
Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Carter concentrated so hard he wasn't aware of much else. No, the mission wasn't that dire, as some of the group's other... adventures had been. Come to think of it, all, or at least most, of their missions were life threatening. Anything could go wrong, anytime. A patrol coincidentally searching nearby, being caught by the searchlight in the blacks... Carter figured that was one of the reasons Newkirk and LeBeau fought so much, to release tension.

Then again, too extreme was bad as well. London could give them a ton of missions (that would overwhelm poor Kinch) or not give them anything in a long time (that would drive Newkirk crazy). Newkirk and LeBeau could not argue, and tension would build, but they could also argue too much, and be so mad at each other that-

"Carter! Don't take your blooming time!" Newkirk whispered loudly. "We've got to get out of here!"

Carter acknowledged him; he was almost done. The wires had to be tightened just right. Just. Like. so. Carter finished it and followed Newkirk to a safe distance. The balance in their lives was kind of fragile, if you looked at it that way. One of these days, Klink could smarten up (or, more likely, someone wiser would come along). London could give them a breather, that would turn into a long, stir crazy "rest". Schultz could report them. They'd get caught in the emergency tunnel. Carter figured their guardian angels had their hands pretty full with them.

Carter put his hand on the handle. Some things in life were delicate, too easy to push over. Carter pushed down. And when they fell...


A/N: So, I may or may not have gotten a concussion. Heh. Anyway, sorry I haven't been around. I've gotten rid of "What's wrong, LeBeau?" btw.

Also, would Carter have believed in guardian angels? Maybe there's some sort of spirit thing with him being Native American. idk