Title: Can I Say I love You

Pairing: Olivia/Natalia
Rating: NC-17
Summary: After My Two Mommies and Natalia leaving after setting Ms. Jennings straight to go out with Frank. Natalia tries to figure out what she is feeling. Will she continue to run to Frank or will she own up to what she is feeling? Will Olivia? Or will they keep pushing their hearts away?
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters and I do not make any profit from this.

Chapter 15

Olivia smiled as she woke feeling Natalia nestled into her chest. It was a rare morning that she awoke first and she loved it when she did. It gave her the perfect opportunity to observe the amazing woman in her arms uninterrupted. Kissing her head lovingly she settled back to watch her for a moment just thinking. She couldn't believe all that had happened the night before. It was already turning into the perfect night from the start but after Frank caused a scene and Natalia kissed her it turned into one of the best nights of her life. She and Natalia finally told each other how they felt and they were now officially a couple. Although from the sounds of things everyone around them already thought they were.

Olivia liked to think that she was an observant person and pretty intelligent but she really did have to be hit over the head with it for it to become clear. After the blow up with the My Two Mommies report and Natalia running to Frank she was too afraid to think that they could be more then friends and she wouldn't let herself see what was glaringly obvious to everyone else around them. It didn't matter now because it was all out in the open for all to see and she was thrilled.

She looked down again as Natalia started to stir and kissed her lips lightly. Natalia smiled and opened her eyes looking up at her. "Good morning sweetheart." She leaned up and kissed her lips lightly. "Did you sleep well?"

Olivia kissed her again already addicted to those lips, "Of course. You were in my arms so I slept wonderfully."

Natalia stretched rolling to the side. "What's the plan for the day love?"

Rolling with her she rested into her side looking down at her. "There are no plans for today. After the party last night I figured we could all use a day off. Rafe has plans with some friends and said not to expect him home until late tonight. Emma is staying at Jody's again tonight and won't be home until after school tomorrow so we are free to do whatever."

"Mmm, a day to just lounge around with you. What ever will we do?" Natalia pulled her down into a searing kiss and didn't let up until the need for air became present.

Olivia rested their foreheads together to catch her breath. "I would love to take you out on a date and was hoping you would you allow me that honor?"

Natalia smiled brightly. "Yes of course. What are we doing? Where are we going?"

Laughing at her excitement Olivia sat up and scooted off the bed heading for the bathroom. "That my dear is a surprise. Just dress casual for now."

With a wink she grabbed her phone and sauntered into the bathroom adding an extra sway in her step. Once she was behind closed doors Natalia squealed excitedly into her pillow and shot up off the bed heading to the shower in Emma's room.

In the bathroom Olivia made a phone call and fired off a bunch of texts to set up the things she wanted for the day and evening then quickly showered and readied herself. She came out of the room fully dressed with all of her plans in motion to find Natalia sitting on the couch waiting for her.

Natalia looked up smiling and met her halfway wrapping her arms around Olivia's neck and kissed her softly. "I hope this plan of yours involves breakfast because I am starving."

Olivia chuckled grabbing her hand and her purse. "It does actually. We are going to head down and have breakfast here then we will be off for a fun day together."

Smiling she followed her out of the room and they headed downstairs. Olivia guided her out to one of their private outdoor dining areas and pulled out a seat for her. "I hope this is ok? I didn't feel like sharing you today."

Natalia looked around at the beautiful flowers and the wonderful breakfast that lay before her. "This is perfect Liv."

She sat and Olivia kissed the top of her head before sitting as well. They ate and talked like always about this and that. Olivia had wondered if things would feel different today but they really didn't. It was just them and she realized that what Natalia said the night before was true. They had been together for months and just didn't define it or even realize it for a long time. This thought just made her smile brighter as they finished their food and headed out for what Olivia had planned.

As they walked through the lobby they were stopped by a voice behind them. "Olivia, Natalia."

Turning they see Helen and the Governor and they smiled. Olivia pulled them to a stop leaning into Natalia. "Good morning Helen, Governor."

Andrew smiled shaking his head, "Now Olivia. I think we are past formalities at this point. Call me Andrew."

She nodded and Natalia took the hand Helen offered her. "We were just heading out to go to the police station and give our statement then we are heading back to the city. Andy has to get back to work tomorrow. How about you two? Have you been yet?"

Natalia shook her head. "No, we talked to them last night and they said they would call if they needed anything more from us. We were actually on our way out. Olivia has planned some secretive day for me that I am really excited about."

Helen put a hand to her heart. "Oh that is so nice. We won't keep you we just wanted to say goodbye and thank you for a wonderful evening. Maybe if you two make it to the city you'll give us a call and we can have lunch or something?"

