Damn this sly kohai of mine!
All this talk of social relationships has made me thirsty. A cup of lukewarm tea should do it. AH! Thankfully there is one within reach. I took my pan-san cup, the cup that these two girls have gifted to me, and drank the delicious tea prepared by none other than our own Yukinon. Ahh…
Concluding that I won't be able to get any decent reading anytime soon, what with thoughts running rampant talking about social relationships and whatnot, I closed the light novel I was reading after marking where I have stopped. I then glanced across the table at my service club companions. They are snuggling. Hehe. Nice one Yurigahama! You have brought down the mighty walls of the Mighty Yukinoshita fortress! Seeing them like this warms my heart. I just have to smile. I can't help but acknowledge the hard work that the peach-haired girl has done to become this close to the Ice Queen of Sobu high. I just hope that I'll be able to seem them like this more. High school is only three years. We are now in our second year, nearing the end of the school term. We only have a slightly more than a year of high school life at most. After that, who knows what will happen? The possibility of us three entering different colleges and then drifting apart is very real. I sincerely hope that the end of our high school life is not the end of our relationship.
"Hikki… Why do you have that weird look on you face?" What? Ah Gahama-chan? Isn't that a little bit uncalled for? I'm just smiling you know? And what's with that dejected face of yours?
"Yes Hikigaya-kun. Please remove that disgusting perverted look on your face. Having dead-fish eyes isn't enough for you? It makes me fear for my and Yuigahama-san's chastity." Says the ice-queen, covering her modest chest while she's at it. I'll just let you know Yukinon-san, I do not have the desire to defile your god-like body, especially that flatter-than-the-fields-of-kanto chest of yours! Yuigahama on the other hand… GAH!
These girls! And to think that I've thought of nice things about them! What ungrateful bitches these girls are! That's it! No more nice things for you. I will fully give you what it is that you see me as. A perverted dead-fish eyed disgusting loner. I hope that you don't regret the consequences of your words… See, this is why I don't like to label my social relationships! IT IS FRUSTRATING!
"Ara? Are you not even trying to fight back?" Says Yukinoshita with a playful tone. Then there's that teasing look on her face. What a-
"Shut up." *grumble*
A visitor? We didn't have any for a while now. I just hope that it isn't my pesky kohai. I don't know if I can endure anymore after being attacked by these two ladies. I don't know if my weak heart can take it. Come to think of it, she does not bother to knock usually. However, I cannot ignore the possibility of this visitor being her. Please don't let it be Isshiki. Please don't let it be Isshiki. PLEASE DON'T LET IT BE ISSHIKI. Oh, and while we're at it, please don't let it be Tobe.
I won't mind if it is Totsuka though. Hehe. Lovely, my angel Totsuka-tan! [1] Grk-! I am becoming perverted! Please, I take it back. I want to stay the same unknown loner with less perverted tendencies!
"Come in." That is the cue. Go on visitor-san. Show your face to us.
When the clubroom door opened, what greeted us is a person that I have not known before. Sure, I may have passed by her a few times. But really, I don't know a thing about her. What should I say? Hmm. She's a pretty lady. Shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, perfect lips, yellow headband adored with yellow ribbons, slender body, not so modest but also not too big chest, and a very lady-like aura. If I have to score her, she'll be two levels below Yukinoshita and Miura in terms of attractiveness. That's not to say she's not attractive. She is. Really! There's a certain thing to that lady-like aura of hers. I can't help but stare at this beautiful creature.
"Pardon me but, is this the service club?" were the words that escaped from the young lady's lips.
"Yes it is. Please have a sit." was the reply of the service club president.
"Yuzumiya Ruri-san of class 2-A right?" Okay. The ice queen may be a loner, but I've got to give credit where credit is due. She knows mostly every student of Sobu High. Well mostly because she didn't know me before our introduction. But I don't blame her. It's just my 108 skills at work. Their powers seem to be dwindling nowadays, what with the increase in number of people noticing my existence.
