It was cold and dark. Petunia looked up at the sky as rain hit her face and arms. She could no longer feel her legs under the weight of the fallen scaffolding. The girl tried again to yell for help but no sound reached her ears; she didn't have enough air in her lungs and felt as though she was drowning in the rubble.

I'm scared! Please, someone help me!

Suddenly the weight was lifted and thrown into a heap a few meters away. Petunia took a deep breath despite the pain in her chest and, with air in her lungs, yelled.

"It's ok! Shh! Shh. Stay calm. I'm right here. Nothings gonna harm you now. Your safe."

Petunia felt herself being lifted carefully and looked up.

"Snape? Lilly?" Was all she could say before she passed out.


The girl woke up in a white room with her family looking down at her. When they saw her awake, they took a collecting sight of relief and sat down.

Lilly and Petunia's parents talked and talked but Petunia didn't listen. She was looking at her sister, whom she had hated for a few years now. Who she had bullied and called a freak for years. Who she now looked upon and felt tears of gratitude fall from her eyes.

Lilly grabbed her sisters hand and gently kissed the dainty fingers before smiling and dropping her head.

"Thank you..." Petunia whispered.

"Sev was the one who found you... I just helped with the spell..."

"Thank him for me then... I think. I would have died. I know I would have died..."


Vernon loved his Petunia, and so when she had finally come back to school after an accident he had demanded the full story; and he got it. The next time he saw the sister and the weirdo, he thanked them profusely, and ended up crying on the weirdo's shoulder, much to the others distaste. On the day Petunia became Petunia Dursley; Severus, Lilly and James (Whom Petunia thought was a Twit-Badger that didn't deserve to breath the same air as her sister - something her and Severus agreed on) sat at the front.


Severus twisted and twisted, his hand tense and saw but his mind never loosing track of the carefully calculated number. Dumbledore stood close and made sure his college was in the right place for the call back.

"Ok... Its done."

"Remember... You only have a week. Don't be late. Be right where I told you to be... I don't want either of you left behind" The headmaster said before Severus vanished.




"What do you say?"

"Far away? With owers... like me?"

"With others like you" Severus agreed with the boy and held out his hand. "And two brothers who are dying to meet you"

"I... I like that"

The child, no older than four reached up and smiled.


Petunia held her little nephew on the doorstep and cried. A neighbour watched her from a lit window but the woman could not care less. Vernon coaxed her inside to where he could watch her and his son, who was watching his mother and unconscious cousin with worry. Severus arrived a few minutes later and Petunia welcomed him in like a brother.

"I couldn't... I tried to..."

"They died instantly right? They weren't in pain where they? The..." Petunia stuttered between sobs.

"The truck was large and fast... they probably didn't even see it coming..."

The man stayed for a week before leaving with a promise to visit and help with little Harry Dursley as he would be called.

2 years later

when the boys where all six or turning six

"Dudwy" Little harry giggled as his cousin chased him. Tag was their favourite game by far, and though Vernon warned them to be careful, they would still scratch themselves from falling.

Dudley easily caught his cousin and immediately turned and ran the other way.

Severus sat with his honorary brother in law and sipped at is coffee.

"Why don't you go join the others, Tom?" The wizard asked, looking at the boy sitting on the floor.

"I don't like tag. Besides... You both aren't keeping a close enough eye on them. Someone has to be wesponsible"

Vernun chuckled and took a sip of beer. "You're all the same age, you should go and have fun!"

"THAT is hardwy what I would caw fun!" Tom chuffed, trying to sound sophisticated despite his childish speech.

A sudden yell followed by a string of curses ran from the kitchen.

"You blundering fool! How could even you even make a mistake like THAT!"

"I'd like to see you do a better job!"


"Is that supposed to be an insult, Snake?!"

The yelling continued as the door softly opened and Remus walked in. "Are those two at each other again?" He giggled and sat at the table with the other three.

"Such is tradition" Severus sighed.

An arguing Lucius and Sirius stormed into the room with plates of food in their arms and their long hair tied back.

"Everyone knows you put the sugar in third! Not fourth!"

"Draco" Remus walked over to a boy in green robes who was half inside a cupboard. "What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna scare Harry!"

"Going to, Draco. Not 'gonna'." Lucius corrected in a brief pause from his argument with Sirius.


Meanwhile, on the other side of town, a group of women relaxed in the warmth of a spar with their hair and skin being treated and cool glasses of fruit juice soothing their throats. Petunia laughed as Narcissa impersonated Lucius before both women ganged up on poor Tonks.

"I told you! Its not like that! We only moved in together so he would have a proper place to stay." The younger yelled before blushing.

"What a very kind thing to do! So noble! Especially if he really is only a friend, as you say." Narcissa chuckled.

"You must be VERY good friends indeed!" Petunia said.

Tonks spluttered and lowered herself deeper into the water to hide the lower part of her face.

"I love fathers day!" Narcissa sighed as she took a sip and leaned back.