Thank you so much for your wondeful reviews! I really really appreciate them!

Some lemony goodness ahead.


Draco barely touched his food as he twirled his fork in his fingers. Harry, Ron, Luna, Dean, Fleur and Bill were all seated in shell cottage's cozy dining area, all having dinner with him though there was such heavy air between them that he immediately lost his appetite. Hermione was still in the bedroom having a rest, he had helped her finish her dinner first before he came downstairs to reluctantly join them after Hermione insisted. A bruise covered Dean Thomas shifted uncomfortably in his seat, he was taken aback to see Malfoy join them for dinner but didn't bother to ask anything. And why on earth was everyone so calm about it, he was just at the blonde's manor being held captive along with the others before they were taken away to safety by Dobby. Luna settled herself between Ron and Fleur and she was lost in her own world as she arranged her peas into something like a winged creature. Harry was not looking at any of them, he was busy consuming the food in front of him savagely for he hasn't eaten anything that good for the past months, living off with mostly wild mushrooms while he camped out with Hermione and Ron. Luna then averted her gaze from her peas to Harry as if she had never seen anyone look so pitiful in her life. No one spoke, only the clinking sound of cutlery and plates filled the air as well as Ron's angry chewing, who was visibly scowling at the blonde Slytherin across from him. He looked like he wanted to pierce his bread knife straight to Draco's eyeballs to the back of his head. The blonde took notice of Bill's dinner, it was an almost raw steak, he then looked up his heavily scarred face that still showed traces of his once very good looks. Fleur, on the other hand, was not even touching anything, her plate remained empty as she stared at Draco with a scowl and it made him feel very distressed. Bill tried poking her with his elbow but she kept ignoring him.

"I hear earlier zat..." She suddenly spoke which made the rest look up at her, their forks suspended in mid air in front of their mouths, Bill gaped at his wife with a questioning look. "You were ze one who let ze Death Eaters inside 'Ogwarts. Iz that true?" She asked, her face now displaying an air of disgust. Draco slowly placed his fork back down but did not tear his gaze away from her.

"I..." He started then he swallowed thickly. A pained expression appeared on his face and he just couldn't find the right words to say. He had had never felt more ashamed in his life.

"You know, my 'usband went to your school to help and fight ze so called Dark Lord's crazy followers. Do you see ze scars on his face?" Fleur asked in a composed manner thought her face clearly showed the opposite. "Zis was from zat werewolf's attack. Ze one zey call Fenrir Greyback." She said with her eyes hardening. How she kept her voice so calm was totally beyond them.

"Fleur, pleas-" Bill tried to stop her but she held her hand to his face to silence him.

Draco's eyes widened and his face was instantly drained of color. Greyback was one of the Death Eaters who tagged along with his Aunt Bellatrix during his attempt to kill Dumbledore months ago under the Dark Lord's orders, he remembered clear as day how horrified he had been to see the werewolf emerge from the vanishing cabinet, he had not expected him to be there, to the castle where a good deal of small underage witches and wizards run around whom he could easily prey on so he could forever ruin their lives. Bitter memories and trauma made him feel a sudden rush of paranoia so he hastily stood up with his lips quivering. Every else followed suit in surprise, except Luna, and they were either looking at Fleur or Draco. Luna remained seated and was gazing intently at Fleur.

"I... I'm sorry... I didn'-"

"Your empty apologies will not 'eal my 'usband's scars! 'E was lucky enough zat he wasn' even bitten! An' it wasn' just 'im! All the other little children in your school could 'ave met something much worse!" Fleur said in a high pitch yell with her fists clenched, looking completely outraged though it did nothing to hide her breathtaking beauty. Bill was trying to restrain her by whispering to her ear to calm her down but it was no use.

"Hon, calm down plea-."

