Remember when I intended this thing to be a companion of sorts to BML. Yeah, me too.

This entire part is based in the Smash 4 era, just to let you know how old this is.

Another day, another Smash

Such was the creed of the Super Smash Brothers as the day's fighting commenced. Warriors from all over the planet and beyond came together to test their skills in duels. Of course, there's not just fighting, but also various different distractions, including videos of the fighters' greatest achievements.

In the lounge Bowser Jr. (Villain in training), Diddy Kong (Hero in training), Alph (Engineer in training), and Duck Hunt (Guard dog/duck not really in training) were watching some old WVBA videos to get into the proper mindset for training. The entire room flinched as Mac landed a Star Punch on Don Flamenco, knocking off his toupee.

"(Wow! Mac's Star Punch looks brutal!)" Diddy noticed. "(I don't wanna be on the receiving end of that Final Smash!)" Diddy noticed Alph shift nervously.

"It's not a Final Smash." Alph revealed, and immediately the room went bananas.

"(You mean he gets to use that thing freely?!)"

"That's not fair! Why does he get to use his fancy schmancy punch?! I don't get to use my Clown Car's New Super Punch Z!"

"Bark Bark Bark!"

"Quaack! Quaack!"

"It's not like that!" Alph reassured. "He can only use it after building up a certain amount of attack power."

"(Oh, like a Smash attack.)" Diddy realized. Alph shifted again nervously.

"...Not really"

"(You mean he can do KO punches whenever he wants?!)"

"That is beyond unfair! We'll see how Mac loves his punches after I get my dad to talk to Master Hand!"

"Bark Bark Bark!"

"Quaack! Quaack!"

Alph tried to settle his friends down to no avail as they began to argue and riot about Little Mac's star punch. Luckily, Kirby entered the room and decided to break up the fight. Alph appreciated it, or at least he would have if Kirby's idea of breaking up the fight wasn't pulling out a megaphone and singing violently into it.

"Hi!" Kirby said afterwards, completely ignoring the pain the sidekicks and pets were in. Bowser Jr. cracked open an irritated eye.

"You stupid pink puff! What are you trying to do, blow my ears out?!" Junior pulled out his squeaky hammer and attempted to charge Kirby, only to be pulled back by Alph. Krby seemed blissfully unaware of the Koopa prince's threat, however, and merely walked over to Diddy.

"Hi Diddy! I heard you knew a great recipe for banana smoothies."

"(Feeling like something exotic?)" Diddy said, now positive that hearing had been restored to his eardums. Kirby shook his... body, which struck Diddy as odd.

"It's not for me. It's for Mistah Dream."

Diddy's eyebrow rose at the name. The Dog and the Duck also perked up hearing it.

"(You met Mr. Dream?Aw heck, I'll even bring the smoothie over!)"

"Who's Mr. Dream?" Alph asked.

"(Some old Boxer from the World Video Boxing Association. He replaced that one famous boxer. You know... um... Mark Taylor)?" Diddy grew thoughtful for a moment before waving the thought away. "(Eh, close enough. Anyway, Mark got accepted into another league so Mr. Dream took over as WVBA champion)."

"And you think he's the Mr. Dream Kirby's talking about?"

"(He could be. Not like we have much else to do. Don't you wanna take the chance to meet him? He has a record of 99-0!)"

"Ha! Unlikely!" Bowser Jr. snorted. "This guy can't be that tough. My dad could rake up a record better than that, no sweat. This guy's gotta be a fake." Junior pulled up his mask and marched up to Kirby. "Alright Pinky, let's go meet this 'Mr. Dream' you guys keep talking about. I bet he's nowhere near as cool as my dad is!" Junior then hopped in his clown car and followed after Kirby, only pausing to stop and whistle to the rest of his "allies". Diddy rolled his eyes, but followed along as did Alph and Duck Hunt. On the way, they passed Bowser, Dedede, Blink and Wario coming out of the Item Storage room.

"Hey dad! We're heading to Dream Land, just so you know."

"Alright kiddo, just be back before six." Bowser Sr. said in response.

