Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, it belongs to Hiro Mashima.

Everything was completely white, and all that could be heard was a single tone, like when your ears ring from a loud dynamite rupture. The scene of white continued to be the only scene, blank as a sheet of paper. It seemed like forever until the white began to fade away, and the 14-year-old boy began to slowly blink his eyes open.

"Mmmm…" He was nothing but a pure mess, at least to him. His entire body was motionless and he couldn't feel his arms or legs. His eyes began to blink rapidly until he shut them and shot them open, gasping as a huge wave of pain surged through his entire body.

It felt like cramps at first, but it then dialed into a more stinging and crushing sensation. His head felt light as the pain was starting to get to him, and he couldn't fight it. Fortunately for him the pain simmered down within a matter of minutes and he was able to feel his limbs again, gradually sitting back up and wincing at the agony in his head.

"What the…" He opened his eyes to look around, seeing the morning sky, but the sky had dark clouds overhead, with the rising sun far out east, which was on his left. The sun didn't seem like it was shadowed by the dark clouds yet.

Looking at everything else, all he could see was desolate and destroyed terrain. It looked as though the apocalypse happened because nothing but ground stretched as far as the eye could see, save the plateaus far off all around.

He dazedly stood up, finding his gray shirt all shredded and his black pants completely torn. Dirt covered him from head to toe, and more importantly the scrapes and blood stained all over his body.

"What in the…what just happened?" He was having so much trouble with everything as it was so much to take in. "It's like...everything just went blank, and…"

He groaned again as the pain in his head came back and he put a hand on his forehead. He disregarded how like crow-colored, spiky hair and how it was grown to have been slicked back. His sea-blue eyes looked at everything again, and was waiting to process what happened.

But nothing came to mind.

"The hell?" He was turning his head towards another direction and tried to pick up any ideas, but still his mind drew a complete blank. "Why can't I…remember anything?" He was starting to get antsy as everything in him was hurting, and coupled with this revelation, an epiphany wouldn't be happening anytime soon.

"Where am I?...No, wait, wrong question, who am I?" His mind still had absolute zero coming up.

His eyes widened as he could finally recall one thing, but it was the one thing he could only recall.

"…Craig. My name's Craig Crius…but, why can't I remember anything else?"

4 Years Later

X784, and today was such a fantastic day. Peaceful skies, fresh air, and a wide expanse of trees with mountains far off in the distance. The birds singing as they fluttered through the thick air made their song echo over the area, of course no one could hear them due to the explosions happening deep within the woods.

The target of these explosions was none other than Cana Alberona.

Said mage was a tall, slim woman. Her long, brown hair stopped at her mid-back, and two, shoulder-length bangs framed her face, the left one being at a higher point. Her beautiful face adorned purple eyes, with long eyelashes. Her body had a large voluptuous figure, primarily in the bust and hips, which would grab the attention of other men if interested. She had on a blue bra and brown cargo pants. Her black Fairy Tail emblem was stamped on her left abdominal region.

Of course no one would want to be in her shoes at the moment.

She was currently dodging and running through the woods as four dark mages chased after her. She dodged left as a torrent of sand blasted a tree, and she dodged right while avoiding a torrent of pressurized water.

She kept on running as she was trying to think of some way to divert them long enough for her to make a counter.

'Well this blows! Just how did I get caught up in this mess?!' Her thoughts barked as she dodged another Sand Spell.

When she thought about it, it kind of made sense. The mission that she took was to eradicate a small dark guild. Said guild was so small that you could probably hold your own, and if you were as experienced as Cana, then you may have an advantage in spell variations, but she didn't account for an ambush comprised of four dark mages. As such, she was forced to get away to where she could have an advantage.

As the brunette ran, she dug into her purse and pulled out a few tarot cards. She only looked back a split second to throw the cards, the individual cards were positioned in a large circle. When one of the dark mages stepped foot within the confines of the circle, Cana's Summoned Lightning activated, and coupled with the mage being able to use Water Magic, he was electrocuted so hard he was out of commission.

The brunette finally came across an open clearing, perfect for where the odds were even. Dodging a fire spell from another dark mage, she finally made it to the clearing, where she turned back to find three mages all emerging from the tree line.

One mage chuckled. "Well now, guess we got ourselves a great catch for today, eh fellas?"

The other two chuckled, which left Cana more than a little annoyed.

"Laugh it up while you still can." She flashed a few more tarot cards. "In case you haven't noticed, I got one of your pals in a state of shock."