"Calm down? CALM DOWN? DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? 'E'S ZE REASON WHY YOU 'AVE THOSE SCARS! 'E'S ZE REASON YOU WERE ALMOST BITTEN! IF ZAT 'APPENED, YOU WILL NEVER 'AVE A NORMAL LIFE!" The part veela shrieked with angry tears falling from her eyes, she grabbed her empty plate from the table then she threw it hard on the floor where it shattered to pieces. Draco flinched at the impact then he moved backwards into the sink to hold himself steady. He lifted his hand to his chest when he felt it tighten, making breathing suddenly painful. He felt his vision swim and his stomach gave a heavy jolt which caused him turn around and throw up.

He was humiliated beyond belief, he just wanted to disappear from where he stood and never come back, but he thought of Hermione. He turned the tap on to wash the disgusting bile he just released then he washed his face and mouth with a shaking hand. All of a sudden, he released a sob. His hands landed into the edge of the metal sink, trembling as he wept until his knees gave out. There was really nowhere to go, everywhere he went, his fate as a Death Eater haunted him.

He felt even more alone than ever.

He crouched down with his hands still holding unto the edge of the sink. He had spent the past months shedding tears to himself which he thought was pathetic and honestly, it was greatly taking its toll on him. Sudden panic attacks would now occur that he tried his best to conceal but he can't just do it all the time. He'd always known that behind that smug and arrogant demaenor he often displayed, there was a scared and lost little boy.

Ron was right, he's really a coward.

He had never intended to humiliate himself by bawling like a child in front of others, especially former classmates and rivals Harry and Ron who he thought were wearing triumphant smirks at his defeated form on the ground behind his back, but on the contrary, both were looking at each other with their faces sporting a mixture of pity and a frown, not really knowing what to feel. Dean was now at the back of the scene, completely anxious and bewildered, wanting to get away and Luna stared at Draco with her face slightly pained. They heard thundering foot steps coming down the stairs and they all turned their heads at the direction of a bushy haired girl that appeared, looking thunderstruck with both hands clutching her mouth.

"Draco!" She immediately went over to him and crouched down to his height to grab him by the shoulders. Harry followed after her.

"Hermione, you shouldn't be out of bed."

"I thought I heard yelling so I came to check." She said before she started pulling Draco towards her shoulder. "Draco, come here, come here..." She said lovingly, she could hear him catching his breath painfully as he still clutch his chest tightly with one hand. Ron walked out of the room with a scowl to go upstairs and they heard the door to the bedroom he shared with Harry slam shut. Hermione paid no attention to him as she was busy pacifying a frantic Draco. "Shhh..." She looked up pleadingly at Harry. "What happened?"

"Zat boy! Your boyfriend is ze reason my 'usband iz-"

"Hon, I know we have reasons to be furious, but we can all talk this out." Bill tried to calm his wife once again while he held unto her shoulders, who sighed then she too started crying behind her hands. Only the sound of Draco's gasping sobs and Fleur's cries were heard for a few minutes, Dean had already followed Ron upstairs to leave them alone to talk, still looking flabbergasted at the sudden revelations he just saw. Luna followed suit not long after, also to give them privacy.

"Draco come... Sit down... I'm here don't worry." Hermione said as he helped him up. She guided him slowly to one of the seats and he leaned back with his eyes closed, still sobbing. "Hey... It'll be okay, I'm here." She said as she gently brushed strands of bangs away from his eyes. She gave him a sad smile. "Hey..."

"I'm sorry... I'm really sorry..." Draco said while struggling, his breathing still ragged. "There is..." He opened his eyes then looked up, he exhaled very shaky but painful breath before he faced the husband and wife. "I'm sorry, there is nothing I can do to-" Fleur scoffed.

"Of course there izn't! The iz nothing you can do change things!" Fleur fired back while looking really hysterical. Harry actually hoped that she wouldn't transform into those ugly raging bird things they saw at the quidditch world cup years ago, knowing she was part Veela.

"Fleur, I know, and it is very understandable that you're frustrated," Hermione began, her face desperate. "But you have to understand that Draco was left with no choice." She stared intently to Fleur, pleading for her to calm down.