The Bowser Monsters grumbled as they headed back to the lunch room. Their target? A certain pink princess who had sent them on a wild goose chase. There she was, laughing it up with the other princesses.

"And then, I told him 'Alright, you can kidnap me as long as you can find my umbrella.' And they fell for it!"

Peach laughed in a haughty way which, for Peach, was actually not that haughty. Kind of adorable, actually. Then Peach noticed that Zelda and Corrin were no longer laughing. Then she noticed the deep, Bowser-esque breathing coming from behind her. "..So, did you find my para-"

"NO! We did not find your parasol!" The brutish turtle barked, flames spewing from his mouth. "All we could find were lost copies of the home release for 'Shulk and the Really Feeling It Gang'"

Hey you homs out there!

It's time for the Adventures of Shulk and the really feeling it gang.

Join Shulk and his friends as they travel in their Skell across the Bionis.

Shulk and his friends encounter an enemy.

"Not being gentle eh?"

Now its Riki time!"

But be sure to watch out for Metalface, who is looking to steal the monado for his own ends!

"I'll get that monado someday yet, Monado Boy!" Metalface said as he ran off with rather limited animation that was no doubt copy & pasted in various other episodes.

"This is a good result!" Shulk said in response.

Shulk And The Really Feeling It Gang

Princess Peach pouted as Bowser hoisted her over his shoulder and lead his team out to go formulate some easy-to-defeat attack method. However, their plans were delayed by the arrival of Doc Louis and his proteges Little Mac and Small Mac.

"Alright sons, great workout today. Lunch is on me: Chocolate milk-shakes!" Doc laughed as the trio entered the cafeteria. Peach seemed especially interested.

"Oh Mac! It's me! Princess Peach!" She called out to him. Little Mac noticed the princess and waved back.

"You seem more eager than Kirby in an eatin' contest Princess. Why are ya interested in Mac all of a sudden?" Dedede asked, ignoring the glare Bowser shot him

"Oh, I just wanted to let him know how excited I am to finally face him in the ring. I've been denied before, but I won't be again!" Peach said.

"You were? But you get to fight all kinda people in Smash. How come?" Blink asked, not noticing Bowser's claw slowly reaching for his neck.

"It's complicated." Peach sighed. "Mainly because somebody was afraid that I would get seriously hurt."

"Ah, who cares!" Wario said. "Everybody gets whooped in Smash. There's nothing special about that."

"I care! And so does Nintendo!"

Everybody gasped (except Bowser, who glared daggers) at the voice that cried out. It was none other than Mr. Video himself: Mario!

"Boxing is a very violent and dangerous sport, with all manners of boo boos and ouchies! It isn't like Smash Bros where fun, cartoonish violence is everywhere. We have a family-friendly image to uphold. Why else did we never tell anyone else about that time we had a volleyball/wrestling tournament?"

Mario, Peach, Bowser and Wario laughed as they fondly remembered their game show-styled volleyball tournament that nobody else will ever get to see. All they ever said about it were things like "thousands died" or "I can still hear the screams" or "The scars will never fade". Most people who visited the Mushroom Kingdom during Soccer season (Dear stars, soccer season) were inclined to agree. Mario continued.

"Peachy, you're an icon to your kingdom and the friendliest, most generous person I-a know. It just wouldn't be comfortable seeing you all battered and bruised. It'd be awful!"

Peach gave a reluctant sigh and crossed her arms.

"Just so you know," Bowser whispered to her "I would be totally fine with you competing in that boxing tournament rather than that mangy ape."

"...Bowser. You cried when I skinned my knee."

"It could have been infected!" Bowser responded a little too emotionally. "That's how you know I care, unlike Little Red Riding Cap!"

"At least, I believe the Princess is capable enough to handle it on her own!" Mario argued back.

Bowser and Mario began shouting at each other, one thing led to another and soon enough, both of them were going at it, using tables, food and other smashers as weapons to fight over the princess yet again. Blink charged in to aid his master's father while Wario and Dedede sat back and ate some conveniently abandoned popcorn. All the while, Princess Peach turned back to where Doc and his boys were relaxing with frosty chocolate milkshakes. Sure she lost her chance to compete in the WVBA and get punched in the face in front of billions, but competing in Smash and getting punched in the face in front of trillions will be just as fulfilling.


