Reviews for Honey Hive Heist REVISED
SWcreeperProductions chapter 12 . 4/5/2019
Absolutely incredible. Just like the last one, this was really enjoyable to read. I like this one because it is funnier when Charmy finds coffee. It wasn't really dark like Homecoming (it wasn't until the scene with thebhornet queen and the fat hornet together but still). Once again, nice fanfic.
Dandelion the seed cat chapter 10 . 9/5/2016
*Sarcastic Shout* Well, gee, THANKS, Toni.
IrishPanther chapter 12 . 5/4/2016
Well, here we are – the final chapter.

And I have to say that this chapter, while doing a great job at wrapping everything up, is a bit of a downer. Maybe it’s because it is very similar to the last chapter that you wrote the first time around, or maybe it’s me.

I do have to applaud you on the emotions you brought out to all of the characters; Vector and Espio don’t want to explain to Charmy that he has to stay behind in the colony with his mother, which makes the youngster question if they don’t want him as part of the Chaotix anymore. After the bout of crying from the team, Bea comes up with a solution that everyone agrees on – that made me happy to see such a compromise being done. Bea cares for his son’s well-being, and realizes that he needs the Chaotix, along with her, to continue thriving while growing and learning about his future role. Once again, you did an excellent job concluding this story!

In terms of SAPG, nothing too glaring stood out, but if I did have to comment on one thing, it would be that, with a couple of words, I got the hint that you tried to italicized by using this…


And that kind of threw me off a little bit; a quick touch-up within Doc Manager should help clean that issue up in a jiffy! Other than that, you were spot on with everything else, so kudos on that!

Overall, this was a great story that featured some of my favorite not-so-heavily focused characters in the Sonic fandom. And I also have to add that this is leaps and bounds better than your first time around. This will be added to my favorites; kudos on achieving this honor! I wish you all the best in your future with what is coming up for you (based on your latest DeviantArt journal), and I hope that you keep on writing in whatever way you can! :)
IrishPanther chapter 11 . 4/16/2016
So, one more chapter to go before the epilogue…well, all good things must come to an end, eh?

Jumping right in, the first sentence…yeah, a bit much of a run on in my opinion. If I could, I would try to re-word it to make it look like:

[Everybody did their part to help clear the hive of any hornet remains – from taking down Vespa’s terrible taste in décor, to cleaning up the grime that was left behind. Most importantly, they freed the rest of the bees held in captivity that unfortunately did not have any part of the revolution.]

And then, along with the second sentence…I’d re-write it as:

[One bee in particular was found in a luxurious cell in the hills – even coming with a bathtub, which the elder was relaxing in before they started to come. Shocked to see that…]

…And I think I’m going to stop there. In terms of sentence structure, there are a few of these instances where I believe that, with a re-reading and a solid re-write, you could have an overall better chapter on your hands.

But enough negativity, because the positive thing is that this chapter overall completely out-does your old chapter by leaps and bounds!

For starters, it was good to see Mellifer coming to his senses about Lucuta. It was a real shame to see the elder being shocked that cruel punishment was used on Bea after thinking that the hornet was better than that. At least the fat slob will be in solitary confinement, so there’s a positive on that end.

The way you described Bea’s thoughts of slowly overcoming Vespa’s aura around her belongings – the bed, the scars while showering, the inappropriate nighttime apparel – was flawless. After being held captive for six agonizing years, it’s definitely going to take some time to get use to everything being normal, but she knows she can progress every day now that she has control of her hive back.

And the scene in Charmy’s old bedroom…d’awwww! This is all new to him…finding his mother and learning about his royalty, and yet, to watch such a cute scene in where one can clearly see that their bond never weaned…in a way, it’s perfect.

The backstory that was done during the feast…major kudos! It’s interesting to learn how the hive came to be under the ruling of Dorsato, how it thrived under Bea, and the events leading up to the beginning of this story was done rather well – there are a few changes that could be made, but again, that’s for another time (or a simple PM would suffice; honestly, I don’t want to be too strict when it comes to the errors.)

The ending – another cliffhanger and this one is a downer. Vector and Espio, in the midst of reflecting on the day’s event, come to the realization (moreso on Espio’s part) that this could be the last time they are with the young bee. Hopefully Charmy will take the news well…or maybe the duo has other thoughts in mind. Who knows, but I guess the epilogue will show us one way or another.

Overall, this chapter was done rather well. The introduction of some OC’s were done good, there was some good bonding and reflecting going on, and one bastard is given hell. All’s well that ends well…right? I’ll see you at the epilogue.
IrishPanther chapter 10 . 4/10/2016
Well, hello once again! Like I said in private conversation, I was always keeping up with your story, and was patiently awaiting your update. Thank you for the shout out, and with that out of the way, onto the review:

I was so very happy that Vespa had what was coming to her this entire time! She, well…

[…karma’s a real bitch, ain’t it?]

I guess Vector summed it up for me with that.

And Lucuta is in the cell with her! Oh, this is all too grand!

[…who didn’t know atom about ruling anything.]

I’m going to take this moment and compliment you on the usage of ‘atom’ in this sentence. Like, it took me a quick Google search to see what you were going with, and it fits so flawlessly in this context. Kudos on that!

[Getting together the hornets…]

I don’t know why, but when you opened up your new section with this opening statement, it didn’t sit well with me. If I would have to make one change, I would probably say:

[Getting the hornets together…] or even [Gathering all of the hornets…]

Food for thought, I suppose…

Ooh, and the battle between Chaotix and Hooligan. I was also real glad to see Jumoke and Enigma turn their backs on their former allies and sticking it to them; a real change of heart these two had since the beginning. And hooray for Nic coming in at the last second to help out as well – glad that she took the Hooligans off of the Chaotix’s, along with Queen Bea’s hands!

And that ending – too, too sweet. It’s tough to see two good characters leave to head off onto their next adventure, but I’m glad things didn’t end south for Jumoke and Enigma. And it appears to be that Charmy ended up being right – he is a part of royalty. And now, onto the celebration, though Espio is thinking of other things…whatever they are, we’ll have to wait.

In terms of SPAG, outside of the introduction to the second section, nothing too big glared out for me, so kudos on that! I cannot wait to see what you have planned for the next chapter!
Lady Sticks chapter 5 . 4/7/2016
I've never liked Nack and anyone who does is a failure
Lady Sticks chapter 9 . 4/6/2016
Hey,Toni,guess what,i found a picture from this fanfic You're so lucky
Lady Sticks chapter 9 . 4/6/2016
Hey Toni who do you think would be a good match for Espio I think it would be Sticks And i checked I'm not the only one who thinks that
Lady Sticks chapter 3 . 4/6/2016
Team Hooligan SUCKS
Lady Sticks chapter 7 . 4/6/2016
Luctua Oh no you Didn't[That's what i say anytime something makes me upset}
Lady Sticks chapter 9 . 4/6/2016
Go Charmy also that was a cute moment also if you write another chapter could you tell me and the other readers how many more chapters you plan on writing
Lady Sticks chapter 8 . 4/6/2016
I thought it was funny that Charmy got locked in the kitchen also I see that you made another chapter thank you for that
Eggmanhater chapter 9 . 3/27/2016
aaaaaawwww feels. and caffinated Charmy.
Lady Sticks chapter 6 . 3/26/2016
My golly,Toni,you're so dark
Lady Sticks chapter 8 . 3/25/2016
I hope you write more of this i really like this story Toni
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