Hey everyone so before you all ask I decided to just finish this story. Anyway as I know how everyone would like it if this had a sequel I will tell you all right now. I will get to work on the Sequel and hopefully we will have it by the first of May or even before!

Disclaimer: I do not own Winx Club, please support the official release!

Night had fallen on Domino. Within her new room Ruby looked out at the night sky. With the eight moons hanging over them Domino's night seemed to have been illuminated with each Moon showing a different color. Ruby turned away from it and pulled up a book from Domino's royal libraries. 'The Water Stars and the Dragon Flame.' Ruby said to herself reading the title of the book. The book talked about something called the Water Stars and it's nature in relation to the Dragon Flame.

As she was reading the door opened up as Bloom walked into there room. Bloom turned to Ruby, "So what are you reading this time?" Bloom asked.

"It's about the Water Stars," Ruby said looking back up at her sister, "The legend goes that they have opposite energy to the Dragon Flame and because of that they had to be imprisoned in another dimension to keep from the two forces causing chaos within the magical dimension." Ruby turned the page and was wide eyed by what she had saw, "It says here that they can put out each other."

"A magic that can put out the Dragon Flame?" Bloom asked shocked that such a thing was possible. A siffer ran up her spine at this. If the Trix had gotten there hands of the Water Stars they would be in trouble, "I think I just scared myself." Bloom's comment got a raised eyebrow from Ruby who could feel Bloom's emotions due to there empathic connection, "I just thought about the Trix getting a hold of the Water Stars."

Ruby closed the book and looked up at her a siffer going down her spine at this as well, "Yeah it's a good thing that they don't have it." Ruby said thanking the Dragon for this.

Daphne walked out in the courtyard sitting on a bench she looked up into the sky. Above her three figures looked on with a smile on there face. They hid in the shadows until Daphne felt something was wrong. Turning behind her she turned and screamed, "AWWWWWWW!"

Bloom and Ruby jumped out there beds at this, "MOM!" They both screamed and ran out into the courtyard. When the two got to the courtyard they found Valtor and the guards looking at a message written in ice right in front of them.

The guards stood back as Ruby, Bloom and surprising to them Valtor started to glow with fire. The message read: Dear Dragon Flame keepers, if you ever want to see the blonde you will come without the others to were our map shows and come and face us, we'll be waiting. Signed the Trix.

Daphne shrugged at her bonds as the Trix just laughed at her. The nymph gave a sigh as the trio walked away. She couldn't believe that they just walked right up and took her away. She used to be one of the most powerful fairies the universe had ever seen! Closing her eyes she cried a bit only to hear a slam on the table in front of her.

"They're be here soon sister's," Icy said referring to Daphne's Lover and her two daughter. Before Daphne's eyes she watched as the Trix pulled out the Water Stars. Daphne look at the objects in shock and soon in fear. The Trix had gotten there hands on the water stars this meant only one thing was going to happen.

"No, you can't be thinking of using them on my family!" Daphne screamed at them as she struggled to get free. If they used the water stars to put out the Dragon Flame in them it could be terrible. The Trix gave her a smile that told her everything she needed to know.

"Oh sorry your majesty but hey at least you know what happened right?" Icy said her. Daphne cried as she heard the Trix laugh at her. Tear rolled off her eyes as she saw the Trix putting out the flames of her family and with it there lives.

The Trix walked out of the room with Stormy turning to the captured monarch and ask her sisters, "Why don't we just get rid of her again?" The storm witch asked causing the other two to turn and look at the nymph of the Magical Dimension.

"To make her watch of course." Icy said with a sadistic smile, "She get's to watch as we snuff out

the royal line of Domino and with it the Dragon Flame." The trio of witches gave each other a laugh at this as they went to get ready for there guests.

A portal opened up as Bloom, Ruby, and Valtor walked out ready to confront the Trix and get back Daphne. "So do you know this world?" Ruby asked her father. Valtor gave a sigh. It figures that the Trix would want to face him here.

"Yes it's on this ancient and Dead world were the Ancestral found the Dark Dragon Flame and with it I was born." He said looking around the stones and caverns. Bloom and Ruy closed there eyes and focused on there connection with Daphne in hopes to find her. The girls raced away down a path with Valtor following them.

Daphne struggled as she tried to use her magic to break the chains on her. She needed to get freed and get her family out of here before they walk right into the trap that the Trix had set them up. "This is so hopeless if only I could transform." Daphne groaned t o herself as she tried it one more time to break her bonds.

"Mom!" Ruby's voice rang out as she along with Bloom and Valtor came rushing out to her within the large crevice that the Trix left her in. Daphne looked at the three of them with a scared look on her face as she could see the Trix were preparing there surprise attack.

