I think the only warning you need (please correct me if I'm wrong and more warnings are needed) is that I continue to call Riario's father Sixtus because that's what I always call him in my head because my tiny brain can't keep Francesco and Alessandro straight.
Leo tries to blow off Riario—and not in the ways he's fantasized about—as long as possible because he doesn't want to give anything away (there are some things he longs very much to give away to Riario, but their plans to save the coffee shop are not among them). Once things are all set up, he's only too happy to share and too horny to care if he should trust Riario or not.
Riario says he has been busy, too, so they meet only once for lunch, which ends with Leo backing him against the wall in the alley next door and making out for a while, long enough for Leo to feel his hardness grind against his own which makes Leo relieved that whatever attraction this Laura holds for him, Riario is still attracted to him as well.
"Do you really think it could work?" Leo asks when they are standing apart, panting, straightening their clothes before they can walk away.
"I think it's an interesting idea that will certainly gain you favorable attention. Whether or not it proves to be enough in the long-run, I cannot say. I have already told you that coffee shops are notoriously difficult to make a profit with."
"I know. But I really want this to work." Leo reaches over and straightens Riario's lapels only to mess them up again when he clutches them tightly and reels Riario in for a goodbye kiss.
"I'm sure you will find a way," Riario whispers against his mouth then steps back. "I will see you Saturday night. Laura is very eager to meet you."
Leo grinds his teeth and lies. "I look forward to meeting her."
The next days are a flurry of activity. Leo is a little more cautiously optimistic when the responses start to pour in from people planning to attend, and he and Zo are impressed by some of the names.
He has planned a charity event, a special benefit hosted at the coffee shop with all the proceeds going to the art group run by Andrea. His after-school program teaches art to kids who wouldn't be able to afford it normally, and Andrea is so kind-hearted they often provide meals as well.
Zo and Nico have negotiated with local merchants to get everything they will need donated for the evening along with a multitude of items to auction off. All the proceeds from the entry fees and the auction will go to the arts program, and as Zo points out, people will always donate money to help kids and animals. It gets them mentions on the local TV news and in the newspaper, and they plan to capitalize on all the press they can which is why they invited every local celebrity they could think of.
"Okay, who the fuck invited the president and CEO of Pope Industries?" Zo shouts when they get his RSVP the day before the event.
"I did," Leo says as Nico speaks up, "I did," and Vanessa raises her hand.
Zo sputters at them all, "Are you fucking insane? Why would you invite the enemy?"
"Keep your enemies close," Nico recites, and "Careful, there, you're sounding like Lorenzo," Leo warns, but Zo curses again even as he adds the name to the guest list.
Leo realizes he hasn't seen Lorenzo for days and wonders if he's just been too busy to notice the mournful walk-bys, but Vanessa shakes her head and says that Giuliano has been working on it.
Leo really hopes that he hasn't forgotten anything important when they are ready to open the doors the night of event. Andrea is already herding about several of the children who were able to attend with their parents. The local celebrities arrive, and things are off to a good start. Vanessa has made sure the walls are lined with pieces of art the children have made, along with some of Leo's originals on loan from Andrea's gallery. She jokes that if anyone can tell the difference they might be willing to buy the ones created by the kids.
Leo is amusing and charming the crowd with versions of his barista's choice drinks when Riario enters, escorting the woman who must be Laura. They tour the shop looking at the drawings and paintings until they stand before one of Leo's favorite pieces simply titled Flight.
Leo can't identify the emotion he's feeling as she touches Riario's arm and laughs at his quiet voice, but when Riario finally leads her to the counter, Leo is quite sure that he wants to dislike Laura.
"It's lovely to finally meet you, Leonardo. Girolamo has told me so much about you. Your art is amazing," she says and smiles, and okay, Leo can kind of see what Riario sees in her. When he takes a break to let Zo make the drinks, they find a quiet corner to talk. Leo finds she's witty and pleasant until she talks about one-upping Pope and then she's quite the loveliest woman Leo has ever met.
"Oh, look, his holy pain in the ass is here," Laura points out when Sixtus walks in with several other men. Riario stiffens, and Leo sees Laura place a hand on his arm again. "I'm going to go meet an old friend. You two boys play nicely."
But Leo decides he'd better head back to the coffee, and Riario fades away from the attention of the Pope executives. Leo is glad he's the one taking orders when Sixtus wanders up to the counter, grimacing at the drinks board.
"Whatever are some of these vile-sounding concoctions?" he says loudly, and Leo can actually see a minute resemblance to Riario for just that moment.
"May I make a suggestion?" Leo says brightly.
"I'm not even sure some of these would be considered beverages," Sixtus mutters and then spots Riario lurking within earshot. He calls him over imperiously, "Have you found anything at all palatable in this place?"
