Reviews for Are the Rom-Com Gods Favouring Me Now?
Shiroraven chapter 9 . 9/8
Just a note before I proceed on later chapters...

I am more rooting for Ruri now instead of Yukino...
QuietMenace5 chapter 3 . 4/26
I don't care how it ends, but I SHIP IT
QuietMenace5 chapter 1 . 4/26
oh dear, he bluescreened
QuietMenace5 chapter 1 . 4/26
I lost my shit when Ruri went to describe her crush, full on mad cackles.
Wicked.A chapter 9 . 11/22/2019
This was one of the best hachiman representations I have ever read, thank you!
Guest chapter 2 . 10/21/2019
I starting to feel that mc is not hachiman. Author has failed to copy or write hachiman character.
Shad chapter 12 . 5/7/2019
Finally finished it. I really loved it. Especially Ruri. I am impressed how well written her character was. Anyway, I also ship HachixYuki cuz...well, it just feels right...I don't know man, with everyone else, its just not the same as Yukino..
The Richmaster chapter 12 . 4/12/2019
this was an interesting story; I like the way that this follows up well and the surprise side-pairing were fun too.
Ovaerall great work; you did especially well on the emotional side
The Richmaster chapter 11 . 4/12/2019
I really enjoyed the interactions here; Hachiman's talks with both Ruri and Yukino fit his progression really well and the developing friendship fit too.

Also, that talk with Hayama worked on a lot of different levels; it was a good wrap-up with their sub-arc whileleaving potential for later. The idea that he might like Haruno is a pretty interesting one too
The Richmaster chapter 10 . 4/12/2019
I really enjoyed the way you portrayed the sibling relationship here; Komachi and Hachiman are probably my favourite example in fiction and you did well showing their care for each other

the forgotten childhood friend aspect honestly feels like it's out of nowhere but it hasn't been handled badly
The Richmaster chapter 9 . 4/12/2019
YOu did a good job of showing both the bond between siblings and how Hachiman is being effected on an emotional level.
However, I'm having a really difficult time trying to figure out whether this is all chronological because it feels like there are a lot of jumps back and forth.
the individual interactions within each section were as good as ever thoguh
The Richmaster chapter 8 . 4/12/2019
I feel that you did a really capturing Haruno's different outlook and the way that she can affect those around her; my interpretation is that there is a certain disconnect that makes it difficult for her to not break things, let alone fix them.
The whole sequence was done really well in regards to the interaction of personalities in this context; Hachiman's reaction fits really well because his emotional state is actually rather fragile in regards to people that he has opened up to.

The only issue I had with this chapter was how disconcerting the sudden shift to Yukino's POV without any indication.
(though that part was also done really well)
The Richmaster chapter 7 . 4/12/2019
I really loved this chapter; that was a brilliant way of showing Yui coming to terms with the current situation and how this would be the best way for them to move beyond the awkwardness between them. The entire interaction worked on so many levels.

From the looks of it, Haruno is the one at the ending; she's often a wildcard for stories like this so I'm curious to see how you'll handle her
The Richmaster chapter 6 . 4/12/2019
that was a rather sweet chapter; the interactions were good and the backstory fits what you've shown so far and has the odd bitter feeling that is common in Oregairu.
I'm curious to see how it develops from here
The Richmaster chapter 5 . 4/12/2019
Ah, this is the sort of drama that the Rom Com gods laugh at; it's sort of something I saw coming but at the same time, part of me is saying how much of a bad idea it is and the many ways it could backfire but I then remembered that Hachiman doesn't think the same way I do
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