Olivia smiled. "I'm glad you had a good time last night even if it was disturbed with drama. We'll actually be in Chicago in a few months. We're just now in the first stages of talking with a hotel there about buying them out. We'll give you a call and make plans when it gets closer to time."

"You don't worry a thing about the drama. It keeps us all young and I'll await your call. You two have a lovely day and we'll see you later." Helen hugged them both.

Andrew shook hands with Olivia. "I'll give you a call later about the prison reform act I am planning. I think I will take you up on your offer for the ball room."

Olivia nodded, "Of course. Just let me know when so we can book it for you. Let us know if we can do anything more to help."

They all said their goodbyes after that and Olivia rushed Natalia out of the hotel and to her car as quickly as possible. Natalia laughed getting in the car. "What was the rush for?"

Olivia shrugged with a smile. "I wasn't getting caught by another person. I want to have a day with you and not have to discuss business or the idiot that is Frank today."

"Ok sweetie. Where are we headed now?" Natalia settled in as Olivia pulled out of the parking lot.

"Ah ah ah, that's a surprise. You'll find out when we get there."

Natalia huffed playfully then turned on the radio and they sang along as Olivia drove. A little while later Olivia pulled into a lot and Natalia's eyes grew into saucers looking out the window. "Oh my god you brought me to the carnival? It's only 11. I didn't think these things opened that early."

Olivia chuckled at her excitement. "Well I remembered you saying that you've never gotten to go to a carnival before when Emma and Jody were talking about going this weekend so I decided to bring you. They open the rides at noon but the rest of it opens at 10. This carnival has some animal attractions and shows and things other than the rides so it should be fun."

Natalia looked at her concerned. "You can't ride the rides Olivia."

"I can ride a few like the carousel, the Farris wheel, Spook house and the tunnel of love. The real fun here is the games and the little side shows." She looked at Natalia apprehensively. "I mean… If you want to do something else we can. I know I can't get on all of the fun rides bu…"

She was cut off by Natalia's lips. "I don't want to leave. I'm so excited to see everything I just didn't want you to try and do something you shouldn't. I don't care about riding rides accept for this tunnel of love you were talking about." She smirked and nipped at her bottom lip. "Come on, take me to the carnival."

Olivia smiled pecking her lips once more and they got out meeting at the hood of the car and held hands as they made their way to the entrance.

Once they were in Olivia bought a bunch of tickets and they headed off down the midway. They played all of the games they came to not really winning anything until they came to a shooting game where Olivia won Natalia an oversized monkey that was almost as big as she was. A little while later they found a basketball game that Natalia won Olivia a giant heart at.

They stayed close together all day and saw all the little shows they came across and rode the few things Olivia could ride. Natalia didn't like all of the greasy foods but Olivia talked her into them because it was tradition and you couldn't go to the carnival and not eat the cotton candy, corndogs and other fatty things. After promising a light dinner of salad and some kind of grilled chicken or fish she agreed and they gorged themselves on junk.

All in all the day was a success and when it was about 5:00 they headed out to the car. "That was so much fun Liv. Thank you so much for such an amazing day."

Olivia smiled getting in the car. "That was just the start angel. There's more of our date day to be had."

Natalia's jaw dropped. "More? Baby we don't have to cram it all into one day. I promise I'm not going anywhere and we have plenty of opportunity for more dates."

Olivia just shrugged. "I know but I just wanted to day to be special. Usually we have Emma and now Rafe is around more. Don't get me wrong I love our children and spending time with them but I feel like we've been dragging our feet with each other for so long and I just want a special day." With a sigh she turned to her fully and looked into her eyes. "Today was about fun. Tonight is about romance. I want to take you out to dinner and dance with you to slow music and a few other things I have planned. Tomorrow things go back to normal and we have the kids with us all of the time and then we are headed off to California in a few weeks for family vacation to see our other kid and will have very little alone time for a while."

Leaning over Natalia kissed her sweetly. "Ok, where are you taking me?"

Olivia chuckled and shook her head. "Not telling you. When we get home you just need to dress in something elegant, like that red dress you bought and said you'd never have a place to where it and be ready to leave by 7:00. That should give us plenty of time to get ready."

Natalia smiled and sat back as Olivia pulled onto the road. She was excited about the night to come and couldn't wait for whatever Olivia had planned.

A/N: Up next dinner and a few other fun times. I am so sorry to have taken so very long to update this and all of my other stories and want to thank all of you that have stayed with me for the continued support and welcome any new comers to the story. Real Life tends so suck these days and my fairy took a really long Otalia hiatus (Bad Fairy). I hope that she sticks around for a while and I can get these stories finished. I also have a new one that my fairy is playing with too so hopefully good things to come.