Riario fails at hiding his smile and glances quickly at Leo.
"Allow me," Leo interrupts. "I pride myself on being able to create the absolute perfect drink to go along with the drinker's personality. Let me do you."
Sixtus waves an imperious hand, and Leo gets to work. After a few moments, he does a little bow and holds out a cup. "I believe this suits you perfectly."
Sixtus curls a lip but accepts the cup and sips then spits it out angrily. "What the hell is that supposed to be?"
"Oh, it's a coffee, cold, black and bitter."
Sixtus turns red with rage and Leo is sure he is going to get a faceful of coffee when he booms, "This horrid little coffee shop will be infinitely improved when I bulldoze it into a parking lot!"
"Good evening, Sixtus," a woman's voice says from behind him. He turns and Laura is there, arm-in-arm with a man Leo recognizes as the city's mayor. "You do know Sixtus, we're old rivals, and of course you know the mayor, he's an old friend."
The mayor nods at Sixtus who is angrily pushing the cup back toward Leo. "You aren't enjoying this charming place?"
"Not at all. I've had my eye on it for some time, and I can only imagine how much better the property will be when it is a parking lot for my new bakery."
"I think it's a wonderful initiative to see local businesses helping other local projects, certainly ones that are as important and helpful to our children," Laura says.
"I had never even heard of this art program for the children, but it's certainly a wonderful cause," the mayor says. "I wish more local businesses would step up like this one to give their support."
"We thank you for your support, mayor sir," Leo says with a bright smile. "Would you like a drink?"
Sixtus moves away with a glare at Leo and a rough hand on Riario's arm. Leo charms the mayor and his associates, along with Laura, until the local news station crew arrives. Then he hams it up for the videographer and provides the background image for the mayor's sound bite on how important the children's art program is to the community and how it is wonderful to see local businesses opening their hearts to good causes. Leo notes that it sounds remarkably like what Laura had told him, and she is standing off-camera smiling and nodding. When the interview is done, she steps back up to the mayor and soon she is moving him through the room, talking with the most important guests.
"I get what you see in her," Leo murmurs to Riario as they watch her work the room. Riario only smiles, but it drops off his face and he straightens when they see Lorenzo rapidly approaching the counter.
He looks better than Leo has seen him in months. He is clean-shaven, his hair is trimmed and he's wearing a sharp suit from his banking days. He looks a lot like the man who had hired Leo, and he is moving with purpose, Giuliano in his wake.
"Leonardo," he says, ignoring Riario, "you have done an unbelievable job."
"I mean it. I know that I have not been myself, but I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done. I don't know if this will be enough, but at least I have had hope restored."
"You need to thank Zo, Vanessa and Nico because they handled a lot of the hard work," Leo says. Lorenzo nods, and Leo cuts a glance to Riario. "And you can thank him for bringing you another ally."
Lorenzo doesn't quite grimace but he looks at Riario and the two nod at one another. Then Giuliano wisely decides that's enough and leads Lorenzo away to talk to more people.
At the end of the night, they have raised thousands of dollars for the arts program, the community goodwill is strong, the sleepy children are taken home, and Andrea is beside himself with pleasure. And Laura offers Lorenzo a loan for the coffee shop with very attractive terms.
He refuses, with slightly more calm than usual although he seems to be still seething at Riario who stands close behind Laura. "We have a better business plan now. We're going to try to make this work, our way."
"It doesn't have strings attached," Laura insists. "I really would hate to see such a lovely old," she looks down to where her dress is stuck on a stray nail sticking out of the trim board, "building torn down or sold to Pope."
"I understand, but we will need to save ourselves. My employees, my friends," he corrects himself, "have some interesting ideas and I look forward to incorporating them."
"Suit yourself, Lorenzo. I wish you all the best. If you do decide to take on a partner, my door is always open," she shakes his hand then takes Riario's arm. "Now Girolamo, escort me out."
Riario looks at Leo first then nods to him and leaves.
"Do you think they are…" Vanessa doesn't finish the question as they watch them go.
Leo sighs, "Maybe. Probably. They certainly look comfortable together."
"You're jealous," she marvels. "I've never seen you like someone long enough to get jealous."
Leo rolls his eyes. "It's not like that."
"It's exactly like that," she tells him, and he goes back to clean-up duty in silence.
He gets a text late that night that Riario is returning with Laura to the city where her business is headquartered, but he will be back.
Leo loses tracks of how much time goes by, but Riario does text every day, something random, something funny Laura said or did, and it makes Leo seethe and wonder why he shares it at all. In return, Leo tells him what strange brews he comes up with, what Zo does to piss off customers, and takes a picture of Nico underneath an entire shelf of kitchen implements that had buried him when the shelf gave way.