"I don't care what your reason iz!"

"Please! He was forced into it! He just wanted to protect his parents by doing what he's told!" Hermione slightly yelled as she stood up, her clenched fists trembling. Draco lifted a trembling hand to hold hers.

"No, love, please. I'll just go, I-"

"Draco, no! They have to understand!"

"N-no, she's right. I'm nothing but a fucking scum and a coward. I'm sorry." He said before he suddenly stood up making his knees wobble. Hermione immediately held him steady.

"Draco! What are yo-"

"Dobby! Dobby!" He started frantically calling for the elf who suddenly appeared by the stairs, his tennis ball sized eyes wide.

"Y-yes? Why is Mr. Draco Malfoy calling for me?" The elf squeaked nervously, obviously frightened at the sudden orders of his former master.

"Take me back to Hogwarts now!" He pleaded which made Hermione gasp. "Please." Harry moved forward then he got in between the blonde and the elf.

"No Dobby, you will not take him back. I still need to have a word with him." Harry commanded as he stared directly into Draco's tear stained face. The blonde staggered as he tried to move but once again, his knees bucked and his vision became blurry. His eyes rolled to the back of his head then fell forward towards the floor with a heavy thud, taking Hermione with him who landed on his back which made her yelp and scream.

"Draco! Draco!" She cried as she shook him by the shoulders. She started sobbing hysterically as she tried to hold him up, Harry hurriedly went over to help but was seized by Bill. He pulled out his wand and with a wave, Draco's form floated in the air like he was on an invisible stretcher. Hermione immediately stood up and went ahead to assist as Bill moved forward with the suspended blonde now hovering towards the stairs. Fleur was left dumbfounded alone in the kitchen while Harry caught up behind them.

He wasn't sure what had woken him up, he cracked an eye open to be greeted by the ceiling, he furrowed his eyebrows when heard sobs just beside his right ear. He felt an arm snake gently across his chest and a face closer to the crook of his neck, with warm breathing sending shivers down his spine. He groaned making Hermione gasp then she supported herself up with her elbow to look down at him.

"D-Draco!" She called for him before he felt a warm kiss on his lips. She started sobbing again when she buried her face into the crook of his neck while shivering a bit. "I'm so sorry..." She said in a muffled voice. He winced from the pain in his head before he rolled to his side to pull her even more closer to his chest with his chin on top of her head.

"You're not at fault, love..." He whispered. "But thank you for defending me, I really appreciate it..." He felt extremely embarrassed when he remembered how cowardly and weak he acted downstairs for everyone to see. "I'm sorry... For passing out like that." He let out a prolonged sigh then kissed the top of Hermione's head. She looked up at him and she kissed his chin in return.

"How are you feeling?" She asked gently. He didn't speak for a few seconds then he furrowed his brows.

"With everyone hating me and my very existence, for Pothead, Weasel and everyone else witness me cry like that, I'd say I feel... Spectacular." He said with a grimace, Hermione almost wanted to laugh.

"You know that... I love you... Right?" She said, a little embarrassed, but she meant every word. Draco couldn't help but smirk at her cuteness. "And stop calling them Pothead and Weasel."

"Okay okay." He chuckled. "And yes, I do know that you love me. I love you, too..." He closed his eyes. "So much." He opened them again before he lifted himself up supported by his elbow to crash his lips into hers. She was taken aback, but then she moaned at the contact before she snaked her arms around his neck, he positioned himself on top of her as he continued to assault her lips in a very passionate kiss.