One mage grew a tick mark. "We're not in the mood for your jokes! Get her!"

"Sand Blast!"

"Phoenix Spin!"

A blast of sand and fire in the shape of a bird spiraling towards her both began to quickly close the distance, but Cana swiped her cards.

"Wind Edge!" She created a strong air current following her swipe, and the fire and sand was subdued and deflected off in another direction, keeping her from harm.

"No way!" A fellow mage called out.

Cana smirked. "Thank god you guys are weak! This'll be easier than I thought!" She flashed a single card in her hand. "Thunderbolt's Fate!" She discharged numerous lightning bolts, which was effective in striking the Sand Mage with orange hair, the Fire Mage with messy brown hair, and the Lightning Mage with a bald head and black jacket. All three screamed as they felt the electrocution flood their cells and dropped to a knee each.

With them all weakened, this was her chance to make a quick getaway. She began to turn, but an unknown voice was heard.

"Tornado Fist!" Cana was met with a tornado that originated from a bulky fist from a bulky guy. She was hurled harshly into a tree and yelped as she began to fall to the ground. She fell with a thud, and was left immobile as pain flared through her back.

The bulky mage chuckled. "Some fairy. You silly light guilds think you have what it takes to put us behind bars, but as far as we're concerned, you got us on our bad side." He walked up to Cana as she was starting to get back to her feet. He pressed his foot on her back and she slammed back to the ground. "We're not as weak as they say; as a matter of fact, those three over there were just warming up."

Cana looked over to find that what he said was true. She saw individual brown, red, and yellow auras that signified Magic Power enhancement. The three were seen smirking and the Lightning Mage's fingers were crackling with blue electricity.

The bulky mage stepped off of Cana. "Show her who she's messing with!"

"With pleasure! Pulse Cracker!" He extended his arms out and bolts of blue lightning of high volume went at Cana as she was down. Her eyes widened as all she saw was blue.

Deep within the forest, not too far from the painful scene, there was an 18-year-old guy at the foot of a tree, napping.

He was seen with crow-colored, black hair slicked back. He had on a large, loose sea green t-shirt and black, baggy pants. His forearms had steel armbands, and his shins had silver leg weights that looked rather heavy. Aside from his black shoes, he also seemed to have a thin, gray jacket with long, brown sleeves tied around his waist, seemingly concealing three protrusions from behind.

In a way, he was giving off a vibe as he was in his slumber. Picture it similar to a wild animal sleeping and you'd dare not wake it up. Little woodland creatures wouldn't be caught near either, as both were somewhat terrifying.

Waking him up would mean a death sentence, and as fortune smiled down upon us all, that's exactly what happened.

A thunderous explosion crackled in the distance, sending blue streams of electricity in all directions. The cracking sounds of thunder made his eyes twitch and his mouth showed his extremely sharp canines. His teeth were like other people's, but a majority of them were very much sharp. One bite and he can rip a thick chunk of meat off without even trying. Heck, he may as well bite through thin rock.

He stirred awake, showing his sea blue eyes and he remained as still as night as his glance turned to where the crackling was seen in the distance. The mere sound was enough to annoy him.

He groaned as the site far ahead was aggravating him even more, as all he wanted to do was plainly nap. However, that wasn't gonna happen in his case. An explosion to him meant something went wrong, and he made it an obligation to snuff it out.

He growled again and stood up. As the lightning dialed down, his eyes narrowed. "Whatever it is, it's gonna learn to not mess with my naps."

Of course he didn't sound thrilled, as he was never the one to like being awoken as such. Still, he went on ahead and began to make way towards the site.

The smoke cleared out and Cana was seen struggling to get up; in fact, she couldn't move any of her body parts. She could only lay on the ground as static engulfed her body and she twitched. She glared at the four before her as they all had cocky looks.

"How'd you like that, huh?" The Lightning Mage asked. "Whatever that attack hits, its target is electrocuted in all of its nerve points, meaning you can't even move. Think of it as some hyper charged taser."

'Crap, I can't move!' She was very anxious with how this might turn out. She was trying her absolute hardest to devise a quick plan, and only the concept of stalling happened.

"Just who are you guys?!" She demanded, hoping that they'd talk long enough for her paralysis to wear off.

The four guys turned to look at each other and snickered some before turning back towards Cana.

"Well…" The Sand Mage extended his arm out, and sand rose up underneath Cana. The Card Mage's hopes of losing paralysis died when the sand picked her up and pinned her to a tree, restraining her so that she couldn't reach her tarot cards. "I suppose we could tell you." He finished.

