"Honey Hive Heist" REWRITE

Written by: Toni the Mink

Chapter 13

All official characters (c) SEGA

All fan characters (c) Toni the Mink

A/N: No epilogue, just a final chapter. Written exactly the way_I_wanted it. No more outside influence for me... I hope you like it as well.

The hive was becoming cleaner and cleaner with each day that passed. Espio and Vector could already see a brighter difference as they made their way to the dining area, where breakfast was served, and Bea and Charmy were sitting.

The young bee waved his friends over. "Vector! Espio! Over here!"

The crocodile and chameleon joined their little friend. "Isn't this place great?" Charmy chimed, waving his fork full of pancakes in the air, "These guys make the most awesome foods! And because I'm a prince, whatever I ask for they give it to me right away! I bet if I tell them you're my friends, they'll give you whatever you want as well!"

Bea chuckled. "Now Charmy, sweetie, we musn't take advantage of our titles. These workers are as human as you and I."

Vector nodded. "It's tempting, kid, but we oughta do what yer mom says."

"Okay…" Charmy moaned, but immediately chinned up, "So whattya wanna do today, guys?"

Both reptiles cringed and face faulted at each other. Charmy could sense something was up. "What's wrong?"

"You want to tell him?" Vector asked Espio.

"You tell him," Espio replied, "You're the leader."

"Yeah…" Vector wiped a tear away, "But you won't burst into tears like I'm about to…"

Espio's eyes began to moist. "Who says I won't?"

"Okay, okay, I'll tell him."

"Tell me what?" the bee demanded.

Vector took in a big breath. "Look, Charmy, it's like this…" he sighed, "We really enjoyed having you on the team. You were annoying sometimes, but for the most part, you proved to be a great asset. But… now… it's time we left."

"Left..?" Charmy looked over to Bea, "But… but my momma!"

"When I say 'we', Charmy, I kinda mean me an' Espio."

Charmy whipped his head back. "You and Espio? But what about me?!"

"Charmy," Espio stepped in, "You need to stay here. You're the prince of Honey Hive. This is your home now…"

"You mean… you mean…" Charmy glowered, his eyes watering, "You don't want me anymore?!"

"No! Nooo!" Vector cried, "It's not that we don't want you! We do want you! But… you just belong here, okay?"

"No!" Charmy cried, "I belong with you! I'm a detective too, remember?!"

This was becoming harder. Vector tightened his look. "Now Charmy, you're staying here, you got me?!" he shouted, "That's final!"

Charmy frowned, hucked, and finally burst into tears. "But I don't wanna leave the Chaotiiix! Waaaaaah!"

Vector couldn't take it anymore… and he too burst into tears. "Waaaah! I don't want you to leave either!" The two embraced tightly, bawling their eyes out.

Even Espio was having trouble keeping it together as he wiped away the tears from his eyes. "Charmy, this is for the better," he wept, "We're only looking out for your best interest."

"But what about what_I_want?" the young prince cried.

Queen Bea approached Charmy, patting his head lightly. "What is it you want, dearest?"

"I…" Charmy sniffled, looking back from Vector to his mother. "I… want both of you! I wanna stay with Momma, but I don't wanna leave Team Chaotix!" He buried his face into Vector's chest and continued to wail, "What do I do?"

Vector lowered his head. "I… think you should stay, Charmy," he murmured, "This is yer momma we're talkin' about. We can't in good conscience take you away from your family."

"Nor can I do the same," spoke Bea.

The three turned to the queen, who had tears streaming down her cheeks we well.

"Momma..?" Charmy mewed.

"My little Charmy," Bea stroked her son's cheek, "How I love you… but it seems I'm not the only one who does. These detectives have raised you, taught you everything. I think you belong with them."

"What?" both Espio and Vector cried in unison.

"But Momma!" Charmy flew from Vector's arms to his mother's, "I don't wanna leave you either. Can't you move in with us?"

The queen shook her head. "My place is here, so that I may rule over our people. One day, Charmy, you will grow up to be king and take over my role…" she smiled, "Until then, it would be best if you stayed with the Chaotix."

"But your majesty," said Espio, "Are you sure? This is your son."

"You've done so well to raise him," Bea smiled, "And he's learned so much in his short six years. He should continue to learn under your guidance the values that make a king, which includes loyalty, hard work, and love."

"You mean it?" Vector grinned.

Bea nodded. "My only requests are that you don't overwork him, and that he returns here on the weekends and during holidays. Think of it as a 'boarding program'."

"Fine by me!" Vector chimed, grabbing Charmy and swinging him around, "Hear that, kid? We don't hafta let you go after all!"

"Yaaay!" Charmy cheered.

"Welcome back, Charmy," Espio smiled and nodded.

A smile and nod was enough for Charmy. He extended his arm out to the chameleon. "Group hug!"

Espio sighed. "Very well." But he didn't seem to mind one bit as he stepped over and hugged his teammates, who returned the gesture.

Two days wasn't enough however to spend reuniting with his mother, and he asked Vector if he could stay a bit longer, to which Vector replied, "Boarding starts next month!"

Before they could start the long journey home (having forgotten that Nic, their ride, took off without them), Bea insisted they stay a bit longer, and that she would provide transportation for them to return home… in which Espio reminded Vector that there_was_no home to go to. In response, Bea gave them plenty of gold and valuables to help pay to rebuild their house. Furthermore, she told them whenever they were low on money, they should not be afraid to ask for a small donation from time to time. Vector figured he was going to like Charmy's new life as a prince…

It was a sad goodbye to say the least. There were tears, but also the promise that they would be together as soon as a new month approached.

The money was more than enough to rebuild Team Chaotix's headquarters as good as new. Once everything was back in place and business started back up, the end of the month had come, and Charmy returned to the team, much to the delight of his partners.

Being a prince didn't change Charmy in the slightest. He was still the scatterbrained, hyperactive child who could pick up a clue in a second's notice, and occasionally get hollered at Vector once in awhile. The only thing that was different was that the team wouldn't have to worry about being in a financial hole anymore, although Charmy told Vector not to abuse Bea's generosity…

Besides, there was nothing more important and valuable than teamwork and friendship.

And that, my buddies, is the story of Team Chaotix's greatest adventure. Charmy was reunited with his mother and learned of his origins, Espio and I solved a case that took us six years to figure out, Charmy got to have the best of both worlds, being a detective and living with his Chaotix brothers, while being a prince and being with his queen mother, gettin' to see her on weekends, holidays, summers, and springs. And a kingdom, once ruled by a tyrannical hornet queen, was set free to live in peace and prosperity once again.

What about Team Hooligan you ask? Well, we ain't heard much of Nic after that whole fiasco… I can only imagine what she's doing to those guys… Fact, I don't really wanna think about it.

As for Enigma and Jumoke… Well, haven't heard much from 'em either. Espio has high hopes for 'em though. He's lookin' forward to that whole rematch with Enigma. Ah, I'm sure they'll be fine.

As for Queen Bea... Well, after a few months of recoverin' from the nightmare, the queen returned to her old beautiful self, and would remain that way even in old age, 'cause she knew no matter what, even when she's gone, her kingdom would be in good hands, and its future king would be in good hands of two brave heroes...and together the three of us would ALWAYS be known as...