Yuzumiya Ruri accepted our club president's offer and took her seat. She then glanced at us, the three member of the service club. She did it in very lady-like manner. Ok! Your attractiveness has levelled up young lady! Maybe you can teach my sly kohai a thing or two about being graceful and polite, amirite?
"That is indeed me. You may call me Ruri if you like." Can I call you Ruri-chan?
"Ehe. Well then Rurin, what brings you to our club?" Okay. Really Yuigahama? Rurin? That's the best nickname you can give? Well, I should have expected much. Afterall, I was nicknamed Hikki. Heck even Miura's Hikio is better!
"Ah yes. I have a request to make. Will you please consider?"
"Well Yuzumiya-san, we can promise you that we will at least hear your request. As to whether we will accept it or not, that we will have to decide after we have heard it."
"Very well. It is simple really. There is this guy that that I am interested in. I want to ask him out." Tch. Lucky guy! To be asked out by this beauty is an honor. I can feel her sincerity.
"But knowing him, I know that he will reject me." Really? Who is this guy? Can I beat him up? "You see, I don't know him too well, at least not enough to comfortably ask him out. Thus, before I do that, I want to know him more. I want to be acquainted with him. From there, I want to cultivate our relationship and turn it into friendship or even more."
"Ah that seems reasonable. I mean, if I were the guy, I would really think like that. I have had enough experience with rejection that that the automatic response I can give is a NO, especially if I don't know the girl or guy. However if it is from a friend, which I don't have any, I might consider a YES." Hehe, what a pathetic creature I am.
I was expecting Ruri-chan to be grossed out. However, she wasn't. Instead, she showed a face of concern.
"Hikigaya-kun, please refrain from sharing your disgusting opinion. I don't want you to scare our client." I have no answer for that. Maybe I should've just kept my mouth shut. Well, if that is what you want, I have a better solution.
"I could leave the clubroom if you want. That way, I can't scare you right?" And come on, when have I come close to sexually harassing you? Please enumerate if there is any.
I then proceeded to stand up and contemplated where I would be staying until the end of the allotted club hours. Maybe I should go to the vending machine and grab myself a can of MAX COFFEE. That would be nice. Then I can sit on my lunch spot. Yep, that's the plan then. However, my plans will have to wait because I was halted by the young lady's voice.
"Ahmm, Hikigaya-san, please stay. Your opinion is appreciated. And I need your help too with my request". Hmm? Really? You're just being nice to me aren't you Ruri-chan? I studied her expression to see if there was some evidence of slyness. I could find none. Seems like she genuinely appreciates my words. Huh, this is new to me.
"That so?" I then locked my sight at Yukinoshita to see if I have permission to stay.
"Y-yeah! And you were just a bit too harsh Yukinon! Hikki can express his opinions, however gross they are" Ohh? Now you are siding with me too? Seems like the Rom-Com Gods have begun to favour me! However, I cannot let that 'gross' comment slide. But eh, beggars can't be choosers.
Then there was silence. All eyes were now on Yukinoshita, and I can tell that she feels the pressure. Heh. Making her feel uncomfortable like this can be fun sometimes. However, I only feel this way if I am involved in the process… She then then met my eyes, and... hold on. Is she blushing? Just from the sight of me? Nah, I think it's just from the pressure, right? There's no way the ice queen likes me. She treats me like trash after all.
After feigning a cough as if to regain her composure, our resident Ice Queen then said "Very well. I apologize for my rude behaviour. And if our client wants Hikigaya-kun to stay here, I won't deny her of that request."
Huh. Welp, so much for planning. I shrugged as if to accept that, returned to my chair to sit, and then proceeded to giving the adequate amount of attention to our current client. She said she needed my help right?
"Rurin, please continue."
"Ah yes. You see, he is not well liked by the Sobu High populace. But I do know that deep down, he is kind. Very kind. He has helped many people but not once did he ask for anything in return. He is just too kind for his own good you know? He's even willing to hurt himself just to save others." Eh? Why do I get the feeling that I know this guy?
"I see. Well Ruri-san, in what way can the service club help?"