Mistah Dreamy

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The country of Dream Land was a peaceful place. You know, baring the whole "cosmic entity arrives from space to horribly enslave everyone every week" thing. When you ignore that, you really get to see how peaceful the country was. It was so peaceful, that nobody could possibly wear a frown while staying there.

But, there was one who was indulging in such a social sin. It was none other than the washed-up former boxing champ of the WVBA: Mr. Dream. The buff boxer was sitting forlornly at one of the little tables at the makeshift cafe set up at Kirby's house. Diddy and his friends observed this behavior from afar. The Dog barked with realization.

"(No way! It's really him!)" Diddy's eyebrow raised once more. "(Why's he so down in the dumps though?)" Kirby shrugged (?) in response.

"I dunno. But I want him to be happy. And food always makes me happy!"

"Somehow, I doubt it'll work for him Kirby..." Alph muttered. "Come on, let's go ask him!"

And so the prodigies walked over (Bowser Jr., more reluctantly) to Mr. Dream.

"Oh, hello children. Come to mock me over my failure once more? Maybe set up an obvious joke so that I can obliviously walk into the punchline?" Mr. Dream snorted at his own joke. "Sorry, it seems I have beaten you to the punch." Mr. Dream broke out into a chuckle.

"We've heard of you Mr. Dream, and we're worried to see you so upset." Alpha explained. "Is there something wrong?"

"Yes. There is much wrong." Mr. Dream looked sadly at his audience. "Would you like to hear my entire life story?"

The kids looked like they were having second thoughts. Bowser Jr. in particular was a second away from an angry bellow before Mr. Dream decided to tell them anyway. Hours later, he mercifully got to the relevant part.

I was once a star... Top of the world... I was known as the world's greatest boxer...

It was due to my upbringing in Dream Land: The sheer potency of living in its peculiar environments gave me an evolutionary edge. I entered the WVBA shortly after Mark Taylor's license expired and I bested even Mr. Sandman himself!

It started tumbling when I lost the WVBA title to some punk named Mac. At first, I was a little miffed, but I felt that I could easily make a comeback in due time.

My next opponent was a nervous frenchman named Gabby Jay. I should have been able to effortlessly win but...

Mr. Dream went into a thousand yard stare. Junior snapped his fingers impatiently, bringing him back to form.

"And ever since then, I've never been able to beat anyone. I've never seen my 100th win! I don't even care about my win-loss ratio anymore, I just want to win my hundredth and retire!"

Mr. Dream fell into a bottomless pit of sobbing. Diddy, Alph and even the dog had to admit, it was pretty sad to see.

"(Cheer up Mr. Dream! I'm sure me and my friends can help you! Right guys?)"


*Bark bark*!



Diddy elbowed Bowser Jr. disgruntledly.


"Why should I help this guy?" Bowser Jr. said in response. "He seems pretty lame."

"Because it's the right thing to do." Alph pointed out. Bowser Jr. stared blankly at him. Diddy decided to take another approach.

"(Okay, think of it like this: Mr. Dream is pathetic. Do you think you'll prove your dad is stronger if they fight while he's like this? But, if we help him to get back in his prime and Bowser still beats him, then he'll prove that he's truly capable of being WVBA champion! Don't you want that?)"

The gears turned in Junior's head and a sinister smirk grew on the koopa prince's face.

"Great idea!" Bowser Jr. said in response. "I'm in!"

"Then it's settled! We'll help you get back in there Mr. Dream!" Alph proclaimed.

"So that my dad can beat you up!" Bowsy added.

Mr. Dream looked unconvinced. Perhaps it was because he was being requested to put his faith in a child, a teenager and what may as well be a child. He sighed.

"Sure, I suppose." Not like I can sink any further."

"(Great! Now all we need is a way to get some more up-to-date reference material.)"

