Poe had been by Finn's bedside for a while today. He didn't have too much on since the battle over Star Killer Base, and with his free time he had been watching over his friend and taking care of his x-wing. Finn still hadn't woken up, but he had confidence he was going to be okay. He had been sure when they had crash landed that TIE fighter into the sands of Jakku that he had died, but Finn had proved him wrong. He was sure that Finn would wake up. Sure that he would be okay. But then again, he had only gone and gotten himself in a fight with Kylo Ren. Poe didn't much like to think of Ren. Having been tortured by the beast for information, he thought this was pretty rational. While a fight with a crazed Sith was never a good idea, he was proud of the former Storm Trooper for sticking up for Rey. For wanting to rescue her. As he'd heard it, she actually ended up saving his bacon. He was fond of them both. When Poe had arrived back at base after what felt like a re-enactment of the infamous trench run, he was genuinely distressed to find Finn in such a state. But so grateful that Rey had brought him back. He was even more distressed to learn of the death of Han Solo. Everybody liked Han. He had been a Galactic Hero. He couldn't imagine how hard it was on the General. On the fifth day by Finn's bedside, as Poe shovelled a quick lunch into his mouth, General Organa came to see him.

"He's important to you, isn't he?" Poe stood quickly, as a mark of respect for the General. Leia Organa had long been a hero of his.

"Yes ma'am. He helped me escape Star Killer Base. He's a good man." Poe didn't tell her that he just had a good feeling about the guy. That some part of him knew that the two of them should be friends.

The General nodded contemplatively as she looked on at Finn. Poe still hadn't quite gotten over being in the presence of such a formidable and incredible woman. She was capable of getting things done herself and leading a resistance group. That was something he greatly admired in a leader who wasn't afraid to get their hands dirty. He was also aware that the woman was going through an incredibly difficult time in her life. Her trials were many and so very arduous.
"Dameron, I need to ask something of you. I hate to take you from your time off, from your friend. But I know I can trust you. And this is of vital importance." Poe put the bowl down from his hands and stepped a bit closer so nobody would overhear them. "I have a field agent on Coruscant. They need to be withdrawn and returned to this base as soon as possible." Poe turned to give Finn one last goodbye look, then started to walk with the general.

"How will I find them?" He was starting to set his mind to being away from 'home' for a while. He wondered if Finn would awake when he was gone? Or something worse… No. He wouldn't let himself think about that.

The General gave him the details on Dara Varana, the agent on Coruscant, and the locations for them to make contact.

"If it takes a while, it takes a while. Dara will know how to find you." BB-8 was already at the small passenger ship that the General was walking him to. Well it sure as hell wasn't an x-wing. "Do you have everything you need?" Poe was curious as to why the General was so directly involved in this seemingly minor mission. But he sure as hell wasn't about to question her.

"Absolutely. You'll be seeing me in no time." The General gave him the briefest of smiles before walking away. Poe looked after her for a second with a mixture of admiration and curiosity. Why was the General so invested in this one field agent? There were so many. He climbed into the passenger ship with BB-8 rolling at his heels.

"I dunno buddy. There's something more to this pickup. I just know it." He threw off his leather jacket, and hopped into the pilot seat. He was a little bit excited, a little bit nervous. He had never been to Coruscant, or any other big city planet like it before. He had spent much of his life on military base planets or former base planets. He'd never really been in high-life society before.

When he was clear for take-off, he gently pulled up the ship and gently left the planet's atmosphere. There was no reason for this not to be a smooth, easy mission. Something told him, however, that things were going to get complicated.