"Look out behind you!" Daphne warned them causing the three of them to turn and dodge blast of lightning darkness and Ice aimed right at them. The three of them looked up as the Trix floated down.

"Oh come on I told you we should have gagged her." Stormy said as she and her sisters descended down to the three keepers of the Dragon Flame. Ruby and Bloom both glared at the three witches having dealt with them more or less for three years with little to no end.

"We have had enough of you three, Magic Winx Enchantix!" Ruby and Bloom said together as they were covered in a flash of light transforming into there Fairy forms.



"Fairies of the Dragon Flames!" The screamed out as they transformed together.

The trix moved back as Valtor attacked them causing the Trix to fly away in different directions. Bloom took Icy, Ruby flew to face Darcy and Valtor targeted Stormy. Daphne continued to struggle at her binds as she knew that the Trix were getting them into position to use the Water Stars.

"Dragon's Flame!" Bloom screamed as she fired a blast of magic at Icy.

The ice witch held her arms up , "Frozen Barrier!" A shield formed and blocked the blast.

"Blaze Burst!" Ruby yelled out as she shot out a unsable fire ball at Darcy which burst into smaller flames as she dodged it hitting her shoulder.

"Lightning Burst!" Stormy screamed as she blasted random Lightning at Valtor who was forced to land to avoid being attacked.

Daphne tried one last time to destroy her bonds using all the magic she could muster to break out of the chains and cuffs. It failed and she watched as her family landed together as the Trix floated up with a smile as they pulled out the two objects from both of there pockets. Daphne was wide eyed and had to warn them, "Get out of the way they have the Water Stars!" Daphne screamed catching her family's attention.

"WHAT!?" They all screamed only for the Trix to capitalize on them discretion and charge up there spell.

"Too late." The Phoenix Fire within each of the Trix reacted with the Water Stars and the three of them fired a blast right at them. Daphne watched in horror as they were tossed back into the wall and groaned as a bit of there Dragon Flame was put out.

"No…" Daphne watched in horror as the Trix blasted them again and again. Each time taking away a small piece of the Flame and harming them greatly. The three of them tried to get up but the witches' just blasted them taking sadistic pleasure as they slowly killed them.

Daphne started to cry at this. It seemed that nothing was going to save them or her. 'If only I could transform, if only I had the Dragon Flame….' She thought to herself before closing her eyes the feeling of failure setting in along with despair. 'Mom… Dad I failed…. I failed everyone I love again.' Daphne however to her surprise held a hand on her check.

"No you haven't not yet." A voice said. Daphne opened her eyes to see herself in what looked like one of Domino's green fields. A field that she remembered from her childhood. The first thing her mind registered was that she wasn't chained up anymore. The next was she knew who that voice belonged to.

Looking up Daphne saw her parents. King Oritel and Queen Marion, "Mom? Dad? What's going on? Where are we?" She said getting up looking around before asking, "I'm… I'm I dead?" Daphne asked.

"No your not dead Daphne." Marion said with a smile. That only conforted her for a moment but the blonde looked down.

"Why?" She asked, "Why did you not come back with everyone else?"

Orite walked up to her before bending down to her, "Because our time have past Daphne and now it's your time to rule Domino."

"It won't be a long reign, I'm trapped and can't help save my fami- I mean my twin daughters." Daphne said choosing her words carefully. Oritel gave a sigh before placing his hand on her shoulder.

"We understand, I admit I still hate him but if he can prove that he has changed you have our blessing." Oritel answered her. Marion walked up to Daphne.

"Daphne the curse on you is weak you can break it and transform you just need to believe that you can truly believe that you can transform." Marion said to her daughter.

"But the Trix have the Phoenix Fire and the Water Stars and I'm so out of practiced, I would need the Dragon Flame to even stand a chance against them!" Daphne protested before looking down she had given Bloom the Dragon Flame in hopes to protect both of the flames and now.

"Daphne search your powers and you might just be surprised." Marion said with a wink. Daphne closed her eyes and did so. As she searched she found something within her. Embers from what remained of the Dragon Flame and within them a small spark of the Dragon Flame. Daphne eyes grew wide at this. The Dragon Flame needed only a single spark for it to burn into a mighty inferno.

"I still have it." Daphne said in surprise as suddenly her spirits rose and the despair was replaced with hope. Daphne stood up in determination as her magic gathered around her. The single spark started to react and started to burn and formed into a fire. Her parents gave her a smile.

"Go so those upstarts there place." Oritel said with smirk.

"I will dad."