"Hehehe! Leave that to me!" Bowser Jr. said before flying off. Diddy, Alph and Duck Hunt exchanged suspicious looks. Kirby waved happily after the Koopa Prince.

The next day, in the lunchroom, Bowser and Blink met with Wario and Dedede to discuss their next move.

"Okay, we may have lost Peach yesterday because some people decided to be chatty." Bowser grumbled.

"I thought talking was a free action." Dedede said.

"Not on my time it is! Now, Mew's still off meditating because he has to do that from time to time apparently and Ganon's been a rock for four days now. Now what can we do to tip the scales?"

"Can't we just take a break for this week? I'd rather not get beaten up for no good reason."

"Yeah!" Wario shouted up. "Some of us have checks from out companies to be cashing in!"

"Would you both shut it! NO, we are not taking a break unless there is a good reason for it!

"Define 'good reason'." Dedede said.

"Anything that interests me!" Bowser said.

As if those were the magic words, a horde of aliens suddenly appeared, applauding the villains' table. Some even threw bouquets of roses and one even threw their child.

"Congratulations King Bowser!" Ulala, space-renowned reporter, said. "You've won the Intergalactic Cable Giveaway!"

"I've won the what?!" Bowser said in response.

"For sending in 500 art pieces, You've won an Intergalactic Cable Card! Now you can get TV channels from across the Universe!"

Bowser stared in shock, unable to react. Across the table, Dedede and Wario gaped in envy. Blink turned to his boss.

"Wow Master Bowser! You made and sent in those pictures yourself?!"

"I did?"

"You did?"

"Er- Of course I did!" Bowser casually accepted the card. "I am the Great Koopa King after all. Do you guys know what this means!?"

"We can watch Dissidia Duet at your place!" Dedede realized.

"And nowhere near these lame-o's!" Wario concluded.

"That's right! This calls for celebration!"

Bowser snapped his fingers and out of every spot, from other rooms to suspiciously poorly nailed tiles to the inside of Kirby to underneath dresses and tunics came fleets of Mariachi Guys to the lounge. They then broke into a festive musical rendition of "Bowser's Road". Sadly, Mario was just finishing a match and at the sight of the red menace, the Mariachi Guys scattered in various directions.


Bowser's Castle

Throne Room

"The television is all set now, your couch-potatoeness." Kamek confirmed. "Hundreds of new channels, ready to watch."

"Excellent." Bowser said before turning to Junior. He pulled out a chart of all the competitors in Dissidia Duet. "Alright boy, give it to me straight: out of everyone on this chart, who is your favorite?"

"I guess it would be Cloud. He has that cool sword, gets all kinda respect, says cool stuff like 'Something Something Japanese Words!'"

Bowser's eye twitched. He spoke in a measured voice.

"…Sure son. But, eh, what about somebody from Spiritus' side? Someone like Garland or Jecht?"

"Oh." Bowser Jr. thought a bit more. "Then probably that Emperor guy. He gets to set all kinds-a traps and trick people into falling for them!"

That seemed to satisfy Bowser as the rest of his team + his minions entered the throne room. The Koopa King made his proclamation.

"Alright boys, let me lay down the law. At first, I thought we'd only have enough to hook this up in the throne room, but luckily, I saved whole bunch by skipping the den."

"What?!" Ridley barked, outraged. "But I live down there!"

"Yeah, yeah. If you wanna whine, maybe you should have thought about that before getting banned from movie night."

"I still did nothing wrong!"

"You kept bringing snuff and disaster movies." Dark Pit said. "And called them comedies."

"Are you saying they aren't?" Ridley asked, sounding genuinely confused.

"ANYWAY," Bowser said. "You have access to all of the channels, but only after you finish the day's duties. Only the TVs here, in my room and in Junior's place have the full package round the clock, and you know the rules about the throne room: touch ANYTHING without my say so and we have barbeque for dinner."