The Fire Mage then scoffed. "It's so simple that it may be too hard for you to think. Basically we're members of Falcon's Calling, a dark guild that claims this part as their territory."

"We got such a tight budget, but we get the extra money from wanderers all about, and with the amount we've accumulated over the past 3 years, we have enough to buy off that small town in the south and make a larger base out of it." The bulky mage said as he cracked his knuckles.

"Of course as we said we're on a tight budget, and spending isn't our thing…" The Lightning Mage's fingers twitched and blue electricity surged.

Getting an idea as to where this was going, Cana tried to move her limbs, but was only successful in moving her hands and fingers. Everything else was still confined. She still tried to catch them off guard.

"So why not take over that small town by force then?" She spoke in a sharp tone.

"Simple. Attention." The Fire Mage said. "If we took it over by force, of which we could, that'd only hinder our objective as Rune Knights would be swarming the town and we'd have the trouble of dispatching them."

The bulky mage began to advance slowly towards Cana, a sly expression on his face. "And guess what? Since you're here, we get to have a little fun with you before we suck up your loot."

Cana paled when she got the implication, and it wasn't pretty in any case. A shiver ran down her spine. "You pig!" She cried out, seeing the sickening perverted looks on their faces, and she would know, because she gets those looks a lot, and no one could blame her for being desirable by any means.

The Sand Mage reached out and used his Magic to cover Cana's mouth with sand, stopping her from barking out harsh phrases. He smirked mischievously. "Anybody wanna have a crack at her first?"

"I might as well." The Lightning Mage stepped forward, static still pulsing through his hand. "I'll keep her occupied with my time. Hope you don't mind."

"Go crazy, just save some for us when you're done." The Fire Mage stated.

"Why not." The Lightning Mage advanced towards a shivering Cana as her limbs were pinned to the tree by thick sand.

All Cana could do was shut her eyes as the Mage advanced further.

A sudden sheathed sword flung out of the thick trees on Cana's left, where the sword went shooting past all of them and grazing the Sand Mage's left side, where blood began to spill and the sword pierced the ground without so much as a single speck of red.

The Sand Mage screamed as his left side had a cut and pain surged so much that his Sand Magic lost all sense of focus, and Cana was freed and slumped to the ground as she was on a bed of sand.

The Lightning Mage recoiled at the sudden attack. "H-Hey! Who did that?!"

His call was answered when a blur flashed in front and strike an uppercut right into his abdomen. The Lightning Mage gawked as he was sent soaring back, crashing into the Sand Mage and tumbled to the ground, both sprawled on the grassy clearing as they were barely conscious.

The bulky mage growled. "Aright, what the hell is going on here?!"

Cana was left in a state of sheer astonishment as an unknown man about her age was on his feet and looking heinously at the assailants of Cana. His sea blue eyes somehow gave a predator-like expression that made the four mages cringe. The brunette could only watch as the individual with slicked back bangs grown-to-be-so took a few steps forward.

He narrowed his eyes as he glared individually at them. "Alright…who woke me from my nap?"

Cana couldn't have been anymore shocked at how this guy had just came from out of the blue just to give a lesson – for waking him from his nap?! She would have to watch out in the future.

"Grr. Who the hell do you think you are?!" The bulky mage called out. A dark Magic seal was created in front of him. "In case if you haven't noticed, you're outnumbered! Wind Grazer!" He shot a multitude of wind blades in continuous fashion and threw spun towards the defender of Cana.

He reached back for something tucked underneath his jacket wrapped around his waist. His hand gripped a bright red handle. "You're driving my patience, pal."

Cana and everyone else made wide eyes as he unsheathed a second sword and it was slashed in relentless fashion, all while the guy's gaze was eyeing the bulky mage in a feral manner. The sword was poised in different manners and he slashed against the condensed Wind Magic.

After every shot was made, he slowly retracted his arm and the sword slowly went back into its sheath. With one clang sound from when fully sheathed, all of the trees around him, branches and all, were reduced to diced bits. Everyone's eyes bulged out of their sockets as the couple of trees slowly fell over from the deflected shots.

"He…he just…deflected them all?" The bulky mage could hardly comprehend what had just happened. His eyes shook and he stepped back when the man's sea blue eyes looked at him. They were very hostile, and not in a good way.

"Tch. You know dark guilds piss me off in general." The man slowly began to walk towards them, to which every step made their heartbeats increase. "They're nothing more than misguided cowards, who take pleasure in doing anything wrong and making a foul name for themselves." He then stopped in front of his sword with a dark red handle that was still wedged in the ground. "But what's sickening the most…" He yanked it out of the ground. "Is that you take advantage of women who drag their behinds to do their job."