"Merlin, I missed you..." He whispered against her already swollen lips before he lowered himself to begin nipping on her neck. She pulled her head back to give him full access of her sweet tasting skin. She whimpered at the fear of being heard by the others before Draco pulled away, grabbed his wand by the bedside table and casted a silencing charm, he also flicked his wand by the door to make sure it was locked. He immediately dived in to her neck again as soon as he was done, he began massaging her breast almost tightly, but Hermione didn't care. She moaned as she ran her fingers on his smooth blonde hair, Draco growled before he was in a kneeling position to remove his upper garment. He started unbuttoning Hermione's with his eyes darkened with lust. He slid her clothing behind her shoulders and threw it away without care. He pushed her bra downwards so he could taste her sweet nipples once again, he had missed every inch of her. She pulled her head back as he licked and sucked with it, the other hand busy twisting the other.

"Oh Draco..." She breathed which made him groan in appreciation.

"Just relax love..." He said sweetly before he was once again in a kneelig postion, he slid her pajama trousers and her knickers down to her knees, then to her feet, then those too were already on the floor, unwanted. He started to remove his own trousers and boxers, giving her full view of his naked glory, his member rock hard and raging only for her. Hermione licked her lips greedily, it's been a while since they had sex and she missed it terribly. She whimpered to let him know wordlessly that she needed him. He didn't think twice and positioned himself between her wet folds. He rubbed the tip of his member to her entrance which made them both groan, then he slid in, carefully and gently, savoring each second, inch by inch, appreciating the way her tight walls felt around his shaft. He couldn't help his own moans when he was finally deep inside of her.

"Fuck... Hermione, you feel so good..." He then started thrusting in and out, as gentle as he possibly can, though he wanted to pound her like there's tomorrow after those months of not having to touch her, make her scream in unbelievable ecstasy but he wanted it to be romantic. He wanted her to feel his love for her, not just lust. He thought she deserved it more than anything. "I love you..."

"Mmm... I love you, too Draco..." She let out a sweet, satisfying moan which made him groan. Merlin, he loved the sound of that.

He kept his steady pace, he was moving all the while carressing different parts of her body he could reach.

"Come for me baby..." He breathed while maintaining his pace. He snaked his forearm under her knees so he can hit her in a whole new angle, he went a little faster when he felt her squirm beneath him, she must be getting close. He lowered his face towards her sweet nipples to suck on them, finally triggering Hermione's release. She wailed as she reached full body orgasm, she trembled while the intense pleasure washed over her like a hurricane. "Oh Merlin! Draco!"

"Fuck! Shit." He felt himself reaching his own peak. "I'm... Coming..." He moaned loudly as his seeds released themselves on her walls. He continued to stroke himself inside of her until he was completely drained, then he fell facedown right beside her head, breathing heavily. "That was..."

"Draco..." She held him tight then she closed her eyes. "I don't want to lose you..." She said then she sniffed. "I love you too much..." Tears were now falling from the corner of her eyes which made Draco look up at her. He rolled over so he can be at her side then he snaked his his arms around her body, fully securing her to ease what she was feeling.

"I know... I feel the same love..." He almost whispered, hot tears threatening to fall.

Hermione squinted her eyes as soon as she opened them, the sun blindingly hitting her face coming from the window. She groaned a little as she supported herself up with her elbows, she rubbed her eye when she felt that something was wrong. She turned around to look as Draco's sleeping form.

Except that he wasn't there.

Her eyes widened so she hurriedly slipped off the bed to get dressed. She didn't bother to fix her hair then she hastily went out the door towards the kitchen, where she found Harry wearing a solemn expression, clutching a tea cup in both hands. She looked around, everyone must be still in bed, she thought. Her eyes landed on another tea cup on the table then she gazed at Harry with a questioning look.

"He was just here. We were talking." He said then he sipped his tea.

"Who was... Draco? Where is he?"

"Told him about what he needed to find for me back in the castle." He said without looking at Hermione.

"Harry... Where is he?" She asked, anger evident in her face. Harry finally looked up, his brilliant green eyes showing pain that was not meant for his own self, but for her.

"He went back to Hogwarts." He responded. "He's gone."

A/N: Poor Draco, suffering from so much trauma while a few people actually understand him. He doesn't have the support system like Harry does.