Most of the minions shivered, though a few not-so-bright ones licked their lips at the thought of barbeque. With that admittedly useless proclamation in place, the minions adjourned. Bowser Jr. and Blink, however, did not go to the prince's fortress. Instead, they went to a nearby volcano, which doubled as their lair, created during the Rabbids' chaotic appearance in the Mushroom Kingdom. There, Diddy, Alph, Duck Hunt, Kirby and Mr. Dream were waiting. The former two looked especially on-edge around the factory.

"Would you guys lighten up?!" Junior scowled at the glares to his hideout. "Dad doesn't know about this place, leaving no chance for us to get interrupted!"

The former three did not look too convinced, but Kirby did.

"Good enough! Let's get to work gang!"

The kids responded with a rousing "YEAH!" complete with teamwork visuals. A moment later, Blink realized something.

"Wait. What are we doing again?"

Bowser Jr. didn't explain. Instead, he pulled out a pair of boxing gloves, slipped them onto Blink's hands and pointed him towards Mr. Dream. Like an attack dog, the amiibo mindlessly charged at the boxer, dead-set on punching his lights (or at least knees) out.

Mr. Dream didn't even try to fight back. He crumpled onto the floor.

The dog pawed at Mr. Dream while the duck tried quacking to wake him up. Blink was confused as Bowser Jr., in the midst of a laughing fit, pulled him over to explain.

One long, training-filled intermission later

"Well?" Mr. Dream finally asked. "What's the verdict?"

"Well," Diddy looked at the data, and tried to read it with his non-swollen eye. "...Did you try dodging?"

Mr. Dream looked perplexed at the suggestion.


"Are you kidding me?!" Junior shouted, temper erupting and melting the ice in the pack on his head. "You mean that you were the champ and you never thought of dodging?!"

"I never needed to." Mr. Dream said. "Why would I need to dodge when I can just block?"

"Well, it's more effective than blocking for one." Alph said, making sure not to dislodge any broken glass. " But more importantly, what you need to consider is strategy. Mac plays an almost totally defensive game, and only presses hard when he knows he can get some hits in. Guys like you make yourselves too open, and get hit as a result. Maybe, if you dodge, you can get in on that too!"

Mr. Dream seemed skeptical of all this. Sure he couldn't complain too hard since he was the one who went to the monkey, turtle and space guy, but dodging? Such a ridiculous concept!

Alph could see the skepticism on Mr. Dream's face and decided that a demonstration was in order. The pint-sized spaceman grabbed a particularly lazy purple Pikmin and chucked it at Mr. Dream. The boxer wasn't particularly motivated, but the sight of the pudgy alien hurtling at him caused him to instinctively move to the side. He watched the Pikmin splat into the wall and fall into the lava, Alph cringing in the background as it screamed in agony.

"...I dodged it." Mr. Dream got a look in his eyes, the same look Ness got whenever he smelled a hint of steak. "I dodged it!"

Diddy, Alph, Duck Hunt and Kirby looked proudly at the reinvigorated boxer. Bowser Jr. was too busy being held back by Blink to feel emotional pride.

Time passes…

"And that was how I got my groove back!"

Mr. Dream was sitting in a limousine, on his way to the next Champion Circuit match. It had been a short and effortless road: with his faith restored, Mr. Dream was able to effotlessly clobber anyone who got in his way. Even the dreaded Mr. Sandman, one of the two boxers who actually gave Mr. Dream trouble back in the day, fell before the mighty champion's dodges. After his victory, Mr. Dream would become a media darling once more, appearing on late-night talk shows and sponsoring the new diet KeroKeroCola.

The group of dumb kids that put him on the map were given nary a thought in his mind.

"Oh, how indubitably wonderful Mr. Dream! I know how tiring stardom can be however, so allow me to help take you back to the top! Just stick with me and you'll go far, kid."

Mr. Dream beamed at his benefactor.

"Of course! I couldn't have gotten back on my feet if it wasn't for you Mr…?

"Just call me Al." The sponsor said modestly. "Al ."

Yeah, this part just kinda… stopped. Underwhelming for 3 (almost 4) years in the making, but I wanted to get it done with.

How will the rest of the story develop? Stay tuned! Maybe! Hopefully!