Out of pure recklessness, the Fire Mage let out a cry as he readied a fire spell, but before he got the chance, a fist collided with his face, and a crack sound echoed as the brunette's savior followed through with his punch. The Fire Mage went in a spiraling skid until ending in a quick tumble and landed on his broken face, out like a light.

The Sand Mage crouched as he felt his wound, but he became incapable of movement when his predator glared at him next. All he could do was defend himself by growling as a means of threatening.

When the man snarled, his eyes widened some and everyone could see his sharp teeth, making the Sand Mage pale until he was ghost white. He was then met with a foot pressed to his abdomen, and the Sand Mage gawked as the air was knocked out of him. He fell on his back and was unconscious like his pal.

"GRAH! Pulse Cracker!" The Lightning Mage fired a blue beam as before that went shooting at their attacker.

Cana's mouth gaped as she remembered that she got paralyzed from that attack, and even though she wasn't paralyzed anymore, she couldn't move out of sheer awe.

With a diagonal slash with the one sword in his right hand, he sliced right through the electrical attack and the two broken streams went right past him. They shot into the trees far behind, creating a small, thunderous explosion that crackled blue lightning bolts that dispatched themselves.

Everyone swallowed a lump as their chance at demolishing him while he was down was gone. The Lightning Mage was in turn paralyzed when the man turned and glared at him.

"So, you're the one who woke me from my nap." He figured in a bitter tone. In a swift motion, he ran up in front of the Lightning Mage and clenched his left fist. "Then here's your wake-up call!"

With a single uppercut, he struck the Lightning Mage in the lower jaw, and once again everyone heard the bone-breaking crackling sound as he followed through with an animal-like grunt. He finished the uppercut and the guy ended up soaring in the air.

The bulky mage looked to see his comrade in the air. "Guh-WHAT?!"

He was cut off when the man was in front of him, but his grip adjusted on his sword. "It's just as she said over there, you guys are weak." With a pivot and a swing, he slashed with his sword and left a bleeding gash across the guy's abdomen. The bulky mage screamed as he fell back from the force of that slash, and that's when the Lightning Mage fell down onto him, both completely unconscious.

Cana was wide-eyed at this mind-shattering spectacle. 'Did he just…? No way, he did. He stopped them all.'

The man put his sword back into its sheath slowly, a clang sound being heard again. "You guys aren't even worth getting struck in the vitals." He then turned towards Cana, who was still trying get out of her shock, but he didn't care. "Hey, brownie."

It was obvious he was referring to her hair since she was a brunette, but she responded by blinking.

"Can you get up?" He asked, his tone unwavering as it was still as sharp as his swords.

The brunette slowly got up and found her paralysis no more. She looked around at the unconscious and partly bloodied enemies and looked back at her…savior. She finally nodded. "Yeah."

The man nodded. "Well all's well." His eyes didn't show satisfaction still. "But this doesn't mean jack squat on any of our cases. What are you doing out here?"

Cana was starting to dislike this guy already. "I could be asking you the same thing."

The guy cocked his head left and right as a means of sass. "Well in case you haven't heard, there's a phrase called 'ladies first'."

"My, how gentlemen of you." She sarcastically implied, earning her a look at him parting his lips to see his sharp canines. Seeing as how she did owe him one, it wouldn't hurt to just answer. "Fine, I was on a job to stop Falcon's Calling. Apparently the client wasn't all too keen on their insight of their strength."

"…So it seems." He looked back at the unconscious bodies of his fallen prey and back at Cana. "As for me, it was enjoying such a sweet nap, and then these heathens went and disturbed my dreams!" His tone was much louder as he sounded really annoyed.

Cana raised a brow. "So I noticed." She then dropped the sarcasm and lightened up some. "Still, thank you. I mean it." She said in honesty.

The man snickered, but through it he grinned as a means of lightening up. "Yeah, don't mention it." He only stood a step forward as he did not even get ten feet to her. His expression grew serious. "Tell me, do you know of this Karma guy?"

The sudden question made Cana hard to tell what to comprehend of this guy, but in the end it was still a question, so she answered. He put a hand to her chin and pondered some before speaking. "Karma…Karma…you that you mention that name, I do remember the client telling me that the Guild Master of Falcon's Calling was named Karma."

His eyes showed no wavering. "I see."

"Still, why ask something like that?" She wondered.