"Well for now, I would like to ask your opinion. How should I approach him?"
Hmm. Tough. Considering that she could have had all the time in the world to know this guy. Well, now that the school term is about to end, it is a little bit harder.
"Well Rurin, I say that you approach him by asking him for a bit of his time. Like, introduce yourself and spare some effort in spending time with him! Asking for a date would be a little bit too forward, but you can ask him out for a study session. Then you can proceed from there. Who knows, he might like you too and he might take that as a cue to date you!" Was the answer of our social expert. It is at times like this that she can prove to be more useful than I and Yukinoshita.
"I'd have to agree with Yuigahama-san on this one. I am not well-versed in social interacions." Was the honest revelation of our club president.
They then gave their attention to me, as if asking for my opinion. Ah, no pressure guys. So what to do here, should I just give the opinion that formed in my mind or should I give an answer that satisfies my audience? Ha! That isn't even a question! I AM HIKIGAYA HACHIMAN! I hate facades!
"I say that you should just ask the guy out. Doesn't matter whether he rejects you or not. What matters is that you've tried. And if ever the guy does reject you, that doesn't mean it's the end. It will be just the beginning. You already know that the guy was kind right? Well, I can promise you that the guy will atleast notice you. I doubt he will find you annoying or anything of the sort."
Total silence. It was as if time has frozen. My two clubmates have their mouths open in shock, as if they didn't expect a serious answer from me. Uh, guys? Could you please have a little more faith in me? I can give very sensible answers. I am a realist. That's what I am right? I perfectly gave a perfect answer… right?
However, worries of my usefulness have been lifted when I looked over to our beautiful client. She has a smile plastered on her face, as if she was content with my answer. Well then milady, I am glad to help.
"Hikigaya-kun can give useful answers from time to time huh." mumbled the Ice queen while placing a hand on her chin as if contemplating. Ahm, Yukinoshita-san, I can hear you. What's that supposed to mean?
"Hikki, that's painfully pessimistic and optimistic at the same time!" Oi oi oi. Praise me or insult me Gahama-tan. Pick one.
"Glad I could help." was my reply.
Silence again. This time, it was not the awkward kind. It was deemed necessary. A time for contemplation I guess. I am trying my best to divide my attention to the three ladies here with me.
"Well Yuzumiya-san, those were our opinions. Is there anything else we could help you with?"
"Ah well. I think that's enough for now. Thank you for your help Yukinoshita-san, Yuigahama-san, and Hikigaya-san. I hope that you would help me on my future requests." Gracefully says the beautiful young lady, bowing in gratitude.
Future requests huh? I wouldn't mind helping her. Afterall, she appreciates my opinion, unlike a certain beauty I know. It kinda feels nice to be appreciated you know? Fine then! I will help you in your future request Ruri-chan!
"We will try our best."
"Yes Rurin! You can come to our club anytime you need help. You are a nice person!" Way to go Yuigahama! You at least secured a decent regular client. And by decent, just refer to Zaimokuza, which is the perfect example of a non-decent regular client.
I just gave a nod to acknowledge her sentiment.
The lady then stood from her sit and made her way to the exit. Or so I thought. She did stand up and walked a distance. However, she stopped in front of me. Brown orbs trying their best to lock with my dead-fish eyes. She's demanding attention. And I guess I have to give it to her? Ah, Ruri-chan? Is there anything more you need from me? You are not like Isshiki right? You are not gonna play with my heart right?
"Would you please go out with me?"
Chapter 1 - End
[1] – Oreimo reference. This Kyousuke's petname to Ayase "Lovely My Angel Ayase-tan".
A/N This is my first Oregairu fic, and my first series fic. And yes Yuzumiya Ruri. Ring any bells? It's a modification of a name of a certain popular character. The description of her physical appearance should be clue enough. Just imagine her without Godly powers and eccentric personality. Just a sweet young lady.
This does not mean that our hero will eventually end up with her. Afterall, she can be just a catalyst. Please don't expect hasty updates. And oh, please review. English isn't my first language.