Marion soon gave her a hug along with Oritel. Daphne returned each of there hugs. "Good bye dear, we know you will make us proud and be the best Queen you can be." Marion said with a smile as she and Oritel slowly faded away. Daphne had a tear in her eyes at this. This was the last she will ever see her parents it seems.

"I love you both so much." Daphne said.

"We love you two." They both said as they faded away completely.

"Well it was fun Bloom but like all good things it must come to an end, goodbye Princess." Icy said as she and her sisters readied a Dark Convergence powered by both the Phoenix's Fire and the Water Stars to put an end to the three of them.

"Not on my watch!" Daphne screamed as her magic surrounded her and to the Trix's surprise destroyed her bonds. However there surprise, turned to shock as surrounding Daphne was the astral form of the Great Dragon.

Finally the light covered her and in a shocking turn of events for everyone in the cavern Daphne appeared in her fairy form the curse placed on her was finally broken. "Daphne, Nymph of Domino!" Daphne wasted no time and blasted the three of them away with two waves of magic knocking the water stars right out of there hands.

"Mom you transformed…" Bloom said agrapped.

"You still have the Dragon Flame?!" Ruby exclaimed in shock.

The Nymph gave her family a smile, "Yeah it seems the curse if finally broken now then." The Trix looked as the four of them glared right at them "Let's teach these three a lesson!" The four of them walked up the Dragon Flames burning back to near there original levels with the Water Stars stopping there assaults.

"No… We will not be beaten again!" Icy growed The Trix combined there powers with the Shadow Phoenix formed right behind them.

"Phoenix Fire, Trix Dark Convergence!' The Trix screamed firing the full might of there powers.

"Everyone together as a Family!" Bloom exclaimed as they all gathered there own attack.

"Dragon Flame, Family Convergence!" Bloom, Ruby, Valtor and Daphne all screamed as they fired the full might of the Dragon Flame.

The two blasts meet right in the middle as the two sides put in all the power they could. The Phoenix and the Dragon forming for a moment almost symbolically. However after a few moments of a statemate it seems the rage of the Trix just couldn't beat the drive of the family as there blast was pushed all the way to them.

"No, impossible…. Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The Trix screamed in pain as there bodies were slowly encased in stone. When it was over the Trix feel over each one now stone statues and there opponents taking a knee. Bloom, Ruby and Daphne transformed back to normal as they had drained themselves dry.

"We did it." Ruby said before returning to her younger form. The family all had a smile as they gave each other a family hug.

Fireworks were seen in a the sky. The Winx the specialists including Sky who was now freed of his potion started to celebrate as the Trix were finally defeated. There statues were dragged to Lighthaven Work in hopes for them to be imprisoned forever.

"Look Bloom, Ruby… I'm sorry about," Sky didn't get to finish as Ruby stuffed a cake into his mouth.

"Celebrate now apologize to us later." Ruby commanded him.

"Bloom!" Bloom turned to see her adopted parents Mike and Vanessa.

"Mom, Dad." She said giving them a hug. Walking up to the two earthlings was Daphne with Valtor close behind.

"Moon, Dad this is Daphne and Valtor." Bloom said not finding anything else to say.

"I thank you both for taking care of Bloom if there is anything you want just ask, it's the least I can do." Daphne said with a bow.

Ruby looked away at this for a moment, "Ruby come here." Bloom said pulling her to there adopted parents. Bloom introduced her to the two and almost immediately the hugged her accepting her as there daughter as well.

Four figures looked at a tree with an untold number of leaves on each of the branches. This tree was not only ancient it was special for every leave was a witch or fairy within the magical dimension each on different branches. Each one had thousands of leaves, all but one branch that is which only had a single leave.

That branch was the earth's branch and that single leave represented the last of it's kind. The only Fairy on earth. Four figures looked at this branch, "One left boys, only one Fairy left on earth."

"Perhaps it's that Redhead from Gardenia." One of the four pointed out.

"You might be right she was picked up by that Solarian Fairy, what was her name again?"

"Bloom," The leader of the group said with a smile, "Looks like we are going to Alfea." He said with a smile.

A three year old girl struggled in her father's arms as she watched a lady with wings being defeated by four figures. The four of them laughed as they opened up a dark vortex and slowly sucked in the lady. The little girl screamed out as the lady was lost within the vortex, "Mommy NO!"

In a shock the nightmare ended as a girl in her late teens shot up gasping in shock as she tried to calm down, "That dream… I had it again."

Go big or go home! Here it is everyone the final of The Flame Burns in Two! I want your love…. Or your outright hatred!

You all been the best ever! You all know that right :)

RxR cya you on the Sequel side! Cue Music: Girls of the Winx Club!