The guy turned his back to her. "What is this, 20 Questions? You know you really gotta learn to not ask so many of those things…especially in front of me." He looked over his shoulder to look at her purple eyes. "But I guess I can throw ya a bone just this once, brownie."

Cana put a hand to her hip. "Fine, go ahead…cranky."

He turned away and scoffed. "Fine. This Karma guy has a bounty on his head. 80,000 Jewels last time I checked. Since I got word he was close by, I'd figured I get that bounty."

Cana looked a little confused. "So you're a bounty hunter?"

The man turned around to look at her again, still giving an annoyed vibe. "It's always like that, ain't it?" He didn't sound happy one bit. He pointed to her. "Look, just for the record, I never took clam to being a bounty hunter nor independent mage to begin with. I only take bounties just to pay for expenses, like hell I'd consider it my occupation. It's just to pay to get food in my stomach."

Cana sweatdropped. "You mean to tell me that the only reason to collect these bounties is just so you can-"

"Eat? Yeah." He finished. "Any extra will get me a room somewhere." He then glanced away. "And on another note, guess we're acquainted of sorts."

"Guess so…I'm Cana."

He glanced back at her, not even close to lightening up like he did when he thanked her. "…Craig."

Cana grinned. "Well I suppose I need to get going." She turned away but kept her glance on him. "If you'd like, I could pay for a quick bite to eat."

Craig gave a twisted expression. It wasn't a look of suspicion, but one of discontent. For some reason, Cana saw that in his sea blue eyes.

It took some hesitation and heavy reluctance, but Craig hasn't eaten all day, and he needed food asap, otherwise another large woodland creature was gonna be on the receiving end of his teeth. He glanced at her some more. "Deal, but only for the food and that's it. After that, you're on your own." He turned towards one of the guys that were still down. He slowly advanced and the Sand Mage stirred. His eyes fluttered open, but he was left pale again as a sword's end was pointed to his neck.

"Tell me, where is Karma and your Guild Hall?" Craig demanded, his animal-like tone combined with his snarling teeth.

Cana looked away, rolling her eyes. "I was right, he is cranky."

A couple hours rolled by and Cana and Craig turned in the attackers to the Rune Knights. They didn't get much out of it though, but that didn't bother Craig in the slightest. As the pair made way through the small town they were given odd looks, primarily to how Cana was a little bruised. A few eyes came across Craig as well, but his demeanor made people nervously stay away, but the same could be said about him and Cana. Craig understood that Cana was almost violated, so he was more than wise to keep his distance from her, but a ten-foot radius is a bit much, but the brunette didn't mind.

Eventually they found a local pub to get something to drink and eat. For Cana's case, it was a drink; in Craig's case, it was a matter of food.

Cana sipped from her booze bottle and sighed once she had a large gulp. She then looked at Craig, who surprised her to no end. Her eyes widened as she watched Craig tear into a large steak; as a matter of fact, the entire pub was eyeing how Craig lacked the manners. His audacity to tear into large portions as such was quite admirable, despite the mess on his face.

He bit into the steak again, and Cana saw his teeth sinking into the meat. The sharp incisors ripped through the tenderized meat and ripped it off. He raised his head and chomped on the steak as it fell into his mouth. His mouth closed when it fully went in.

Cana supported her chin with her hands as her elbows were on the table top. "You know, you remind me of someone from my guild."

Craig swallowed and applied a quick napkin to his face. "You don't say?"

"Believe it or not, he has eating habits like you." She then gave a nervous expression. "Although I think yours is…"

"I get it, but who cares?" He scoffed as he started biting into his steak again. "It's not like we're in some top-class domain."

"True, but still."

Craig was chewing on his steak a bit, and when he swallowed enough, he looked at Cana. "So you're with Fairy Tail?" He muffled with food in his mouth.

Cana grinned "You got that right." She held up a booze bottle again and began to pour it down her mouth, much to Craig's annoyance. As she gulped, she noticed how Craig was minding his own business. Normally guys or anyone for that matter would be questioning about her drinking habits, but this guy didn't seem interested.

Instead, he changed the subject. "Tch, well I've heard that your little guild's got quite the reputation when it comes to getting on the Council's bad side." He sounded so nonchalant as he sat back. "From what I also heard, these Council bullheads are always sticks in the mud." He grinned. "How thoughtful."

"Well they sure are unpleasant, and my Master keeps us on our toes when explaining about the complaints of property damage we do." She smiled. "But that's Fairy Tail for ya."

