Reviews for Hard to breathe
saoyedaoez01 chapter 16 . 3/8
Boy, this is going to be difficult for Draco. Not everyone is going to understand and/or forgive. And what about his mother. She’s still in danger. Great chapter.
saoyedaoez01 chapter 15 . 3/8
Great chapter
saoyedaoez01 chapter 14 . 3/8
Draco apparated with them? That’s good. Gotta get away from Bellatrix and V as much as possible. We all owe Narcissa.
saoyedaoez01 chapter 13 . 3/8
Must have been difficult for Draco to see Hermione dragged to the manor. :(
saoyedaoez01 chapter 10 . 3/8
Our poor baby. I never like it when he cries and none of us can’t even give him a hug. Ugh! :(
saoyedaoez01 chapter 9 . 3/8
I wonder how they’re going to resolve it when and if Draco tells her what’s happening or will they be able to resolve heir problem if Hermione finds out on her own
saoyedaoez01 chapter 8 . 3/8
I wonder what Hermione when she finds out Draco’s activities. I hope she won’t turn away or report it to Harry.
saoyedaoez01 chapter 5 . 3/7
Hot chapter ;)
saoyedaoez01 chapter 3 . 3/7
Ron should really leave Hermione alone unless they’re in a relationship. If they’re just friends he should let her be. Anyway, it’s a funny chapter. I like it.
saoyedaoez01 chapter 2 . 3/7
Hard to Breathe? Did you mean Draco or the reader? In this chapter it’s the reader who is finding it hard to breathe. ;)
saoyedaoez01 chapter 1 . 3/7
This should be interesting. :)
Guest chapter 6 . 11/24/2019
If you’re a native speaker, your word choice is sometimes odd as is the phrasing in some places.
If English is a second language, you’re doing amazingly! I don’t think I could ever write a story in my second language!
I would’ve liked to see more character development before they ‘gave in’ to each other, perhaps some anger at themselves for turning away from everything they knew as right or a reluctance to accept their growing attraction. It doesn’t seem awfully realistic for Draco to be so dismissive of his family’s ideology.
All of that being said this story seems so be going well so far! It takes a lot of talent and perseverance to write a story - I really admire you for it!
Guest chapter 16 . 11/6/2019
Can't wait for more
BratGirl1983 chapter 15 . 11/3/2019
I am really looking forward to the next chapters, please update
BratGirl1983 chapter 15 . 11/3/2019
I am really looking forward to the next chapters, please update
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