They start to implement their new plans for the shop as more people come in mentioning they saw them on TV. Andrea hosts a free art workshop for children one Saturday a month. They fill the walls with artwork on loan, and soon local artists are pouring in, networking and finding a place where they can relax and rejuvenate with each other. They even plan some evenings with live music and entertainment that Giuliano requests. Lorenzo gets another job and tells Leo he is planning to visit Clarice and his children.
Things are turning around, slowly, and everybody is a little pleased with how things are working out, when Riario walks in one Friday during open-mic night.
Leo sees him immediately and can't help but compare him to the drenched but handsome man who had walked in months before. He's still dark and gorgeous but this time his eyes are focused right on Leo. Instead of his luxurious suit, he is wearing a black leather jacket and slim black trousers that make him the hottest thing Leo has seen in forever.
"What can I get for you, stranger, or may I suggest something that I guarantee will satisfy you completely?" Leo gives his best bedroom eyes and leer, and Riario smiles.
"Stranger? Has it been so long that you have forgotten me?" he asks, and his voice is even deeper and melts Leo quicker than he'd remembered.
"It has been a while," Leo says and leans further over the counter. "Can I get you anything?"
"Yes," Riario moves closer and Leo is expecting a kiss, but Riario whispers in his ear, "What time are you done with work tonight?"
Leo's smile is bright, and he turns his head to smack a quick kiss to Riario's lips anyway. "It's pretty busy with these college kids, or I'd skip out now."
Riario places the large black case he's been carrying on the counter and motions Leo within hearing range, checking to make sure no one is waiting to order behind him. "Perhaps this is not the time, nor the place, but I wanted you to be the first to know. I have left Pope Industries."
"Really? Congratulations on escaping hell! That deserves a drink on the house!"
"Please," Riario holds up a hand at Leo's enthusiasm, "I want to be able to celebrate tonight, not spend it sickened by one of your inventions."
Leo rolls his eyes but can't wipe the smile off his face until Riario continues. "I have been hired by Laura's firm to run her division here." And Leo's smile disappears, but Riario seems to catch on and smirks. "Once I finally decided to leave my father's business, Laura was happy to take me on, provided I could bring along an artist she admires. She wants to open a gallery here and expects you to help curate it. She thinks it might be good for us to work together for a while."
"Together? You and me?" Leo repeats. "Won't she get jealous?"
Riario's smirk deepens. "That was exactly what she told me about your feelings the night of the charity party. I doubted her, but now I wonder if she was right again."
Leo mumbles something, but Riario grabs his hand when he starts to polish the countertop. "You have nothing to be jealous of," Riario says and Leo shrugs.
"Whatever," he says, but he knows Riario knows it's a lie and he can't really bring himself to care. Then he does his usual deflection and nods toward the case, "What's in there?"
Riario pulls the case toward himself as Zo comes out of the backroom with his arms full of supplies.
"Holy shit, he's got a gun and he's going to take us all out," Zo yells, just loud enough for Leo and Riario to hear but not enough to disturb the customers. Nico sticks his head out from the back in alarm and Vanessa grabs his shoulders to look around his head.
Riario stares at Zo with that look of barely-contained murder in his eyes that he reserves only for Zo. He slowly unsnaps the case, and opens it to take out a mandolin, and they all breathe a sigh of relief, even Leo who says hurriedly, "I knew better."
Riario takes the next slot in the open-mic schedule, and he's good—really good which shocks them all, and suddenly Leo is wading through a group of heart-eyed fangirls and boys who surround him after his performance.
Once he fights his way through to Riario, Leo presents him with a cup. Riario raises an eyebrow, but accepts it when Leo pushes it forward again. "Poison?" Riario asks.
"I would consider it so," Leo admits.
Riario keeps eye contact with Leo as he raises the cup to his lips and takes a sip. Then his eyes close in pleasure and a little moan escapes him as he drinks again.
"Good?" Leo has to know.
"Nearly perfect," Riario purrs, tongue darting out to catch a stray drop on the lid.
"Nearly?" Leo is outraged.
"There's always room for improvement. Which comes through practice," Riario hints.
Leo smiles slowly. "I can do that, but I really never saw myself dating a tea drinker." Riario takes another long drink of the tea Leo had paid to import just for him in hopes he would be back. Riario licks his lips and Leo adds, "It might not be all that bad."
And to the heartbreak of all of Riario's new fans, Leo pulls him in and kisses him. Leo could definitely get used to the taste of tea as long as it tastes like Riario underneath.
The end
Please don't judge me too harshly because this story was truly just an excuse to write fluff, and it was fun. I hope it was as much fun for you! Thank you so much for reading!