Craig lost his grin and looked out the window. "Well if you ask me, they could probably use a nice kick to the pants. The only thing they're good for is apprehending nimrods that I always turn in."

Cana raised a brow. "Well you're not wrong." She then grew a little piqued for some reason about this guy, so she decided to make more than a little conversation. "So, Craig. When did you start your little…" She chose her next words carefully as Craig never considered himself as a bounty hunter. "…hobby?"

In turn, Craig swallowed the last bit of steak and sighed. He dropped the fork onto the platter and grabbed his big cup of water.

"Well…can't say for certain. A couple years ago. I really didn't have anything to do, and nowhere to go, so as means of food and living expenses, I figured that I try and turn a couple of numbskulls in." He then began to drink his water.

Cana sat back and crossed her arms. "So what did you do beforehand? How'd you learn your sword techniques?"

She immediately regretted asking those when Craig stopped taking gulps, and left his glass suspended in his hand. The air between them was exceedingly still, and the only thing that could break the awkward silence would be a pin drop.

But Craig's way of reacting to this was of an altered caliber. He slowly put the glass down and looked like a dead man when looking at the table top, staring past the platter. In his mind, nothing was meant to be said. Even to this day, it was a tough bullet to take. But what happened afterwards…

He clenched the glass tighter, but quickly stopped before the glass could crack or shatter. He huffed as he pushed back on his seat. "I got my little sword art as tips from an acquaintance. As for anything else…" He stood up. "There's nothing more to share. I told you to mind when asking 20 questions. Sometimes curiosity will kill you, keep that in mind."

Cana could only remain silent as she pushed the boundary too far. As far as his 'hobby' went, she reached the limit. She just realized the borderline of personal. She sighed and pushed a full booze bottle towards him.

"Here, just a little something to drown your worries." She commented hollowly.

Craig looked down at the booze bottle without so much as touching it, and he scoffed once again and turned away. "Tch. Sorry brownie, I don't drink."

The Card Mage immediately gave a despondent expression. "I don't think you and I are gonna get along well, cranky."

"The feeling is mutual." He turned away and began making way for the exit. "Oh, and be sure to watch out. You'd best strike while you still can, but don't get all cocky like before. Remember Karma's my prey." He turned and walked out, waving off Cana. "Be sure to keep your bargain. Catch ya later, brownie."

Cana tightened her arms as she crossed them more. "Yeah, well next time I won't be so generous, cranky!" She slouched back and shook her head. "Honestly, guys like him can be such a pain in the ass."

She looked out the window she sat right next to, watching Craig walk off. She had to wonder what his problem was; like why was be so agitated? Why was he so aggressive? Why'd he kept his distance? And why did he have…3 swords?

When Cana looked out at him again, her vision caught the small protrusions behind Craig, barely sticking out from his tied up thin jacket that kept them in place and concealed. She recognized the bright red one and the dark red one, but she could've sworn there was a speck of gold somewhere.

She was left to ponder. "He uses swords too, huh? He looks like he could give Erza some competition." She looked at the booze bottle Craig denied and picked it up, slowly sipping it. 'But that guy's right. With a few of their members gone, that guild might be scuffling some. Guess I should strike while the iron is still hot.'

In the streets, Craig's eyes narrowed as his mind was flashing back quite a few times. Throughout these 4 years, fate was…unkind. To that thought, his teeth stayed shut as he almost choked a bit. He swallowed and huffed as he made way through town back to the woods, heading towards his next destination.

At the same time, Cana and Craig both remembered the others faces, and their eyes narrowed.

In Craig's case, he wasn't sure what to think of her and quickly dismissed her from his mind. In Cana's case, those sea blue eyes, those sharp teeth, and that hair; for some odd reason, her head hurt as she was all puzzled, like something was on the tip of her tongue but it wouldn't pop up. That guy that was her aggressive savior made the Card Mage think, but she couldn't seem to understand why.

To ease herself, she kept on drinking until the sun began to set, which was when she would make her next move.

And so here's the first chapter of the OCxCana story! Hope it's a treat. I've been waiting to do something like this for a long time. Since this type of pair is rare, I don't expect much, but I wish for you to appreciate it.

If you are getting a hard picture of Craig, aside from the picture I made, think of his hair slicked back like Qrow from RWBY.

I'm also a Natza fan, so be expecting a few teases of the pair as the story progresses.

This is all completely non-canon, but for arguments sake, let's say this is after The Battle of Fairy Tail Arc, though I made alterations.

Reviews and comments are very much appreciated. Till next time!